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Okay, seriously?

Night Elf

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I hate to use such a strong word as addiction, but I go to Starbucks every day. I try to ignore the feeling and make coffee at home, but by midmorning, the craving is really bad. I did manage to not go yesterday but I overate and I think it was because I wasn't feeling satisfied since I deprived myself of something I was craving. So I was going to try again today, but I gave in by 9:30am. Now I feel bad. I used to smoke so I know what addiction feels like. But over coffee? And just one a day? Although I would happily have it more than once a day. I've not found a coffee I can make at home that I like as well as Starbucks, not even the Starbucks brand of ground coffee. From Starbucks, I get a double mocha which is really just hot chocolate with two shots of espresso. What if I get an espresso machine and make my own? That would at least save me money, right? But I wouldn't drink espresso on it's own. So then I was thinking of a Keurig so I could at least have different kinds of coffee. In the past, I couldn't justify the cost of a Keurig, but with as much as I'm spending at Starbucks, a Keurig would be a good investment I think, but only if it truly helped me stay away from Starbucks. But it wouldn't be a mocha coffee. That would make me sad. Now I'm just rambling. I should buy stock in Starbucks.

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My mother once needed coffee the morning after a major hurricane.  The hurricane had passed, the whole city was out of power and water in most places.  There were downed trees and power lines and flash flooding in many places.  But my mother thought, "I work at the hospital.  The hospital will have power.  I'll be able to get coffee there."  So she drove to work, had a cup of coffee and then went, "Holy crap!  What did I just do for this coffee!"


It's an addiction.  ;)  That said, my mother is still on the sauce.

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I had to read your post because I'm doing my cleanse & am off coffee right now-and I wanted to torture myself. :001_smile:


You could always by a Keurig, which makes excellent coffee, much better than any other regular brewer, IMO.  Make your cup of Keurig, and add the mocha flavoring or a bit of hot chocolate to it.  You should see if any of your friends have a Keurig so that you can try it out on theirs & see if it tastes as good.

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I have a favorite local coffee shop. I don't even drink coffee, but they have an excellent frozen hot chocolate and make a great chai! What I have figured out is that I like the experience of going to the coffee shop. The decor is beach themed and it helps me relax. The staff is friendly and doesn't mind if I hang out reading for a few hours or if I meet my friends there. Most of all, no one else in this family likes this shop, so I go by myself. 

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DH got me a Keurig for my birthday.  It was a splurge but is awesome.  And yes, if you use it instead of Starbucks it will save you money in the long run.  Easy to use, really tasty and we blend flavors all the time.  We also use it for quick heating water to put with dehydrated veggies and noodles...


My concern, though, is how much you would end up drinking, since it would be so much easier to acquire a cup.  :) 

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My mom goes to Starbucks every morning for her cup of coffee. She literally cannot start her day without it. She also has a very small cup of red wine every night. Are these addictions? Maybe, but I choose to see them as life's little pleasures. She is almost 70, and I figure she deserves these pleasures. 


As for you I would not call your one cup of coffee a day from Starbucks an addiction, and I certainly wouldn't feel bad about it.

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If you're used to a fancy latte drink every day, I doubt a Keurig is going to do it for you (full disclosure: I think Keurigs make disgusting coffee, and I'm biased against wasting all that plastic, anyway. So take that with a grain of salt!). I would try harder to make something at home. Sometimes it just takes some experimenting to figure out what you like. You can brew espresso and add mocha syrup at home, if you want to try and replicate it. As someone who *could* stop at Starbucks every day if I let myself, I get it. What stops me is adding up the amount of money I would spend every day--if I buy one fancy drink a day, at ~$4.50, that's about $135/month or $1,620/year. I couldn't justify spending that, even if I could, so doing the math really makes me think twice about stopping!


Another option might be those Starbucks VIA packets--I'm pretty sure they have a mocha one, and I was very pleasantly surprised with them. For "instant" coffee, that stuff is really good. I think it would come out to just a little over $1 per drink--here they are something around $7 for a box of 6 packets. I think they sell bigger boxes in Starbucks, which are even cheaper per packet.



edited for typos....

