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Your experience (or lack thereof) with pot

Janie Grace

Pot in your world  

265 members have voted

  1. 1. What is true for you?

    • I never smoke pot (or do MJ in any form) nor do I know anyone who does.
    • I sometimes enjoy marijuana (at least twice a year).
    • I don't partake, but I have family members or friends that do.
    • Other.

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I just found out that my father smoked pot occasionally throughout my childhood (I don't know how often actually, but I know he did). He's almost 70 now. This sort of shocks me. I know my parents did pot when they were young hippies but I didn't realize it was something he continued. My mom became a Christian and gave up her old partying ways; I guess I never considered it was something my PhD-holding father continued to enjoy from time to time. 


I have a feeling my sister (mid-thirties) smokes it sometimes, but I haven't asked directly. She also has advanced degrees and is a professional. 


With all of the legalization talk, I'm feeling a bit like I'm living in a hole. I'm a Christian and none of my friends smoke pot (almost all drink alcohol however). But more and more, people are off-handedly mentioning enjoying it (like, most recently, a dad at Little League). 


I'm wondering how common this is. What is your experience?


Feel free to post a "bump" without responding. Might not be something you want to comment on "publicly," I realize.

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I voted other.  I don't ever, nor would I want to.  I know some folks who have at some time(s) during their adult lives, but I do not know if they currently do.  Generally once people become parents they don't talk casually about such things.  Just because I don't know about it does not mean it doesn't happen with some folks.


I know some who smoke tobacco and try to keep their kids from finding out.  Could be the same with MJ.

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I smoked end of high school, off and on during college and in my 20's. I stopped in my later 20's as did DH. He has a job that he needs to be "on" for moreso than most jobs. 


I live in a pretty lenient state and know many people who smoke. 


One of my good friends in high school's parents were and still are recreational users. His dad took us to a smoke shop when we turned 18 and the whole family partakes after Thanksgiving dinner every year! My friend was the valedictorian of our class and is now a very successful lawyer. Both of his parents are quite successful and you'd never know they smoke!

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I don't but I've had family members who did. I don't know if they still do as I don't live near enough nor am I close enough relationship-wise to be aware of their daily lives.


I still remember many years ago at one extended family party mom asking Auntie N if she knew she had mj growing in her yard. Auntie was horrified to find out. Apparently cousin had a few potted plants ( :p ) out there and great-grandma tended them like she did all the other plants growing in the yard. G-Gma was really old at the time so I'm not sure if she really didn't know or was too senile to realize.

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I never have, mostly because I'm a touch paranoid and compulsively law-abiding about most things. I might someday if the legal status of it changes and I'm in a position to not have to worry about getting fired, either.


I actually have yet to see anything that convinces me it's objectively more problematic to society than alcohol (and probably less so) and suspect Big Cotton has more to do with its illegal status in the U.S. (since you can't grow textile hemp either) than any real harms. Its illegality suppresses free enterprise in multiple industries, prevents proper regulation (as we have for tobacco and alcohol), and wastes the time of law enforcement and overburdened court systems.

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A little bit in high school.

If I'm frank, knowing those around me who smoke as adults has made it seem like a bad decision. I *know* they don't account for all marijuana users, but those I know PERSONALLY who smoke as adults put buying it as a priority, over other things necessary to life and raising children, and in most cases when they don't have it, they rely on other drugs or alcohol. While perhaps not physically addictive (technically), I do believe it's psychologically addictive (the feeling it gives them seems to be addictive, given the extreme measures I've seen them take to obtain it).

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I have never tried pot.
I voted this way:

"I don't partake, but I have family members or friends who do." 

But, it would have been more accurate to say I have had family members or friends who did in the past. I don't know if they still do or not.


It would be *extremely* uncommon in my social circles because everyone gets regular drug tests. But, it's fairly common where I live. For example, we've encountered people smoking pot while hiking. 


I will say that in the past the religious/education/class factors matters/ed less than one might think. 


