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What is the temperature IN your house right now?


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62 is what I set the thermostat for overnight. It would be way too cold for me during the day when I'm not huddled under blankets. But - I have chronic problems with my muscles. If they tense up (as they do when I get cold) then I am in tons of pain. I'm already wearing sweaters etc. so I'm not running around in t-shirts during the day.

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61, which is where it will stay all winter. There's a reason I took up quilting as a hobby when we moved here.


As to whether that's too cold, it all depends on what you're used to- outside in January it'll be around 10 degrees, so to me 61inside feels pretty warm. But when I visit family in Atlanta, I get chilly inside when the thermostat is set at 65!

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Guest inoubliable

60 right now. The house we're renting only has baseboard heat. Some of the rooms don't even have a unit, like the kitchen and the half bath. Some of the units don't work - the living room has three units and only one works. We have to use a space heater in the living room and we can only get it to about 60. If it's really cold outside, we spend the day in the master bedroom where both baseboard heaters work. We keep the house at about 55 during the night because the baseboard heaters are so old and get so hot that we're nervous to have them up too high while we're sleeping. DH gets super anxious that they could potentially start a fire.

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Most of the house is about 55-60 right now, but the main room is 68 by the wood stove. We do have electric baseboard heat that keeps the house from going below 55, but other than firing up the stove in the morning, we don't do much to keep the house warm. I'm sitting in one of the below-60 rooms right now.


We did have one house where I couldn't stand to keep the heat below 64. That was in a place with very soggy winters and the wet air made me much colder. But other than that, 60 is about normal for us. If money weren't a consideration, I'd be comfortable at 66 in the day and 55 at night.

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It's 77 in the living room right now, but that's solar heat from a sunny day and lots of windows. It was 81 at one point this afternoon and I opened a window to try and cool it off a little. This evening it will get cold and the building-wide radiators might or might not get turned on. I'll turn the room air conditioner/heater on in DD's room, but maybe not in mine. She likes it warm and she's getting over a cold so I don't need her getting chilled.

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66. The thermostat is set on 66, but I'll turn it to 67 after lunch. :) The heat has been running all morning, it will slow down after lunch and the house will feel drafty, so if I bump it up it will run just a bit more.


Other, but related news, my dh and I decided that an gas insert would be our Christmas gift this year. It will be put in by the 13th. I can't wait. Our old house is so drafty. The living room feels like an ice box even when the heat runs. We've wanted an insert for years (it's an old, non-working, coal fireplace). I'm so excited to be able to sit in our living room and not freeze!

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68 in most of the house right now, but I'm sitting in front of space heater because my office is colder than that. We keep it 64 in the house at night in the winter. If it's colder, the kid that kicks her covers off wakes up. If it's warmer, the kid that likes cold doesn't sleep well. Last winter, my mom was taking blood thinners and was always cold so we had the house a constant 72 so she would be comfortable.

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The downstairs is controlled by the neighbors so I'm not sure what the actual temperature is, I only know that it is hot down here. I control the upstairs and we keep it set really high because the unit doesn't kick on properly. It will eventually drop to 65, kick on, heat to 80 and start all over again. Otherwise, I would have it at an even 70-72. I couldn't do 62 because my son wouldn't be able to handle it. He gets cold easily and we find 70ish is a safe temperature for him.

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The thermostat is set at 70, but I just checked with my Thermapen and the ambient temp is about 74 (the oven is on). I am wearing silk long underwear underneath my jeans and long-sleeved shirt and I would say that I am reasonably comfortable, although my feet are a bit cold and I should go get a second pair of socks. It is 50 degrees outside. 62 inside would do me in.


In my defense, I also keep the thermostat at 81 all summer. I find the air conditioning in public spaces to be almost unbearably cold.

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62 sounds FREEZING to me. But I'm a wimp.


We're keeping it around 70 at night so we can sleep comfortably. During the day we let it get as cold as it's going to without the heater on because we can bundle and adjust. That said, this apartment is drafty drafty drafty! I can see our curtains on the door blowing around.