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Sounds like and addiction to me. Needing a cup of coffee a day not so much bit constantly thinking about it if you don't have it and eating other things to compensate would be the addicting part. If you like double mochas don't get a keurig. Get an espresso maker and make what you like. If you can borrow one or use one at a friends house to see if you can replicate it first that would be a good strategy

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If you're used to a fancy latte drink every day, I doubt a Keurig is going to do it for you (full disclosure: I think Keurigs make disgusting coffee, and I'm biased against wasting all that plastic, anyway. So take that with a grain of salt!). I would try harder to make something at home. Sometimes it just takes some experimenting to figure out what you like. You can brew espresso and add mocha syrup at home, if you want to try and replicate it. As someone who *could* stop at Starbucks every day if I let myself, I get it. What stops me is adding up the amount of money I would spend every day--if I buy one fancy drink a day, at ~$4.50, that's about $135/month or $1,620/year. I couldn't justify spending that, even if I could, so doing the math really makes me think twice about stopping!


Another option might be those Starbucks VIA packets--I'm pretty sure they have a mocha one, and I was very pleasantly surprised with them. For "instant" coffee, that stuff is really good. I think it would come out to just a little over $1 per drink--here they are something around $7 for a box of 6 packets. I think they sell bigger boxes in Starbucks, which are even cheaper per packet.



edited for typos....

I agree about the Keurig, I had one and sold it because it didn't taste that great and the waste really bothered me. I went to Italy in 2012 and have wanted that coffee ever since, so I got an espresso machine, found a good Italian coffee and have a decadent cappuccino almost every day. I would invest in an espresso machine, so e chocolate syrup and good coffee and experiment until you've made the perfect mocha, it can be done, I make great ones at home when I'm so inclined. :)

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I don't think a Keurig is going to do it for you, either.  The coffee that they put in those little cups is pre-staled.  Not the same as a good espresso at all.   :(  Try one and see, if you can, but it's really not the same experience.  You may need to get a good espresso machine instead, if you want to try to replicate it at home.  (And honestly, the waste that a Keurig creates makes me twitch!)


It sounds like you need to figure out what you love about your coffee.  Is it the coffee shop experience or the coffee itself?


I was addicted, and it was most definitely the coffee.  We now have a machine and I make my own.  I started out making cappucinos (my addiction), but quickly learned to just drink espresso.  So you may find that when you control the drink, you add less and less sugar to the mocha, until you are drinking something quite different from the Starbucks mocha.  

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Is it the coffee? Or the act of going somewhere, interacting, etc? With a sweet treat as a bonus?


I doubt the Keurig would cut it though. The coffee it makes is worse than Starbucks. Nespresso machines make good espresso. There's a big clearance at Williams Sonoma right now. There's also a little stovetop espresso maker (Bialetti) that makes good espresso for very cheap. Illy brand espresso coffee grind works well with it.

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I agree about the Keurig, I had one and sold it because it didn't taste that great and the waste really bothered me. I went to Italy in 2012 and have wanted that coffee ever since, so I got an espresso machine, found a good Italian coffee and have a decadent cappuccino almost every day. I would invest in an espresso machine, so e chocolate syrup and good coffee and experiment until you've made the perfect mocha, it can be done, I make great ones at home when I'm so inclined. :)



I don't think a Keurig is going to do it for you, either.  The coffee that they put in those little cups is pre-staled.  Not the same as a good espresso at all.   :(  Try one and see, if you can, but it's really not the same experience.  You may need to get a good espresso machine instead, if you want to try to replicate it at home.  (And honestly, the waste that a Keurig creates makes me twitch!)


It sounds like you need to figure out what you love about your coffee.  Is it the coffee shop experience or the coffee itself?


I was addicted, and it was most definitely the coffee.  We now have a machine and I make my own.  I started out making cappucinos (my addiction), but quickly learned to just drink espresso.  So you may find that when you control the drink, you add less and less sugar to the mocha, until you are drinking something quite different from the Starbucks mocha.  



Yup, all this. And this is what I was talking about when I said sometimes you just need to experiment--I love the sweet, fancy drinks from Starbucks, but what does it for me at home is cold-brewed iced coffee with milk, no sweetener. For awhile I did brew espresso and made fancy drinks, but I wanted something easier and I wanted to cut down on the sugar. Eventually I just started changing what I was doing, and now I really, really look forward to my big glass of iced coffee in the morning, even though it's completely different from what I used to get when I got a drink at Starbucks. I still drink my homemade coffee out of a re-usable Starbucks cold cup, though. :laugh:

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I bought a Breville. Not cheap!! But I now make lattes at home that are just as good as anything from Starbucks. I usually just put honey in mine, but you can also buy the syrups and make the fancy stuff. I still go to Starbucks sometimes, but definitely not as much as I used to. And my guests love when I play barista. ;)

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dh only gets a tall coffee of the day if he goes to a place like Starbucks. He made coffee at home, but he thought Starbucks tasted better. He always has ground the beans at home just before use. Early on he found that if he boiled the water before filling the coffee machine the taste was improved. The machine we first had was a Krups and it did not get as hot as boiling. Apparently starting the process with hot water before putting it in the machine helped. That was 20 years ago. His coffee making has evolved and he uses some other equipment now--no coffee maker, some sort of drip thing on the stove.