I don't think I would ever do it because it is VERY stinky to me. I really can't stand bad smells. I didn't like Amsterdam mainly because so many people smelled like pot.

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I don't smoke it and I don't smoke cigs, either. It never comes up in conversation, but there are some adults whom I would not be much surprised to find they smoke weed once in a while for relaxation. 


I did learn of one adult older than I am who is a certified grower for medical use. I found that pretty funny for some reason. 

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Other.  I have in the past - 25+ yrs. ago.  I wouldn't now.  I know people who do, both professional and non-professional.  I have a friend who uses for medical reasons.  I don't like smoking anything.  I honestly don't have many thoughts about it.  I have known enough people who do who continue to be very successful to view it in a negative way - anymore than alcohol.  Some people can be social drinkers, some can't.

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It's probably more common than you realize, but I wouldn't worry about it too much. The concerns we had here (California) had to do with potential corporatization and the pollution and environmental effects of indoor grows. I'm not comfortable being as open about my personal experiences as most of my neighbours are, but lots of upstanding, respectable, otherwise law abiding citizens like your father partake occaisionally and don't have any problems with it. There is kind of a fine line between recreational and medicinal use since it can be helpful with mental health issues and doesn't have as many side effects as pharmeceuticals. I do know of one person who has a prescription for cannabis who abuses it in the same way he abuses all the rest of his prescription meds, but he probably would abuse food, credit cards, gambling, etc. if he didn't have meds to abuse.


Your dad is still your dad and there really isn't any reason to bring it up with your sister; I think it's just a "different strokes for different folks" issue at this point.

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There wasn't really an answer that fit my world. I did in the past. I wouldn't touch it with a ten foot pole now. I know other who have and also won't go near it now and some who continue (although I'm not as much in touch with them as I used to be). None of my family members uses it anymore although I can't be sure about my one little brother. He was having troubles with a lot stronger stuff a couple years ago though.


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I never willingly used.  (my brother made and gave me cookies laced with it.  I figured it out when 1) I noticed the black specs, and 2) he was laughing like a hyena.  I was furious and threw them away.   and one of his friends kept blowing pot smoke in my face while I was trapped in the backseat of a two door car.  my mother had told me to go with my brother and his friends to go see a movie.  the girlfriends eventually told brothers friend to leave me alone.)  


my brother grew and distributed. I used to slit my thumbnail through the main stem of the pot plants enough to cause damage.  brother dearest would come and pound on me for my trouble. my mother knew the plants were there, she was too weak to put her foot down.  our house was robbed by some of his customers, and we still had them coming for months after he moved out.  my brother does regret his drug using days and believes it derailed things he could have otherwise accomplished in his life.  I'll agree it made him stupid.  my sister used, but quit in her 20's.  her husband quit in his 40's.





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I tried it once when I was young and dating and free. I don't know why I thought I could inhale when I couldn't`t even smoke a cigarette....oh wait. I do remember why. Beer.


Anyhow, it burned. And stank. Never tried it again. I know lots of people that do smoke it though.

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I tried it in high school, but have absolutely no interest in it now. I also have no interest in associating with anyone who does regularly. It has been my experience (and I fully realize that this does not account for all "users") that those who do smoke pot are not the kind of people I'd choose to be around (I personally don't know anyone who uses it for medical purposes).


I don't think it's impossible for someone to smoke pot recreationally in a responsible manner...but I haven't seen proof of that first hand. It's legal to some degree here in Washington, now. Mostly because it was just too expensive to prosecute, from what I understand. 

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I voted other.  I have family that in the past had smoked pot and I don't know if any of them do so now or not.  The ones that I know of for sure used other drugs as well.  I have never done it and haven't been around when someone else was smoking it.  I do have a drink now and then.

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I have never used pot and can't ever see a scenario where I would use of unless I was a cancer patient or similar and it helped me eat. I was totally straight edge in high school and college. I've never used illegal drugs and in 33 years I have been drunk exactly...twice. The first time at age 28. Of course I know people who have or do use it. I don't hold it against them or consider it a problem. I live in a state that just voted to legalize it. But it's not for me.