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Currently 64 degrees. Heat has not cut in at all today. I have a long sleeve shirt and yoga pants on and am fairly comfortable. DD15 thinks it is cold, so she has a hoodie on over her clothes. I generally keep the temp between 61 (sleeping) and 65 (evenings). Anything warmer than 66 and I'd be too warm!

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68 and I'm FREEZING.


*FREEZING* I have on thermals, a turtleneck, and a sweater. I mean, I'm OK right now, but for the ost part, I freeze all day long and just keep adding layers.


62 would be my undoing. I would be forced to wear a hat in the house and nothing would get done but copious amounts of baking.


As it is, most days I wear three layers, wool socks and slippers in my house are a MUST. It goes down to 65 at night, and I am glued to my Dh all night.

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62 would be my undoing. I would be forced to wear a hat in the house and nothing would get done but copious amounts of baking.


Same here.


You'd probably read about me in the news.


"Local Woman Found Dead Inside Clothes Dryer -- At least she died warm. And well-tumbled."

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The thermostat on the furnace is set for 68 but it's currently 75 inside. We have lots of south facing windows so the house tends to heat up during the day, then cools off considerably at night. I heard the furnace running when I woke up this morning but I don't think it's kicked back on again since then. It's a nuisance in the summer because it tends to get so hot in here, but in the winter it means our heating bill is minimal for an older, drafty midwestern house!


Edited to add: I just checked and the outdoor temperature is currently 41. Yep, our house certainly stays warm!

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74 degrees. 72 would be OK, too, but right now it's 74 in here. I never keep it lower than 72.


I would FREEZE at 62! :eek:


72 is about my lowest limit. Right now it's 74 in here and 69 outside. On chilly nights we set the thermostat at 69 or 70. We don't get too many cold days, and only a few weeks worth of cold nights (though not usually consecutive).

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So much of it depends on the humidity. In the South, 65 feels much colder than 65 in northern areas where the air is not as dry.

I read an article that told people to set their a/c on 80 in the summer. We'd die because we live in a high humidity area.

Is your house tight or drafty? Do you have carpet, wood or ceramic tile? All of these influence how "cold" your home will feel. Do you wear a t shirt, sweater and warm pants with socks? All of these make a difference. Also, how are your windows? Plenty of sunshine in the house makes it "feel" warmer IMHO.


We keep it at 65-66 during the day.

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So much of it depends on the humidity. In the South, 65 feels much colder than 65 in northern areas where the air is not as dry.

I read an article that told people to set their a/c on 80 in the summer. We'd die because we live in a high humidity area.




True. We went to Tennessee one winter to visit dh's grandmother. When it was 45 degrees there, it felt much warmer than 45 here in Florida. There's no way we could keep our A/C on 80 in the summer.

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62 is what I set the thermostat for overnight. It would be way too cold for me during the day when I'm not huddled under blankets. But - I have chronic problems with my muscles. If they tense up (as they do when I get cold) then I am in tons of pain. I'm already wearing sweaters etc. so I'm not running around in t-shirts during the day.



:iagree:Jean posted everything I was thinking! That is way too cold for me, and it's our overnight temp too.

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True. We went to Tennessee one winter to visit dh's grandmother. When it was 45 degrees there, it felt much warmer than 45 here in Florida. There's no way we could keep our A/C on 80 in the summer.


My dh lived in TN and I lived in Fl while we were dating. I'd complain about being cold at 60-65 in the winter and he'd mock me. Then he came to a football game at my high school...65 degrees, high humidity and a stout wind changed his mind. 65 can be SUPER cold in tropical areas.

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Well....in the hall where the thermostat is, it says 69. That is the warmest spot in the house :glare: Here, where my office is about 5 degrees cooler (we measured one day) so...64. It's a bit chilly. I'm dressed in layers. My dds room is upstairs, with no heat. You can hang meat in there. :eek: (she is NOT forced to live in that room, btw, it is of her own choosing) I'm guessing it hovers around whatever it is outside during the day and drops down to the 40s at night, because she refuses to sleep with the door open so the heat can get up there. Whatever. I refuse to go up there :lol:

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