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Do you have a throw up bucket?


Throw up bucket- what do you use?  

193 members have voted

  1. 1. Throw up buckets

    • We have one and only use it for throwing up
    • We have one and it is used for other things after cleaning it out
    • We use whatever and clean it out and use it later
    • We use whatever and throw it away
    • We don't have one, everyone is expected to make it to the bathroom
    • Other or it varies

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First of all,. now that I think about it, my kids have hardly ever thrown u. I think with my oldest it may have been once or twice in his life, with the second, i think only once. but my third has asthma and gets coughing fits that sometimes lead to it so more. I am the one with a problem, though, since in about the last seven years, I have developed abdominal migraines to coincide with the regular headache migraines. I don't normally use anything, just get to the bathroom. And take a medication that stops the vomiting.

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We have one and use it exclusively although son does manage to make it to the bathroom most of the time. On very rare occasion, the bucket, cleaned out thoroughly, is also used for sponging him with tepid water when he gets very high fever.

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my kids are finally to the age where they can usually get to the bathroom when they're awake. But at night, they still can wake up completely disoriented when they're sick. There's always a bucket at bedtime if we have the flu...

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If I had to hang my head over a toilet, I am guaranteed to vomit. Ew! We have a stainless steel bowl that has been used for everything from salad to mixing plaster paris, to a barf bucket. I have had it forever (it may have even come from my Mom's house, honestly). It is also the perfect popcorn bowl. With 5 kids who tend to get sick in pairs, we have a whole set of stainless steel bowls that get used for the duration of the cooties then sanitized and used for whatever. My Mom has a fit about it, but it works for us.

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We use a plastic mixing bowl that came with a kitchen scale and never got used in the kitchen. It has a handle on the side, which has proved surprisingly useful.


That's kind of how we gauge the severity of illness around here. If the answer to, "Do you need The Bowl?" is yes, we know things are grim.

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This thread is completely grossing me out. I don't think I will ever eat at anyones house, ever again. No potlucks either! We use the trashcan from ds's room, with a plastic liner, and several paper towels in the bottom. When we are done, we close up the bag, and carry it straight to the outside trash. Clean the can, and put in a new liner.

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Normally I expect everyone to make it to the bathroom, but I did allow my youngest to keep an ice cream pail nearby the last time he was sick because he was having a hard time going anywhere for anything. It's not the norm here though and we don't really have a pail that is designated for that job.

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Other. We expect them to try to make it to the bathroom for the first time--toilet, sink or bathtub is fine with me as they're all easy to clean. I tell them if they can't make it to the bathroom try to throw up on their blanket (if in bed) or on the tile part of the floor. Also reasonably easy to clean. Then I usually clean out one of the small bathroom trash cans and line it with a bag and some newspaper for any follow-ups that might occur while the person is lying around incapacitated. But we don't vomit frequently enough to have a designated bucket.

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We rarely get hit with stomach viruses around here so throwing up is (thankfully) a rare occurrence. So rare, that I don't think my kids are always aware that they need to get to the bathroom until it is too late. "Clean up in aisle 5." Those are usually in the middle of the night. We don't have a designated vomit receptacle ... we expect them to figure out after the first offense to make it to the bathroom. We do make them sleep with an old towel. The one exception was a particularly bad virus - used some emesis basins leftover from my mom's frequent hospitalizations in her last few years of life.

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I refuse to use a toilet for vomiting, ew! I have bad memories of hovering over toilets in my childhood and having toilet water splash on my face as I threw up! *shudder* We use buckets and dump in the toilet. Not to mention, we only have one bathroom and tend to get the flu at the same time- which makes buckets a necessity. I keep an old ice cream pail under my bed, one under the kitchen sink, and one in the van. I'm paranoid! We throw up a lot at our house, we've usually gotten the stomach flu every year, same as when we were kids. I get the flu violently, vomit at least a dozen times and have passed out several times. I.hate.the.flu.

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A bucket would not have saved my sons carpet as he was on the top bunk of his bed and it was projectile :crying: Thank you stanley steamer for letting me book an appointment at 3am.


I did give my daughter the trash can (with bag inside) in case she could not make it to bathroom.


I just never left the bathroom.

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Trained to use the toilet. But at bedside, they can use one of the small trashcans we have all around the house. Rinse it out, spray some cleaner in there, line with plastic grocery bag (uh oh!) and it's good to go.

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we have 2 throw up buckets. Used to only have one but one night ds got sick, my dh took care of him (they didn't even wake me up yay) but dh could not find the throw up bucket (it was under our bed) so he got my good pasta pot and had ds use it. It became our 2nd throw up bucket and the next day, my dd went out and bought me a nice new pasta pot.


