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S/o words you wish would disappear


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How about "yourguy's" as in "Can I borrow yourguy's phone?" (pronounced your-guy-zez)


I thought it was funny in Napoleon Dynamite because it was satire. But in real life, I can't stand it. The correct word is easier anyway. "Can I borrow your phone?"

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I would agree with those who have said belly, fart, pop, panties, and pregs/preggo/preggers.  :ack2:


One of my biggest peeves is the use of the word BANG! after everything.  As in, "I just had hummus for lunch and it was awesome.  BANG!"  It makes me want to scratch  my eyes out.


And also, baby-bump. 

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Convicted and convinced are different words.


I hate preggo and preggers. Also "we're pregnant ". No. She's pregnant, he's along for the ride. We're expecting.


Verbing ticks me off. We do not need to fellowship. We need fellowship and we need to have fellowship. Do not invite me to fellowship with you. It's stupid.

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Verbing ticks me off. We do not need to fellowship. We need fellowship and we need to have fellowship. Do not invite me to fellowship with you. It's stupid.


I lack adequate words to express how much I love this. Not just because I agree with the sentiment (though I do, wholeheartedly). It just makes me laugh. "Do not invite me to fellowship with you. It's stupid." Snerk.


I quite like most portmanteaux (except ginormous, for which I have an irrational hatred). I must be among the few people, at least those who don't write captions for celebrity magazines, who enjoy the silly celebrity couple name combinations. I'll admit it: I think the name TomKat was cute.

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Another is "convicted" when one is not referring to a felon. Yes, I know it is being used correctly, but "convinced" is getting lonely from lack of use.




How did I forget convicted?  That's one I mostly see here, though.


Another one: irregardless.  It's regardless, people.  Irregardless makes no sense.  My MIL says this and it makes me cringe inside each time.

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Speaking of fellowship, a very well meaning assistant pastor of our church (who was in seminary at the time) wanted to start monthly Sunday after church potluck meals, and called it



Total Body Fellowship (!!!) Is there a class in seminary that one is supposed to take to teach you how to make up clever names for things?!?


Nobody said anything about it for a long time. About the third month that she announced during the announcements from the pulpit that after church she hoped everyone would stay and enjoy the "Total Body Fellowship" with our congregational family, someone did speak up and ask if we had to keep calling it that, it was just creeping her out. There was much snickering going on for a while about that one.


As in "Hey, can the kids stay with you this afternoon? Dh and I are going to enjoy some Total body fellowship"

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In addition to all previously posted words that I hate I would like to add:


Man Cave.


(It seems that there's a lot of things out there that bother me.  I guess I need to Chillax.  *shudder*)

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Speaking of fellowship, a very well meaning assistant pastor of our church (who was in seminary at the time) wanted to start monthly Sunday after church potluck meals, and called it



Total Body Fellowship (!!!) Is there a class in seminary that one is supposed to take to teach you how to make up clever names for things?!?


Nobody said anything about it for a long time. About the third month that she announced during the announcements from the pulpit that after church she hoped everyone would stay and enjoy the "Total Body Fellowship" with our congregational family, someone did speak up and ask if we had to keep calling it that, it was just creeping her out. There was much snickering going on for a while about that one.


As in "Hey, can the kids stay with you this afternoon? Dh and I are going to enjoy some Total body fellowship"


:blink:  :ack2:


Uggh.  I loathe every Christianese word, phrase, and platitude.  Seriously.  They're all. so. freaking. annoying.  I wish they would all disappear.   


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Total Body Fellowship?!!!! Whoever announced that without sounding it out belongs in the same club as that SFO anchorwoman from last week's plane crash update!


Just wanted to add that I am really tired of all the new adjectives ending in -licious. Yuck.

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You know what else I hate? The name of our sporting goods store in town. Dick's Sporting Goods. I can't even say it with a straight face. I can just imagine the owner snickering when he named the place. And if his name is Richard, then I vote that it should be Richard's Sporting Goods lol.

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In addition to all previously posted words that I hate I would like to add:


Man Cave.


(It seems that there's a lot of things out there that bother me. I guess I need to Chillax. *shudder*)

Yes!! It implies men are little boys who need a clubhouse away from mommy.

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Now, I know I'll get some flack.  Not a word exactly, but 'meh' is starting to annoy me--and sometimes when I see it posted I think it is meant to annoy.


I like "meh," but I do agree that it can be used in a combative manner. Kind of like "um" at the beginning of a sentence; that so often serves as a snitty signifier. "That's because his pony is lavender" has a very different tone from, "Um, that's because his pony is lavender." 

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Another is "convicted" when one is not referring to a felon. Yes, I know it is being used correctly, but "convinced" is getting lonely from lack of use.




Convicted and convinced are not  the same. :lol: I hear some people say they felt "convicted" to do something and that grates on me.


con·vict  (kschwa.gifn-vibreve.gifktprime.gif)

v. con·vict·edcon·vict·ingcon·victs
1. Law To find or prove (someone) guilty of an offense or crime, especially by the verdict of a court: The jury convicted the defendant of manslaughter.
2. To show or declare to be blameworthy; condemn: His remarks convicted him of a lack of sensitivity.
3. To make aware of one's sinfulness or guilt.


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You know what else I hate? The name of our sporting goods store in town. Dick's Sporting Goods. I can't even say it with a straight face. I can just imagine the owner snickering when he named the place. And if his name is Richard, then I vote that it should be Richard's Sporting Goods lol.

I'm ok with that, but not with BJ's.

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I hate words that are used in place of a curse word.

