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At what age did your dc start calling you "mom" instead of "mommy"?


At what age did your dc start calling you 'mom' instead of 'mommy'?  

104 members have voted

  1. 1. At what age did your dc start calling you 'mom' instead of 'mommy'?

    • younger than 5
    • 5
    • 6
    • 7
    • 8
    • 9
    • 10
    • 11
    • 12
    • 13
    • 14
    • older than 14

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Just curious. Zee is about to turn 10 and still calls me "mommy".


Purely curious. Feel free to vote for each of your dc who's age you remember when they switched, the poll's multiple choice.


(Just FYI, I love that he calls me mommy still, but I accept he'll switch some day.)


I remember clearly that dss switched one day from calling dh 'daddy' to calling him 'dad'; I just can't remember what age he was. I don't remember when dsd switched, either.

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Guest inoubliable

Voted "younger than five". My oldest called me by my first name until DH came into the picture and didn't like it. The kids have always called us "Mom" and "Dad". Never "Mommy" or "Daddy".

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hmm. i don't know. my kids call us both mommy/daddy & mom/dad. i never have really paid attention to when the transition started though. when i am talking to the kids about my husband - i refer to him as both dad and daddy too. it just depends on what i'm saying.


on a side note, my daughter is 11 1/2 & still holds my hand in public. she is 5'4 and walks next to me hand in hand. it's really sweet :)

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hmm. i don't know. my kids call us both mommy/daddy & mom/dad. i never have really paid attention to when the transition started though. when i am talking to the kids about my husband - i refer to him as both dad and daddy too. it just depends on what i'm saying.


on a side note, my daughter is 11 1/2 & still holds my hand in public. she is 5'4 and walks next to me hand in hand. it's really sweet :)



That IS really sweet. Zee still holds my hand, too. I *love* it.


Kinda weird, but for the longest time my kids called me Wendy. Now they call me mom or mommy and rarely Wendy. They are 7 and 11.



I've never seen this IRL, but I've heard it on here. It's just not something that's done where I live; calling your parents by their first name. Both my boys tried it when very young (because they heard dss and dsd doing it), but I put an end to it quick. I really don't like it. If I bore you, you call me mommy or mom, LOL.


To each his own. I don't care if others allow their kids to do it.

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Guest inoubliable

Kinda weird, but for the longest time my kids called me Wendy. Now they call me mom or mommy and rarely Wendy. They are 7 and 11.



Not so weird. :) My oldest called me by my first name for a long time. I never referred to myself as "Mom" or "Mommy" so it seemed only natural that he'd call me by my first name like everyone else.

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I don't remember, but I think they were pretty young when they switched to Mom and Dad. Like others, my two oldest called us by our first names for several years. I finally put a stop to that and told them I wouldn't answer them until they called me Mom. :)

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I wasn't sure about one so I paid attention. My boys are 9. One is calling me mommy and I'm nearly certain he always uses mommy/daddy. One is, this morning anyway, calling me mom. He's the one I wasn't sure of and I have a feeling he uses both. I've no idea when the mom/dad first started though.

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Well I call my mom, "Mommy". I am "Mommy" or "Mama". My oldest started to call me "Mom", and it just felt so weird! So I told her if she didn't mind could she please call me "Mama" or "Mommy". She said sure, and that she felt better calling me that anyway. I hope my girls continue to call me these names. I won't be surprised if to my son I eventually become "Mom".

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Depends on the child.


I think most of mine lost it by the 8-11 range. One of them stopped in Kindergarten. I do remember occasionally slipping and calling my mom Mommy at 11-12, but never in public. I was very careful of that.


I had a few Mama-users here as well. My 8 year old still calls me Mama, but he's the only one. The others (10-14) have outgrown it.

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My girls are 9 and 11 and still call me mommy. The kids at school tease them about it. :glare: So we make it into a joke, they say to their friends that they can call me whatever they want, but they can't call me late for supper. :001_smile:

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My boys call me mama. Although my oldest started using mom in public. It took me a little while for to me recognize it. I am still not used to being mom to him. This year is also when he has started being more aware of himself and others and what is embarrassing to him.


I had also started wondering if he would call me mama forever. I love it. I hope he continues to call me mama at home.

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I can't believe some are actually teased for this. I am 36 and have always called my mom 'Momma', and never been teased. The other day I dropped something off at the middle school for dd and as I was walking out she yelled, "Thanks, Momma!" She also uses it when she has groups of friends over and no one has ever teased her. I honestly never knew it was a big deal.

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I have not read the replies, but my 16 year old (about to be 17) still calls me Mommy. Conversation last night = HIM: "hey Mommy..." ME: yes? HIM: "could you make meat and salsa over rice for dinner, I am craving it"....


The 11 year old still calls me Mommy as well. I love it. I have noticed that both of them use "Mom" when they are referring to me in conversations outside our own home; but if they are talking to their Dad, they will refer to me as Mommy.



