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Running Errands


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How much running around do you do?


I have a couple of friends (HS moms) who seem to always run several errands per day.


I just don't.  I try to consolidate errands, I make a grocery list for Costco trips, and some things just don't have to be done right away.


I hate running errands, so I try to run as few as possible.


Maybe others really just like being out and running around???



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Errand Volume waxes and wanes around here.  When I have errands (like today!) I try to combine them with DD's music lessons.  While she is at lessons, I will run to the post office and to the grocery store.  She has different lessons twice a week, so I can usually fit things in around our "out of the house" schedule.  Closer to Christmas, I have been known to sneak out and do some of my shopping during the day when the stores are much less crowded.

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One of my home schoolers also takes two classes at a public school (band and science), so we're out every day for that. While she's in class, other dd and I will do schoolwork (back at home, library, or coffee shop) maybe 3-4 days a week, but also take at least one day for grocery shopping and maybe another day for other errands (like she had a doctor's appointment today, ortho Monday, etc.). Ideally I'm a total home body and would stay home most days if I could, but reality is different for the foreseeable future.

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How much running around do you do?


I have a couple of friends (HS moms) who seem to always run several errands per day.


I just don't.  I try to consolidate errands, I make a grocery list for Costco trips, and some things just don't have to be done right away.


I hate running errands, so I try to run as few as possible.


Maybe others really just like being out and running around???




I limit errands. When we were hsing, I never, ever did errands on Monday and Tuesday. I might do an errand or two on Wednesday, which was our library day and we were out anyway. I never did errands on Thursday, which was our field trip day. I *might* do errands on Friday afternoon, after I finished cleaning house and doing the laundry. I went grocery shopping in the evening when Mr. Ellie was home.

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I try to have an errand day every few weeks.  Things can wait that long.  DH does the main grocery shopping right after work when needed and the kiddos and do the produce runs in between.  From time to time I'll go out on a weekend morning because the littles and I were too busy enjoying the yard or a craft, or baking or whatever to get something done.  This also works well when I have to help the various Legendary Figures get their jobs done.

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For us...to do anything we are 'driving into the city'. So, I do as much as I can in a day. We live way out in the country, so everything is a drive and have to plan accordingly. It's hard for me... we just left the city (Atlanta) where everything was so close to us. I love being on the go... lol

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How much running around do you do?

I have a couple of friends (HS moms) who seem to always run several errands per day.

I just don't. I try to consolidate errands, I make a grocery list for Costco trips, and some things just don't have to be done right away.

I hate running errands, so I try to run as few as possible.

Maybe others really just like being out and running around???


Do we know the same Moms? :)

I know a few who are always "busy" running errands, it seems. I can't wrap my head around how any one family could possibly have so many errands. Pay bills, buy food, ... Then what?
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I go on the 1st and 15th...I buy everything on those two days I need and only pick up produce, milk when needed to fill in. I detest errands and doing it all on those two days makes my life so much better.

And I try to avoid those days like the plague. ;) Too many payday shoppers! I try to plan for 8th and 22nd ish. Between paydays! :)
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Goodness, no, I can't stand running errands.  I do them as necessary and I try to make that as minimal as possible.  I love my USPS and UPS mail carriers for that very reason.  They do the running around for me sometimes.  :D

I have my husband stop by places after work, but I also avoid that as much as possible because I'd rather he just come home.  I miss him by then.  :o

When I do run errands, I try to pick days and times when the least amount of people are out, so I can get what I need and move along.  If I want to slow down, then I grab a drink and go read a book somewhere in peace.

I actually do love people, but as an introvert, they drain my batteries fast when I am exposed to them too much.  My home is where I recharge and apparently, I take several days to full recharge.  :001_cool:

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I can't wrap my head around how any one family could possibly have so many errands. Pay bills, buy food, ... Then what?






social security office

post office


dry cleaner

car for oil change

drop donations at Goodwill

take package to UPS drop off location

pick up prescription from pharmacy


I'm sure there's more. I do as much as possible online, but these can't be done on the computer.


I try to do my errands on the way to and from work. Not always possible though.

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I don't like running errands. Much to difficult to run with stuff in your backpack. :)


I do try to walk errands every other day. But if it something I can't walk then I do my best to make it so it doesn't have to be done. I would say I have a day in the car doing errands maybe every month - this includes grocery shopping. 


