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Would your 12 year old daughter wear this dress?

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These are the Land's End Dresses that are a nice soft knit and come below the knee. I am just wondering if this is something that a 12 year old girl would wear or are they too childish.


I think that my girls would wear them--they will be 12 and 13 this winter and would need size 10 or 12 in the dresses as they are very small. I just don't want them dressing in something that is too childish for their ages---this would be for church and maybe going out a bit.


I don't want to dress them in the latest, tightest, teen fashions but neither do I want them to stick out for wearing stuff too young looking.


What do you think?

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These are the Land's End Dresses that are a nice soft knit and come below the knee. I am just wondering if this is something that a 12 year old girl would wear or are they too childish.


I think that my girls would wear them--they will be 12 and 13 this winter and would need size 10 or 12 in the dresses as they are very small. I just don't want them dressing in something that is too childish for their ages---this would be for church and maybe going out a bit.


I don't want to dress them in the latest, tightest, teen fashions but neither do I want them to stick out for wearing stuff too young looking.


What do you think?


I just asked my just turned 12, and she said she would, but not with the matching tights and headbands "that you used to get me" (We're LE and Hanna fans, here lol).

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My 14yod said she would not wear the pink stripe. It looks very young. However, she might wear the ivory floral.


My 11 and 13 yods would wear any of them. They're too girly....oh, I try, but denim is about all I can get them in without force. LOL.

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They might. My daughter is 13 and she will wear a dress like that if it was straight with no seam along the chest/waist area. For some reason if it is solid with no seam she is good but just does not like that seam.



My just turned 14yo says the same thing. :)

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I didn't read the other replies so that I wouldn't be influenced.;)


No, my 12 year old would not wear that dress. She wore dresses identical to it a few years ago, though. She's also developed more of a "woman's" body so she would look odd in a child's dress, I think.

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No. I really couldn't imagine a 12 year old wearing that type of dress. It looks like a dress for 10 and under, maybe 8 and under. I loved that type of dress when my daughter was under 8.


Check out the dress at limitedtoo.com. They have some dress that are not tight and have leggings underneath. What do you think? The black dress would be cute if you added a black turtle neck underneath or a black shrug. The preteen style of dress are not tight this season, so it should be pretty easy to find something age appropriate and modest.



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My daughter is 4.5 and she lives in dress like that all of the time. I am not sure if older girls would want to wear it. It seems young. I have no idea the style of dress that will be available for my kid when she reaches that age. I have a hard enough time dressing her today. Clothing is so inappropriate today for our children.

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They seem very young to me, whether print or stripe. And I know with my petite dd, people tend to treat her as if she's younger than her age anyway. With pre-teens, I think it would be even tougher to be so small and then dressed as if they were even younger.


(And no, I'm not suggesting that the alternative is to dress them like ... well, lol, I'm having a difficult time coming up with a delicate way to say it, lol...)


They're cute dresses, but I think it's a style that says "age 2-8" to me. Maybe 9 or 10 at the upper limit...

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See, this is my problem. I know what you are meaning to say. My almost 13dd is the height of a 7-8 year old--her NEW jeans are size 8 in kids. She also has some special needs. I don't want her to stick out even more by buying stuff that looks too young.


It is hard though to find nice dress clothes that are modest for a young teen who wears girls sizes.


I want her to blend in as much as possible---like finding nice, cute slip on shoes vs. having her wear velcro tennis shoes since she can't tie shoes.


Dressing for the barn is SO much easier.


They seem very young to me, whether print or stripe. And I know with my petite dd, people tend to treat her as if she's younger than her age anyway. With pre-teens, I think it would be even tougher to be so small and then dressed as if they were even younger.


(And no, I'm not suggesting that the alternative is to dress them like ... well, lol, I'm having a difficult time coming up with a delicate way to say it, lol...)


They're cute dresses, but I think it's a style that says "age 2-8" to me. Maybe 9 or 10 at the upper limit...

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I showed her the picture and she thought that she would look, and I quote, like a 3 year old in a play dress.


She does not remember that just 1 1/2 years ago she would have loved this dress. Or she is blanking that out of her memory. After all, it is appropriate, warm, and soft. And washable, so she wouldn't have to be all careful with it.


I have started to let her wear nice pants to church. She has one black pair, and puts different dressy tops with them. No jeans, no holes, and no flipflops or tennies, though. I am tougher than the other moms, as DD keeps telling me. Most of the other kids either dress way up (ballgowns, almost) or way down (sundresses or even shorts).

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I just showed that my my 14 year old (who remembers being 12). She said "No, never. It looks like a doll dress."




ETA: My daughter is very modest and is frequently scandalized by what her peers wear. We shopped for weeks to find an acceptably modest swimsuit for her (based on her specifications, not mine, although I wear a swimsuit with cap sleeves and legs as well as a skirt, so I am fairly modest, too). But she still thinks this dress is too little girly.

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My daughter turns 12 in a month, and yes, she would wear these. I think the stripes do look too babyish though--I think the florals are more appropriate. Her tastes do tend to run a little young, and neither she nor I are really interested in being trendy, though. She likes comfort, being able to move easily, and she does wear dresses most of the time. Thanks for this tip! I ordered three of them. DD really needs clothes for the fall.

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Mine do wear those from Land's End and similar day dresses from Hannah and other places. They will wear them around the house and to the store until they are about 14 and then the prefer skirts. Around age 12 and up, they don't like to wear day dresses where there will be a lot of other kids, so there must be a general feeling that they are little kiddish, but even my 15 and 16 year olds will slip on one of those dresses for around the house if they can find one that isn't too short. I've found they run "wide" and I think that's part of the reason why the girls don't like to wear them after the age of 14.


edited to add: I just saw the pictures Tabrett posted and my girls around age 14 do start pulling things together like that for themselves. Target has great prices on clothes that allow that type of layering. If we go to the store, they would wear an outfit like that, a khaki skirt or an a-line denim skirt. It's been fun to watch their fashion sense develop. Each of our girls as teens has developed a separate style of modest dress that is fashionable.

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My girls loved those type of dresses from 2 until 7years. My very modest 10 year old (almost 11) rolled her eyes when I showed them to her, she said it looked like all the Gymboree stuff she used to wear. Oh well, I am guessing my kids would think it to young, and mine wear modest dresses quite a bit, but that particular style seems "youngish" to them.

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WOW, I can't believe how many responses there were. Well, we did go ahead and ordered 2 of them. The blackberry print for 11dd and the ivory print for 12dd. They really wanted them so I think they will wear them for church. We do go to a fairly modest, not high fashion church. Paired with cute shoes and tights/nylons I think they will work.


11dd still LOVES her Hanna Anderson day dress/play dress combos so I guess she isn't too worried about what others think.

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These are the Land's End Dresses that are a nice soft knit and come below the knee. I am just wondering if this is something that a 12 year old girl would wear or are they too childish.


I think that my girls would wear them--they will be 12 and 13 this winter and would need size 10 or 12 in the dresses as they are very small. I just don't want them dressing in something that is too childish for their ages---this would be for church and maybe going out a bit.


I don't want to dress them in the latest, tightest, teen fashions but neither do I want them to stick out for wearing stuff too young looking.


What do you think?


The only ones they would even consider are the stripes dresses and they don't care for them very much either.



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