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s/o s/o foul language: crap or carp


Crap or carp  

143 members have voted

  1. 1. Crap or carp

    • Crap
    • Carp
    • Cr*p
    • C*rp
    • Obligatory "other"

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I just don't get the "carp/c*rp" thing, so I'm in the crap camp.


I'm not going to do a "fart" poll. Promise.



ETA: I don't consider "crap" to be foul language.

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I do not know what it says about me, but my kids believe f-a-r-t *is* the f-word.


I think the f-bomb might bother me less than the f-word! :p



Off topic, but one part of DS7's writing assignment yesterday was to write 5 nice words about his sister. The instructions included a reminder to use words that make your sibling feel good.


His first choice: Farting.


"Well Mom, that makes her feel good if she has a belly ache!"


"Yes son, you are correct." :lol:

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Sorry nmoria, you were having a perfectly nice crap thread and I have spoiled it with bathroom humor.



I'm deeply suspicious of people who don't at the very least suppress a smile at potty humour. From my profile here:


“The mechanical, that’s what I find funny. The machine, the human machine. Repetition. Denial. Wilful stupidity. Compulsion. All very old stuff. Everything that’s not being filtered through reason, everything that’s not properly volitional. That’s what’s funny. That’s why you get endless jokes about poos and wees. And sex. And death. Anything that’s out of your control is funny.†-- Dylan Moran


I agree... though I'd add that one reason it *has* to funny is assuage a bit of the desperation that comes from realizing we're powerless.


See, I think deep thoughts about potty humour. :tongue_smilie:

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I say crap.


In fact, I said it earlier today when I noticed (as I pulled my car into the drive-through automatic car wash) that I had left my gas tank cover open. My kids were in the car and heard me say it (they didn't even flinch). :tongue_smilie: Thankfully, I had put the inner cap on the gas tank and the humongous car wash brushes didn't knock the outer cover off. So it was ultimately a non-issue. I believe crap was the appropriate word for the occasion, and I stand by my use of it. :001_smile:

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Elsewhere I say crap. Around here in order to not offend anybody I type out carp. I want people to curb the swearing/cussing around me still do my part to not upset anyone. It doesn't cost me anything and I don't feel I'm compromising a principle.


I guess I don't see why carp is less offensive than crap. We all know when someone types carp she means crap.

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Oh boy!


Ok, I have no problems with anyone using "carp." Or, "crap" for that matter, but I don't use either of them on the board.


I don't use "crap" typically in writing, though I'll say it sometimes. It's very border-line vulgar to me and my kids don't say it. I imagine it will be the first mini-swear they procure however. If I'm IMing with one of my only IM friends, we can let fly with the profanity if we need--and we've needed lately. We get a good laugh.


However, I have another friend I sometimes chat with, and I bowdlerize any profanity I use, if I use it. I learned how to do it from her, so I reply in kind.


I try to be sensitive to the arena of the interaction, and I try to participate in a way I feel comfortable with the people around me, and that they can be comfortable too, within reason. (I mean, I know a woman who gets upset if you refer to children as "kids." "They're not goats!" she says, with a twitch and a huff.) Sorry, not my problem. They're my "kids." :)

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I guess I don't see why carp is less offensive than crap. We all know when someone types carp she means crap.



I agree.


If I want to avoid offending anyone here who hates the word crap, I'll change the entire word to garbage.


Typing carp makes me uncomfortable as if I'm trying to say, "look at me! I am pious, yet edgy! I'm a non offensive hipster!"


And I am not pious nor edgy nor non offensive nor a hipster...so I use garbage.

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Guest inoubliable

It's "crap".

Saying "carp" for "crap" is crap.

I see "carp" substituted for "crap" only here.

I see "carp" and I think /crotchpunch.

There it is.

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Guest inoubliable

I agree.


If I want to avoid offending anyone here who hates the word crap, I'll change the entire word to garbage.


