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Women who predominately (or always) wear dresses (cc)


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I have felt for some time that this is the way I am to go  I feel it is what God wants me to do.  Are there any other women on here who wear mostly (or only) dresses/skirts?  What led you to make this decision?  How supportive were others around you when you did this?  I know my daughter (age 24) will be supportive since she is considering wearing only skirts herself, but I'm not sure how the rest of my family or friends will react.  How was your experience?


This is why I was asking wear to purchase modest dresses the other day. 

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I pretty much only wear skirts in the summer/spring/fall and wear pants in the winter. This is only the second year that I have done this. Obviously my decision has nothing to do with modesty/God.  I simply don't like the way pants/shorts fit on me and look.  


I never announced it and everyone is always telling me how nice I look. Strangers treat me more politely. It has been an interesting experience and eye-opening.

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I've worn dresses or skirts 99% of the time for the past two years, more out of femininity than modesty or religion. I never announced it to anyone; I just do it. I've never received weird looks or comments, but I do get complimented a lot!


On the rare occasion that I wear jeans my toddler gets weirded out and wants to know why I'm wearing daddy's clothes. :D

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Well, I didn't make any kind of announcement or anything and I didn't expect or even desire any specific support.  I honestly wasn't looking for anyone to notice.   It's really kind of a non-issue for the people around me.  I wear skirts.  End of story.  No big media event.  I think making a big deal of it would be sort of self defeating.


On a practical note, I do have trouble finding skirts b/c I want both covered knees and pretty/fashionable skirts.  That is hard to find.  So I started sewing lessons and still I found it hard to do b/c of the mostly goofy fabrics that pass for "fashion fabrics."  When I finally found a source for fabrics that I like everything worked out just fine.



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I'm skirts only/mostly (I still wear sweatpants around the house on days when Aunt Flo is visiting.) I first heard about it here on the Hive. I've always had a problem finding pants that fit right and were comfortable; pants shopping was a depressing, hours long ordeal that ended up sometimes with one pair of pants, often none at all. Sometime last spring I found a great casual, hardy skirt at Old Navy (I only went to ON because they were having a sale and my friend had a gift card to spend.) I went on a weekend retreat with my friend and took two skirts and one pair of pants, only to figure out once we got there that the pants were too small! (I grabbed the wrong pair.) So I spent the whole weekend in flowy, long skirts and I LOVED it. It was sooooo much more comfortable! That's when I decided I wasn't going back, and I've only worn jeans a few times since then, and not at all in the last year.


It wasn't something I "announced" to people. I told my best friend and my husband, but other than that I just let people figure it out. I didn't go many places or have many friends, so it wasn't obvious right away. I'm not exactly the most fashionable person to begin with; I've been labeled as "old fashioned" by family and friends, so it's not like it was out of character for me.


I can only remember two times since I've started that I've been asked about it. Once was by my mother when she commented that all the pictures she'd seen of me recently all had me in skirts (she lives in another state and we don't visit) and since she came out of a legalistic, controlling religious relationship with my father she wanted to make sure it wasn't something like that. The second was my OB last week. He asked if it was something I'd grown up doing, asked when the last time I wore pants was, and then mentioned weren't skirts cooler in the heat and he thought that there were good reasons for men to wear kilts! :D


ETA: I wear ankle length skirts and I was dismayed to see how much more expensive than a pair of jeans they can be. So I don't get to have the variety I'd like, but I'm slowly building up a nice collection. The WONDERFUL thing about skirts is that you can put on weight and still have them fit (at least, that's how it works with the skirts I have) so you don't have to buy a new pair if your weight is fluctuating. I'm 8 months pregnant, (lost 15 lbs the first 5 months from HG) and haven't had to buy any new maternity bottoms because I've been able to still fit in most of the skirts I have. (I was a bit overweight to begin with.)

