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My horse lost her entire hoof


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When we were on holidays this happened.



We rushed home to deal with it and 8 days later all the flesh sloughed off (and the tendon) down to the bone and this happened.



So it's been splinted and we have kept going hoping that good growth and proper scarring would make up for the lack of that tendon and 4 days later (this morning) this happened.




I bawled like a baby. The vet comes out this evening to look everything over, but odds are, after talking to him, my filly will be put down. For a tough farm girl that's dealt with stuff like this before, I'm not handling it nearly as well as I should.

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That's horrible!  I am so, so sorry!  What happened initially?  Do you know?


We had an old gateway that had been closed off while we were gone with a few rails and a couple strands of smooth wire in between the rails. It would see that they were perhaps scratching themselves on the rails and one of them broke and they got tangled in the wire. My sister was taking care of them and she found her right away before any swelling had happened so we had thought things might end up ok. The initial stitching job that the vet did was gorgeous.

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We had an old gateway that had been closed off while we were gone with a few rails and a couple strands of smooth wire in between the rails. It would see that they were perhaps scratching themselves on the rails and one of them broke and they got tangled in the wire. My sister was taking care of them and she found her right away before any swelling had happened so we had thought things might end up ok. The initial stitching job that the vet did was gorgeous.

I am heartbroken for you.  Do you or the vet have any idea why the progressive deterioration?


:grouphug:  :grouphug:  :grouphug:

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I am heartbroken for you.  Do you or the vet have any idea why the progressive deterioration?


:grouphug:  :grouphug:  :grouphug:


The skin all sloughing off was worse then what we had hoped for, but not surprising. The cut went around the side and met up with each other so the flesh between the cuts just lost all circulation and died off. The hoof falling off is a bit of a shock to both of us.

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The skin all sloughing off was worse then what we had hoped for, but not surprising. The cut went around the side and met up with each other so the flesh between the cuts just lost all circulation and died off. The hoof falling off is a bit of a shock to both of us.

I am truly sorry, Dory.  It just looks awful.  I wish you and your family all the best in this difficult time.


:grouphug:  :grouphug:  :grouphug:

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Oh Dory! :grouphug:  I have never seen anything like this and I have been around a few horses in my life. What could have caused this?

I would cry too!

If the vet can do something to still get things to heal, fit her with a some kind of boot if that is even possible, could you keep her even if she cannot be ridden anymore?

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The skin all sloughing off was worse then what we had hoped for, but not surprising. The cut went around the side and met up with each other so the flesh between the cuts just lost all circulation and died off. The hoof falling off is a bit of a shock to both of us.


Wow. Sounds like the lower leg had no blood circulation at all after the initial cut.

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Oh Dory! :grouphug:  I have never seen anything like this and I have been around a few horses in my life. What could have caused this?

I would cry too!

If the vet can do something to still get things to heal, fit her with a some kind of boot if that is even possible, could you keep her even if she cannot be ridden anymore?



I don't think it would really be fair to her to make her to through all that to heal. It's painful. She's on Butte all the time right now to manage it. With the damage to the laminae she would never really be able to go above a walk which is pretty harsh on a horse her age. If I can find some solutions that might give her a better prognosis, I'll fight to save her cause she's my baby, but I won't let her suffer if it simply means the next 20 years is long and sore.

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I'm so sorry.  But I admire you for putting her well-being first.


Do horses get necrotising fascitis (flesh-eating bacteria) like people do?  It almost seems like something invaded through the cut.


Yes they can, although the amount of flesh lost is not surprising with a cut like that. I will talk to the vet about it this evening though. Thank you for the suggestion.

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:grouphug:  Oh my gosh, Dory, I'm so sorry. :(  I've worked with horses my entire life, and while I've seen some doozies, I've never seen anything like that.


While I'll be crossing my fingers there's something you can do for her, I think you're doing the right thing by being realistic about her future--even though I know how unbearably hard that can be.



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Oh my goodness.  I'm very sorry.


Those pictures are very graphic.  Maybe you could put a warning in the thread title?


I'm sorry. I should've put a warning on the title. I'm unsure how to edit the title of a thread but I added a warning to the top of the post and bumped the pictures down. I hope that helps a little for some folks. Again, I apologize. It didn't even click in my head that it was overly graphic for most people.

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:grouphug:  So, so sorry!  Like others, I've been around horses pretty much all my life and seen some bad accidents, but this one is totally different and I'd have never guessed the hoof could fall off from it.  


It's always hard here when we have to make hard decisions.  I absolutely hate it.  Take care.   :grouphug:

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Have you ever heard of B&W salve or vetericyn wound and infection care?  Recently my dog got a infection that literally ate her flesh away. I could fit my hand in the wound. In a months time she was healed using these products. I know of a person that used B&W Salve that had a open wound where the bone was exposed. They got complete healing with this salve. Maybe a horse is different I just wanted to  let you know about this just in case it would be a option.


 I hope your horse gets better it is terrible losing a pet.

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Have you ever heard of B&W salve or vetericyn wound and infection care?  Recently my dog got a infection that literally ate her flesh away. I could fit my hand in the wound. In a months time she was healed using these products. I know of a person that used B&W Salve that had a open wound where the bone was exposed. They got complete healing with this salve. Maybe a horse is different I just wanted to  let you know about this just in case it would be a option.


 I hope your horse gets better it is terrible losing a pet.


She's been on antibiotics since it happened and rinsed with betadine and then a couple different salves he uses but I don't remember which ones. The would is the least of my problems at this point though. I was still hopeful of that healing. the hoof I'm not so sure one.

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She's been on antibiotics since it happened and rinsed with betadine and then a couple different salves he uses but I don't remember which ones. The would is the least of my problems at this point though. I was still hopeful of that healing. the hoof I'm not so sure one.


I have heard that hoofs can grow back. I so hope that she heals up. :grouphug:

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