So, it's the way you make it, not just the beans.

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I'm not sure if you want to stop drinking it. It's like reading a post by a smoker that says they can't go a few hours without a cigarette so they are thinking of buying ecigs. Well, if you want to quit, then don't find another way to enable almost the same habit? Unless you think one is the lesser of two evils and that is what you are going for. I just don't really understand.


I'm not worried about the coffee consumption. I don't like how much money I'm spending there. So far, what I get at Starbucks is better than what I can make for myself at home.

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Before you try a Keurig or another expresso machine, what about trying a french press?  It's easy, very inexpensive, and tastes good.  It's not an espresso, but even I (the coffee snob) love our french press.  I think we picked it up at Ikea for $7.  With the right beans, it's a good gadget, and makes a good coffee.  For me, it's really about the beans being freshly roasted (always check the date on the bag), and like another poster said - get the water super hot before using it.

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Honestly, the bulletproof coffee froths up pretty nicely in the blender, and though I'm sure you're not looking for that particular solution (butter, coconut oil, no sugar), maybe try putting regular coffee with a bit of your sweetener of choice (you can even buy the flavored syrups and just put less), a little (or not so little if you'd prefer) heavy cream and blend it up.


I was quite surprised at how good even the bulletproof is with no sugar (though I DO throw in a date and a vanilla bean then strain off the particles).


I bolded my suggestion for you because I didn't want it lost in my crazy, run-on sentence. ;-p

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It's not the experience. My Starbucks is a simple counter inside my grocery store.


I like the idea of a Keurig because at least I could have different flavors to choose from. I thought about an espresso machine but I really don't like strong coffee. What I get at Starbucks is espresso in hot chocolate made with 2% milk and chocolate syrup. I'm sure their chocolate is fancier than Hershey's. Dd16 has been asking for a Keurig. Her best friend has one and she likes the taste of the different coffees. She says hazelnut is her favorite.


I don't expect to be able to replicate my Starbucks drink at home. I would just like to have coffee that tastes good enough to not want to go out. Right now I just use Starbucks brand ground coffee in my Mr. Coffee machine. It's okay, but it's not great. I've tried Folgers and Maxwell House. I need to try different brands I guess. But I have to buy a big bag each time. I like the idea of the single use K cups, but I don't know. I'm looking at Keurigs and there are too many to choose from. I don't like things that are complicated and this is starting to frustrate me.

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I would try to find a way to reproduce what you like at home, unless you really want to cut it out completely.


I'm not a coffee aficionado, but I love my mocha. Seriously wonder if I've become addicted to it, too. :glare: When I make one at home, I use my 16 oz. cup and put about 3 tablespoons of hot cocoa mix in my cup, then after I pour the coffee in it, I top it off with French vanilla liquid coffee creamer. I think it's better than Starbucks mocha w/ an additional pump of chocolate, which is what I normally order. Using hot cocoa mix is the key to making a great homemade mocha, IMO. I actually have a little scoop in my hot cocoa mix, so I'm not 100% on the amount. And I've used Cool Whip on top, which works great, too! Experiment and find what you like!


I have a Hamilton Beach single serve coffee maker, kinda like a Keurig, but you don't need any special cups or anything. You use whatever coffee you want. I love it! 

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Before you try a Keurig or another expresso machine, what about trying a french press? It's easy, very inexpensive, and tastes good. It's not an espresso, but even I (the coffee snob) love our french press. I think we picked it up at Ikea for $7. With the right beans, it's a good gadget, and makes a good coffee. For me, it's really about the beans being freshly roasted (always check the date on the bag), and like another poster said - get the water super hot before using it.

I agree with the French press, I love mine. I usually alternate between it and espresso. I used to love sugary coffee drinks but now that I've retrained my tastes and buy better coffee I don't use any sweetener at all, just milk or cream and a sprinkle of cinnamon.