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I wear mostly skirts or dresses. It wasn't so much a spiritual issue, unless you want to think that God made me like wearing them more than pants! I like them for comfort. While I love a cool, breezy, cotton skirt in the summer, I am even more fond of a cozy wool or flannel skirt over leggings with boots in the winter. In my mind's eye, I fancy myself styled a la Jan Brett's Nordic characters. :laugh:


I have always said that God did not call everyone to be a Nazarite. He called only a few to that particular lifestyle. It would be wrong for those people to ignore His urging, just as it would be wrong for others to adopt pseudo-Nazarite ways when they weren't called to do so. The same with a variety of lifestyle choices today.


There are many different callings. Some people feel called to avoid makeup, others to avoid all alcoholic beverages, others wear head coverings, others are skirts/dresses only. IMO, each of us needs to be sensitive to respond to the call that has been directed to us, not to feel superior over others who have not received this call and who may have received a different one.


I made a slow change to skirts only over a long period of time. I just began to wear them more often than not. I'm not sure if anyone really noticed, since they were already used to seeing me in them frequently anyway.

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I wear skirts may to Late October. But it is just a personal preference. It is too cold for me to be in skirts October - April. I also don't do it for modesty's sake. Right now I'm in an above the knee and a tank top, where I just came from the pool wearing a bikini.

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For the last few years, I've been wearing mostly skirts or dresses, not because of religious conviction (although I am a Christian), but because I feel better about myself when dressed that way.


I didn't announce it or anything, but people are very supportive without even knowing it...I get compliments on my wardrobe constantly now, and I sure didn't before! Even my children will comment on my dresses and skirts, but usually not on the days I wear pants or shorts. Really, the whole thing has been kind of circular, because I know that part of the reason I feel better about myself when I'm wearing a dress is because people find nice things to say about it! :)

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I'm in the mostly skirts and dresses category but I'm also there for comfort.  I'm very hourglass so I just like the way dresses feel rather than pants with a gaping waist and tight in the bum.  I love the Lands End knit dresses.  They are so comfortable and easy to wash.  I also find them modest with a camisole underneath.  YMMV though.  I'm sure some people think I look like a harlot with my exposed ankles and collarbone.  :)


I know people notice because they're shocked when I wear jeans and have commented that they didn't know I owned any.  I own two pairs of jeans, a pair of kakhis, and a some workout type yoga pants. 

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I'm another skirt/dress wearer for comfort.  I have the same body type as aggieamy and have to pin skirts at the waist :rolleyes: .


I think you'll find people to be complimentary of your new look.  I heard through friends that other women acquaintances think I'm rather fancy (catty, hater talk for "she thinks she's better than us") and I took it as a compliment. I typically wear skirts and cute t-shirts..

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I had that experience too- people think you are trying to be better than them....even though I never mention my wardrobe choice. I have found that people in general treat me better. I don't know if I carry myself differently or if it is just the clothes.

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I had that experience too- people think you are trying to be better than them....even though I never mention my wardrobe choice. I have found that people in general treat me better. I don't know if I carry myself differently or if it is just the clothes.

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I had that experience too- people think you are trying to be better than them....even though I never mention my wardrobe choice. I have found that people in general treat me better. I don't know if I carry myself differently or if it is just the clothes.


What is up with that?  You can come sit by me.

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I had that experience too- people think you are trying to be better than them....even though I never mention my wardrobe choice. I have found that people in general treat me better. I don't know if I carry myself differently or if it is just the clothes.



Well, I think sometimes we inadvertently help people think this way.  I know I could do better with language choices and get comfortable speaking in one way with a group of like-mindeds and then when i'm in mixed company, sound . . . prudish or snobish. 


Homeschooling as a choice comes to mind right away.  Some people get it right off the bat but some people automatically think we're somehow judging their choices by making different ones.  I don't think we really help the situation with the way we talk sometimes.  


Skirts Only goes about the same way.  I'm doing this for modesty reasons kind of broadcasts that Pants isn't modest. You're a pants-wearing hussy!  I think you're going to burn in H E Double Toothpicks!  Really, all we said that it was for modesty reasons.  The devil does the rest.


