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If you had one wish and could use it to protect your children from something...what would it be?


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I was watching a show with a genie last night and it got my mind thinking about wishes.



If you had just one wish and could use it to protect your children from one thing....what would that be?  (you can have one for each child if you want)


Would you protect them from bullies?  Protect them from heartbreak? Protect them from physical harm?  Protect their intelligence? Protect them from hatred? Protect them from bigotry? Protect their health? ??????

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Not really protect them but if I could do one thing, for one dd it would be to eliminate her speech issues, esp. the stuttering which can be severe.  It is so limiting for her.  We can do the medical stuff, mental health stuff, cognitive impairment stuff, etc. but I so wish we could eliminate the stuttering.


For my other dd, I wish we could find her 1 or 2 good friends.  She honestly never gets invited anywhere with friends, doesn't have anyone to invite over for a get together, outing, party, etc.


For my son, transportation would be great.  he has fetal alcohol and will never drive but is sure would be nice if he could drive himself to a friends, to work, to the store, etc.

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I would just want them to be tough-skinned and determined.  To not lose hope and the ability to laugh.  I've learned that no matter what you think are the most important issues to protect them from, something else completely unexpected and out-of-the-blue can sneak in and do the job just fine. 

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Mental illness


Both sides of the family have members with severe mental illnesses. My kids seem very healthy in that regard, but I know it can onset later in life.

This. It's my worst fear. Puberty and late adolescence is a critical time.

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I'd want to protect them from their own barriers towards self-productivity.


Depending on the kid, that could be protection from a propensity towards laziness ...

or protection from a very debilitating tendency towards perfectionism.


I have kids with both, and each extreme is very annoying in its own way!

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I would want them to (depending on the child) either recover from migraines and asthma completely, or NEVER DEVELOP either one of those.


Of course, if I could spread the wish a little, I'd wish for world peace, as I suspect that that would give the girls the greatest possible long-term outcome.

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Because it just seems so clear, I'll also say addiction. Dh is a recovering alcoholic. More than fifteen years sober. But gosh, not everyone is as lucky as him. At least we're already doing a WAY better job than mil did in talking about family histories of addiction with the kids. Which is to say, we are saying something, not nothing at all.

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You need some measure of health to be here for another day & tackle the other dragons.

Everything else is potentially doable if you have health (& I don't think it's cheating to include all aspects of health....)


This.  If I could protect their physical health I would at least have a good shot at helping them work through anything else that came up.  You can't do much if they are no longer alive.

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