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whenever my sister has my house to herself......


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I was recently on vacation and while I was gone my sister stopped by to feed my pets. Not only that, but she took it upon herself to "clean" my house. Admittedly my sister is a better housekeeper than I am, but I cleaned my house before I left. I liked it the way it was. Some of the things she did are down right annoying and I'm trying to think of a way to tell her not to do these things the next time she's alone in my house.


For one, I set my heat to stay at 65. I told her to manually turn it up if she planned on staying, but to turn it back down. Well, instead of doing this manually she changed my automatic settings. My thermostat has 4 settings for each day. She changed them all to 66. So I had to go through and change 4 settings for each day of the week. She knows how to work the thermostat and I'm sure she did this because that's the temperature she keeps her house at.


Another thing is, she and I disagree on which way mini-blinds should be. I like them so the "rounded" part is facing in. She thinks the concave side should be facing in. My first floor is not ground level, I have no immediate neighbors, I'm set far back from the road, and I have a bunch of trees around my house so I'm not worried about people being able to see in. I like them the way I do because I like everything from the outside blocked out at night. She changed all my blinds in my house.


My DS's special bowls (they have the suction cups on the bottom) are always kept on top of the fridge. She moved them to my tupperwear drawer.


My cats' scratching mat was moved from the spot where they're used to it to right in front of one of their litter boxes so now it's full of litter.


In my DD's room, I put the lid to her toy box in between her bed and the wall to prevent her from falling off the bed. We have baseboard heating so her bed can't go right up against the wall so there's a space between her bed and the wall. She has a bed rail on the other side of her bed and I didn't figure I'd need 2 of them since the lid served the purpose. She put the lid back on the toy box.


My DD sleeps on a futon (her choice, she also has an actual bed in her room). The mattress cover was taken off once and it was too much of a pain to put back on so I folded it and put it under the futon. My sister remade my DD's bed and put the cover on the bed as a blanket.


She took all of my kids' special blankets (they were made by my MIL) and laid them all over the furniture in the house. Why, I have no idea. But those blankets only ever go in the kids' beds, not on furniture for the cats and for people to sit on.


She also apparently sprayed whatever body spray she uses all over my house because my house reeked of it when I came home.


In my DD's room I had certain toys left out and neatly placed because they had multiple pieces to them and no box. Everything was just tossed into the toy box so now when my kids want to play with them we'll have to search for all the pieces.


I had my children's books in two separate piles, one where the books were geared towards my DD and the other for my DS. She put all the books together.


I know there's more, but I can't remember them all and I'm finding them as I go along.


For once she didn't rearrange my silverware drawer. She doesn't like the order that my silverware goes in and often rearranges it to the way she does it.


She did a great job taking care of the pets so I'm not going to complain, but I just needed to vent about this. It's *my* house and I like it *my* way. I could never imagine doing any of this in her house!!

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Wow, I would be really annoyed too. I don't even like it when my dh unloads the dishes and puts them away randomly. Does she have OCD or any other compulsive issues? Or was she just trying to be bossy about how you keep your home? I would be straight forward with her and let her know that you appreciate her help with your pets, but you like where everything is and don't want her help "fixing" things.

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I'd either find a way to laugh off pyscho sister, so it doesn't upset me so much or that would be the end of having her watch the house/pets.


I'd tell her ONCE to leave my house alone bc it's mine and I like it my way tyvm and after that, I'd assume she either is doing to tick me off on purpose or she has a screw loose and can't help it. Either way, I'd be done with leaving her in my home.


"Don't mess with a woman's nest." is good advice. :)

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... I'm trying to think of a way to tell her not to do these things the next time she's alone in my house.




I would use the direct approach, not try to come up with a sweet way to tell her to knock it off and stop acting so weird. "Thanks for taking care of the cats for us. Don't rearrange anything while you're here. We like it the way it is now." That would be my only warning, and I'd find a new pet sitter if she didn't listen.

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Your sister seems boundary challenged. I would either ship your pets to her house for her to take care of, or ask someone with better boundaries to do it for you.


No kidding! How exasperatingly presumptuous. I would board pets before leaving her with a key to my house in the future.