I don't send my daughter to school ultimately for this reason: I love that kid so much that I would make every sacrifice to rear her for The Kingdom of Heaven and give her the best education money, blood, and sanity can buy.  And if you don't homeschool, no matter how nicely and faithfully I said it, it could so easily sound like, "You DON'T love your kid that much and aren't willing to make sacrifices for her and don't want the best for her spiritual welfare and education."  


I'm not saying that we mean it or that they should hear it.  I'm saying that if we do say it one way, it's easy to hear the other.  


I don't eat meat.  I haven't in hundreds of years.  My daughter never has.  Coming from the experience of telling people why (they ask!) and knowing how they feel/react to it, I did not mention skirts.  I just started wearing them.  I don't have to mention it for me to feel the way I do about it and my feelings about it are not diminished or heightened by other people knowing. 


eta: oh, yeah!  You can totally sit by me and when we leave, we'll have all the layers of skin on the backs of our thighs!

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Do what you feel you need to do! I wear skirts a lot because I like the comfort as well, plus I think it is more feminine and pretty. Prevents the blue-jean muffin-top syndrome, too. I don't think you need to make an announcement either, and if anyone asks, just tell them why with confidence. I find most of my skirts at thrift stores.

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I do not wear any skirts at all at this point, and I do not advocate it for my very active daughters at this time, for religious or any other reason.


I do however think that my friends who wear skirts/dresses on a daily basis look very lovely and very classy.  I envy that in them.


Please don't stop, because YOU LOOK GREAT!!!!

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I have felt for some time that this is the way I am to go  I feel it is what God wants me to do.  Are there any other women on here who wear mostly (or only) dresses/skirts?  What led you to make this decision?  How supportive were others around you when you did this?  I know my daughter (age 24) will be supportive since she is considering wearing only skirts herself, but I'm not sure how the rest of my family or friends will react.  How was your experience?


This is the second time in my life that I find myself wearing primarily skirts or dresses. The first was when it was the expected business attire at my workplace. Yes, even in 1990 there were places where professional women weren't allowed to wear slacks.


This time around it's all about comfort, plus a dash of modesty. Wearing shorts that are light & short enough to be comfortable in the Florida summer heat makes me uncomfortable at this stage of the game. Combine that with weight fluctuating nearly 10% (on a small frame) due to chronic illness & its medications, and it's just a heck of a lot easier to find dresses & skirts that continue to fit comfortably throughout.


I started the switch last fall when I broke my ankle and have just bought more dresses/skirts and fewer pants since then. Other than compliments on a couple of particular dresses, no one has said a word to me about it (I haven't gone around announcing it either, I suspect I'd get some odd reactions if I did).

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I am at probably 90% skirts.  Not really a spiritual/modesty issue for me.  I just feel a little more feminine and comfortable in them.  It was a slow process and I don't think anyone really noticed lol.  My husband HAS noticed, though and he is very happy. :)  I can have a crazy day, no make up, spit up in my hair, and I still look pretty to him.

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That was kind of my plan anyway.  I was just going to gradually shift over to wearing dresses/skirts and not say anything to anyone.  I'm glad to see I am probably on the right track with that then.  Thanks, everyone! :D

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I am at probably 90% skirts.  Not really a spiritual/modesty issue for me.  I just feel a little more feminine and comfortable in them.  It was a slow process and I don't think anyone really noticed lol.  My husband HAS noticed, though and he is very happy. :)  I can have a crazy day, no make up, spit up in my hair, and I still look pretty to him.

Totally! Just put in some good work up-front finding pretty and flattering dresses, and you'll always look great, especially to your husband!

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My mom always wears skirts/dresses.  Just her preference.  I can't imagine why anyone would notice, let alone get an attitude about it.  Unless you are currently known as a die-hard jeans wearer or something.  I certainly wouldn't announce it, unless I was looking to get people's reaction.  If someone brings it up just mention something you like about what you have on - "it's so comfy" or "I fell in love with the color/fabric" or whatever.

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Unless someone sees you every single day and keeps a tally, then they do t know that you never wear pants. Wear what you want to. Don't make it A Thing. Avoid stuff that looks obviously counter-cultural (cape dresses say). It'll be fine.

