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At what age do your kids brush teeth totally on their own?

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My 10yo brushes and flosses on her own. I occasionally remind her to hit a few spots that the dentist has said tend to collect plaque. She uses the same kind of toothbrush that DH and I do; it has a timer so you know you've been brushing long enough.


My 7yo brushes and flosses on his own, but since he doesn't use the toothbrush with a timer, I sometimes make him go back and do it again if I think he's rushed through it. He seems to brush well and thoroughly, hitting all the spots, just too quickly sometimes. I have heard that when they can write cursive, they have the fine motor control to brush well; the 7yo doesn't write cursive yet, but his print is excellent, so I think he's got the control to do it. I do occasionally do it for him.


My almost 4yo brushes on his own sometimes, and I do it for him sometimes. The dentist recommended that he do it in the morning, and I do it in the evening, so that's generally what we do.

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We are arguing about this right now because our dentist is having to scale the boys' teeth in some places because of plaque build up. I think he's being a little over reactive. He's a dentist who deals mostly with adults but I can't stand the ped dentists in this town.

So, I still brush my 9yos teeth once a day. He flosses. I watch my 12yo now and again to make sure he's hitting problem areas.

We use Sonicares, too. We've had some bad check up recently and I have bad teeth. So, I'm extra vigilant. I hate it though. Anathema. I love that word!

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Our ped dentist said I should brush them until about 8 or 9. I usually let ds(5) brush his teeth himself in the morning, but I always brush them before bed. I let dd(9) brush hers herself, but sometimes I do brush them when I can see that she's not getting up near the gums very well.

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Ds's dentist told me that kids need help brushing until they are 8. I brushed ds's up until then....and right in line with what dentist had told me it seemed ds began to do a better job on his own at age 8. I remember for one 6 month period just before he turned 8 I let him do mornings alone and I helped with night.

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Our dentist recommends until 10yo, so I'm still brushing and flossing all of my kids' teeth. Lovely end of day task :glare:.

Still 8.5years to go...


This exactly. My dad is a dentist and my mom is a dental hygientist and this is what they recommend. I let them brush in the morning, but I brush them before bed.

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Originally Posted by Tress viewpost.gif

Our dentist recommends until 10yo, so I'm still brushing and flossing all of my kids' teeth. Lovely end of day task :glare:.

Still 8.5years to go...


This exactly. My dad is a dentist and my mom is a dental hygientist and this is what they recommend. I let them brush in the morning, but I brush them before bed.



:iagree: I still do dd9's teeth at night, check on ds11's, and let them do it in the mornings.

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said to brush my daughter's teeth for her at least once a day (let her brush them the another time) until she was at least 10. She said children don't have the dexterity until then to do a good enough job themselves.


My daughter is 24 and has never had a cavity in her life.

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Our dentist says we should help the kids brush until they have the fine motor skills to write decently.

Oh, dear. Dd's handwriting is horrid. I'm so not brushing my dd's teeth at 13.


Dd brushed her teeth on her own about 5. I may have done it once or twice when she was 6, but that was more for fun and giggles.

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Oh, dear. Dd's handwriting is horrid. I'm so not brushing my dd's teeth at 13.


Dd brushed her teeth on her own about 5. I may have done it once or twice when she was 6, but that was more for fun and giggles.




My kids are at the dentist and orthodontist constantly due to their serious orthodontic issues. They've been brushing their own teeth since about 5 years. No problems or comments that they're not getting the job done by their doctors, so I'm confident we're OK.

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said to brush my daughter's teeth for her at least once a day (let her brush them the another time) until she was at least 10. She said children don't have the dexterity until then to do a good enough job themselves.


My daughter is 24 and has never had a cavity in her life.


And, I stopped brushing my oldest's when she was 4. She didn't get a cavity until she was over 18, and that was only because of medications she was taking. Dd#2 is 18 and has only had one cavity (around age 12). Dd#3 has had a ton of cavities. She had one the first time I took her to the dentist as a toddler. Ds gets one every now and then. The thing the dentists don't want you to know is that brushing or not it mostly comes down to who got the get cavity genes!

