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Random questions that have been bugging me

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EDIT: I have to mention there is a Downton Abbey spoiler in this thread. I didn't even think about it when I posted. Sorry!


1. Do you know who Major Tom is? Would parents who are reading picture books to their kids know who Major Tom is? (I'm assuming here that parents with dc young enough to have picture books read to them are likely a bit younger than I am.) I was reading a Skippyjon Jones book to dd. It's about a Siamese cat that thinks he's a chihuahua. He has an adventure where he travels to Mars. When he's done his mother refers to him as Major Tom. *I* know the reference, but I'm *that* old. Dh thinks it's one of those things meant to relate to the parents, like how some kids' movies will add things that only the parents get. (On a side note I'm reading Wonder Struck and it refers to Space Oddity. So this is the second time it's come up in as many months. Strange.)


2. Does anyone read the Judge Parker comic strip? Why? Some time ago our local paper revamped their comics page. Jump Start was dropped but Judge Parker stayed. Is it because only old people buy the paper and those are the people who read Judge Parker? My ds used to read it only because he read every strip on the page but he's older now and realizes it's a boring strip where nothing actually happens. So he stopped.


3. What if Mr. Bates really did kill his wife? He never actually denied doing it, did he? He seems like such a swell guy but maybe he's not so nice as he makes himself out to be. I'm referring to Downton Abbey, of course.


Please indulge me. I must have answers so I can get on with my life! :tongue_smilie:

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1. Well, I know who Major Tom is, but I'm that old, too. Most definitely a reference for the parents.


2. I'd much rather read Jump Start than Judge Parker. I can't believe anyone, even old people, reads those boring ones, like Mary Worth. :tongue_smilie:


3. Mrs. Bates was a royal PITA. I thoroughly believe she did herself in just because she was angry that Mr. Bates was actually happy.

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1. Yes, I know. My kids have heard the song, and it's possible my 7yo would still pick up a Skippyjon book if it crossed her path.


2. No idea - there are several comics I just never understood, and no one I know has ever mentioned actually reading them.


3. He wouldn't. If he was that kind of guy, he would have done it years ago and done a better job (he's not stupid). She knew what it would do to him - a final revenge when her situation was hopeless.

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1. I know who Major Tom is, but I'm also that old. It looks like the author is even older, but you'd think if she's writing for young parents she wouldn't use a reference they are unlikely to understand.


2. No idea what you're talking about.


3. I can't imagine he did it, but I can't figure out who else would have reason to either. It couldn't be Anna, could it?

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1. Do you know who Major Tom is? Would parents who are reading picture books to their kids know who Major Tom is? (I'm assuming here that parents with dc young enough to have picture books read to them are likely a bit younger than I am.) I was reading a Skippyjon Jones book to dd. It's about a Siamese cat that thinks he's a chihuahua. He has an adventure where he travels to Mars. When he's done his mother refers to him as Major Tom. *I* know the reference, but I'm *that* old. Dh thinks it's one of those things meant to relate to the parents, like how some kids' movies will add things that only the parents get. (On a side note I'm reading Wonder Struck and it refers to Space Oddity. So this is the second time it's come up in as many months. Strange.)


Yes, I know the Bowie reference, but I'm almost 40. I absolutely think it is meant to be something that parents get. My younger sisters used to watch Animaniacs. One day one of them was running around making his finger say, "redrum." That's not something the kids are going to get.


2. Does anyone read the Judge Parker comic strip? Why? Some time ago our local paper revamped their comics page. Jump Start was dropped but Judge Parker stayed. Is it because only old people buy the paper and those are the people who read Judge Parker? My ds used to read it only because he read every strip on the page but he's older now and realizes it's a boring strip where nothing actually happens. So he stopped.


It's not in our local paper.


3. What if Mr. Bates really did kill his wife? He never actually denied doing it, did he? He seems like such a swell guy but maybe he's not so nice as he makes himself out to be. I'm referring to Downton Abbey, of course.



I think she did herself in. She seemed like a miserable person.

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1. Yes, and I think your husband is correct, though Space Oddity may be one of those points of cultural literacy our children should be aware of.


2. Judge Parker would fall into the genre of strips like Sally Forth for me. I think they're a comic strip version of the old radio serials. I like old radio serials, but don't feel like they translate well to comic strips.


3. :eek: :svengo:

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Yes, I know who Major Tom is, but my 13 year old would not.


NO idea on the comic.


And SHAME on you for thinking Mr. Bates would kill his wife! That man is a saint, and if he wasn't married to Anna, and I didn't have DH, I'd marry him myself. (well..and if I had a time machine and he was real). His wife killed herself and framed him because she's a horrid person.

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1. Yes, and I think your husband is correct, though Space Oddity may be one of those points of cultural literacy our children should be aware of.