Wow, I just reread my post and my family treats me nice. I mean a dh that takes care of throwing up ds in the middle of the night and does not even wake me up and a dd that runs out and buys me a new pot the next day.

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We have multiple puke buckets. I'm emetophobic, so I actually 'collect' things that would be good vomit catchers. I think we have 2 extra trash cans, 2 buckets, and several large ice cream bowls with lids. I generally expect them to make it to the toilet though. If someone complains about not feeling well before bedtime, that person usually gets a nice soft bed made for her in the bathroom floor. They actually enjoy sleeping in there, they said they feel like they're camping. :huh:


Oh, and we have middle of the night puke rules. If you wake up and feel sick, try to get to the bathroom. If you are certain that you can't make it, STAY IN BED and puke. DO NOT puke on Mommy's carpet because her puke germ fear will cause her to have a nervous breakdown. Also, under no circumstances is anyone allowed to come stand next to my bed and announce that they think they're going to puke; because that just never ends well. If you think you're going to puke go to the bathroom and call me from there. My puke germ fear causes me to be the lightest sleeper on the planet. I promise I'll hear you.

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We have a big mixing bowl, stainless steel. It rarely gets actually thrown up in. Mostly it's to make people feel better. My kids are really good pukers and make it to the toilet no problem most of the time. It has been puked in a few times, and it gets cleaned out very thoroughly.

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We have a plastic mixing bowl, one for anyone who has sick.


It lives in the laundry room, far away from the kitchen lest someone accidentally use it for food prep. Ick! LOL


I get monthly migraines, and vomiting is a part of that. I could make it to the bathroom if I needed to, but I vastly prefer to stay put and use the bowl. So I give everyone that same option :) I have some that ask for the bowl and some who keep the bowl nearby (at my @nal insistence) but who prefer to make their deposits directly to the porcelain pot.

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I have a collection of 1-gallon ice cream buckets that are used for that. They double as cleaning containers too--soaking something in bleach or transporting hot soapy water to clean the patio furniture. I don't use them for food prep/storage. I wouldn't have an issue with glass or stainless steel containers, but plastic? No.

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We even have one in our car!


Basically, we live in hot, humid, Houston (TX) and summertime can bring on bouts of carsickness. We have a trash can my DH made in our van -- he took a Rubbermaid cereal bin, cut the middle out of the snap-on lid (leaving a ring to snap on to hold a plastic bag in place inside), and added Velcro to the bottom to grip the carpet. If someone gets carsick we yank the bagged trash out and hand them the bucket to use. We then pull over when we reach a safe place and use bottled water to rinse it out.


At home we have plastic trash cans in each bedroom, again usually lined with plastic bags. If someone needs to throw up and they can't make it to the bathroom they can use the trash can again. Also, once someone does have that level of queasiness we generally lay towels on the bed and covers, in case they don't make it that far. And we have our own carpet cleaner when needed. If covers/bedding get messed on and we are really tired we just strip the bed and pull out one of the sleeping bags to use for the rest of the night.


And, yes, this IS a popular thread! Always good to hear and share our learnings from the school of life!

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Oh, and when I was pregnant I had 4 1/2 months of nausea with my first, and 3 months with my 2nd. I had my pilot Dad and family and friends who flew anywhere bring me regular supplies of airsickness bags to take on the commuter bus and have at work. I set in such a store for my 2nd pregnancy I had some left over when it was all over and was able to give some to another gal with strong nausea.


You can actually BUY such bags online, but if you can get them from airplanes they are often better quality. Get the ones with waxed paper for better retention. Or you can put ziploc freezer bags in your car or purse.

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I voted that we do have one. We use one of those buckets that had cheap vanilla ice cream in it. However, we use the bucket for one round of sickness, throw it out, and soon after buy another bucket of ice cream to keep a new one on hand. lol I don't know why that became the barf bucket, but there it is!

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I have a kid prone to puke. I prefer he make it to a trash can with a bag liner so I can dispose of the smell quickly and easily. If we see it coming though, or he has a known bug, I give him a pan to carry around with him. I use whatever pan. I just rinse and put it in the dishwasher. We have a sanitize cycle.

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We use a lined trash can. The absolute last thing I want to do when that kind of sick is try to run to a toilet. Uggh! We try to be calm and restful here and if one does need to vomit they can just lean over into the trash can. It's a very easy clean up as well, which is handy when everyone feels ill.

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