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It's over, and I am free


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I saw my last patients in the old space yesterday. I took out most of my belongings, and will get the rest this weekend (ex-business partner has gone away for the weekend). I got my money (although I haven't checked to see if it has cleared yet). I let him think he "won"-small price to pay, and some people need to feel that they have "beaten" you to feel worthwhile. But i am not worried- my new clinic will be wonderful. I maintained my professionalism, didn't lose my cool even in the face of personal insults, and taught my kids a valuable lesson in integrity.


I have already gotten calls from patients who support me and wish me the best, including a few who (surprisingly to me!) said "girl, it's about time you left him!"


I am setting up my new space this weekend, and I feel as though a huge weight is off me. Thank you ALL for your words of support, your kindness, and your patience as i went through this trial. You can't know how much you've helped me.

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Well done!


So he didn't get to keep your money already in the bank. He isn't getting any of your future income. He didn't poison your clients against you. You have a new space your clients are pleased with. And you maintained your manners and professionalism in the face of his boorish behavior. What, exactly, does he think he won?

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Well done!


So he didn't get to keep your money already in the bank. He isn't getting any of your future income. He didn't poison your clients against you. You have a new space your clients are pleased with. And you maintained your manners and professionalism in the face of his boorish behavior. What, exactly, does he think he won?



I let him think he "gave" me less money than what I really wanted (from the joint account). To be honest, my (accurate) accounting showed he owed me very slightly less than what he INSISTED he was going to give me. In his words, "I won't change this amount under any circumstances."


I decided not to argue with him. :D

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I let him think he "gave" me less money than what I really wanted (from the joint account). To be honest, my (accurate) accounting showed he owed me very slightly less than what he INSISTED he was going to give me. In his words, "I won't change this amount under any circumstances."


I decided not to argue with him. :D


You could return it to him in a week, with the very nicest note, just for fun.

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What a relief! Now you can focus on moving forward.


If anyone asks you about him, I would just smile and say, "My mother always told me if I didn't have anything nice to say about someone, not to say anything at all. So, how do you like this weather we've been having?" That lets them know that you don't have anything nice to say without you having to say anything about him at all.


Make sure that absolutely all of your client info has been removed from his office, computer, etc. I could imagine a loser like that trying to contact them and steal them from you. You might also make nice with the person who answers the phone, encouraging them to be sure to refer anyone who asks for you or who has historically been your patient over to your new number.


In my area, it is common to see announcement style ads in the local paper. Usually a photo of the health practitioner and text proclaiming that XYZ Wellness is proud to announce that Dr. Jane Smith is now practicing acupuncture here in our offices! Call for an appointment or more information."

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