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Dr office policy question


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I'm in the waiting room of a new Dr.


The dr took my license to copy. Fine. Then took a digital photo of me with their own camera and a finger print.


She insists many drs office do this.


I have lots of experience with drs given our large family and I have never ever heard of asking for more than a driver's license proof of ID


Also they insisted they need to know my mother's maiden name. Why?!


Ugh. It is not an option to walk out or I would. I've waited weeks for this friggin appt and don't want to go home and call for days until I find another to wait weeks to get in to.


I hate american medical BS.


Am I unreasonable? Maybe. Doesn't make this practice reasonable. :/

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Um, I'd ask the doctor why they are doing this.  I'd be concerned the medical assistant was selling the information to ID thieves online.


And if the doctor refused to address it, I'd leave negative reviews online.


And I'd definitely not tell my mother's maiden name.  Ridiculous.

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 Why didn't they go ahead and get a blood sample?  :confused1:  Totally unreasonable. How would they have known if you gave them the wrong maiden name of your mother? The fingerprinting was for.....? Because they are going to match it with......? That's bananas. 


That's a really good point. Where are they going to match all this information up to? I think if this happens to me in the future I will probably lie about the maiden name. How would they ever know because I'm sure my financial institution isn't going to tell them. My insurance company sure doesn't know so I'm not real positive how that info will help them at all.

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Yeah, no..... Fingerprints???? As a poster above said... what are they going to match this with??? Government issued ID is enough if they wish to prevent fraud (someone using someone elses insurance).

And they would be getting a fake maiden name.... nope not happening! But I also do not give social security # s to Dr offices.

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Quite honestly, I would be contacting a lawyer after the doctor's visit is over.  I was curious and have done some googling to see if this is a new practice in doctor's offices and have found nothing.  (Though my google fu could be down.)  I've found that they fingerprint people applying to provide health care - physician's assistants and doctors - presumably so that they do not give someone with a criminal record access to vulnerable people but I haven't see anything for patients.  

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I would be sorely tempted to tell them with a completely straight face that my mother's maiden name was something completely ridiculous or obnoxious, like Hickenlooper or something similar.  :svengo:


I don't blame you one bit for being annoyed. That is ridiculous. My doctor's office just took copies of my driver's license. 

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Way overboard.


Our eye doctor did do the photograph thing - not of me, of my kids (the patients).  I figured it was so they could tell who was who just to make their job easier, not for any official purpose.  But I could be wrong.


The fingerprint and the mom's maiden name thing would definitely have me asking "why" and demanding an answer.


A lot of times if you ask "why" they will say "it's optional."

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I draw line at providing a ssn.  Only had a problem once this summer with a dentist that dd would only see to have her teeth removed.  He personally met with me to tell me why he wanted it and I told him why I wouldn't provide it.  I told him I would find another provider who would not require it.  He said to give him a few days to contact the ins company and he would get back to me.  I knew there won't be an issue with the ins company as they have given us new numbers so we don't have to provide the ssn.  He called me and it was not a problem as long as I was fine paying the expected payment up front, which is required anyway.


Some doctors do take a picture of the patient when checking in. I would refuse to provide the maiden name, or I would make one up.  Not sure how I feel about the finger printing.

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I did refuse the fingerprint and boy howdy were they pissy about it. And HIPPA is total BS bc everyone in the waiting room could hear her say "Martha Lastname is refusing to do the finger print, she was real unhappy about the photo and half her paperwork isn't filled out too. She is one of those privacy people."


No sh!t? Well guess I'm screwed then. :/


I said I would have to think about the finger print and took my paperwork to fill out and sat down and posted this thread to vent. Ended up not doing it, but she said they require it of all patients and they are not required to continue providing me service if I don't want to comply with their policies.


And it wasn't me. I was in line and three other patients in front of me had their photo taken and so forth when they signed in. I was the only who said anything or even acted annoyed. Which is why I posted bc I thought geez, maybe I missed the memo and this is wide-spread or maybe I am going tin-foil crazy.... Not that any of that necessarily conflicts with actually being watched a big bro.....

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No way I would submit to that.  No way. I'd walk out first and tell them they could NOT bill me for the appt since they did not warn me of their requirements to be seen by the doctor. 


No way would I let anyone fingerprint me nor take a picture. I would NOT give my mother's maden name.  Why on earth would anyone submit to that???!!!  NOT on this earth, NOT in my lifetime. NOPE!


I understand needing pictures for drivers liscence, but a doctor's office?!!!!??!!  Rediculious.

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Pics I have heard of. Some docs like a visual reference to help with how patient looked when they first came to them.

Our neurologist takes pictures but since my daughter is a minor, it's my picture on her file. Poor kid looks like a 50 year old woman!

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"One of those PRIVACY people"?!?  Oh, that would have set me off. 


I've had copies of drivers' license and insurance cards taken, that's standard.  I've had my photo taken, I suppose it helps them make sure they have the right person.  Also not a big deal.


I refuse to provide SSN to darn near everyone, and I would not have done the fingerprint or given my mother's maiden name.  That's crazy, and I see absolutely no compelling reason for them to have it.


I think I'd file a complaint... state medical board, or BBB.... I don't know what the appropriate organization would be.


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I've heard of the photo so they can keep track of who is who, like during a phone call.


The rest -- fingerprint and maiden name -- is new to me.


As an aside, HIPPA violations are serious business.  I have no idea if the loud comments would qualify as a violation, but it would certainly be interesting to follow that up.

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We've been to doctors and dentists who take pictures.  Asking for mother's maiden name isn't common but not unheard of, either.  But fingerprints?  No.  I would've drawn the line at that one.


It sounds like they are implementing a new computerized login system. But the "with her own phone" thing would give me pause instead of a camera associated with the computer.