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Hey, if you need to try a different type of bean... My current favorite is Camano Island Roasters.  Go on their website and they'll send you a free bag.  :)  I like the Papua New Guinea.  They roast it *the day before* they mail it.  YUM.  (Nope, I'm not affiliated with them in any way, just a happy coffee drinker.)


Counter Culture is good, too.  They'll ship, or you can sometimes find it in stores.  


The beans really make a difference.  So finding the right bean could make your life better.  

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Back when I drank coffee I would sometimes mix some hot chocolate powder to it.  You can buy a small canister of Swiss Miss or some other brand.  Davinci also has some good syrups.  If you try different things at home and stop going to Starbucks, you will save a lot of money (even after spending money on the coffee items at home) and maybe break the addiction that you believe that you have.


This reminds me of a story.  Years ago on a homeschool email list, a lady was upset because she really needed a new car but couldn't afford the payments of one.  After talking to her further, she stated that both she and her husband went to Starbucks every day.  Of course, everyone told her that her car payment money was right there.  Between the two of them they were spending a car payment a month at Starbucks.  She said that she would have a hard time giving up the Starbucks even though she desperately needed the car.  :confused1:


If you buy some flavorings and found something somewhat good, you could set aside the Starbucks money.  Think of something that you'd like: something for the house, a trip, clothes, yard items, etc.  Keep that in mind when trying the new things.  It may help break that addiction.  I use to drink several cups of coffee a day and loved Starbucks.  Since I stopped, I don't miss it or crave it.  It's easy to get out of the routine (and/or addiction).  Just have to decide.  Anyway, good luck and I hope that you find a substitute that you like.

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I hate to use such a strong word as addiction, but I go to Starbucks every day. I try to ignore the feeling and make coffee at home, but by midmorning, the craving is really bad. I did manage to not go yesterday but I overate and I think it was because I wasn't feeling satisfied since I deprived myself of something I was craving. So I was going to try again today, but I gave in by 9:30am. Now I feel bad. I used to smoke so I know what addiction feels like. But over coffee? And just one a day? Although I would happily have it more than once a day. I've not found a coffee I can make at home that I like as well as Starbucks, not even the Starbucks brand of ground coffee. From Starbucks, I get a double mocha which is really just hot chocolate with two shots of espresso. What if I get an espresso machine and make my own? That would at least save me money, right? But I wouldn't drink espresso on it's own. So then I was thinking of a Keurig so I could at least have different kinds of coffee. In the past, I couldn't justify the cost of a Keurig, but with as much as I'm spending at Starbucks, a Keurig would be a good investment I think, but only if it truly helped me stay away from Starbucks. But it wouldn't be a mocha coffee. That would make me sad. Now I'm just rambling. I should buy stock in Starbucks.


I feel your pain.  I am also addicted to sugary, over priced coffee drinks. I've tried to detox 3 times.  The first few days usually end up with head aches so bad my dh has to come home.  One time my head ache was so bad that I couldn't read.  I could read each word individually, but not as a sentence. Very scary!  I ended up sleeping for 13 hours.




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Have you tried the bottled Starbucks lattes? They have a mocha. They come in a 4 pack or a large single serve, you can get them at most any grocery store or gas station. They also have some kind of new cold coffee on the refrigerated section at the grocery store, comes in a paper milk carton looking thing.

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I used to have a Starbucks habit. For me it was the drive thru, just strap the babies in and make a run for a Frappa, ahhh!



We used a Melita one-cup cone. But seriously it was a $30/month expense.  It's too easy to use too much grounds with this method. But what good is a cuppa coffee if it doesn't melt a spoon or two? :) 


Then I bought a Keurig. Yes, it makes the best tasting coffee. For a while we used the pods exclusively. Now we use our own beans and those refillable pods. The Keurig paid for itself in 3 months--with the pods.  :)) We prefer really dark brews. Our fav at the moment is the dark roast from Aldi's, seriously! The smaller Keurigs will NOT make you happy. They don't get the water hot enough, IMO. 


There was still the occasional Starbucks treat for a Frappa. But our daily coffee is better than 'bucks so we prefer to keep it home.  


Then in February I started the Trim Health Mama and in an adventurous moment I tried their Trimmacino recipe. OH MY. Totally will never go to 'bucks again. Creamy, delicious, easy, and healthy for us! Heavenly Latte. We can tweak the recipe and add chocolate to make it a mocha. 