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I live in WA where they have recently made marijuana legal.  I don't know the details of the law because I have never used pot nor do any of my close family or friends do.  I would suspect there are some people I know that do, but the discussion doesn't come up and I don't care enough to ask.


Wouldn't pot be just as bad for your body as smoking cigarettes?  Wouldn't the second hand smoke from pot be just as bad as second hand smoke from cigarettes?  I'm coming from the standpoint of cigarette smoking is bad for you. 

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I live in WA where they have recently made marijuana legal.  I don't know the details of the law because I have never used pot nor do any of my close family or friends do.  I would suspect there are some people I know that do, but the discussion does come up and I don't care enough to ask.


Wouldn't pot be just as bad for your body as smoking cigarettes?  Wouldn't the second hand smoke from pot be just as bad as second hand smoke from cigarettes?  I'm coming from the standpoint of cigarette smoking is bad for you. 



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I live in WA where they have recently made marijuana legal.  I don't know the details of the law because I have never used pot nor do any of my close family or friends do.  I would suspect there are some people I know that do, but the discussion does come up and I don't care enough to ask.


Wouldn't pot be just as bad for your body as smoking cigarettes?  Wouldn't the second hand smoke from pot be just as bad as second hand smoke from cigarettes?  I'm coming from the standpoint of cigarette smoking is bad for you. 


There haven't been any studies that show much for damage on the lungs, but studies on brain affects have shown that exposure to cannabinoids during adolescent development can cause long-lasting changes in the brainĂ¢â‚¬â„¢s reward system as well as the hippocampus which is critical for learning and memory. I know it's been amazing for cancer patients, but I think it needs to be limited to a prescription type of a drug to keep it out of the hands of kids who would overuse.

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There haven't been any studies that show much for damage on the lungs, but studies on brain affects have shown that exposure to cannabinoids during adolescent development can cause long-lasting changes in the brainĂ¢â‚¬â„¢s reward system as well as the hippocampus which is critical for learning and memory. I know it's been amazing for cancer patients, but I think it needs to be limited to a prescription type of a drug to keep it out of the hands of kids who would overuse.


A couple of weeks ago I watched a news segment and later read an article about some brothers who are growing a strain of cannabis that is low in THC (THC isn't the property that helps medical patients):






Paige soon heard about the Stanley brothers, one of the state's largest marijuana growers and dispensary owners. These six brothers were crossbreeding a strain of marijuana also high in CBD and low in THC, but they didn't know what to do with it. No one wanted it; they couldn't sell it. Still, even they had reservations when they heard about Charlotte's age. But once they met her, they were on board. "The biggest misconception about treating a child like little Charlotte is most people think that we're getting her high, most people think she's getting stoned," Josh Stanley said, stressing his plant's low THC levels. "Charlotte is the most precious little girl in the world to me. I will do anything for her."
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My parents (mother & stepfather) used, and grew their own, when I was growing up.  My mother still apparently uses regularly.  I don't think it helped my stepfather's violent bipolar disorder (they finally split when I was 12).  A few of my mother's siblings also partake, as do some of their now grown children.  Some went on to harder drugs, some are fine.  A few acquaintances of DH's use - not social acquaintances.


I tried it a couple of times in my mid-teens but wasn't hugely impressed.  That was many many years ago, I don't touch the stuff now.  Neither do any of our social circle, to my knowledge.


Generally, I don't like the stuff, I think it messes with peoples brains and you won't know until it's too late if it triggers your brain in the wrong way.

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i hung out with a lot of pot smokers in my 20s, and by THEIR standards, i was a non-smoker because i passed the pipe more often than I took a hit.  Since becoming a parent 20 years ago . .. maybe once every 3 years?  Since marrying my second (more conservative) husband 10 years ago, none.  