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The thing the dentists don't want you to know is that brushing or not it mostly comes down to who got the get cavity genes!


I do agree with this. We have very strong teeth on my side of the family. I still haven't gotten a cavity and dh just started getting cavities a couple years ago (he is now 31). His mom, however, has teeth so weak that you can see through them.

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Oldest brushed on her own at four. I helped youngest until her checkup at five. Our dentist always said I should be doing it till they were about nine, but he always raved about older's teeth. He didn't know she was doing it herself. He would complain about younger's and I was helping her.:tongue_smilie: After she started brushing her own, he raved about her teeth as well. No cavities ever for either.

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Brushing and flossing is not just about cavities, it's about having healthy gums.


I helped until they were 8. By that time I was brushing them a few times a week. Now I occasionally brush them just to check to see how they are doing.


I was raised by a hygienist though, so I'm a little OCD.

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I do agree with this. We have very strong teeth on my side of the family. I still haven't gotten a cavity and dh just started getting cavities a couple years ago (he is now 31). His mom, however, has teeth so weak that you can see through them.


:iagree: I brushed and flossed my oldest's teeth until he was about 6 every night and very thoroughly. I have never had a cavity so I thought I was a pro at brushing and flossing. DS had so many cavities before he was 7. It's crazy. I think his problem is a combo of genetics, over zealous dentist, and not enough space between his teeth. My younger kids have no cavities and I quit helping them around 4-5. I think 8 is a little old for help- does he care? I think you could buy some disclosure tablets to make sure he's doing a good job. I will check my kids' teeth and if they don't look clean, I send them back.

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My 4.5 and 5.5 year olds brush their own teeth, but Dh supervises and helps them floss. I know that my parents never brushed our teeth past age 4 or 5 (some of my brothers were taller than my mother by age 8 or 9), and my siblings and I have never had any dental or gum problems.

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Our dentist suggested about eight or so - she feels that seven years olds will not usually brush as well as they ought to reliably.


My seven year old doesn't - she remembers to do it even if I forget, but she tends to be too quick. I usually let her do the brushing but keep an eye on how careful she is.


My four and two year olds are not able to do it themselves. They make a good effort but forget what they've done and leave parts unbrushed. So they brush and then I brush.


ETA - this is for the evening brush. In the morning I often let them do it on their own, but I usually have to remind them.

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My 4yo and 7yo brush their own in the morning, but I brush at night. The 7yo has very deep grooves in a couple of his molars that aren't cavities, yet, but I am not at all confident that he will clean those teeth thoroughly enough. Plus, DH and I are both a little nutso about dental hygiene.

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My 4yo and 7yo brush their teeth and then dh or I 'finish off' for them morning and night. My 9yo gets inspected evenings only and we do some brushing if his teeth don't look properly clean.


The dentist advised that parents should be helping/checking until age 8, because even if a 5yo is brushing really well, this will become more difficult when her/his 6yo molars come in.


@JennyD, my 7yo has very 'deep' molars, and she is actually getting sealant put in to make them easier to clean.

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I also realize I probably can't follow her to college with a toothbrush. :tongue_smilie:

There goes my plan. :tongue_smilie:


I brush all my kids' teeth at night and will for a few more years. We're already looking at getting braces on Nathan 12-18 months from now, so I'm sure I'll at least have to check them then.

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Our dentist recommends until 10yo, so I'm still brushing and flossing all of my kids' teeth. Lovely end of day task :glare:.

Still 8.5years to go...

:iagree:Although DS will be 10 this month and we still occassionally bursh and floss. DS7 just got molars and at this weeks DDS appt were told to be sure we get way back there b/c these are easy cavitiy spots (and it's b/c mom & dad have been lazy and not helping w/ his burshing).


Typically we have them brush for 2 minutes and then we'll follow-up with a burshing.

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