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What is your favorite sport to watch?


What is your favorite sport to watch?  

149 members have voted

  1. 1. What is your favorite sport to watch? You can pick more than one.

    • baseball
    • football
    • soccer
    • hockey
    • basketball
    • other
  2. 2. Do you prefer professional or college?

    • professional
    • college
    • both
    • other

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Me too. We watch NO sports here. Including dh.


This is my house too. However if I HAD to pick a sport to watch it would be tennis. When DD is at her lessons I enjoy watching some of the high school kids play. Lots of action and not much down time.

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College football is my favorite, but I love watching my girls play softball. I can really get into most levels of football from youth on up to the NFL, and I can watch most college sports, but after football, I'd say basketball, then baseball/softball. I've been known to enjoy watching golf with my husband, particularly on the last day of play in a close tournament. Pretty much any good game/match/competition - I can get into.

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Neither DH or I are big sports watchers. After our kids started playing soccer, then we started to watch a few games on TV and I find I really enjoy watching it. I love watching my kids play. We also watch the Sounders.

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Other. I don't like watching any sport.


Other for the second q as well We don't have collage sport here in Australia


Oh, but 'collage' is a sport I might enjoy watching. At least I would like to see the finished product. :D


ETA: I didn't vote. I don't enjoy watching any sports. I will watch some Olympic events & of course, my own kids.

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Soccer is the only one that I truly understand and can follow well (played for 10 years and was a referee for several seasons). But I only watch it if I happen to be somewhere where it is playing - I don't follow it at all. Basketball, hockey, and baseball (and water polo, etc.) are simple enough that I can generally follow what is going on even if I don't understand the intricacies, but I don't tend to get into them at all. Ice skating, gymnastics, and the like are pretty.


Football? I enjoyed going to the occasional high school game when I was in high school, but that was more a social activity than anything. I can't stand watching it on TV.

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It's a religion here. Really.




I love all football, but mostly college.



I'm sorry. I'm an LSU fan. We usually beat you guys :p



Are you from Nebraska??

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I wish I could enjoy watching gymnastics, as I really do appreciate the beauty and athleticism, but it makes me too nervous. Seeing those tiny girls (and the guys, but the ladies worry me more) flinging themselves into the air...I can barely watch. And I know this makes me a big, fat hypocrite, as I happily watched somebody skydive from space.


Now, rhythmic gymnastics is more my speed. It seems safer, and if you can hula hoop with your neck while juggling with your feet? I will watch you!

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Well, since I'm married to a Kansas boy and I usually cheer for the underdog, I will actually watch the Final Four and cheer quite loudly for Wichita State. And I just want Michigan to lose since they barely, and I mean barely beat KU. So :p


Now come on!




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Not from Nebraska, but we do live here.



I am "from" Nebraska....32 years, but I live in FL, They don't appreciate it when my cell phone rings. The ringer is Hail Varsity....the Husker fight song, lol.

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I come from a family of origin where baseball is like a second religion. I enjoy watching baseball quite a bit.


I like soccer if I am there, but not on TV.


We like to go to the WNBA games and to roller derby bouts as well. I prefer watching women's basketball over men's because it is still played as a team sport and not as primarily a contest between a few stars.


I have zero interest in or familiarity with football or hockey.

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Ooo ooo ooo!!! Me too!! Who's your favorite driver and team?

Emerson Fittapaldi (sp?) I can' remember anything else.

This is hilarious!

Long ago, another lifetime almost, like more than half my life ago, we went to Daytona 24 hour endurance race.

My dh can't even remember who some of the drivers were...I do remember this one car though...rothmann 962 porsche. oh my goodness. I loved that little car. It was just a blast to be there. And, AND, George Thorogood was there, in his bus, as a spectator. I've never waved to a rock star (I've never SEEN a rock star out in the world), and he waved back smiling. We were goofy, my sil and I.

ANYWAY! I love those kind of races.

We also used to go to Summit Point in WVA. I saw Mario Andretti, Michael Andretti, Paul Newman. COOL. I mean right there. "Hi how ya doin?"

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1. Cubs baseball

2. Other teams that play baseball, particularly in late Sept into October since they're usually...out by then. This year though!

3. If I still had cable this slot would be for ESPN's Baseball Tonight especially the highlights

4. Football

5. Ice hockey



I used to love watching gymnastics and figure skating at the Olympics, but I don't understand the scoring anymore, it's lower scoring anyway, and they all seem to fall a lot more. Less artistic too.

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Emerson Fittapaldi (sp?) I can' remember anything else.

This is hilarious!

Long ago, another lifetime almost, like more than half my life ago, we went to Daytona 24 hour endurance race.

My dh can't even remember who some of the drivers were...I do remember this one car though...rothmann 962 porsche. oh my goodness. I loved that little car. It was just a blast to be there. And, AND, George Thorogood was there, in his bus, as a spectator. I've never waved to a rock star (I've never SEEN a rock star out in the world), and he waved back smiling. We were goofy, my sil and I.

ANYWAY! I love those kind of races.

We also used to go to Summit Point in WVA. I saw Mario Andretti, Michael Andretti, Paul Newman. COOL. I mean right there. "Hi how ya doin?"



A Brazilian, eh?


I'm a Ferrari Girl...and a pretty recent convert so I'm more of the newer racers...Felipe Massa, Michael Schumacher, Jenson Button are 3 of my favorites.

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Swimming, and Texas Aggie football! I will watch the Spurs if they make the playoffs, and I am also a fan of curling. Oh, and Bobsled and luge during the Olympics.



You're an Aggies fan?!?! I don't know if I can ever speak to you again. (BTW, LSU beat the Aggies last year. Just saying.)

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Basketball, Tennis, Baseball, Football. I will watch is hubby is watching with me but otherwise I don't HAVE to watch just if it is on. Although I really enjoy watching sports live in the stadium, arena, etc.

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I'm not a huge sports fan, but I do love to watch gymnastics. Live is better than on TV, college is more fun than professional, but I'll take it either way. I also like watching ice hockey (NHL) from time to time. And I will watch some random Olympic stuff when it's on (diving, usually, swimming, maybe a few others).

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You're an Aggies fan?!?! I don't know if I can ever speak to you again. (BTW, LSU beat the Aggies last year. Just saying.)


LSU? Really? And I used to have so much respect for you. I could forgive you if had said tu. But LSU-- that may take some time... I'm not sure I have that much time.


Lsu only won, because we felt sorry for them, and let them win. We stomped the tide, that's what counts (don't think Remudamom is talking to me anymore)

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LSU? Really? And I used to have so much respect for you. I could forgive you if had said tu. But LSU-- that may take some time... I'm not sure I have that much time.


Lsu only won, because we felt sorry for them, and let them win. We stomped the tide, that's what counts (don't think Remudamom is talking to me anymore)


Sigh. You reminded me of that game where you guys beat the snot out of Alabama. The Aggies redeemed themselves a bit in that game. However, I do recall a game in 1996 where A&M lost to my hometown university, the Rajun Cajuns. Just saying.

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TV-wise, I voted basketball. It's quick but not too fast (I'm talking to you, hockey!) and not excruciatingly slow (hello, baseball!) ... or stopping every ten seconds like football (yawn!) ... but my true favorite is surfing, especially to watch IRL.


I have to google "curling" to see what that is ...

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