DH loves them too, considers them a huge treat. This week he asked me to teach him how to make his own.


I'm thinking we're done with Starbucks.  


It is possible not to pay $5 for a yummy cuppa coffee. :)) You just have to find the right recipe. 

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Before you spend money on an espresso machine.....


try making cold brew coffee, mix it with hot milk and chocolate syrup.


I put a cup of milk in a pan bring it just below scalding (don't want it to boil).  Just to where it starts to let off steam.  My immersion blender has a tall cup that works great to froth the milk.  I add some chocolate, a drop of vanilla, and the cold coffee concentrate.  Sometimes I make it with no chocolate, but with caramel or vanilla syrup instead.  I buy the caramel and vanilla flavored syrups from Starbucks; they are $9 a bottle but are made with real sugar, not HFCS. I work in the same parking lot as a Starbucks and the caffeine really helps me concentrate at work.  BUT my waist line....oy!  If I drink Starbucks for a week I gain 5lbs!  If I skip it for a week, I loose the same 5lbs.  



If I am in a hurry, I buy a higher quality of hot cocoa powder and just add that to cup of regular coffee. You won't get the caffeine boost that espresso gives you, but it can be enough to keep you out of Starbucks. If you try it, Skip the Swiss Miss and cheaper ones, you won't be satisfied if you are used to Starbucks. I find the Ghiradelli pretty good (order at Amazon if you can't find it locally in the summer).





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I've tried the Keurig hot chocolate (luckily my kid's dentist has one in her office for us to use while we wait) and it was NASTY, it wasn't creamy like a mocha or hot chocolate would be at Starbucks, it was like water with a dash of chocolate flavor.  


I am not a coffee fan, but love my double chocolate chip frappucino (iced hot chocolate anyone?) or the refreshers made with green coffee extract in the summer.  For winter it's always a hot chocolate with hazelnut or the Caramel Apple Spice.  

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Forgot to say that the stuff they use for hot chocolate at SB is more of a dark chocolate and even the Hershey's special dark syrup doesn't taste the same, but I've found that if I mix 1- 2tbsp cocoa powder  with 1tbsp sugar and 2 tbsp hot water it is just about right.  I put a range for the cocoa powder, because it will depend on what brand you use and how strong you like it. 

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I agree with the French press, I love mine. I usually alternate between it and espresso. I used to love sugary coffee drinks but now that I've retrained my tastes and buy better coffee I don't use any sweetener at all, just milk or cream and a sprinkle of cinnamon.


I've had a keurig, and my french press makes better coffee.  I mean, some of their coffees are great, but more often than not they are awful.  So I vote for a french press as well.  


Get some flavour shots or different liquid coffee mate creamers to add flavour if you don't want plain.  I add cocoa to my coffee sometimes.

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My hubby just brought my Starbucks in the door. I am currently suffering from the same problem. It usually only happens in the summer because I drinks Frappacinos then and while I can make those at home they are harder and aren't quite as good. In the winter I have a satisfactory substitute.

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I am scanning a few threads on my phone this morning, so someone may have already said this, sorry if I am repeating!


I cold brew espresso in the fridge, then keep it in a jar over the course of the week to make macchiatos. Here is the basic process:




Completely and utterly OT, but...on the Pioneer Woman blog, in the tag line on her banner? Is it supposed to say "plowing through life in the country...one calf nut at a time"? Because it says county, not country.

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I am scanning a few threads on my phone this morning, so someone may have already said this, sorry if I am repeating!


I cold brew espresso in the fridge, then keep it in a jar over the course of the week to make macchiatos. Here is the basic process:





That is addicting. I simply cannot make it because it's like a drug to me. I don't drink hot coffee but PW's iced coffee....swoon....

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First, my husband also swears that homemade coffee with Starbucks beans isn't as strong/good as a Starbucks from Starbucks. And we have a high-end coffee maker and don't skimp on beans/grounds.


Second, I also vote for a French press! Best homemade coffee. I still like it better than this expensive machine we recently got.

