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Assuming that you really wanted to do it, would you commit to a weekly 7 AM appointment?

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Nope, no "it depends!"


Let's say there there is something organizing in your local community and you want to do it. Would you make the sacrifices to do it? Weekly, at 7 AM, on a Monday?


Please don't say that it depends, though. It doesn't depend on if you could find child care b/c the question(er) assumes that you'd either suck it up and drag them all there or arrange for care. It doesn't depend on if you had the money for gas b/c the question(er) assumes that if you really want to go you'd take extra hours at work or have a bake sale or whatever. Please don't say that it depends.


So, there is this ongoing, weekly event at 7 AM Monday. You really want to do it and you feel you need it. Would you make the commitment or would you feel that you just can't want anything that badly. Nothing, no matter how good for me or how useful could be worth that.


I'm just curious.

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Well, I leave the house every morning at 5:30 to take my DH to work (we have one car and he has to be at his desk by 6:30) so 7 A.M. doesn't sound that horrendous to me. If you want it badly enough (like I want access to our car during the day), you'll make it happen.

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no I wouldn't. That's too early for me. It all depends on the person, truly. I can't go to sleep before midnight, it's usually 1:30 or 2am, so having to be out of hte house by 7 is almost impossible. I only do it if we are going on trips. That's a couple of times a year thing.


Never once a week.

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I would be there. Reasons are one thing but excuses are just that, excuses. Both my husband and I make semi-good money though and live well within our means yet we are comfortable. I have access to a car, a bike, a cab service and a bus system.


If I really wanted to be somewhere in order to do something, I would do it.

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I did last year. DS needed GOOD swimming lessons and all the places that do it around here were of the play variety. There is a homeschool swim team that does lessons twice a week at 7am and they met 25 minutes away. I am NOT a morning person at all, but for nine miserable months I got up and got myself, 6yo, and 2yo up at 6am and got us there on Mondays and Wednesdays.

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With the current ages of my children (four kids between 2 and 11), no I would not do it, even if it was something I really wanted to do. It just wouldn't be feasible for us. That said, if my youngest was 7 or 8, making my older two teens and (hopefully!) capable of holding down the fort presumably while everyone else was still sleeping, then yes.

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It would have to be something I REALLY wanted to do. I can't imagine at this point anything that I'd want to do that much, other than if it were to seek medical treatment or something of similar importance. I'm up then, but I wouldn't want to commit to being somewhere else that early on a weekly basis.

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Yes. It's one day a week. Due to health reasons causing me to sleep very little at night, I am not a morning person. Waking up at that time isn't the issue, but appearing to be fully functional to others is. Before I became so ill, I would get up at 5am to go to the gym, while still not being a morning person. I think that I would be able to handle one day a week for something that I really wanted to do and felt that I needed to do.

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I would do it if it was for a set amount of time, i.e. 6 weeks, possibly even 6 months. If it was open ended or for an extended amount of time, probably not. At least, I can't think of anything I'd want that much.

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It honestly would depend for me on what it was - because if I did it, it would impact the rest of the family.


Would I be able to have in-home child care so my kids didn't have to get up early and sit somewhere so I could do what I wanted. In my case, it would impact the rest of the day, and the next for my middle child.


So I would have to examine how much the rest of the family would be sacrificing. That is why I have not been able to make a decision about my youngest doing team gymnastics. The impact to the rest of us is huge.... I have to examine the big picture.

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With my current schedule, no. I'm very protective of our weekday time margin, and I don't need to add a me thing. It would have to be important enough to me to trade it for something already on our calendar.


With a calendar with more time margin than mine I'd be more inclined to say yes.

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Nope, not a chance. Perhaps if it were some sort of rare life saving measure. Other than that, 7am and I don't mix.


OP, curious as to why the question... Do you have the opportunity to do something at that hour, or are you thinking of offering a class, or....? Also wondering what AMDG means....


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I just can't think of anything that would be that important or necessary for me that I'd also consider "optional," kwim? I'd get out of the house at that time for a job if our family needed it; I'd make it to medical/therapy appointments if someone needed it. But there isn't anything else that I can think of that would incite me to commit to a weekly 7 am appointment. Hmmm ... Unless it's an appointment with myself and a good book at a local coffee shop while the kids are being cared for? :-) I might be able to make that ...


ETA: I'm also really curious about the AMDG because I feel like I'm missing out on another cool internet abbreviation. All I'm coming up with is "For the greater glory of God?" :confused1:

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If it was something I really wanted to do, yes. It would make it much easier to say yes if I had someone to watch the kids at home, so they didn't have to be dressed and out the door with me. I would have to really, really want it though.

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I wouldn't because I'm not an early-morning person and I tend to become extremely stressed and anxious if I don't get plenty of rest. It wouldn't be fair to the rest of my family to make that commitment (because I am truly unbearable when I don't get enough rest).


Now I have a dear close friend who is an early-morning person and she'd probably prefer that time for a weekly commitment over an afternoon thing.

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Sure. Easily. I am up with my 17yo at 5:30 each morning to get him out the door for a 6:30 class. I could easily head out myself and be there at 7am.



Notice I have older kids. These type of arrangments are much easier as the chikdren get older. When youngest DD was little, we could have done it but I would have had to haul her along with me and that's much more difficult.

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ETA: I'm also really curious about the AMDG because I feel like I'm missing out on another cool internet abbreviation. ...

I wondered about that too. :confused1:


I figured it was just Friday, so my brain was fried and I didn't recognize something I should know. Could the op (or anyone) explain what AMDG means?

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I'm a morning person. By 7:00 I've already been up for at least a couple of hours.

Having enough gas money isn't an issue, thank goodness.

My kids are plenty old enough to take care of themselves.


(I don't know what AMDG means, either . . . )

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