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Help with spelling of a baby name


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We're currently expecting baby #4, our first girl.


We've always intended to call her Eliana. The name thread has me thinking... how would you pronounce that name if you saw it?


Ell - ee - anne - uh?
Ell - ee - awn - uh?

Something else?

We're planning to go with the second pronounciation, but will likely end up calling her Ella most of the time anyway. Is there another way to spell this that would make it clear it should be pronounced the second way?

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Ell-ee-A-nuh is my natural 'first try' pronunciation, with a strong long a. (Though I could easily be corrected to your preference, which seems fine with the spelling too.) For your preference to my first try, perhaps the spelling Elianna might work slightly better.

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Eh-lee-ah-na is how I'd say it. But it's a common name in my ex-husband's culture, and that's how they pronounce it.


I think if it weren't for people I know through him, my first stab might be: Elle-ee-ah-nah. A subtle difference, but still present.

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I read that as "Elly-annah" shorter on the first syllable, with a second stress on the a. Nicely euro-ish. But short version to me would be Eli, one l, not 2, which is cool, but might look like a boys name. I still kile Eli.


Had a student named Chantal years ago and she was called Cha with a soft ch "sha."

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I would probably not say it until I heard the parents say it. In my head, it would be Ell-ee-ann-uh.


And that's why I named my daughters Karen and Sarah. :laugh:

There's a lot to be said for names that are easily recognized, pronounced, and spelled. :)


When I was thinking of names for my ds, it was very important to me that he not have to spell his name or repeat it multiple times every time he met someone new. It's a nuisance to have to do that all the time.

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E-leeah-nuh  (E like the name of the letter)

Here it is more common as an Afrikaans name, so that is the way it would be pronounced.


Karen also has two pronunciations here, Car-in (as in the vehicle and the word in) or Care-un

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There's a lot to be said for names that are easily recognized, pronounced, and spelled. :)


When I was thinking of names for my ds, it was very important to me that he not have to spell his name or repeat it multiple times every time he met someone new. It's a nuisance to have to do that all the time.

Exactly what I think when I name my kids. My sister named her son Aloysius. She says that only about 5% of people say his name correctly when reading it and only about 5% of people can write it correctly when they hear it!! Usually when they write it, it ends up something like Alawishus.

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Exactly what I think when I name my kids. My sister named her son Aloysius. She says that only about 5% of people say his name correctly when reading it and only about 5% of people can write it correctly when they hear it!! Usually when they write it, it ends up something like Alawishus.


Yay, I got the correct pronunciation before I saw it spelled phonetically. 


Gold star? gold-star-smiley.gif

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Karen also has two pronunciations here, Car-in (as in the vehicle and the word in) or Care-un



In addition to the above, I also get Keh-rin (a bit different than Care-un), something approximating Cairn, and, from all my father's family, Kay-run (with a drawn out long "a" and heavy emphasis on the first syllable).

I don't think there's a name around that someone won't find a way to mispronounce, but some lend themselves more that way than others.




Around here (moderate southern US drawl), "aw" sounds a lot like "ah-o" with a very broad short a combined with a long o. When I see it with the ''aw" in my head it sounds like Elly-(ah-o)-nuh.

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Elle ee ON ah.


So I guess you  could shorten it to Elle, Ellie, Ann, Anna, Awnna....


Lots of options!


(Mind sharing the middle name options? :-) )


I think we're going to be going with Ella as a nickname; we have a family member who sometimes goes by Ellie, so I think Ella it is. Plus I think it's cute, lol.


All our middle name options are names in honour of various people... the problem is, there are so few girls in both our families that almost everyone is still waiting to have a baby girl named after them in some way, lol, which makes it a hard choice.


After MIL - Mary (her name) or Marie (because Mary sounds a bit plain next to Eliana)

After my Mom and sister, who have similar names - Jenna

After my deceased sister - Brenda

After my best friend's baby who passed away last year - Sophia.


Right now we're leaning towards Marie.

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Eh-lee-ah-na is how I'd say it. But it's a common name in my ex-husband's culture, and that's how they pronounce it.


I think if it weren't for people I know through him, my first stab might be: Elle-ee-ah-nah. A subtle difference, but still present.

I would say  and spell it the way you plan to, because it's common where I am from. I have seen it with double letters here or there, but that looks wrong to me.