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I hate to use such a strong word as addiction, but I go to Starbucks every day. I try to ignore the feeling and make coffee at home, but by midmorning, the craving is really bad. I did manage to not go yesterday but I overate and I think it was because I wasn't feeling satisfied since I deprived myself of something I was craving. So I was going to try again today, but I gave in by 9:30am. Now I feel bad. I used to smoke so I know what addiction feels like. But over coffee? And just one a day? Although I would happily have it more than once a day. I've not found a coffee I can make at home that I like as well as Starbucks, not even the Starbucks brand of ground coffee. From Starbucks, I get a double mocha which is really just hot chocolate with two shots of espresso. What if I get an espresso machine and make my own? That would at least save me money, right? But I wouldn't drink espresso on it's own. So then I was thinking of a Keurig so I could at least have different kinds of coffee. In the past, I couldn't justify the cost of a Keurig, but with as much as I'm spending at Starbucks, a Keurig would be a good investment I think, but only if it truly helped me stay away from Starbucks. But it wouldn't be a mocha coffee. That would make me sad. Now I'm just rambling. I should buy stock in Starbucks.


I had the exact same problem. The Keurig fixed it for me. seriously. I never ever go to Starbucks anymore. I buy only flavored coffee, and it is yummy. French press and such are fin for coffee snobs, but if you like the mocha you are like me, you want a treat, flavor, not "good" coffee. And you want it easy. I ADORE my Keurig now. Right now I have k-cups that are hazelnut (for my husband), cinnabun cinnamon roll, vanilla caramel cream, and coconut mocha. Yum. 


Get the Keurig. 

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So I havent had coffee in about 2 weeks, which is extremely rare for me. I'm usually at least a 2 cups a day kind of person. But I've been sick and it just hasn't sounded appealing. This thread changed all of that. I just mixed cocoa powder, sugar, half&half, and coffee together and it was awesome! It was certainly comparable with similar Starbucks drinks.

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A French press, Keurig, or espresso machine, good quality chocolate, milk (we would use cream or half and half here though ;)), and several well rated online recipes to try, and you're good to go.  If it's not the experience you're after and you want to save money, then it should be easy to make something at home you like.  I Googled Starbuck's Mocha Recipe and got pages of recipes.  If you're not opposed to buying used, try Craigslist.  I found an awesome deal on CL for an espresso machine.

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I would not get a Keurig.  Especially if you drink multiple coffees a day.  But with a good high quality fresh roast and a quality coffee maker, you may be able to come up with something that appeals to you at home.  I LOVE coffee and it isn't unusual for me to get a coffee shop lattee 1-2X a week.  But I'd break the bank if I did it every single day I think.  So just keep trying!  Have you tried buying beans at starbucks?  Don't be shy about using MORE coffee, high quality milk or cream, chocolate.  We have a relatively inexpensive espresso machine that does a pretty good job.  But even a drip machine or a french press can make an excellent coffee if you are using good coffee. 


ETA - we actually think the fresh roast beans from Dunn Bros are the best best best.  I actually do not like starbucks beans.  Keurig coffee doesn't cut it for me either. 

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I would not get a Keurig.  Especially if you drink multiple coffees a day.  But with a good high quality fresh roast and a quality coffee maker, you may be able to come up with something that appeals to you at home.  I LOVE coffee and it isn't unusual for me to get a coffee shop lattee 1-2X a week.  But I'd break the bank if I did it every single day I think.  So just keep trying!  Have you tried buying beans at starbucks?  Don't be shy about using MORE coffee, high quality milk or cream, chocolate.  We have a relatively inexpensive espresso machine that does a pretty good job.  But even a drip machine or a french press can make an excellent coffee if you are using good coffee. 


ETA - we actually think the fresh roast beans from Dunn Bros are the best best best.  I actually do not like starbucks beans.  Keurig coffee doesn't cut it for me either. 


We like The Roasterie but I don't know if it's available everywhere.  We've also had good luck with different types at Costco.  I drink my coffee black and without sweetener so I want it to taste good.  

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Start drinking something else at Starbucks. Maybe a single mocha and work down. Your body is wanting the combo sugar/caffeine rush. Once you get the sugar down you can make something at home. A keurig isn't going to make what you're getting at Starbucks.

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I am a former coffee drinker. I use a briki (or in Turkish, ibrik). All one has to do is boil finely ground coffee and sugar. Bring it up to a foam, take off the heat, and repeat. Delicious, and you can use and small pot if you do not have a briki. (Amazon has them for under $12.) 


9/11/2014 deleted photo as per SWB request



I have heard that Starbucks uses quite poor coffee, actually, and gussies it up with extras. Have you ever thought od trying good coffee? My favorites were Sumatran Mandheling and Ethopian Harar. 


ETA I see Starbucks has some of these:



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