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My 3-year-old uses "Mom" and "Mommy" and "Dad" and "Daddy" interchangeably. Several of his 4-5 year old friends use "Mom" and "Dad" exclusively, so I think he picked it up from them. I think I was around 10 when I switched. My sister said "Mama" until she was about 7, then switched to "Mommy", then switched to "Mom" at about 12.

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My kids called us mama/dada when they were babies but then they both switched over to first names. I have no idea why. Well, the younger did it because older brother did, but I have no idea why it started to begin with.


When asked about it, I tell people that the kids are very clear about what our respective roles are, but we are now on a first name basis.

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I voted younger than 5. Actually all my dc have always called me "mom," never "mommy." Same for dh; he's always been "dad," never "daddy." I think that's because that is how dh and I have referred to the other when talking to the kids, so that's what they picked up.

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I've always been Mama, even still to my teenagers.


I get the occasional Maaaaaaaaaaaaaa, which covers a full tonal range in a single breath, but that's only when I bug 'em 8)


A completely unscientific discovery of mine has been that (at least locally) children who are islanders or immigrants always stick with Mama (always pronounced as in the mother tongue) but peers who are Caucasian eventually transition from Mommy to Mom or Mummy to Mum.

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My kids are 15, and they both still call me Mommy. My dd has a boyfriend and he thinks it's so cute....whenever the band bus reaches its destination, she pulls out her phone to text me that they made it safely, and he always teases her: "Awwww, are you texting your mommy?"


They'll still hold my hand in public, too, especially my son. He's extremely sweet and loving, and also, being on the Aspie scale, rather clueless to social norms. :D

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Mine always have called me Mom. I don't care for Mommy. I was generally against baby talk, not that "Mommy" is baby talk, but I guess I taught them to call me what I assumed they would call me for life. So Mom. My oldest sometimes calls me 'Ma' which I would not choose, but I don't correct him.

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I'm "Mommy" in private, and "Mom" in public.....or when they want to let me know that they are ticked off at me for something. My girls are 15, 18 and 22. My son-in-law calls me "Mom" all the time since "Mommy" is reserved for the kids I raised from birth. ;)

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My 20-year old still calls me Mommy! But he's the type that just doesn't give a hoot about what other people think. When my 18 and 16-year olds talk about switching to calling us Mom and Dad, my 20-year old is almost offended. His attitude is sort of "Why would we change? They're Mommy and Daddy." The 18 year old just doesn't call us anything in public, but still Mommy and Daddy at home. Since I can tell the 18 and 16 year old are uncomfortable with it, I've taken to using "Dad" in text messages, and I've told them outright that it's okay with me if they want to call us Mom and Dad. But I guess old habits are hard to break, especially with the 20 and 13 year olds still calling us Mommy and Daddy. The 13 year old has not yet expressed any interest in changing to Mom and Dad.

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My kids call me Ma. I am listed as Mum in their cell phones though.



But Daddy is still Daddy.....strange, huh? Mark's father was from Alabama. He died when Mark was 10. Mark & his brothers still refer to their dad as Daddy. Is that a southern thing maybe? I am a total yankee...

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My kids call me different things: my girls (10 & 6) call me Momma, my 8 yo son calls me Mom, and my 3 year old calls me Mommy. I think the transition from calling me Mommy happened around age 5 for them.


FWIW, I call my mother Mom, but my Daddy is my Daddy. (I think that's a southern daughter thing; most girls and women I know call their dads Daddy.)

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I need an other/none of the above. At 4, 6, 11, and 13, they still call us mommy and daddy. For that matter, at 34, 38, and 42 my siblings and I still call our parents Mommy and Daddy. My mom's parents died when she was 15 and her brother was 19 and they both still refer to them as Mommy and Daddy to this day (almost 51 years later).

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But Daddy is still Daddy.....strange, huh? Mark's father was from Alabama. He died when Mark was 10. Mark & his brothers still refer to their dad as Daddy. Is that a southern thing maybe? I am a total yankee...


I have heard some southern friends refer to their parents as Mother and Daddy. I have not heard that combination otherwise.

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Where is the "other?" I'd be "other." My kids are 8 & 9 and still call me Mama, but when they were about 6 or so they started referring to me when speaking to their friends as "my mom" instead of "my mama."



When I was 10, my brother moved out to live with my dad.

When we would get together, I would refer to mother as "my mom" and my brother would remind me that she was his mom as well.


I think that is when I started calling her Mother.

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Guest inoubliable

I grew up in the south---- it is Mother and Daddy.


I call my mother "mother" --- it is not always a term of affection. I refuse to let my children call me that.


Most of the people that I know who grew up around here call their parents Mother and Daddy. I guess Virginia is south enough.


I called my parents Mom and Da. I still do. My siblings say Mom and Dad.

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My little guy started calling me "mama Anne" a few months ago. My sister is the only other person who calls me Anne because she refused to change when I asked people to start calling me Annie in 4th grade, so I think it's funny that he picked it up.

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