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This Matt Walsh guy


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Are ALL of Matt Walsh's blogs about telling women how to think/act? Are these just the articles I happen to see reposted? I've never actually made it to the end of one until today because it was shorter than the others and easier to skim. Does he ever write articles specifically telling men what to do?


Now I'm conflicted. Even though I know he's a better writer than the 50 Shades lady, and I had no intention of spending my Valentines Day in a theatre seeing the movie adaptation, something in me wants to buy a ticket just for spite. I bluffing, but his writing style makes me feel rather contrary. He's just seems so . . . bossy.


Am I only seeing a small sampling of his work, or are all of his articles this sanctimonious?

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He writes to get readers and does a good job of it. Even people who hate what he has to say read him because they want to continue to justify their hatred for his writing. People who like it likely don't agree entirely with it but can relate to parts of it. He's got all the traits of a good blogger. But his stuff is still useless rants.

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He writes to get readers and does a good job of it. Even people who hate what he has to say read him because they want to continue to justify their hatred for his writing. People who like it likely don't agree entirely with it but can relate to parts of it. He's got all the traits of a good blogger. But his stuff is still useless rants.


It's not that they want to justify their hatred, I don't think. There are people on my FB feed who keep reposting his stuff.  I'm constantly amazed that I have friends who "right on!" his nonsense and really want to just tell them "seriously? But he is wretched!". But, at this point, I don't click anymore.

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He started with a few posts that I agreed with... Oh, about 70 or 80% of and I thought, meh, okay, his style is appealing to people I guess. But every new piece I read that circulated got worse and worse. I cannot stand the guy and it drives me nuts that so many people still post his stuff so enthusiastically. I won't click.

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I've said it before, and I'll say it again...I can't stand what little of his that I've read, but I've never even made it through one entire article of his. I think he believes there's a prize for extreme verbosity. Or maybe he's getting paid by the word. Can't stand it.

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I've only heard about him here.  I don't have a lot of time to sit at the computer and read blogs, etc.  but I looked up the topic specifically mentioned here.  I'll just say "Amen" to what he has written on this particular subject.


There's too much trash coming out of Hollywood.  And it's not just at the movies.  If you don't believe me, make the same mistake that I did and watch an episode of Welcome to Sweden. 
Shame on all of them...I have nothing more to say.


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I've read some of his blog, not all. In answer to your question, no, not all of his posts are about women. He spends a fair amount of time talking about men and Christianity in general. Most of the time, as in the recent post about the book/movie 50 Shades of Grey, he hits the nail on the head as far as having a Christian worldview on his subject matter. He makes no apologies for who he is or his faith. His faith informs his writing. I wouldn't want it any other way. 





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I can't stand him!  I don't think he's all that old but writes like he has everything in the world figured out HA!  The marriage thing he wrote awhile back was posted probably 47 million times in my fb feed and it made me seriously consider unfriending/hiding quite a few people.  He's obnoxious and I'm waiting for something to hit him upside the head so he realizes he's not as smart as he thinks he is.

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Now I'm conflicted. Even though I know he's a better writer than the 50 Shades lady, and I had no intention of spending my Valentines Day in a theatre seeing the movie adaptation, something in me wants to buy a ticket just for spite. I bluffing, but his writing style makes me feel rather contrary. He's just seems so . . . bossy.


Am I only seeing a small sampling of his work, or are all of his articles this sanctimonious?

I know what you mean. I have no interest in that movie or book series whatsoever and am mystified by its popularity. However, I don't need a lecture/sermon from a blogger to not see the movie. On a similar note, seeing people rave about how terrible Matt Walsh is makes me want to read his blog out of spite/contrariness. Go figure.
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Eh. So what? He's a blogger and he uses hyperbole to make his points. Big deal. Lots of people do that. He only presents one side, obviously, so it's unbalanced. That's what irritates me when people share his stuff--that it's unbalanced. As I'm reading I'm thinking to myself, "Ok, that's one side...now can we hear from the other?" But there isn't another side and that's what makes it frustrating to read. He's too black and white when in real life there are uh...many shades of grey...


(I honestly didn't intend to write that pun; it just came out. :) )


Anyway, I do get aggravated when friends post him on FB because it makes me want to then point out the opposing arguments, but I can't do that without being one of those annoying FB people who start drama. So I let it go. It's all unsatisfying.


As other posters said, I don't think his ideas are all wrong. I agree with some of his points. They're just unbalanced and overly black and white.