And where did she want the fingerprint? ON a computerized pad?


In our doctor's office, they had a sign saying they would be doing sign in based on DL so they didn't have to call names.  And they seem to be trying to minimize calling names altogether. (though they did ask for a name to be called back by)


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some certainly isn't unprecedented.


it sounds like they may have had a problem with fraud - which would leave them on the hook for $$$.  leaving them paranoid.


It can also be, depending upon your insurance - or the majority of patients insurance, a preventative measure with the new rules in obamacare. 

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That is weird, and I wonder if it's all one of the great "blessings" of Obamacare? Yes, that was extreme sarcasm! I had to take one of my kids in yesterday, and they needed my maiden name for his chart, so that his records could be accessed by any medical office in the state, electronically. So, it won't matter where we go for treatment anymore. I gather from the receptionist's attitude that this is meant to be a great advancement. Bah.

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It sounds like they are implementing a new computerized login system. But the "with her own phone" thing would give me pause instead of a camera associated with the computer.

And where did she want the fingerprint? ON a computerized pad?


In our doctor's office, they had a sign saying they would be doing sign in based on DL so they didn't have to call names.  And they seem to be trying to minimize calling names altogether. (though they did ask for a name to be called back by)

It's a finger thingy like at the DMV. You put your finger in the groove, it scans it to the computer.


Also to a previous poster (not you). I never said they used their phone. I said they used their own camera, office digital camera I would vaguely hope if these things weren't getting hopeless.

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everyone in the waiting room could hear her say "Martha Lastname is refusing to do the finger print, she was real unhappy about the photo and half her paperwork isn't filled out too. She is one of those privacy people."


I would be LIVID about this.


The doctor and the office manager would be hearing about it for certain, and if the office is part of a larger medical group, the head of that group would be hearing about it too. It's just flat out unprofessional bad manners.


The rest...I think it's crazy overkill. I suppose they are within their rights to refuse patients who choose not to participate, but ????? What in heaven's name? I've never heard of this level of security.


Can you find another office?




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Security excuses are just that, excuses.


I was paying cash up front. Crisp fresh from the bank $100 bills to be exact. So the entire insurance fraud issue is not an issue for me. (Nevermind that no one seems interested when patients get screwed over in billing. Oh everyone shakes their head and tut-tuts, but no one ever does anything.)


And they have ZERO ability to verify a single thing. ANYONE could have walked in with a fake DL, said they were me, put their finger in the slot and written any maiden name down.


And then what? What would I have to do to prove that person was not in fact ME? There's nothing I could do except scream silently into the night for all the good it would do me.


And I do not want my medical records online. If they never friggin look at them in person to begin with then I figure the only people interested won't be my actual dr. Also, IF my records are online, then I think I should be able to legally access them in their entirety just as easily as any stranger in the medical profession. I'm betting no one claiming this is so awesome would be okay with that. And to me, that speaks volumes about the good of it for patients.


The more I think about it, the more problems I have with it.

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No SSN needed for our insurance we are assigned an ID# and everything is verified by that. Insurance does ask for DH's birthdate when I call to verify along with our zip code. But I just remembered that this year for the first time DH's HR dept needed all the kiddos SSN to change our health care plans. I WILL not provide them to DRs offices though.


I only had pictures for ortho when I was a teen and that was for jaw alignment, not ID.

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I know the Mayo Clinic is now trying to keep digital photos of all of their patients.  I haven't heard of the fingerprinting.  I'm sure with all the security breaches, companies are just trying to figure out what will keep their records most secure.  The fingerprinting does seem overboard though.  Was it absolutely required?  They should at least have had a sign out front explaining WHY they were trying to do this.   Various family members have been fingerprinted in the past for things like applying for an international visa, background checks when we were expanding our business, and a temp agency that one of our daughters worked at.   So, I know they are not completely unheard of... but for a doctor appointment?

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Ortho assistant had a kid scan their fingerprint. When I realized what happened, I had her delete to it. She said I was the only parent to complain. So at the check-in desk, my kid has to type in his name instead of scanning his finger.

At the pedi office, they scanned my license. I asked and was told it was to match the kid with the correct parent.

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I'm in the waiting room of a new Dr.


The dr took my license to copy. Fine. Then took a digital photo of me with their own camera and a finger print.

I've only seen this at some dental offices, but we don't see a lot of civilian doctors.




Also they insisted they need to know my mother's maiden name. Why?!

I've never been asked for this, and I would remember because my mother's maiden name is unusual.

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I did refuse the fingerprint and boy howdy were they pissy about it. And HIPPA is total BS bc everyone in the waiting room could hear her say "Martha Lastname is refusing to do the finger print, she was real unhappy about the photo and half her paperwork isn't filled out too. She is one of those privacy people."

I would be most angry about this.

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I did refuse the fingerprint and boy howdy were they pissy about it. And HIPPA is total BS bc everyone in the waiting room could hear her say "Martha Lastname is refusing to do the finger print, she was real unhappy about the photo and half her paperwork isn't filled out too. She is one of those privacy people."




Contact the privacy officer/director of HIPPA - you should be able to find a name/number on their website somewhere - especially if they're affiliated with a hospital.


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That is weird, and I wonder if it's all one of the great "blessings" of Obamacare? Yes, that was extreme sarcasm! I had to take one of my kids in yesterday, and they needed my maiden name for his chart, so that his records could be accessed by any medical office in the state, electronically. So, it won't matter where we go for treatment anymore. I gather from the receptionist's attitude that this is meant to be a great advancement. Bah.


Oh, ffs.  Really?  


And yes, it IS an advancement for any doctor or medical professional you see to have immediate access to allergies, current medications, and your medical history.  

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