Typing carp makes me uncomfortable as if I'm trying to say, "look at me! I am pious, yet edgy! I'm a non offensive hipster!"


And I am not pious nor edgy nor non offensive nor a hipster...so I use garbage.



You're my favorite. Not that that carries much weight. ;)

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I guess I don't see why carp is less offensive than crap. We all know when someone types carp she means crap.


I'll say crap. I'm actually okay with people typing carp.

I know I've had times when I've had the boards up and my son stares over my shoulder and reads what's on the board. Not really a concern now for me, but if kids read aloud what they see, it could be a concern.

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Is not a word I like hearing out of my children's mouths dd14 picked it up from my mom when she was very young. My mom didn't find it to be a bad word till she heard it come out of her young grand daughters mouth. My mom didn't even realize she said it so much.


I do kind of feel it is a substitute for $h*t though I try not to use it myself but I grew up hearing it a lot apparently lol.


Ps I think it's totally silly to say carp for crap...but my nieces and nephews have lots of made up words.

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I say crap, that is, when I don't say sh!t. ;)


If you're going to use the word, OWN it!


Crap is where it's at. :laugh:




Fart or frat? Which is worse?


Oh, I've never heard frat used for fart. Is that new?


The only place I have seen "carp" used is here.


Me too. When I first saw it I thought it was a typo, but as I started seeing it more often, I finally realized what people were doing.


Sorry nmoria, you were having a perfectly nice crap thread and I have soiled it with bathroom humor.


:smilielol5: :smilielol5:

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I do not know what it says about me, but my kids believe f-a-r-t *is* the f-word.


I think the f-bomb might bother me less than the f-word! :p

:hurray: :iagree: :hurray: :iagree: :hurray:


We say crap a lot here. I think my kids ears would with up and fall off if they heard a tape of me in my younger days when I used many words very freely. :leaving:

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Well, my favorite is one from a professor in college, who is a nun. She said, "I don't give a shine!"


Anyhoo, what I don't understand is people posting they want v*gan recipes. If it's a bad word, I don't think you should follow it as your diet. Sheesh.


A couple of years ago my mom said, "fart." I was so amused and told her it was the first time I'd heard her say that. I heard my mom swear a bit growing up, but for some reason "fart" was funnier than anything else.

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I wish my kids believed this! They love the f-a-r-t word, and they are girls! I don't know why, I just always imagined fascination with this word to be more of a boy thing! :huh:


Oh no, they say it around here. I cringe, DH laughs, then tells them not to agravate thier mother.


Some help he is!



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Carp-tastic just doesn't work, unless you're referring to Herb Tarlek.




(Well, crap. Now I really feel old because I got the reference.)


Yes, I use the word crap probably more than I should, esp. since ds categorizes it as a swear word. I swear to him it's not...

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Anyhoo, what I don't understand is people posting they want v*gan recipes. If it's a bad word, I don't think you should follow it as your diet. Sheesh.



I thought that asterisk was a wildcard, for vegetarian or vegan.

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(Well, crap. Now I really feel old because I got the reference. :leaving: )




I remember the fish costume...and the turkey drop...and the alcohol test with Venus and Johnny...and saying "booger" on the air.


Wish the shows were available on DVD with original music....

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(Well, crap. Now I really feel old because I got the reference. :leaving: )






That's Ok, it was the show with "more music and Les Nessman", after all. Thanks for posting the picture--Herb's suits and ties were the best.


I remember the fish costume...and the turkey drop...and the alcohol test with Venus and Johnny...and saying "booger" on the air.


Wish the shows were available on DVD with original music....


I remember those! And also "you got the knife, I got the gun, c'mon boy we're gonna have a little fun..." I used to run around singing that and making up extra lines to it.


That's really annoying about the music. I still would like to watch the shows again since it's been forever--I used to watch them after school when I was a kid. I'll have to watch a couple with DS and see if he likes it.

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