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Poll: Where did you get married?

Mama Geek

Where did you get married?  

383 members have voted

  1. 1. Where did you get married?

    • Church
    • City Hall
    • Outdoors
    • Vegas
    • Hotel
    • Other

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Vegas, Baby! We eloped. We told no one but our two best friends who came with us. I chose my gay male best friend instead of my female best friend, because she had a young daughter at the time. We got married in the Bally's wedding chapel, wearing jeans and tennis shoes, then the 4 of us drove to Hoover Dam for the day. Came back and ate a buffet, got some goofy fake pictures of us in wedding attire, and called it a day. The next morning we called all our family and told them we weren't in Florida visiting dh's cousin after all!

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City hall and then church. In Venezuela (and most of Latin America) your civil marriage and religious ceremony are separate. The city hall ceremony was about 2 minutes long and we got married in shorts in the middle of moving all of our stuff into storage. The church wedding was a straight up traditional ceremony for the benefit of our parents, grandparents, assorted aunts and uncles, etc.

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We got married outside at a resort (timeshare sort of thing) that our friend's parents managed, so we didn't have to pay to rent it. The wedding dress that I had ordered was flawed, and the boutique refused to pay for the repairs on it, so I wore a plain white tank dress from The Limited, that I dressed up with accessories. Dh wore white dress shorts, a dress shirt and tie. My bridesmaids wore navy tank dresses like mine, and dh's groomsmen wore navy dress shorts with shirt and tie. It was really classy looking but super cheap. Lots of fun. And the rain shower was over a half hour before the ceremony, so there was time for the guests to wipe down the chairs before we started. :D


eta: I just googled the resort where we got married to see how it looks now, nearly 20 years later. I'm so sad. It ceased trading in 2006 after over 50 years in business and the new owners now have planning permission to put up a 6-story, 100-foot building with 34 residential units. It used to be an old 1 story, old-Florida style resort right on the ocean. Now it'll be just another new-Florida monstrosity.

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I said other because I was married at home both times . . . i guess the first one was in the back yard for the actual legal part, but then it was raining so the rest was in our house (we already were pregnant w our second child). The second one - honestly, in the living room of my town house. It was ONLY close family, no friends at all. The first one was maybe 50 people. My mom made the food both times.

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I voted Outside, but realized I voted wrong should have been other.


The first wedding was at the Hindu temple with a reception at a local Indian restaraunt.


our second wedding (2 days later) was outside on the grounds of a gorgeous old house and the reception was there as well.


Our third reception was in a small town outside of New Dehli in India, forturnately my FIL talked his relatives out of a third wedding cerimony.

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Well let's see... I was raised Pentecostal and the church I attended burned down about 6 months before we were married.


Dh was raised catholic but since he was divorced and planning on getting remarried to a non-catholic, his church was obviously out of the question.


So we found some random church called "The First Congregational Church" and they married us for a fee... No questions asked.

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We were married in my parents church under protest. Not protesting getting married...but the THEIR CHURCH part of it and THEIR PASTOR (control freak, woman hating, legalistic, my way or the highway type individual). However, my parents were paying for it and the church we wanted to get married in could not seat all of the people my parents were determined to invite. Since they were paying for it and prepared to be brutally disappointed in us if we didn't let them invite all 350 people who attended their church, blech..we let it go.


Sigh...it had 70's orange carpet and well, it was just ugly. Our pictures are awful from the ceremony. The pics we had blown up were all taken elsewhere that day.


DD is not getting married in our home church. It's dark and dreary. The decorating committee, following modern trends, painted a sanctuary that seats 500, purple (greyish and fairly dark) and taupe. The carpet is purple, there are too few windows and not enough lighting to compensate, purple pew coverings, walnut woodwork, and wrought iron type wall crosses. It looks like a cave and since this is a small wedding, 80 people, we'd be swallowed up in there. She's marrying in a different church. Oh, and the narthex/foyer is purple and taupe and the committee members all chipped in to buy two leather couches, a couple of leather wingback chairs, paisly curtains, and a gas log fireplace. Seriously, it looks like a hotel conference center. If it weren't for the Bibles and what not around, you'd never know you stepped into a church.


I wanted to get married outside. However, my grandfather's health was very, very poor and he couldn't sit in the sun for any length of time. Since he was walking me down the aisle along with my dad, indoors was a must. It was a good trade off though because grandpa only lasted one year after we married and I have a marvelous pic of us together waiting to go down the aisle.



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We were married on a friend's sailboat in the basin near our yacht club.


I was nervous because February in San Diego can be dicey for an outdoor wedding, but it was a beautiful sunny day.


My dh was nervous because he was afraid I wouldn't show up. :laugh:


If we ever renew our vows this sounds perfect.

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We got married at the Baptist church we were both members of (I had switched from my Independent Fundamental Baptist church to his Southern Baptist church when we started dating).


Four years into Orthodoxy and I'm still waiting for our marriage to be blessed. My stefana is in the office of my former priest :( I would like our current priest to bless our marriage. My nouna is in PA and had bought the stefana. Just at an awkward position all the way around. I'm wondering if I should just wait till we settle before we deal with it, but I would like for our friends to attend.

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We got married at a country club that my aunt and uncle were members of. We were supposed to get married at the church I grew up going to, but they neglected to tell us that there was a deposit to pay, and two weeks before our wedding they gave away our spot to an "emergency" wedding and we had to scramble to find somewhere else to get married. It ended up being great, though, b/c we were already having our reception there, so we (and our guests and attendants) didn't have to travel between the wedding and the reception. :)

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we got married at city hall with just our parents and our friend that had introduced us to each other 9.5 years prior. We then had a fairly big reception at an oceanfront condo that we rented for the night. There was a huge deck right over the ocean.


My dd says when she gets married, she wants it to be either on the beach or at the chapel at the Grand Floridian at Disney World.

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We moved up our wedding by 18 mos (not a "shotgun" situation but because DH and I decided 1 month into his Army Officer Basic that we were miserable without each other) and our denomination had a strict 6 month waiting period. We didn't qualify for any of the exceptions even though we had already been engaged for over 6 months and had started the pre-wedding requirements (counseling, etc.) So we went over to the courthouse and had a civil ceremony. Later we had a renewal-of-vows/blessing ceremony in our church.

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