I just know how to find a place online that will deliver the toothbrush heads that will fit our electric toothbrush. Cause I'm sure not going to go drive to a store to look for them.  :sneaky2:




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social security office

post office


dry cleaner

car for oil change

drop donations at Goodwill

take package to UPS drop off location

pick up prescription from pharmacy


I'm sure there's more. I do as much as possible online, but these can't be done on the computer.


I try to do my errands on the way to and from work. Not always possible though.


Everyday?  No.  (With the exception of those who have a business/employer that requires regular errand running, doctor's appointments for chronic conditions or many children, and things like that.)

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I must admit I love the location of our house.  I'm going to use regentrude's list. (Thank you) to show how little I do errands in the car.


doctor - walking distance, but to far if sick.

dentist - really close to our house. 

orthodontist - walking distance

library - close. I can bike the distance in 6 minutes.

social security office - I don't have errands at this place, at least I can't remember when.

post office - walking distance and beside grocery store, which is near library. 

DMV - I just renewed my license online.

dry cleaner - I don't dry clean. Last thing I had dry cleaned was my wedding dress. 

car for oil change - Car garage is so close I can hear when they open the shop doors to let in another car. 

drop donations at Goodwill - Use to be walking distance. But now it isn't. But my Mom goes all the time, so I just give her our stuff for Goodwill. 

pick up prescription from pharmacy - One beside the doctor, another beside the grocery store. Both walking distance. 


I actually sometimes try to come up with an errand so we have a reason for a walk. I like having a purpose to accomplish. I can only convince my Boys we *have* to go to the library 3 times a week. 

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social security office
post office
dry cleaner
car for oil change
drop donations at Goodwill
take package to UPS drop off location
pick up prescription from pharmacy
I'm sure there's more. I do as much as possible online, but these can't be done on the computer.

I try to do my errands on the way to and from work. Not always possible though.

Ok, a few on there are errands that I forget about because we use about once/year or less - like the post office, dry cleaner, or DMV. Most of that list though are appointments. Those are a whole separate category in my mind.
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I try to combine things when I can... Like yesterday I had a doctor appointment, after that I went to the bank, got gas, seen dmil at work, went to the library and picked up our half of cow. Today I didn't go any where that required my car (I had to walk to the dirt road by my house to get dd1 off the bus). Tomorrow is another not going anywhere day, Friday I have Essure inserted and Saturday I'm taking the girls to some Easter egg hunts, Sunday is recharge day (I'm an introvert with an extrovert dd)

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Everyday?  No.  (With the exception of those who have a business/employer that requires regular errand running, doctor's appointments for chronic conditions or many children, and things like that.)


More often than you would think. Dh often asks me to do things for him during the day. Just random little stuff...It all adds up.

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Everyday?  No.  (With the exception of those who have a business/employer that requires regular errand running, doctor's appointments for chronic conditions or many children, and things like that.)


No, of course not all of them everyday - but there are enough possible errands that I can see why a large family would have something coming up most days of the week.

In the last two days, we had: vote at local election, DS dentist, orthodontist, drop books at the library, pick up prescriptions at the pharmacy, pick up birthday gift at a store where I don't normally shop.

On my to do list currently are: get gas, go to DMV to get driver's ed booklet, take donations to drop off,  take the non-washable winter coat to dry cleaner, doctor checkup for DD, oil change.


I am not counting any activities or hobbies or work related things, just the stuff to keep the family and household going.

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I love errands/running to town! I go at least every other day, if not every day. Mostly I go to the grocery store, but if there are other things to be done (bank, post office, library etc), I do that too. At the store(s), I'm trolling for good deals -- markdowns not noted in the ads. I stock up on things this way, and (for example) get a lot of good bread that I wouldn't normally buy. Also, deli chickens (half price, I shred for freezer) and ready-to-cook pizza ($3.50 to $4.50 for a large). Things like that. I love good deals, but a lot of it is just my alone/think time. No voices (my job involves listening to people talk through headphones for hours a day, plus the zillions of kids thing). I appear to be in the minority but I love it most of the time. I'll be heading out in about an hour. :)

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I absolutely despise errands! We have swimming every day but I avoid going out otherwise if at all possible. My husband handles the grocery shopping and cooking, he wants to eat much more then I do :). I buy everything within reason from Amazon Prime. My son, who attends college in town, will call each day on his way home and ask me if I need anything. I think I have the men in my life trained pretty well.