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I don't think I wore a pair of pants in five years. And ten years in, i still wear mostly skirts. It started when we moved to Australia from a cooler climate and I found skirts to be so much cooler. I also found it easier to find skirts that were flattering to my figure compared to pants. I also tend to be attracted to skirts when out clothes shopping too, so it was a very normal transition for me. The only comment I ever got was from my good friend when as part of a conversation I said 'I only really wear skirts' and she replied ' yeah, I noticed that'.


Somewhere along the line I became familiar with women online who wore dresses for modesty/religious reasons and I began to feel like dressing femininely was good and right but for various reasons I never really became 'converted' to the 'dresses only' mentality like many of them are. And I never really saw a tidy but loose fitting pair of pants as being immodest or unfeminine either. There were times I wished I had a pair of pants to wear, like when we went camping etc but I just didn't own any.


When I did begin to wear pants again, it was hard! lol They felt claustrophobic and I didn't like how they looked on me. Actually it was really only when a friend gave me a couple pairs of loose, light weight, 3/4 length pants that I started wearing pants on any sort of regular basis. I still mostly wear skirts for all the reasons I originally began wearing them but I do now own and wear shorts fairly regularly too and this winter, while its cold and im pregnant, I have been wearing loose legging type things.


One thing that really stood out to me about wearing skirts, is that when my daughters were dressed in skirts/dresses as opposed to pants, we would get WAY more comments about how lovely and wonderful and beautiful they all were. I do truly think that without realizing it, people are drawn to femininity and associate it with loveliness.

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Unless someone sees you every single day and keeps a tally, then they do t know that you never wear pants. Wear what you want to. Don't make it A Thing. Avoid stuff that looks obviously counter-cultural (cape dresses say). It'll be fine.



I didn't realize that my friends who wear dresses/skirts only wore dresses/skirts only until they pointed it out. Then I realized, "Oh yeah, I guess I haven't seen them wear pants before." Same with friends who only wear pants.

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If you don't announce it then I can't imagine most people even noticing, much less responding to it.  I live in a hot climate so there are people around here who prefer skirts for comfort.  I think if you made an announcement and went on about why when no one asked then some people might perceive it as being holier than thou. I've known several women taking the route you're considering for the same reasons you're considering it and I've never heard or seen anything from them that was holier than thou.   Just live according to your religious convictions and enjoy picking out and wearing lovely things that make your body and heart feel right.

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I haven't read the other responses. I don't think anyone has ever mentioned my skirt wearing (aside from liking or disliking a particular one) . I wear skirts to run, and do yoga, and hiking and everywhere. Sometimes with pantor tights under. It's kind of a nonissue.s

I like being active too. What kind of shoes do you wear with skirts when hiking and running around?

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I have no idea what religion my son's ND is, but she only wears longer skirts/dresses. doesn't cut her hair - she wears it up, wrapped in brightly colored and patterned cloth and it is obviously VERY long and heavy. she had a priest/religious leader bless her new office and there were sprigs of western red cedar taped to doorways - if that rings a bell for anyone.


she also doesn't wear make-up.  (of course, neither do I, mostly.  not for religious reasons, but because I don't like it.)

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I like being active too. What kind of shoes do you wear with skirts when hiking and running around?

I would think something like keen's or danskos.  I will wear danskos with skirts.  I love danskos.   keen's makes a closed toe sport sandal that you can take on the trail.

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Count me in the skirts/dresses for summer for non-religious reasons. I agree with Ms. Warde upthread that it's very nice if your weight fluctuates or if you retain water when AF comes knocking. Skirts span sizes and accommodate fluctuations FAR better than pants or shorts. I've also come to think shorts are just sort of down-market looking (for wearing out and about).

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I haven't worn skirts/dresses for years and just this summer picked up two skirts to wear.  For comfort not modesty.  And wow, are they comfortable!  I have always thought the people I knew who wore skirts/dresses looked much more polished than I did in my jeans or whatever.  My MIL always wears skirts, again for comfort, and I think she always looks so nice, even in her 'barn' clothes.  It's amazing how much better a polo with a denim skirt looks than a polo with jeans.  While DH did make a comment on the new skirts, it was really just because he likes them and the last time I wore a dress/skirt was 4 years ago when I was in my sister's wedding =)

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Totally! Just put in some good work up-front finding pretty and flattering dresses, and you'll always look great, especially to your husband!