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I know what you mean. I have no interest in that movie or book series whatsoever and am mystified by its popularity. However, I don't need a lecture/sermon from a blogger to not see the movie. On a similar note, seeing people rave about how terrible Matt Walsh is makes me want to read his blog out of spite/contrariness. Go figure.

This sort of contrariness has also made Ann Coulter a very wealthy woman. Not worth my time personally.


I don't think MW is as bad as Ann Coulter but he does sure seem to like to explain things to women in a condescending manner.

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Oh, look at that!  I asked the very same question about who he was in this old thread.  I guess I really didn't care about what he said even after having it explained to me because I had totally forgotten who he was and still got his name confused with John Walsh.  

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This sort of contrariness has also made Ann Coulter a very wealthy woman. Not worth my time personally.


I don't think MW is as bad as Ann Coulter but he does sure seem to like to explain things to women in a condescending manner.

It's called "mansplaining." ;)

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I agree with his position in a decent portion of the articles he posted (or at least I'm the ones that get littered across my facebook page), and even I can't stand the guy. His writing style exudes self-importance. After I read anything written by him it takes a while to get the creepy aftertaste of his egoism out of my brain.

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Meh, I don't mind him.


I've never felt like he was 'talking down' to women.  I honestly can't say I've seen anything directed at women except the shades one.  I don't mind if he writes 'to' women once in awhile.  


Unfortunately, the shades topic is a hot one.  I saw the trailer for the movie and I thought, 'Oh, look, a bunch of nobodies in a stupid movie from a horribly written book by a nobody...'  Like seriously, it looks ridiculous.  :ack2:  


But anyway, that's another thread... :D

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I have not read his blog extensively, but I do agree with a number of articles I have read. He's a Christian. He's conservative. He makes no apology for that. He's opinionated and has a point of view - and for every Matt Walsh there are an equal number of blow-hard, opinionated left leaning liberals. I don't read or relate to their work, but I appreciate them in that their ability to share opinions that I think are sheer insanity is part of what makes America great.


This thread, like much of what I read or see in the mainstream press (and very often here in the hive), reminds me of the irony of liberalism: every opinion should be given time to be shared, valued and respected - so long as it's not from a conservative Christian. I love that shockingly different opinions can be held, articulated, and discussed in our country - I just wish it could be done respectfully toward everyone.

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This thread, like much of what I read or see in the mainstream press (and very often here in the hive), reminds me of the irony of liberalism: every opinion should be given time to be shared, valued and respected - so long as it's not from a conservative Christian. I love that shockingly different opinions can be held, articulated, and discussed in our country - I just wish it could be done respectfully toward everyone.

I don't think that's a fair assessment. A number of people have said something to the effect that they agree with at least some of what he says but they don't like his delivery. I would count myself among those, even though my post above doesn't state that explicitly. For example, I have zero interest in reading/seeing/hearing about 50 Shades, but that doesn't mean I want to read the long rantings of this guy urging me to abstain from the movie. Do I agree that homeschooling is a good choice? Yep. Do I want to read his long post that is laced with vitriol toward the public school system? Nope.


Bottom line: he's not really selling a conservative viewpoint. He's selling controversial entertainment.

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I've only heard about him here.  I don't have a lot of time to sit at the computer and read blogs, etc.  but I looked up the topic specifically mentioned here.  I'll just say "Amen" to what he has written on this particular subject. 


I love this quote:

Imagine the message that would send. Imagine the Hollywood elites as they look at one another, stunned and shell shocked. “Dear Lord, the plebeians have become self-aware. They have… standards. They won’t sit obediently and devour whatever load of vapid, lifeless excrement we try to shovel into their anonymous faces. The jig is up, boys, we’re doomed.â€






There's too much trash coming out of Hollywood.  And it's not just at the movies.  If you don't believe me, make the same mistake that I did and watch an episode of Welcome to Sweden. 

Shame on all of them...I have nothing more to say.


But, do we really need to be *told* not to watch it? It was written as *Twilight fanfic* for crying out loud! There are so many great books in the world, I wouldn't waste my time reading that sort of tripe. What is the real problem, IMO? That people don't care about deep topics or real reading. What does that harken back to? A problem in our education system. Most people couldn't read Dostoyevsky if they wanted to (which they don't).


Instead of chiding grown people about their hypocrisy (ahem, speck/plank, anyone?), give them a reason *to* do something else, to get out of the comfort zone and push themselves. The Brothers Karamazov contains an amazing conversation between two characters about the nature of God. There are entire articles and scholarly papers written about this one conversation. It is the type of discussion that should interest everyone on the religious spectrum from conservative Christian to atheist.