We do travel out of state quite often, on average once a month and I love our travels. It's just that once I'm home, I'm home. I knew it might be getting out of hand when my older daughter offered one day, "we homeschool because Mom doesn't like to leave the house".

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No, of course not all of them everyday - but there are enough possible errands that I can see why a large family would have something coming up most days of the week.

In the last two days, we had: vote at local election, DS dentist, orthodontist, drop books at the library, pick up prescriptions at the pharmacy, pick up birthday gift at a store where I don't normally shop.

On my to do list currently are: get gas, go to DMV to get driver's ed booklet, take donations to drop off,  take the non-washable winter coat to dry cleaner, doctor checkup for DD, oil change.


I am not counting any activities or hobbies or work related things, just the stuff to keep the family and household going.


For myself:


medical appointments...scheduled on days other than Monday and Tuesday (not always possible, of course)

we go to the library weekly anyway, so dropping books off at the library is not an errand

dry cleaners, DMV booklet, donations, prescriptions, birthday gift...Wednesdays after the library

get gas...any day that I'm out anyway, so not really an errand

oil change...schedule that for a Wednesday

voting...once or twice a year...not a biggie

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We have to "drive to town" for most things too. We coordinate errands with other activities or DH runs them after work when he is already on town.


Same here. We need to go to town five times a week for my daughters karate class so I do any errands at that point. Wednesday and Sunday are the only days we have nothing planned other then Church, but that is literally around the corner and not 10 miles away like everything else.

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I don't average several errands per day, but neither can I imagine only doing them once a week or a couple of times a month.  I try to take care of all the errands I possibly can so DH doesn't have to.  I kinda figure that's a big part of my job as a not-employed-outside-the-home mom.  So I do all the grocery shopping, pharmacy pick-ups, dry cleaning, kids' doctor/dentist/orthodontist appointments, taking the cars in for maintenance, mailing packages, pet vet visits or picking up medications/supplies for them, etc.  It adds up to quite a lot, and we're only a family of four.

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social security office

post office


dry cleaner

car for oil change

drop donations at Goodwill

take package to UPS drop off location

pick up prescription from pharmacy


I'm sure there's more. I do as much as possible online, but these can't be done on the computer.


I try to do my errands on the way to and from work. Not always possible though.

You forgot...


vet appointments

check the animal shelter monthly for purebred dogs who could be put into breed rescue (Ds's volunteer work)

pick up items for the next 4h project

stop at the 4h office for forms to fill out, or forms that need to be turned in, or donations to deliver to the animal shelter

take back book (or sometimes projector or other item) I borrowed from a friend

clothing shopping for kids who have outgrown all summer clothes (this one can turn into multiple errands!)

shoe shopping for same kids, same reason

deliver groceries to sick relative

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Do we know the same Moms? :)

I know a few who are always "busy" running errands, it seems. I can't wrap my head around how any one family could possibly have so many errands. Pay bills, buy food, ... Then what?


I seem to run a lot of errands, not because I like to but because there always seems to be something to do outside the house.  Mailing packages, doctor appointments (we have a lot of those), pharmacy runs, grocery store runs for fresh produce and dairy products, library runs...


But I do not go around paying bills.  I know a few people who go around town paying bills (and complaining about it) and I don't get why they do it. (When I've asked, I get the look, you know "you have two heads" - as if everyone drives around paying bills.)    I know not everyone likes to pay electronically but even writing a check and mailing it seems better than driving around to deliver them, isn't it?  I just don't get it.

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Some of you keep mentioning doctor, dentist, etc......like you do it regularly.  Is this a weekly thing?  Monthly?


We go to the dentist twice per year and the doctor once per year.  I hardly consider those regular errands.  Vet visits are the same unless there is some issue.



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Amazon Prime is my friend to cut down on errand-running. Once I decided that my time had a monetary value (don't know exactly what that is, but it does have a value) I stopped going around town for random things I may or may not find at a store, and bought them from Amazon instead. For example: I needed, over the past few months, a pencil sharpener, various gifts for people, clothes, books, etc.--I ordered them from Amazon and saved myself lots of running around time. I've also tried to limit grocery shopping to once a week. Thank God, don't have many medical appt s at this time, so that's not a problem. I also try to get dh to do many of the errands that are quick, like picking up dry cleaning, banking, or prescriptions, but can be really disruptive to the day if we all have to leave to go do them.