I am honestly shocked at what some people think is perfectly ok to do.

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See, this totally doesn't bother me at all. My mom comes in and does things like this here and there. So does one particular friend of mine who has house-sat in the past for me. There was a time in my life that it would've made me feel annoyed/embarassed, but I'm sooo over that.


I get that it bugs you, though. For that, I'm sorry.

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In all honesty, I'd not bring it up.


Look, when I need my mom to do stuff for me, she does it HER way, and you know what? That's OK. It's NOT the end of the world that I have to refold everything, she washed it and put it away and she did the best she could.


She is TRYING to do something kind and loving for you. Yes, it went over like a crap cake, but she *tried*. And, if you yell at her, she may never offer to help again.


Part of people helping? Is not freaking out when they do things differently than you do. Just graciously accept their help in the way it was intended. As a gift of love.


The bowls will not cause armageddon with the tupperware, just take them down. Just reconfigure the blinds and put the stuff back.


And then we wonder why no one wants to help. Because they're afraid to, perhaps?

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In all honesty, I'd not bring it up.


Look, when I need my mom to do stuff for me, she does it HER way, and you know what? That's OK. It's NOT the end of the world that I have to refold everything, she washed it and put it away and she did the best she could.


She is TRYING to do something kind and loving for you. Yes, it went over like a crap cake, but she *tried*. And, if you yell at her, she may never offer to help again.


Part of people helping? Is not freaking out when they do things differently than you do. Just graciously accept their help in the way it was intended. As a gift of love.


The bowls will not cause armageddon with the tupperware, just take them down. Just reconfigure the blinds and put the stuff back.


And then we wonder why no one wants to help. Because they're afraid to, perhaps?



When you ask someone to drop by and feed the cats, it's understandable to feel annoyed when the helper doesn't just feed the cats "her way" but goes through bedrooms, kitchen cupboards, and the whole house doing things she was never asked to do "her way." The OP isn't freaking out. She actually seems rather calm. No one's yelling, and that lecture in your post seems unwarranted.

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I USED to get huffy about this stuff. But I REALLY have to ask myself. Someone spends THAT much time just to annoy me? I would feel kind of sad if I thought I was doing someone a favor and they were really made about it. I probably wouldn't clean someone's entire house, but I guess it depends on how comfortable you are. Maybe she feels close enough to you to do that. I tend to always see the positive. And even if I do think someone was being rude, I just refuse to believe it. I just feel really lucky when someone wants to do ANYTHING for me. It's a mindset


And I didn't get that from justamouse's post. She never has a rude/lecturing tone. I know she doesn't mean it that way even if it sounds like it to someone.

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I would think she thought she was helping.



Oh come on. Seriously?


So she thought purposely changing 28 settings from 65 to 66 on the thermostat was helping?


She thought pulling blanket out from under beds and puting them all over the house on furniture was helping?


She thought going through the house and redirecting all the shades was helping?


She thought purposely moving the scratching posts to where the cats are not used to it being and where it would get liter on it was helping?




I call BS or OCD or both on that.


I mean if it was a couple settings on the thermostat? Sure. She set it to what would make her comfy while there maybe. Whatever. She cleaned the blinds and reset them different? okay. Thought the futon wasn't made and tried to make or thought she was putting away toys and toy box lid? Weird, but livable.


It's not any one or two things that makes this nuts.


It's that she did ALL that and more during one round of pet visiting. That's beyond annoying. And the OP says she absolutely did know that the OP would not like it.


I wouldn't say anything. No point in getting in a rift about something she can't change. But no way would she have a key to my place or be pet sitting anymore.

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My friend has a MIL like this. Except that she doesn't mind rearranging her pantry or linen closet while my friend is home. I was over one time for a party and there is her MIL pulling everything out of a cabinet because it "wasn't done right". My friend has the patience of a saint. Or....She went mad a long time ago and I just completely numb!

OP, I feel ya. I would freak and find friends to watch the house from now on.

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OMG Bean. I'm so sorry.


I think I'm your sister.














