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what are you doing to get ready for back to school?

Michelle My Bell

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I saw on another board that one mom spends the first week of back to school training her kids in new chores and refreshing her kids on their routines. She said it makes her whole year go more smoothly. Sounds like a neat idea. 


I have a list for each room in my house that includes deep cleaning (dust in drawers, massive clutter build up, reorganize), fixing things (broken handles on drawers, noisy hinges, recaulking the tub) and even some decorating( painting walls, seeing curtains, moving furniture around). I generally don't have the time or energy to tackle these things during the school year.  I would also like to make menu and grocery shopping plans, and organize the kids school supplies. 


Finally, I would like to start my 14th year of home education with some sort of fun day or tradition so please share if you do anything like that. After all, I still have 12 years left to make some new traditions.

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Well, pre- fun school starts today. We are going back to school shopping. New jeans, polos for our co-op and maybe a couple new, fun Tshirts. Then it's off for school supplies. We "trickle in" our subjects so day one isn't 8 subjects off the bat. So we may do 3 subjects on day one 4 on day two, etc.


We do school in my youngest's room, so we need to clean it out. Oldest's room is his place to do school and we're painting it and getting it prettied up - since he goes off to college next year - sniff!


I really like the training week. My youngest could use a hand getting his school attitude adjusted! He just wants to play bball all day!

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Nothing. Absolutely nothing. Every time I start to think about planning high school I start to panic. I'm not going to have much choice come the week after next.


I was thinking it is good family is coming. I'll get the cleaning done now and won't have to worry about it again until Christmas break.


I have menus on my blog for the school year. Eventually I'll put one up for July and August. But we wing it more then. (Oh, I need to get September - December put on the blog. They are in the PC and I'll do it tonight)

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We had a very bad year and summer due to sickness.  I'm spending some time now regrouping and figuring out what we need to go back to, what we need to junk, and what new things we need.  My kids are 18 months apart so we do a lot of things together.   The younger is "officially" starting hs this year. 


My kids had a year of a very typical, traditional writing class (5-paragraphy essay, research report with note cards) and for this year we are looking forward to The One-Year Adventure Novel.  I want to read some of the materials for that ahead of time. 


We do history in a semi-WTM way and didn't quite finish up the medieval period before I had to stop for an earlier-than-intended summer break.  I use a text book and syllabus from Oak Meadow (World History) but we also use a lot of other reading.  Looking forward to History of the Renaissance World though I thought it was coming out this month, not late September!  Oh well. 


I need to clean the house and find bookcase space for everything.  Get back into menu planning.  Find the Tchaikovsky cd with Francesca da Rimini to play while reading Inferno.  Find the David Tennant Hamlet dvd.   Look at the cost for getting BBC America so we are not behind everyone else with Dr Who.


Seriously, I feel like I just lost all control last year, of my home, my kids, our homeschool.  I have to figure out how to get it back, and work around weekly psychologist appointments, weekly allergy shot appointments, and other medical appointments that we seem to have so many of!  Not to mention the attitudes that come from so many appointments and being out of the house so much.  I don't mean bad rebellious attitudes.  Well, maybe from me.   We're just all tired.

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Not doing anything here either. I'm not ready for school to start. But ds2 starts at school Mon so we'll be starting at home as well. Since it has rained nearly every day here this summer it still feels a bit like spring, like summer hasn't really started yet. And now it's already back to school time. The local public schools started yesterday!

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Well now that school curric/space is organized, lesson plans are done for the first 10 weeks.  WHat I have left to do is stock up on needed supplies.  I am cleaning the whole house very well and will have new plans in place to keep it that way.  I tend to get overwhelmed with how much there is to do each day and really want to not only have a clean house at the end of the day but to also have tehe day end before 2am.  In addition to school starting on the 12th on the 1st of september I am officially open for business as a home daycare so I am also getting a menu developed so that meals can be made with less brain power.

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I need to ORDER several things.


I plan to start Aug. 12th, but we will most likely ease in and do only about 4 subjects that week. Part of that is because the coop doesn't start until late Aug.


I am teaching Writing at the coop so I need to get my stuff together!