On those quizzes asking "how many of these great books have you read" even most of the people *here* score abysmally low, and one should be able to assume that people here are more interested in reading and education than the general population. So, answer the bigger question-how do we turn this around instead of whining about the women on your Facebook page being excited about a movie. Why not address the implication that so many women seem to be so unfulfilled in their marriages that they are turning to this sort of thing for some sensuality and excitement? Address *something*, *anything* that could be part of the root cause!


I can't stand him!  I don't think he's all that old but writes like he has everything in the world figured out HA!  The marriage thing he wrote awhile back was posted probably 47 million times in my fb feed and it made me seriously consider unfriending/hiding quite a few people.  He's obnoxious and I'm waiting for something to hit him upside the head so he realizes he's not as smart as he thinks he is.


Agreed. He seems like the type whom life is going to kick really hard in the crotch at some point.


Eh. So what? He's a blogger and he uses hyperbole to make his points. Big deal. Lots of people do that. He only presents one side, obviously, so it's unbalanced. That's what irritates me when people share his stuff--that it's unbalanced. As I'm reading I'm thinking to myself, "Ok, that's one side...now can we hear from the other?" But there isn't another side and that's what makes it frustrating to read. He's too black and white when in real life there are uh...many shades of grey...

LOL, but, I tend to agree.


His homeschooling rant made the rounds on my Facebook circle. I thought it was an embarrassment to homeschoolers.

I agree with this too. He doesn't even have school aged kids! It was clear from that article that he doesn't really understand what the issues are or why they exist. It is pure ranting with no thought process behind it.

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This thread, like much of what I read or see in the mainstream press (and very often here in the hive), reminds me of the irony of liberalism: every opinion should be given time to be shared, valued and respected - so long as it's not from a conservative Christian. I love that shockingly different opinions can be held, articulated, and discussed in our country - I just wish it could be done respectfully toward everyone.

I am a Christian with conservative leanings.  My opinion still stands.

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He started with a few posts that I agreed with... Oh, about 70 or 80% of and I thought, meh, okay, his style is appealing to people I guess. But every new piece I read that circulated got worse and worse. I cannot stand the guy and it drives me nuts that so many people still post his stuff so enthusiastically. I won't click.


That's exactly how I feel. I guessed from the first post in this thread that he had something to say either about the 50 Shades book or movie (or both), but I refuse to give him the traffic.

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I have not read his blog extensively, but I do agree with a number of articles I have read. He's a Christian. He's conservative. He makes no apology for that. He's opinionated and has a point of view - and for every Matt Walsh there are an equal number of blow-hard, opinionated left leaning liberals. I don't read or relate to their work, but I appreciate them in that their ability to share opinions that I think are sheer insanity is part of what makes America great.


This thread, like much of what I read or see in the mainstream press (and very often here in the hive), reminds me of the irony of liberalism: every opinion should be given time to be shared, valued and respected - so long as it's not from a conservative Christian. I love that shockingly different opinions can be held, articulated, and discussed in our country - I just wish it could be done respectfully toward everyone.


Who is saying that in this thread? Or anywhere? 


Is this thread not an example of a respectful articulation of this kind of discussion? 

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Who is saying that in this thread? Or anywhere? 


Is this thread not an example of a respectful articulation of this kind of discussion? 


I agree.  Many people here are saying that we read him, we gave him a chance, we dislike his delivery and disagree with some of his points.  I feel like that's the essence of respect.  I don't think he should be prevented from stating his views, I just have seen what he has to say on several issues and now know that his goal is sensationalism and I am not going to go read any more.  If a less sensationalist writer wanted to express some of the same points, I'd be more inclined to read it if someone said it was worth my time.  I might still disagree, but that's the whole essence of having a free society with the ability to freely express ourselves.

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I've read Matt for a quite a long time, and I have never felt that he's telling *me* (or women in general) what to do. He cuts through the garbage and makes a lot of great points.  I don't remember ever disagreeing with him, but then I don't see eye to eye with many on these boards.

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Wait. I think he was the one who wrote about My Gifted son lives in my basement. That was hilarious! I haven't ever read his blog or followed other things. But I loved that article.

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I've clicked on something by him that someone has posted 4 or 5 times when bored. Each time, I find a grain of truth that then gets ruined by his ranting.


My thoughts exactly.  I have friends who share his posts on facebook and I usually find myself annoyed and irritated midway through the article, even if I had agreed with him at the start. 


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