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What song is currently on play in your head?

Elizabeth in MN

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Several songs from the Phantom of the Opera. My daughter has become obsessed with the 25th anniversary edition and plays it constantly. I shower with the songs in my head. I walk to the bus with the songs in my head, etc... It is driving me crazy. The bright side is now she is interested in Les Miserable. I guess I will get to have a whole new set of songs in my head soon!

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Tie Me Kangaroo Down, Boys


someone at work mentioned it, and ack, it is stuck. My most common earworm is Waltzing Matilda, which we sang in the car when I was growing up, but we sang TMKD,B too. I don't mind Waltzing Matilda at all. The other earworms I get are the various polkas my father was always whistling when I was growing up. Also not bad.

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Often times I wake up with a song playing in my head. It's such a regular occurrence my mom wonders if I could be hooked up to a brain scan and it'd have a print out of the music.


Today it's "Call Me Maybe" by Carly Rae Jepsen


What is it for you?



"Non ti scordar di me" - a bit into Italian Classics at the moment

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We are never ever

getting back together....!!!


Your friends talk to my friends,

talk to your friends, talk to me!



Taylor Swift



I swear this song is soo catchy. I even wake up at night with it going through my head. Maybe Taylor is secretly sending subliminal (say that three times fast!) messages to take over the world.

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Well, when I started reading... it was "End of the World as We Know It" by REM... we'd been talking about the whole Mayan calendar thing at dinner, and every time someone says some combination of "world" and "end" I start hearing that song. :D


But now AFTER I've read the thread... I don't know, I have a bunch of the songs you all named bobbling around in my head. I think "Call Me Maybe" might win out. ;)


ETA: Nope. Turns out "Some Nights" is the winner!!

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'Vincent'. My Uncle, who died last week, was a solitary, misunderstood man, prone to depression; he also had a Vincent motorbike, bought in 1953, which he treasured and cared for over the years. We had his funeral yesterday, and brought his bike back here; the song 'Vincent' always reminded me of him, and it keeps playing in my head, even when I wake up in the night :crying: .

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'Vincent'. My Uncle, who died last week, was a solitary, misunderstood man, prone to depression; he also had a Vincent motorbike, bought in 1953, which he treasured and cared for over the years. We had his funeral yesterday, and brought his bike back here; the song 'Vincent' always reminded me of him, and it keeps playing in my head, even when I wake up in the night :crying: .




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