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Thanks a lot for making me panic! j/k We had a summer with a few big events, like a child's wedding, and our routines have totally fallen apart. In the midst of all the wedding prep, our washing machine broke and I have a HUGE pile of laundry. My back to school planning includes catching up on laundry, organizing the school room, giving the rest of the house a good cleaning, finishing my planning, making morning and evening routine/chore lists for the kids, getting a few school supplies, and making menu plans.

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I'm reworking chores, and cleaning my desk really well.


I am reevaluating how I want the house to operate and the responisibilities that I want everyone to undertake. I've decided that most of the housecleaning will no longer be my responsibility.


Mostly, however, I am avoiding my lesson plans. :)



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Right now: pretty much ignore the fact that school will start soon.


Step 1: Panic, think to self, oh, it's August, I need to clarify what to use in what subjects, start narrowing down my list of what to order, ....."


Step 2: Abruptly end that line of thinking and go sit on back patio with a novel.


Sadly, eventually at some point in the next couple weeks panic will take over and I will not be able to get to Step 2.

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lol I have enjoyed reading everyone ones answers so far. Don't feel bad those of you who said they had a lot of laundry to do. I have Mnt. Saint Helen's and my washing machine works fine. lol


Last year we joined a co-op and it turned out to be the most intense year of school ever. It was 35 minutes away and a required a ton of work from my kids and me. The end of the school year only got even more intense with a full blown Mock Trial, 2 Proms, A Senior Play (which I helped direct), a graduation ceremony and subsequent graduation party. Needless to say I got very little done around my home last year. We were all too busy. Then, when all this finally ended at the end of June, we were all too tired. So we are just now getting the house and laundry into shape.


I am getting excited for back to school. My 3rd daughter is hitting middle school age so I'm making her a new school area that is quieter. I am going to redo a desk, make a pretty bulletin board and som sort of pretty, but practical book storage in our dining room.


I'm actually a bit nervous that this upcoming year might get crazy even though we are not doing the co-op this year. My oldest and myself are both starting college. Just two classes for myself to start but more in January. I'm also looking into signing the kids up for YMCA classes for swimming or gymnastics. We will probably be joining American Heritage girls 2x a month and our local zoo club 1x a month. Then throw in various field trips and stuff.

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Reading online and drinking coffee.


In between threads I'm trying to get lesson planning done on HST. It's taking some time and has quite a learning curve, but I'm hoping it will pay off in the end. I'm thinking about adding in their daily chores on the assignment sheet. We'll see how that goes. My high school dd goes to school part time, and I need to make sure she's getting my requirements completed in a timely manner this year. Last year we just talked while driving back and forth. This year I'm thinking of a more formal meeting (with coffee) to go over her assignments and planner. She's is responsible, but I notice my work getting pushed to the back occasionally. I've cleared out books that we won't be using and stored them away. I still need to go through school supplies and take an inventory. My very small school room is a cluttered mess right now, and I would like to not feel so claustrophobic when I'm in here. My girls usually do school in the living room or kitchen so it's more of a library/supply/computer room.


We don't do much on the first day. I usually make cinnamon rolls or doughnuts and let the younger go over their new books and discuss expectations. Pretty low key.


I need to get in gear if I'm going to be ready in time, though. So off to work.

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Well now that school curric/space is organized, lesson plans are done for the first 10 weeks.  WHat I have left to do is stock up on needed supplies.  I am cleaning the whole house very well and will have new plans in place to keep it that way.  I tend to get overwhelmed with how much there is to do each day and really want to not only have a clean house at the end of the day but to also have tehe day end before 2am.  In addition to school starting on the 12th on the 1st of september I am officially open for business as a home daycare so I am also getting a menu developed so that meals can be made with less brain power.

:cheers2: you've been (are) busy. Hope you put your feet up for at least 10 minutes before the school year starts back! I attempted to keep my nephew while homeschooling the first year. It was quite difficult but he was a projectile vomiting newborn that loved to target brand new books :/ I must say I love him, but am SO happy I didn't continue to keep him ha ha!