Seriously, though... I have done things like that. Is your sister OCD or have OCD tendencies? Many of the things you said sound a bit classic OCD. I really do try not to do stuff like that, but sometimes I cannot stop myself. I usually feel pretty bad about it later. Maybe she does, too, and just doesn't know what to say?


Or, maybe she's yanking your chain, just to mess with you. Sisters are like that. Just ask my poor brother.

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Audrey, did you ever take down somebody's blinds and turn 'em around? I'm with farrarwilliams. That was the weirdest thing.


Did she turn them around? I was picturing her just rotating them the other way, not physically turning the whole blind around at the header. Have to read the OP again...


ETA: I think she just rotated them the opposite way. Still annoying as all get-out & certainly deliberate & time-consuming. But not as bad as turning them totally around.

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Audrey, did you ever take down somebody's blinds and turn 'em around? I'm with farrarwilliams. That was the weirdest thing.



No. No, I haven't. But... I don't think you have to take the blinds down. I think you just have to turn the turny thingy all the way the other way. That's how mine work, at least.

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This kind of thing with boundary problems about other people's things and space drives me nuts !!! I don't think I would ever be able to bring myself to give her unsupervised access to the house again. I would rather hire a professional petsitter who would not have some odd need to mess with anything that didn't directly relate to caring for the animals.

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I agree with Audrey- my first thought was she was messing with you- is she the practical joking type? Maybe she thought it was funny? Is too bizarre to think this was all done for real! =P


I have a bit of OCD and have been known to flip the toilet paper over or make sure all of the blinds in one room are slanted the same way, but this is really out there!! Why would she do all of this? It's just weird.

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Guest inoubliable



One time my mom ticked off my aunt. We went on a vacation. When we came back, all of the furniture in our house was turned around. Couches facing walls, even picture frames hung backwards on the walls. I'm not saying that you should maybe stop by your sister's house some time while she's out...

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In all honesty, I'd not bring it up.


Look, when I need my mom to do stuff for me, she does it HER way, and you know what? That's OK. It's NOT the end of the world that I have to refold everything, she washed it and put it away and she did the best she could.


She is TRYING to do something kind and loving for you. Yes, it went over like a crap cake, but she *tried*. And, if you yell at her, she may never offer to help again.


Part of people helping? Is not freaking out when they do things differently than you do. Just graciously accept their help in the way it was intended. As a gift of love.


The bowls will not cause armageddon with the tupperware, just take them down. Just reconfigure the blinds and put the stuff back.


And then we wonder why no one wants to help. Because they're afraid to, perhaps?


:iagree: :iagree: :iagree:


It's annoying, but let it go!


I wish I could have someone do all this to me when I went on a trip.

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One time my mom ticked off my aunt. We went on a vacation. When we came back, all of the furniture in our house was turned around. Couches facing walls, even picture frames hung backwards on the walls. I'm not saying that you should maybe stop by your sister's house some time while she's out...


Oh yeah! I change everything I previously said.


OP needs to do this. Tape her reaction and please share it here. :)

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Oh come on. Seriously?


So she thought purposely changing 28 settings from 65 to 66 on the thermostat was helping?


She thought pulling blanket out from under beds and puting them all over the house on furniture was helping?


She thought going through the house and redirecting all the shades was helping?


She thought purposely moving the scratching posts to where the cats are not used to it being and where it would get liter on it was helping?




I call BS or OCD or both on that.


I mean if it was a couple settings on the thermostat? Sure. She set it to what would make her comfy while there maybe. Whatever. She cleaned the blinds and reset them different? okay. Thought the futon wasn't made and tried to make or thought she was putting away toys and toy box lid? Weird, but livable.


It's not any one or two things that makes this nuts.


It's that she did ALL that and more during one round of pet visiting. That's beyond annoying. And the OP says she absolutely did know that the OP would not like it.


I wouldn't say anything. No point in getting in a rift about something she can't change. But no way would she have a key to my place or be pet sitting anymore.




not something worth getting your knickers in a knot over.

To me the sister was helping. It is a shame that so many people view helping as such a bad thing.