I am not a fan of cursing (although I sometimes do) but replacing a word, with a different word-- that you want to mean that same word is just silly.


ex: frigg'n, fricking, darn,


Also perfectly good words that cannot be used because they are "bad"--- if you act like a surly, snappy female dog --- then you are acting like a b@tch.


And there should be perfectly good words we can use when we smash our thumb with a hammer... ouch isn't quite good enough.

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My friend is getting married next month. He is so excited and I am really happy for him, but he keeps posting pictures online of his fiancé and calls her "the wifey." As in, "here I am with the wifey at Disneyland."


Hubby and kiddo...and both are widely used by people I know IRL and the web.  :willy_nilly:


But I say "veggies", so maybe it's karma. ;)

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Oi!  Add that one to the list, too. :D


My friend is getting married next month. He is so excited and I am really happy for him, but he keeps posting pictures online of his fiancé and calls her "the wifey." As in, "here I am with the wifey at Disneyland."


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If we didn't have the word veggie anymore the veggie tales would cease to exist and we can't have that

Now as for words I would like to see go poof: beyond the obvious bigotted words, I think I would like to see booger vanish for ever, in fact they can take the word snot too.  Even better take the actual slimy crap with them too, because if I have to listen to ds snort one more time I am going to turn his nose inside out.

As for pop for soda, that one stays, because if you call it soda here, someone will look at you like you are either crazy or american, or both lol  It is called pop for goodness sakes lol

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I too think it is meant to annoy...it always comes across as dismissive.

I post it sometimes, in a way it is dismissive.  I use it in place of saying "shrug", when I say it irl I shrug my shoulders while saying it, so when I write it online it is with that in mind.  So if someone says "does this bother anyone else" I might post "meh, I could go either way, but I can see how it would bother you. " So it is dismissive in the way a shoulder shrug can be, but not in the same way as saying "only idiots let that bother them" kwim

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You know what else I hate? The name of our sporting goods store in town. Dick's Sporting Goods. I can't even say it with a straight face. I can just imagine the owner snickering when he named the place. And if his name is Richard, then I vote that it should be Richard's Sporting Goods lol.

I think I have posted this one before, but dh has a deceased great uncle whose name was Richard. He went by the shortened version Dick. His last name was Head. No, I am not making this up.



I can't stand it when people switch consonants for words trying to be funny. We have relatives that do this all. the. time.


Ex: Bappy Hirthday!


I can not stand it!

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I think I have posted this one before, but dh has a deceased great uncle whose name was Richard. He went by the shortened version Dick. His last name was Head. No, I am not making this up.



I can't stand it when people switch consonants for words trying to be funny. We have relatives that do this all. the. time.


Ex: Bappy Hirthday!


I can not stand it!


Oh, that reminds me.  I loathe when people substitute sh for s in a word.  Loathe it. It makes my skin crawl.

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I think I have posted this one before, but dh has a deceased great uncle whose name was Richard. He went by the shortened version Dick. His last name was Head. No, I am not making this up.



I can't stand it when people switch consonants for words trying to be funny. We have relatives that do this all. the. time.


Ex: Bappy Hirthday!


I can not stand it!


Oh no!  I was just going to post that my father, years ago, knew someone with that name.  Hmmm.  Two people with the same unfortunate name or a small world!

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This is a great topic! My peeve is the word "literally" used incorrectly. Can't stand preggers, baby bump, and now hashtag.

Dick's Sporting Goods makes my boys giggle. BJs? That never even crossed my mind before. I currently live at Fort Dix and people frequently ask me how it is spelled as the snicker.

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Years ago we had a thread like this. One poster took it upon herself to write a paragraph using all the words. It was a mix of appalling and hysterical rolled into one.


I hearby challenge a board member to attempt this feat. I can award am honorary writing prize for best effort.

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If I ruled the linguistic world, I would impose fines for saying (or writing) "veggies" in place of "vegetables." I don't know why I hate it soo much, but I just hate reading about 'fruits and veggies.' Is it really so burdensome to write the whole word?

Yes it is. Next you'll want people saying television, refrigerator and afternoon!



 As should hubby for husband.

My dialect will not be suppressed!!



I hate the word 'functionality.' "What is the washing machine's functionality" when you really mean "does it work?"


You could all solve your pop versus soda problems by calling them soft drinks...

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Years ago we had a thread like this. One poster took it upon herself to write a paragraph using all the words. It was a mix of appalling and hysterical rolled into one.


I hearby challenge a board member to attempt this feat. I can award am honorary writing prize for best effort.


This was from May:



Well, supposably I could do that. I'd have to unpack the topic of hated phrases and words. But first I have to carry dd to church. Wanna go with? If you don't want to that is okay. I could care less. Let me be honest with you. I believe we need to leverage our synageries before there is a cluster of epic proportions. That may lead to getting your ticket punched.


I wonder if Larry the cable guy is anyone's baby daddy. Maybe some special snowflake somewhere. Maybe he should touch base at any given time befor literally pulling his head off


I need to wash down this black bean burger with some root beer because when I get back from church I need to work on an acute. I have no regrets because that acute made me the person I am today. I know, right?


For your FYI, cut the lights out before you leave. Especially if you are fixin to walk at graduation.

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Haha, actually on the topic of 'soda pop' that is another thing that bothers me....when people here in Australia use American words that are not a common part of our conversation. If I heard someone say 'pop' or 'soda' or 'soda pop' it would grate on me. In America fine. Online by American people, fine. But IRL by Australians, noooo!

As Rosie said, it's 'soft drink' or 'fizzy drink' thank you very much.


My sister always uses the word 'diapers'. She must be the only Australian to do so lol. I keep telling her, we call them nappies here but she always reverts back to diapers. Sigh.

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