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You forgot...


vet appointments


Our pet rat was sick on morning. So I made him an appointment and they said they could sqeeze him in at X time only. Leaving plenty of time for the drive I picked up the big rat cage and walked out of the house to the car. It was then I noticed Dh had the car. :p So I grabbed the bikes out of the garage really quickly. I think it was only a 2 or 3KM bike ride. Then the problem of the big rat cage. I ended up very quickly sticking the rat in a cardboard shoe box poking holes in it and taping it shut. We started biking. THe rat peed on the box and quickly ate a hole through it and popped out. 


I then had a rat on the loose well trying to bike. 


He ended up sitting in the basket on my bike. Then he crawled up my arm and tucked himself in my hood and kept crawling around.


It was a difficult ride. But the rat really enjoyed it. 


I admit I would have liked to have the car for the trip. But looking back the bike ride made it very interesting and made our rat very happy. :)

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I hate being out every day. I also hate being out for any length of time. I tend to go back and forth between frequent hateful errand running and the long, drawn-out, less frequent but still hateful kind.  :tongue_smilie:


So, a good balance for me is a big trip once a week with smaller trips here and there. Yesterday I went out just for sticky-tack adhesive, a wet erase marker and to mail a package. Took me about 25 minutes and gave us all a nice break. 

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I typically run errands once in a week, occasionally twice. I live 20 minutes from pretty much anything, so going out is a major event. Right now, we hit the kids' martial arts class one morning, and we also hit the library, grocery store, bank, pet store for crickets, another grocery store (for whatever Aldi doesn't have), and whatever else in one day. It is a long day, but it makes the most of the trip out and is totally worth it. I'll even try to schedule appointments for those afternoons.

But then we have a different library system that is in completely the opposite direction, but the kids' dentist and BJ's are in that direction, so we'll do those when needed, but not every week. Only once a month or so (well, every six months for the dentist).

I very much dislike being out every day. Even when we lived near stuff, I still hated it.

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Some of you keep mentioning doctor, dentist, etc......like you do it regularly.  Is this a weekly thing?  Monthly?
We go to the dentist twice per year and the doctor once per year.  I hardly consider those regular errands.  Vet visits are the same unless there is some issue.

We are generally healthy but still can easily have 3-4 appointments in an average month, sometimes more.

This month I have a routine follow-up appointment. The kids both have dentist appointments next week, and I know ds will have to schedule a follow-up appointment to get a cavity filled and will also be getting a referral for an orthodontic evaluation. Dh has a three month follow-up with his family doctor next week and a colonoscopy at the end of the month. Dd has her annual well visit in two weeks and needs vaccinations.

I still need to make myself appointments for the gynecologist, the dentist (I'm quite overdue for a cleaning), or the dermatologist for some questionable looking moles. And both dh and I need eye exams soon...
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Some of you keep mentioning doctor, dentist, etc......like you do it regularly.  Is this a weekly thing?  Monthly?


We go to the dentist twice per year and the doctor once per year.  I hardly consider those regular errands.  Vet visits are the same unless there is some issue.




My kids have weekly allergy shots - that will slow down to monthly soon.  One kid has a therapy appointment that is usually only every two weeks but sometimes we need to go weekly for a spell, and that child also has at least 9 other medical appointments each year (3 docs x visit every 4 months).  Now that we're out of the land of orthodontia those visits are off the list, yea!  But yeah, we have a lot of medical appointments!  I guess they are not technically errands but they do force us out of the house and not always at convenient times.

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I go at least once a day sometimes a few times a day. We live 3.5 miles from town and my kids have piano, Awana, youth group and church. I have bible study. That covers Monday, Tuesday, Wednesday and Sunday. We also go to the library, get groceries and gas and go to friends houses or park days every week. Then there are the other errands, like doctor visits, dentist, pay bills, prescription pick up, other church activities, etc. 

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I seem to run a lot of errands, not because I like to but because there always seems to be something to do outside the house. Mailing packages, doctor appointments (we have a lot of those), pharmacy runs, grocery store runs for fresh produce and dairy products, library runs...

But I do not go around paying bills. I know a few people who go around town paying bills (and complaining about it) and I don't get why they do it. (When I've asked, I get the look, you know "you have two heads" - as if everyone drives around paying bills.) I know not everyone likes to pay electronically but even writing a check and mailing it seems better than driving around to deliver them, isn't it? I just don't get it.