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It's probably more common than you realize, but I wouldn't worry about it too much. The concerns we had here (California) had to do with potential corporatization and the pollution and environmental effects of indoor grows. I'm not comfortable being as open about my personal experiences as most of my neighbours are, but lots of upstanding, respectable, otherwise law abiding citizens like your father partake occaisionally and don't have any problems with it. There is kind of a fine line between recreational and medicinal use since it can be helpful with mental health issues and doesn't have as many side effects as pharmeceuticals. I do know of one person who has a prescription for cannabis who abuses it in the same way he abuses all the rest of his prescription meds, but he probably would abuse food, credit cards, gambling, etc. if he didn't have meds to abuse.


Your dad is still your dad and there really isn't any reason to bring it up with your sister; I think it's just a "different strokes for different folks" issue at this point.

I just wanted to clarify that I am not worried about it. I was surprised about my dad, but not super-alarmed. I know he's still my dad (???), and I'm not planning to bring it up with my sister. I was just curious as to whether this is more common than I had previously thought. 

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I voted "I don't partake, but have family members or friends that do."  


I've never tried pot or any other drugs.  Just never had a desire to, although it was offered to me frequently when I was in my 20's. When I was 20, I moved in with a friend who had a large house.  Her boyfriend was (unbeknownst to me) growing pot in the basement.  I never had a reason to go down to the basement, so I had no idea. One day, I came home from work and there were a bunch of police cars all around the house.  While I have no problem with people smoking pot, I didn't want to be seen as an accomplice in a growing operation. I moved out a few days later. 


None of my friends/family actively partake now (as far as I know), but plenty of them did when they were younger.  Pot is legal in CO now.  To me, it's the same as smoking cigarettes.  Both have health risks (many of the people I know who used to smoke pot have serious memory issues now, which they attribute to pot). 


Interestingly, while I hate cigarettes (I smoked one cigarette around age 14 - never again), I love cigars.  Cigar smoke doesn't bother me for some reason.  Once a year, I like to go to my favorite martini/cigar bar here in town and smoke a cigar.  I figure once a year isn't going to hurt me, and I enjoy every minute of it.    :)  (we need a cigar smoking smiley)

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There haven't been any studies that show much for damage on the lungs, but studies on brain affects have shown that exposure to cannabinoids during adolescent development can cause long-lasting changes in the brainĂ¢â‚¬â„¢s reward system as well as the hippocampus which is critical for learning and memory. I know it's been amazing for cancer patients, but I think it needs to be limited to a prescription type of a drug to keep it out of the hands of kids who would overuse.

there have also been studies that show kids who start using because they're depressed - it doesn't help the depression - just makes them not care.

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I tried it once in high school and it burned my throat and made me cough and I never tried it again. Gross.


I don't know that I have a problem with recreational usage, theoretically. I really don't see how it's any worse that smoking cigarettes or drinking in terms of impacting one's health and/or impairing one's judgment, etc. That said, I have extended family members that have smoked and do smoke a LOT and they are all bums. I realize that I may be way off base, but my perception from having grown up around it is that smoking weed is for losers.

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I'm part of two pretty active NORML groups. I don't smoke or partake in anyway right now, because I'm nursing.


To the 51% of voters who say they don't know people who do- I say that's probably wrong...at least half. From working on the marijuana legislation in two states now, I've seen just how many closet users there are. Once my state passed the bill, many many people came out.

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Thanks for the article.  Interesting.  I think unless I have a medical need severe enough to need pot to block out the pain, I'll pass.  I have enough problems with food as my vice.  I don't need to add any more to the mix!


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Dh nor I do, but I know many people, (several of who are highly educated medical people), who use it 5+ times per year. Some smoke it, but most of the people I know either eat it in brownies or nebulize it.

I know a couple of people who use it legally for prescribed medical reasons.

I know at least one who uses it for mental health reasons, but uses it illegally.