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Anyone making back to school baskets or goodie bags? Or just having a fun week? We start officially Monday but I have Co-op orientation that day, the kids will be spending the evening with my Aunt so I can attend kid free (she lives an hour away) and then they won't be home Tuesday.... I suppose I could start on Wednesday instead... but I am just considering a "fun week" maybe a little math, a little reading and then games daily for the first week?

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Right now I'm canning, stockpiling read-alouds, and vetting curricula. I'd like to get the house cleaned and organized and take ds on a few more summer adventures before we dig in for real.

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It's still SUMMER! My kids are totally in summer mode. I do a little planning here and there. Our "prepping for the school year" routine right now is just living life. Summer is all too short in Oregon and the rainy season is long, so no reason to rush things! So we're picking berries, going to the fair, going camping, playing solitaire, going to soccer tournaments, etc.


We'll start a few subjects August 19 (the 36-week subjects that we have to start in order to be finished in May) and will slowly ramp up to a full schedule. Won't be up and running with everything until Monday Sept. 9 when my disabled dd is back in school.

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I am trying not to think about it.


We have done light math,Latin over the summer plus lots of reading.


We have travel end of August/beginning of sept plus a new online class plus "school" one day a week. If I think about it I will start to panic. Same thing happens every start of school year and it always works out fine.

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Our public schools start next Wednesday. This is only our third year homeschooling, but the past two years we did a fun outing/field trip on the first day of "not back to school." We have a new membership to a living history museum so I think that we'll do that on the first day of public school this year. Otherwise I plan to spend next week organizing our dining room/school room, making copies of everything we'll need for the first few weeks, and getting ready to start back up the following Monday.

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It's still SUMMER! My kids are totally in summer mode. I do a little planning here and there. Our "prepping for the school year" routine right now is just living life. Summer is all too short in Oregon and the rainy season is long, so no reason to rush things! So we're picking berries, going to the fair, going camping, playing solitaire, going to soccer tournaments, etc.

I with you on this. The last two summers in Oregon never actually came it seemed, so we are enjoying this one to the max. I just started working on getting school things ready last Saturday. We won't be actually starting school back up until August 26th. The only reason we are starting that week is because my dh has the second week of September off and we are going camping at the coast. ;)

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We don't start school here until September 3 this year.  I'm doing some serious deep cleaning, rearranging furniture and purging things I no longer need.  I'm getting my Nana care packages done early as well.  I send a box each month with goodies for the grand-babies and I'm working on August, September and October right now.   I'm also cleaning out my classroom of things we no longer use or need.  I'm blessing as many people as I can with these items.  I'm working on fall and winter menus, cleaning out the pantry and taking stock of what we need to purchase.  I've been working on our closets and getting rid of ill fitting clothing and worn out items and getting some new stuff on a budget.  I'm planning for Christmas and thinking of renting a beach house for 2 weeks so we can all be together...still working on this one and trying to decide if this would work with everyone's busy schedules.   


I need to order our school curriculum on the 15th...I've finally decided what we will be doing, and I'm making no more changes.  

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We start back to school on Mon. so I have been working like a crazy woman to get things in order.  Our school room had to be renovated last year (due to black mold.)  It is still not finished and the carpenter is MIA but I am so tired of living in that mess so I put everything back in the room and cleaned things up as best as I could.  We will have a week off in Sept. so I am intending to paint the room then. 


I have been doing lesson plans and organizing file folders for the first six weeks.  I have been pre-reading books.  I am hoping to plan menus for this first week. 


We have a creek that runs through our land.  Our trailer has been down there for the summer.  The kids and I are going to have our first day of school down at the creek.  We will sit by the creek, read Gilgamesh and eat cinnamon buns.  I am looking forward to this.

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I'm revamping the school room! We don't start til September (Canada) so I've got some time still. I painted the legs of my table a retro blue color, as well as the legs of my piano and piano bench, found new chairs for the school table at $4 a piece at goodwill, and a new small bookshelf I think I'll put buckets on each shelf for supplies. I'm putting up a huge whiteboard my dad gifted me when his office moved, and trying to find a small desk for a computer in the schoolroom. Tomorrow I'm adding rain gutter bookshelves to my little boy's room and the schoolroom.