Ha! I was trying to give "filler" for my errands. I pay everything online, so my errands include ... Buy food. Period. :D I don't consider pulling up to the pump an errand - it's just a waypoint while out and about driving kids to activities.

I think my problem is my definition of errands is narrower than some others. I don't include appointments in my version. ;)
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This year I've tried to become more 'professional' about being a stay-at-home-parent. I now grocery shop once a week, on Monday, and might do errands that can be done at the same small shopping centre (e.g. Post office or department store errands). The bulk of errands are done on a Thursday, and on this day I also buy any other fresh produce that is required for the remainder of the week. It's worked really well.

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Some of you keep mentioning doctor, dentist, etc......like you do it regularly.  Is this a weekly thing?  Monthly?


We go to the dentist twice per year and the doctor once per year.  I hardly consider those regular errands.  Vet visits are the same unless there is some issue.




We're all generally healthy, but each new baby goes to the pediatrician 7 times in the first year and 3 times in the second year. Before that, I have prenatal care (~12 appointments for an uncomplicated pregnancy with a singleton and a whole lot more for a twin pregnancy).  Everyone ages 3+ goes to the dentist twice a year, but not all at the same time (the kids and adults have different dentists, and my husband and I go at different times so the other can be home to watch the kids).  We're lucky that no one in the family needs to see an eye doctor (although I should get screened for glaucoma soon because it runs in my family).  The doctor/dentist/etc. visits can add up for big families.

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Maybe it is what they are calling errands.  They could be big pinteresters and need to run out to get more glue and glitter to complete their Martha Stewart worthy turkey carcass centerpiece. 







Some of you keep mentioning doctor, dentist, etc......like you do it regularly.  Is this a weekly thing?  Monthly?


We go to the dentist twice per year and the doctor once per year.  I hardly consider those regular errands.  Vet visits are the same unless there is some issue.




9 kids here.  With just regular dental and eye appointments we feel like we are there all. of. the. time.  Dental is every 6 months and they can rarely get more than two or three in at a time.  If I space it out every couple of weeks, it takes 2 months to get through everyone.  Of course, this is a twice a year thing, so 4 months out of a calendar year.  When we aren't in dental rotation we fill in the time  with eye appointments, that takes another 2 months to get everyone seen, then they have to pick up glasses in between (we have 8 in glasses, plus me).  Don't even get me started on doctor or chiropractic appointments.


Edited to say:  I forgot to mention we have 2 in braces.  That = lots of extra dental appointments.

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I don't really mind doing most errands and since I do them alone most of the time, they are a welcome reprieve from the day.  Just in normal errands that I do every day, I am gone at minimum an hour each day and quite often half a day.  Last year, I put 20,000 miles on my car in 12months, and I live in a city, not the country. so these are just frequent, short trips.


Driving dd15 home from school 4x per week,

Picking dd7 up from daycare 5x per week

Picking dd7 up from school and taking her to therapy 2x per week, then driving her back to school.

Grocery run 2x per week, maybe more if I am already in the area

DD7 to bio dads for weekly visit, then picking her up.

Driving to/from dd15s boyfriends house 7 days a week, 2x per day (either him-here, or her-there)

Clothes shopping for 5 people results in shopping a little bit each week. (work clothes, workout clothes, church, school, summer, spring, ect)

Mail run 2x per week (for dh work-not optional)

Costco run 2x per week (close by our  house, so we don't buy until we need things)

Fuel for my car 2x per week

Dentist or various doctors appointments (not including therapy) for everyone at least once every 2 weeks and quite often weekly. (dd15 in braces and dd7 sees her doctor once a month for medication adjustments)

presents (ie Easter, Christmas, birthdays, etc), gifts, home decor shopping, plants for the yard

To/from our kids sports practice usually 1-2 times daily.

To/from watching other kids sports/games (esp dd15's boyfriends Lacrosse games)


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Some of you keep mentioning doctor, dentist, etc......like you do it regularly.  Is this a weekly thing?  Monthly?


We go to the dentist twice per year and the doctor once per year.  I hardly consider those regular errands.  Vet visits are the same unless there is some issue.