I am hearing people talk more openly about it now, especially those in the medical field.  Before it was a hush, hush...don't ask, don't tell situation.  

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There haven't been any studies that show much for damage on the lungs, but studies on brain affects have shown that exposure to cannabinoids during adolescent development can cause long-lasting changes in the brainĂ¢â‚¬â„¢s reward system as well as the hippocampus which is critical for learning and memory. I know it's been amazing for cancer patients, but I think it needs to be limited to a prescription type of a drug to keep it out of the hands of kids who would overuse.


I can totally believe it affects your brain. 


I wonder how many who would never consider using pot for recreational use would use it for pain relief?

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One of the biggest surprises to me when I was single and out in the world more :001_rolleyes:  was how many people smoke pot.  Many people you wouldn't think would - older, professional, educated, holding down challenging jobs, very intelligent people.    I think more people smoke than most of us would think.  Most of them don't smoke huge amounts - it's just what they do to relax instead of drinking. 


I smoked a little in college and a little in the years between but not at all in the past 8 years.  I know people who smoke and you can't even tell, they are just relaxed.   That's not me - I'm completely spaced out and I don't like how disconnected I feel.

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Used it regularly in high schoolnand college. Abusively so. Stopped using it and other street drugs in 1988. Gave up alcohol in 1991.


As a drug of recration, I think it is the least risky, and should be legal. Use should not be criminalized.


I think recreational use exists, and most people who use fall into this category.


That said, I think the high life culture is dangerous and ignorant. Addiction does occur, it can and does create an antimotivation in certain individuals. "Loser stoner" became a stereotype for a reason. It is not deadly or lethal, bit it does have withdrawal symptoms in addicted/dependent users (irritability, sleep, headache, appetite issues).


I still support it over alcohol, but I have seen lives changed and trajectories altered due to continued use by people predisposed to a substance problem.

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I smoked a little in high school, a little in college (less than high school) and have smoked off and on since.  More off than on.  I'll go years without touching it, and then smoke once or twice in a year, and then nothing again.


I'm very high strung, and it used to be pretty much the only thing that took away my anxiety and calmed me.  It doesn't really have that type of  effect on me anymore, so I'm not particularly interested.  The last couple of times I did it it left me with a headache, so I can't really see any reason to smoke it again but can't guarantee I won't if the mood strikes me.  I've never done any other type of drug (besides alcohol). 


I know many people who smoke, some of them every day.  For some, it seems to have negatively impacted their short-term memory.  For others, you honestly would never, ever know.  These are mostly highly educated professionals, many of whom smoke before they ever leave the house in the morning.  It's just their way of life.  


I believe that it should be legalized for a variety of reasons.  Too much law enforcement effort and money is wasted prosecuting marijuana users when by all accounts it is less dangerous than alcohol or tobacco.  Hardly anyone would debate many of the medical benefits that have been widely proven.  I just hate all of the politics associated with it.  I also think that states could benefit from tax revenue if it were legalized and taxed.  My primary concern is for kids, as several studies have shown negative impact on the brain when smoked while the brain is still developing.  

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I'm part of two pretty active NORML groups. I don't smoke or partake in anyway right now, because I'm nursing.


To the 51% of voters who say they don't know people who do- I say that's probably wrong...at least half. From working on the marijuana legislation in two states now, I've seen just how many closet users there are. Once my state passed the bill, many many people came out.


This probably largely depends upon where you live and your work/social circle. If your circle mainly includes people who are regularly drug tested, then you are less likely to know people who indulge and/or more likely to vote that way in the poll.