2. Judge Parker would fall into the genre of strips like Sally Forth for me. I think they're a comic strip version of the old radio serials. I like old radio serials, but don't feel like they translate well to comic strips.


3. :eek: :svengo:


Do you mean Mary Worth?

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1. Yes, but I'm 45. I think the kids might get it though, as Pandora occasionally spits out the song.

2. I only read Cul de Sac, and am so sad it's ending.

3. I don't watch the show.

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1. Yes, I know it, but I'm old.


2. No idea why papers still carry the strip. Nostalgia? I do still read Beetle Bailey and Blondie, but I skip Prince Valiant.


3. *Gasp!* Mr. Bates most certainly did NOT kill his wife! I LOVE Mr. Bates. Love. Him. That spiteful, conniving shrew did herself in!! Horrid woman.

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1. Yes, and my kids will probably know when they're a bit older--Bowie is on regular rotation around here. I'm 35.


2. I don't take the paper, so I only read online comics. But when I was a kid and read the comics, I skipped Judge Parker.


3. I don't watch Downton Abbey, so I have no opinion. :tongue_smilie:

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I do not know Mr. Tom


Second reference I get.


As for Mr. Bates, he is an upright gentleman. However, I do believe that the writers of the show, in an effort to increase the drama, will have the suicide/framing be successful and he will hang for a crime he did not commit which somehow the genius country doctor for the family will manage to have the body exhumed and perform some sort of forensic, anthropological miracle that was not possible back then, and prove in a Sherlock Holmes manner, that Mr. Bates was innocence in which case a great deal will be done to advertise the execution of an innocent man, while Anna announces she's pregnant, and so the family adopts her and takes care of her forever out of loyalty to Mr. Bates!!!! :D


Of course, it's entirely possible that the conniving personal maid of the mistress of the house and her co-hort in crime - that evil footman dude - will turn out to have killed her and framed Mr. Bates because they hate him. This still won't come out until the good man has died for the crime, and Anna will most certainly still be announcing her pregnancy. :biggrinjester:


Maybe I should write for the show! ;)



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Don't know who Major Tom is. I don't know if I'm that old since I don't get the reference.....I'm 30, but I also don't know the book you referenced.


I have no idea who Judge Parker is. I can commiserate on cruddy comics in the paper is.


I've never watched Downtown Abbey.



Sorry I'm no help!

Edited by MrsBasil
Darn tablet.
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1. No. I know there's an old song about Major Tom (Bowie?). I was born in the early 60s. My kids were before Skippyjon Jones too, so I would not expect most parents who read this book to get the reference. Their grandparents might though!


2. No. (But I've always wondered how Funky Winkerbean has stuck around for so long.)


3. Who? Oh, Downton Abbey. I'm sadly, again, out of the loop!

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1. Yes, I know who Major Tom is, but I'm almost 40. My kids probably wouldn't pick up the reference but the older ones would recognize the song.


2. We don't have that comic, but I have long wondered who reads Mary Worth, Prince Valiant, and The Phantom.


3. Mr. Bates is not a saint. We'll probably find that out in season 4; however, I don't think he murdered his wife. I think she had another lover and wanted to get back with Bates to protect herself. She figured Bates was easier to control. The other lover killed her.


A woman doesn't just show up suddenly after many years and behave the way she did to get someone back into her life. Bates has to be useful in some way (other than Bates-Anna drama).

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1. We loved that book here! I do not know who Major Tom is and did not get the reference. I'm 39 so, judging from this thread, I live under a rock.


2. I don't think I've ever even seen that comic strip. Maybe it's a regional one or it could be that I live under that rock I suppose.


3. The writers seem determined to make him a saint so no. I think Bates is the character I find the least interesting on the show.

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Thanks for the indulgence everyone! I had fun reading all your replies.


1. I'm glad to hear a lot of you know who Major Tom (Space Oddity) is. The author had another song reference: a character was knock, knock, knocking on Skippy's door. I took that as a Clapton reference but it's not nearly as random as the Major Tom one.


2. I don't like Mary Worth or Prince Valiant either. We don't get Sally Forth; I'm guessing it's like For Better or For Worse where the characters age as the storyline goes on. Some days I liked FBoFW but it wasn't one of my favorites.


3. I really liked reading the insights on Bates and what the writers might do with him. Can't wait to find out!

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Sorry, but I don't get the "Mr. Bates lovefest."


You're not alone.


The author had another song reference: a character was knock, knock, knocking on Skippy's door. I took that as a Clapton reference but it's not nearly as random as the Major Tom one.



Now see, I think of Bob Dylan when I hear that song (or reference to it).

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My kids know who Major Tom is. We like giving them "American Cultural Literacy" lessons with music.


I am 56 (I was already old when my kids were born). I've been to a lot of rock concerts. David Bowie put on the best. By far.



We don't get the paper anymore, but I never read those soap opera comics.


And I didn't like the Downton Abbey episode I watched.