Maybe it will help me acquire a husband?  I think that is a totally different thread though. :)

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Luanne, I can't remember if I responded to your where to buy thread, but I bought three skirts at Dress Barn to wear while we are here and they have been wonderfully comfy and cute. They are long, forgiving knit. I will bet they go on sale soon. Also Landsend has some dresses marked down a lot now. Just FYI.

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I don't get why family would comment on an adult's clothing choices.

because they're bored and have no life.  oh, and have no concept of boundaries.    if you have never had a relative who has no concept of boundaries, lucky you.

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Dress how you want.  In my teens and early 20s I would not have been caught dead wearing a skirt or dress.  I felt "gawky".  It's the only word I can think of to describe it.  This past year I wore a skirt or dress every day to work except for Fridays (jeans and school shirt).  I felt more professional, and like some of the previous posters have said, skirts are more forgiving when it comes to weight fluctuations. 


One of my students asked if I was Apostolic.  "You only wear skirts, and your hair is always up." 

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I wear only skirts and dresses and people catch on really fast to it.  People are more curious than anything.  I have a quirky, over-the-top sense of humor so if someone asks why I do I say b/c I am super sexy and need to keep it under wraps.  By then, they are laughing, and not so nervous about asking and then I explain my personal reasons for doing so.  Sometimes they are more concerned that I would judge them for wearing pants and I usually tell them not to worry, I am judging them for a whole bunch of other things, too.  :)  


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because they're bored and have no life.  oh, and have no concept of boundaries.    if you have never had a relative who has no concept of boundaries, lucky you.



I have relatives with issues, sure. But people can only violate your boundaries if you allow them to do so.

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I still wear pants but have been wearing skirts and dresses more lately. Why? Because I don't fit into any of my prepregnancy pants. I'm 16 1/2 months post partum. No one has really mentioned anything to me but my mum and dad say I look nice (my mom always says that, even when I clearly don't!). I think most people will be supportive or not make a big deal about it.

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That was kind of my plan anyway. I was just going to gradually shift over to wearing dresses/skirts and not say anything to anyone. I'm glad to see I am probably on the right track with that then. Thanks, everyone! :D

I think that's a good plan. I can't imagine anyone making negative comments unless you made a big honking show of it, and went on and on about how everyone else should only wear skirts or dresses, and they felt like you were judging them. I know you wouldn't do anything like that, so I would think that if anyone ever made a snotty remark, it would be because they thought you looked nicer than they did, and they were insecure about it.

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I have relatives with issues, sure. But people can only violate your boundaries if you allow them to do so.

you stated you didn't get why a family member would comment on what an adult was wearing.


I completely agree that people are free to ignore their boundary-issue relatives.  not giving a hoot about what they say doesn't very often stop them from saying "it", unless you head them off at the pass when you see that's the way the conversation is going.  

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Hijack alert. Sorry to hijack but hoping others on the thread might be interested, too.

I rarely wear dresses or skirts. Most of mine tend to look like I should be at work or church.  Even if my skirt is kinda casual, my top tends to be something I don't want to risk getting stained (and I cannot seem to drink anything without spilling it.) That said, I am trying to wear more casual skirts or dresses for teaching at co-op. I don't have to but I have found the kids seem to act better when I'm a bit more dressed up (or perhaps I act differently and the kids pick up on it.)  Anyone care to post some favorite, everyday skirts and/or places to buy them.  Thanks!

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care to post some favorite, everyday skirts and/or places to buy them. Thanks!

Kohl's (& their website)!


If you open a charge account, you get great coupons in the mail (and my store will usually give 15% off if I leave mine at home)... wait for a sale + coupons = very reasonable prices. If you have a sr. citizen to shop with, they get an extra discount certain days too.

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