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I wasn't sure how to vote so voted other. I have never ever used any , I have a close relative that use to before I met him. I also have in-laws that are drug dealers, heavy uses and have even got their kids using it. I am strongly against its use. I have seen many people have long term damage as a result of using it. I have seen it destroy lives. I personally know people who have developed schizophrenia, I personally know people with severe paranoia, I know people with mild paranoia, and people who have great difficulty making decisions. I personally know people who have had their whole life destroyed through use of this drug, and people who because under the influence did poor decision making while driving causing everyone in the car to be killed. I could go on and on. look up a list of all the possible long term side effects and I could name a person with at least one. The area I live in is heavy bushed and so a growing area. my sons tell me that every day they go out in the bush (for deer spotting) they come across someone's crop. Regularly the police fly helicopters over looking for crops. I would say that most of the local town are uses

There are reasons that drugs like this are against the law. The use of it impacts not only on the individuals and families but the whole of society.


drug use is my hill to die on, I am very passionate about this issue.

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I believe that it should be legalized for a variety of reasons.  Too much law enforcement effort and money is wasted prosecuting marijuana users when by all accounts it is less dangerous than alcohol or tobacco.  Hardly anyone would debate many of the medical benefits that have been widely proven.  I just hate all of the politics associated with it.  I also think that states could benefit from tax revenue if it were legalized and taxed.  My primary concern is for kids, as several studies have shown negative impact on the brain when smoked while the brain is still developing.  

why do you say it is less dangerous than tobacco? MJ has 4 times the carcinogens of Tobacco and is held in the lungs longer.

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With all of the legalization talk, I'm feeling a bit like I'm living in a hole. I'm a Christian and none of my friends smoke pot (almost all drink alcohol however). But more and more, people are off-handedly mentioning enjoying it (like, most recently, a dad at Little League). 



The legalization of pot is posing some interesting issues. 


My state (CO) legalized recreational marijuana in 2012 along with WA (medical marijuana has been legal here since 2000).  I haven't followed what's been happening in WA since pot was legalized, but in CO, we're still trying to figure out the ramifications of managing something that is legal within the state but illegal according to federal law. 


I've never used pot myself, but I really don't see how it's any different from alcohol or tobacco. The libertarian in me says legalization will be good for the tax base and good for declogging our courts.  We have an experiment of sorts going on here in CO with respect to that, so it will be interesting to see how this plays out. 

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Some of my friends occasionally partake, but not around kids so I don't often see it. I don't enjoy pot, but I'd probably indulge once in a while if I did. 

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why do you say it is less dangerous than tobacco? MJ has 4 times the carcinogens of Tobacco and is held in the lungs longer.


Much of what I've read says differently. Well, to be clear, it does contain carcinogens but also cannabinoids, which have been shown to have anti-cancer properties.   Although I certainly don't claim to be an expert by any stretch of the imagination, it is a topic that interests me so I've read quite a bit about it.  Below are links to a few articles, in case you're interested.


Marijuana Shown to Be Less Damaging to Lungs Than Tobacco (20 year study)


   " A large-scale national study suggests low to moderate use of marijuana is less harmful to usersĂ¢â‚¬â„¢ lungs than exposure to tobacco"



Cannabis and Tobacco Smoke Are Not Equally Carcinogenic


     "Available scientific data, that examines the carcinogenic properties of inhaling smoke and its biological consequences, suggests reasons why tobacco smoke, but not cannabis smoke, may result in lung cancer."


Marijuana Has Less Impact on Health Than Tobacco


   "Two large studies reported no increase in death associated with the use of cannabis. Even diseases that might be related to long term cannabis use are unlikely to have a sizeable public health..."

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I don't knowingly know people who use mj.  I live in a very conservative state and most people I know work at places with drug tests (military, military contractors, NASA, etc).    There is no movement here to legalize that is any significant size at all. 


I am a chronic pain patient and am not interested in marijuana.  I find plain old opiods, which are legally obtained with prescriptions, to help me enough most of the time.  Add in a muscle relaxant, another medication and I am normally good for almost any pain.  I don't like smoking in any form and as an asthmatic, I am not interested in getting more people smoking anything.

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And yet research has failed, for decades, to associate marijuana use with cancer.

Joanne- that for me, is the most exciting thing about the legalization of cannabis. Research can finally begin on a larger scale to determine what the benefits/risks are.

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