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My not at all fun news


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I too have kept coming back to see if this bread was all a mistake.. Surely a troll had taken over your account. But no...

I too share everyone's shock, and sadness.

My thoughts and prayers are with you and those close to you.

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I am so very sorry for your loss, Rosie. I have been away from the boards a few days and just learned about what you are going through. I am at a loss for words, but if there is anything, any way at all that I may offer support.... Again, so sorry.

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NOoooooooo!  I'm so sorry!  We we out all day yesterday and I didn't see this until this morning (saw the quilt thread first).  Sharing with you the only things I can - joy that you had him for 5 years, sorrow that he's gone, prayers for you as you take each breath without him.

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Can't stop thinking about you, Rosie. My heart hurts. I'm grieving with you and for you. I wish that somehow I could take on all of your pain, all of your grief and that my shed tears would somehow ease the devastation you are feeling. Mostly, I just want to wake up and find out this was all one big nightmare.  :grouphug: my friend. Lots and lots of  :grouphug: and many, many prayers. You are loved. 

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This, Rosie, this.


There's not one person here who won't be thinking of you this Mother's Day.




I was really, really hoping Australia celebrated Mother's Day when the UK did instead of this Sunday, but nope....


Well, own it then. Forever more it will be a celebration of Marek's life and of your new relationship with Zia, because raising an only child after knowing what it's like to raise a sibling group is....well, different and not in the ways most people think it's going to be, so after awhile you just smile because well-meaning strangers don't and can't understand and you'd rather spend time with your kid than try to explain it to them.


ETA link to "Ask the parent of an only child" thread for Rosie:




because there were some wise thoughts there that helped me appreciate my special relationship with my one-and-only.

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Guest submarines

Thinking of you today, Rosie. You made me feel better when I was feeling down, but I'm afraid I have no words that would suffice. Thinking of you and sending you love.

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