I have gone to peoples houses and done stuff similar. ( not while pet sitting)

I House sat once and cleaned their freezer. I didn't throw anything out, it was the top of the fridge freezer and the door had so much ice on it that it wouldn't close.

I have also visited friends (who have many children ) and just walked up their sink and washed all the dishes, or hung out a load of washing.

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I have a mil who does that sort of thing, but she's doing it because she's a control freak and seems to like people unsettled. she was living with us, and we came back from vacation a day early. she came rushing out yelling "you're not supposed to be home yet". (what was your first clue?) our bed was in the living room (in pieces), . . . . my I can't believe I can no longer remember everything (it's been nearly 30 years). anyway, all was topsy turvy and had to be put back together before we could do anything.



doesnt' matter why your sister did the things she did, I guess you'll need to have a neighbor feed your cats next time you're gone.

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That definitely crosses a line.



Helpful: Go in to feed cats. Open dishwasher to put cat feeding related implement in, and realize the dishes are clean. Put dishes away, guessing where some of them go.


Not helpful: Go in to feed cats. Go room to room looking for all the things the home owner does "wrong" so you can "fix".


Understandable: Adjust the thermostat so you are more comfortable while feeding cats.


Control issues: Change 28 settings on the thermostat ONE degree.



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I am not saying OP can't vent. I get that. What I am speaking against is the dogpile on the sister and how it is Just. Not. Done.



When you ask someone to drop by and feed the cats, it's understandable to feel annoyed when the helper doesn't just feed the cats "her way" but goes through bedrooms, kitchen cupboards, and the whole house doing things she was never asked to do "her way." The OP isn't freaking out. She actually seems rather calm. No one's yelling, and that lecture in your post seems unwarranted.




Like I said, people don't know what to do with other people's help anymore.


This is a sister, not a stranger. There is an intimacy there.


I am telling you, if OP called up yelling, sister is going to be baffled as to what she did, she was only trying to help. She was trying to make it just perfect, and look pretty for her sister when she got home. It was Her way of showing kindness. I can imagine she thought she was setting it up so that when sister walked in, she saw her house looking pretty and it would help her transition back to home more easily.


(When I go on vacation my house better be SPOTLESS when I get back because I don't need One More Thing To Do at that point)


THe thermostat settings? I am willing to bet that if she calls sister and says, "Hey, what's up with the thermostat?" Sister says, "I was trying to reset it for the animals---(whatever she would reset it for) and I forgot to set it back," or "I couldn't figure out how to make it go back"


I would break my thermostats. I have no idea how to use them and could care less. But I very much doubt she reset 28 of them On Purpose.


And yes, all can be askew in the house but the blinds had better damn well be straight. I cannot look at crooked lines on the wall. We have no blinds in this house...


And maybe she HAS OCD. So just thank her.

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Have you seen the movie Sleeping with the Enemy? This post reminds me of the controlling abusive husband. *shiver*


My mom is like this and she is no longer allowed in my home alone and we don't leave the kids with her anymore because she takes it upon herself to immediately start talking to them about things like sex, drugs, and God as soon as we leave the room.

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Have you seen the movie Sleeping with the Enemy? This post reminds me of the controlling abusive husband. *shiver*


My mom is like this and she is no longer allowed in my home alone and we don't leave the kids with her anymore because she takes it upon herself to immediately start talking to them about things like sex, drugs, and God as soon as we leave the room.



That shouldn't make me laugh, but it did.

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I am very particular about where I keep things, everything has its place. I presume other people live the same way. Some of those things I wouldn't care about, resetting the thermostat was so unnecessary after you told her it needed to stay at 65 (heck some of those are a pain to reset - why even mess with it!)


Blankets spread all over the furniture? Scents sprayed? (that alone would give me an asthma attack).


She wouldn't be housitting for me again, probably.

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Guest submarines

I would be really annoyed as well. Her actions seem to be very intrusive (unless she tends to be absent minded and goes into an automatic mode a lot?)


However, the real reason I opened this thread is because this is what I "read" in preview: "My sister stopped feeding my pets. She cleaned my horse." :eek: I need a coffee!


Now, don't you think that would have been much worse? :001_cool:

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