I've got 90% of my curriculum bought and organized in the schoolroom, this month I need to finish up the last 10%, buy a few supplies, and finish planning out the years' schedule.


Kids have swimming lessons every day for the last 2 weeks of summer, they start at 9 am which will get us prepared to be "up and at 'em" for September. Our first week of back to school we ease in with lots of fun activities, read alouds at the park, nature hikes, hs at a cafe, etc. The first day when all the public schoolers go back to school I surprise the kids with dessert for breakfast and take them somewhere fun like the movies or bowling. Later in the week I do their "back to school portraits" in the forest on our property. :) I've got 6th grader, 4th grader and K this year! Looking forward to it!

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It's still SUMMER! My kids are totally in summer mode. I do a little planning here and there. Our "prepping for the school year" routine right now is just living life. Summer is all too short in Oregon and the rainy season is long, so no reason to rush things! So we're picking berries, going to the fair, going camping, playing solitaire, going to soccer tournaments, etc.


Yep, summer is way too short!  School is going to have to wait while we enjoy the summer weather.  :hurray:

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Monday we are going through our new schedule, check out our new books, go over what our plan and goals are  for the year, taking some placement tests in Math.    I  also plan to surprise the kids with a visit to the water park after lunch.

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I think I'm nearly done with everything I need to do to get ready for back to school.  I have:


  • purchased the supplies we'll need for the year
  • written the syllabi for each class
  • cleaned off the desk where we'll be working and organized the file folders
  • created the year's binder where forms, syllabi, and anything else I may need in the way of "official" information will be stored.
  • set up the new binders
  • cleaned out and organized the curriculum shelves with only what we will need for this year
  • labeled each magazine holder with its appropriate subject name
  • ordered the first Netflix movie we will need for the first week
  • downloaded Mnemosyne and input all of the memory cards for the beginning lesson in Physical Science, Vocab., and Spanish.
  • merged the syllabi for Week 1 into a Blended Syllabus.  I'm going to do this weekly or only every few weeks just in case we get behind or ahead in anything.
  • put together the initial portfolio review meeting information needed for our diploma program meeting
  • sent the drama script off to the printer to be comb bound (so much easier than a binder)


Things I still need to do:


  • Watch the IEW SWI DVDs.
  • Watch the Teaching the Research Paper DVD
  • Wait patiently for the biology, photography, and Spanish syllabi from co-op. (Waiting patiently is NOT my area of strength.  And also, it drives me BATTY that they wait until mid-August to send the syllabi for classes that start the first week of Sept.)
  • Re-type and print Analytical Grammar exercises that I want DS to re-do. 
  • Trying to remember that there's no need to rush.

We'll be starting back on Monday and taking things relatively slow for most of the month of August. 

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I have everything purchased and organized, and we have started easing into lessons. This week we did 3 subjects each day and next week we will add a little more. The following week is our "official" start date when I start following my master schedule. I still have to re-watch some instructional DVDs but I think I have everything else ready to go!


I have made a big to-do list for non-school things and am trying to get all that done so I can just focus on getting through the first week or two of school. I know the first couple of weeks are the hardest, and once everyone gets into a routine things will be much easier.

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Buying wine at the August sales. Seriously. DH even encouraged it.


Oh, and doing real lesson planning for history and science for the first time ever. We've always just done what we can when we fit in in, which meant Ancients took forever and we skipped to Early Modern from there and we bounced all over in science, having a lot of fun. Now that DS13 is in 7th, I am forcing a schedule and creating tests, because he will likely go to high school and I don't want him floundering.

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This year has been different than most. We are doing a whole room change before school. We are moving the older two boys into a room together. We are moving the baby out of the nursery into the room vacated by one of the older brothers because he is about to fall out of the crib (he is part monkey) and we are moving my "office" and sewing room to the nursery. I will also clean up the schoolroom, finish making any workbooks, and hang up our handwriting letters around the top of the wall. We had some last year from the dollar store, but they didnt match our handwriting curriculum and are confusing to the kids.


The other thing I do is hand out 2 new sharpened pencils, a new block eraser, and a new box of crayons to each kid as a "welcome back". I also pass out a new schedule to DD and hang one on the wall for the DSs.

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