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I think we're going to be going with Ella as a nickname; we have a family member who sometimes goes by Ellie, so I think Ella it is. Plus I think it's cute, lol.


All our middle name options are names in honour of various people... the problem is, there are so few girls in both our families that almost everyone is still waiting to have a baby girl named after them in some way, lol, which makes it a hard choice.


After MIL - Mary (her name) or Marie (because Mary sounds a bit plain next to Eliana)

After my Mom and sister, who have similar names - Jenna

After my deceased sister - Brenda

After my best friend's baby who passed away last year - Sophia.


Right now we're leaning towards Marie.


I like Marie best with Eliana.

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After MIL - Mary (her name) or Marie (because Mary sounds a bit plain next to Eliana)

After my Mom and sister, who have similar names - Jenna

After my deceased sister - Brenda

After my best friend's baby who passed away last year - Sophia.


Would your friend like for you to do this? I ask because I am very over-protective of the name of my daughter that died. I realize this isn't how everyone feels in this situation, but if you don't know your friend would be thrilled, I advise against it. If anyone close to me gave their daughter my daughter's name (intentionally, not unwittingly), I would inwardly be in agony. 

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We're currently expecting baby #4, our first girl.


We've always intended to call her Eliana. The name thread has me thinking... how would you pronounce that name if you saw it?


Ell - ee - anne - uh?

Ell - ee - awn - uh?

Something else?


We're planning to go with the second pronounciation, but will likely end up calling her Ella most of the time anyway. Is there another way to spell this that would make it clear it should be pronounced the second way?

I would pronounce it just as your intention.  Very pretty name, don't change anything about it!

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I think we're going to be going with Ella as a nickname; we have a family member who sometimes goes by Ellie, so I think Ella it is. Plus I think it's cute, lol.


All our middle name options are names in honour of various people... the problem is, there are so few girls in both our families that almost everyone is still waiting to have a baby girl named after them in some way, lol, which makes it a hard choice.


After MIL - Mary (her name) or Marie (because Mary sounds a bit plain next to Eliana)

After my Mom and sister, who have similar names - Jenna

After my deceased sister - Brenda

After my best friend's baby who passed away last year - Sophia.


Right now we're leaning towards Marie.

I'd go with Brenda, not because it sounds better (Marie sounds the best to my ear), but because if everyone is gunning for the baby to have their name, no one will complain about you choosing Brenda.  

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My younger dd was going to be Eliana, we actually started with that name. We wanted her to be called el-LEE-ah-na


I will say that her name got mangled continually, we got every way you can imagine and some that were truly awful. People also shortened it to Ellie without asking or thinking. We ended up changing our minds because it bothered me to have her name continually mangled. Sometimes I wish I'd stuck it out as I think it is beautiful and I like the meaning. We ended up with a short variation of the name which ironically people still can't pronounce. She loves her name and doesn't mind correcting people and often goes by a nickname that isn't related anyway.


As for middle name I think Eliana Mary is pretty but I'd choose the person you'd like to honor and go with that one. All work fine with the first name choice.

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We're currently expecting baby #4, our first girl.


We've always intended to call her Eliana. The name thread has me thinking... how would you pronounce that name if you saw it?


Ell - ee - anne - uh?

Ell - ee - awn - uh?

Something else?


We're planning to go with the second pronounciation, but will likely end up calling her Ella most of the time anyway. Is there another way to spell this that would make it clear it should be pronounced the second way?



My friends have an adorable little pixie of an Eliana and they call her Ellie.  Congrats on a little girl.. They are the so fun! =D

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Would your friend like for you to do this? I ask because I am very over-protective of the name of my daughter that died. I realize this isn't how everyone feels in this situation, but if you don't know your friend would be thrilled, I advise against it. If anyone close to me gave their daughter my daughter's name (intentionally, not unwittingly), I would inwardly be in agony. 


I had talked to my friend about and she seemed... okay with it. Not thrilled, but alright.  I had thought at the time that it was bcause we were having a conversation about her daugher and she was already struggling to keep it together (not that she had to, but we were out at a coffee shop and she didn't want to break down in public; lessons learned on that one, chatting at home next time). Now that you mention it, though, it may well have been a painful thought for her and she just didn't know how to tell me. Thanks for the heads-up, I think I'll avoid the name.

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