For me and two kids that's at least 6 medical visits (a check-up for each of us, plus oldest also sees the dermatologist yearly for a skin check, and I get a mammogram and eye check) and 6 dentist visits just for cleanings.  Youngest has braces, so has an orthodontist visit once or twice a month for another 12 to 24 errands.  That's a total of 24 to 36 medical/dental visits per year for the three of us.  We have 4 pets, all of whom go for a check-up at least once a year, plus we usually have at least a couple of sick visits.  Our oldest dog is on prescription pain medication that has to be picked up every other month.  I can usually combine taking anybody in who needs a check-up/vaccinations with the medication pick up, so we'll say 8 stops at the vet per year.  Add that to our human medical visits and it comes out to 32 to 44 errands per year just for human and pet medical/dental needs.  It adds up.  Of course I could order our dog's pain medication from an online pharmacy and save some trips to the vet, but he's been really good to me over the years so I'd rather give the money to him than an online pharmacy.

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Some of you keep mentioning doctor, dentist, etc......like you do it regularly.  Is this a weekly thing?  Monthly?


We go to the dentist twice per year and the doctor once per year.  I hardly consider those regular errands.  Vet visits are the same unless there is some issue.




I have two teens in braces so that's 2 ortho visits per month as they are seen about every 4 weeks, 6 weeks when we are lucky. Their appts. are always on different days. They go to the dentist 3 times a year, also different days, which is every 4 months, because of the braces. My dentist visit is every 6 months. One of my children is in counseling which is every two weeks. He's also under the care of the doctor who prescribes his medicine and has to see her every few months for medication checks, more frequently if he's having problems. They have physicals only once a year. Between me and my 3 kids, at least one of us is at the doctor for a sick visit once a month. And yes, my oldest is 21 but she still asks me to go with her, even if I just sit in the waiting room. I consider that to be a lot of medical errands.


I'm also wondering if everyone is defining errands the same way. For me, anytime I leave the house, I'm running an errand. That can be library, doctor, getting gas, and grocery shopping. I consider outside appts. to be errands.

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Ha! I was trying to give "filler" for my errands. I pay everything online, so my errands include ... Buy food. Period. :D I don't consider pulling up to the pump an errand - it's just a waypoint while out and about driving kids to activities.

I think my problem is my definition of errands is narrower than some others. I don't include appointments in my version. ;)


OK then!  :001_smile:   So maybe "paying bills" isn't an errand anyone does anymore.  

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I hate being out. Hate it, hate it, hate it. Part of it is the age of my kids and car seats and all that. I try to consolidate as much as possible, send dh to the store to pick up milk on his way home from work, buy stuff on-line, etc. This has been a great week for me. DH's car has been in the shop, he's taken my car to work and I can't go anywhere. Love it!

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And I try to avoid those days like the plague. ;) Too many payday shoppers! I try to plan for 8th and 22nd ish. Between paydays! :)

I hit Wal-Mart when people are still sleeping and then Costco when it opens.  I hit the flower shops in the early afternoon and I'm usually done by 2 or 3 in the afternoon.  It's the putting away I detest. ;)

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Ballet pick up- 4 times/week. sometimes less depending on carpool situation. (DD walks to ballet in the daylight)

Library- once or twice a week (mostly walk)

Farmer's Market- Every Sat, and another trip to local market (walk)

Ortho- once a month (walk or drive, depending on time/energy)

Post office- once a month

This month the kids need passports, so I am not sure how many errands that will take.

We also need to go in to contest a parking violation that wasn't. ;)

Does walking the dogs count as an errand?  I do that at least once a day. (Sometimes more depending on other family member schedules.)



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I try to get most of them done on Tuesday mornings, when DS2 is in developmental preschool and DS1 is at strings so I only have 3 kids with me.  We have speech therapy on Tuesday afternoons so I just don't plan on getting homeschooling done that day.  Costco trips are done after DD1's chorus practice on Saturday mornings while the other 4 kids are at home with DH, and DH goes grocery shopping on Sundays.


Overall, by the time everyone is dressed, in the car, one of the girls goes potty for the 17th time, and we get our errand run then that morning/afternoon is shot.  We have dentist appointment x5 this afternoon, so I'm not planning on getting anything else done.

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I don't mind being out at all.  I love meeting other moms for coffee or lunch for example!  :laugh:


But errands drive me nuts.  I hate them.


I have friends who go to the store every day because they didn't menu plan and need X or Y to get for tonight's dinner.  I don't get that.


And some of you mention all sorts of things that I simply could not do or we would never get school done.  

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