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3. What if Mr. Bates really did kill his wife? He never actually denied doing it, did he? He seems like such a swell guy but maybe he's not so nice as he makes himself out to be. I'm referring to Downton Abbey, of course.


Please indulge me. I must have answers so I can get on with my life! :tongue_smilie:


i have no idea for # 1 and 2, but I definitely think Bates is hiding something. I think he could have killed her but didn't. The first Mrs Bates was pretty slick but....kill herself just to frame him? Wow. I thought his death sentence was commuted. And I think O'Brien is reforming while Thomas has gone over the edge.

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Huh, maybe I need to read SkippyJon Jones. :D Yes, I know who Major Tom is.


I never read those types of comics, and I don't know anyone who does.


I prefer to think of Downton Abbey as a magical, mysterious place where nearly anything could happen, LOL!! It's certainly possible Bates killed his wife. But I suspect a conspiracy. ;) And I can't believe we have to wait until JANUARY here to find out!!!!!

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1. That's funny. I'm old enough to know Bowie and his song, but I don't. I immediately though of

by Peter Schilling, which apparently was somewhat inspired by the Bowie song, but I didn't know that at the time.


2. I've seen the strip, but never read it. I probably wouldn't make the connection and catch any reference to it.


3. I know several people IRL who are Downton Abbey fans, but I've never seen it.

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1. Absolutely yes, SJJ rules! I asked my oldest (in college) if he knew about Major Tom, his reply was to burst out in song, ground control to Major Toooooommmmm. That's my boy!


2. No, I was more of a Brenda Starr gal. Always looking for more of that mysterious Basil St. John...


3. I think Mrs. Bates the First far too selfish a woman to do herself in, though I do see her as mean enough. I don't think Mr. B did it, either. I think it was O'Brien, trying to make up for calling Vera back in the first place. I believe she just didn't foresee the consequences - Mr. Bates being accused - which is par for the course for O'B and her crony Thomas (who I believe will be revealed as her son in the next season).

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1) You know, I've been sitting here thinking, "My kids know who Major Tom is; there was a recent

that they love." Then I realized I was thinking of the Peter Schilling song, not the Bowie song (which I do know, but since the Shiny Toy Guns version has been playing in our house, that's what I thought of! So they sort of know who Major Tom is, but they don't know the Bowie connection.


2) I don't know Judge Parker at all, but I don't find Sally Forth or Mary Worth at all appealing. Funky Winkerbean has always puzzled me :lol:


3) :angry: Of COURSE Mr. Bates did not kill his wife! It's SO obvious that she killed herself so she could make one last attempt at destroying his life, and he is only being so circumspect about it because in spite of the burden that woman has been to him, he's a GENTLEMAN and doesn't want to speak ill of a woman publicly. Haven't you been watching?! Sheesh! (:tongue_smilie:)

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You think?! I really can't see O'Brien feeling that much guilt and being that selfless. What an interesting take on it though! Now I really can't wait to see how it comes out.


Maybe I am giving her to much credit, but it did seem she was starting to track towards reform the latter part of season 2. But even with a change of heart I think she still could be in a place of thinking that the end justifies the means, kwim?


I just don't think people like Vera Bates off themselves; they regroup and re-attack from a different angle.

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I know the Bowie song but I had no idea what you meant by Major Tom until someone else explained it on the thread. Maybe I would have caught the allusion if I had seen the illustration to go with it.


I never read those soap opera comics.


I think it is possible Mr Bates did it. I don't think Mrs Bates killed herself. I have wondered if Anna did it, but then I thought she would have confessed to save Bates. I don't think Anna is as sweet and passive as people think. She's a strong woman and maybe she had hit her limit.

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I just don't think people like Vera Bates off themselves; they regroup and re-attack from a different angle.


Normally I would agree, but my impression was that she had run out of options in life, particularly as a woman at a time when there weren't a lot of options for them to begin with. She was unsuccessful as a criminal, IIRC, and she surely wasn't the kind to put in an honest day's work. Without Bates around to support her, I think she'd reached the end of the line and figured that one last shot at Bates would be her final triumph. That was my take, anyway :D


OT, but does anyone know when the new season is scheduled to start?


ETA: Never mind, looks like January in the US. Too long to wait!!!


(article with Season 3 trailer here :svengo:)

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I know the Bowie song but I had no idea what you meant by Major Tom until someone else explained it on the thread. Maybe I would have caught the allusion if I had seen the illustration to go with it.



See, that's the thing that makes the reference so random (to me at least). It's a story of how Skippy goes to Mars. He comes back and his mom exclaims, "What on earth are you doing?" Skippy says, "I didn't do anything on earth, Mama. I did everything on Mars." Mama says, "Oh that's terrific, Major Tom." Then she straightened the kitty boy's ears. "You must be starving."


The picture is of Skippy in his basket, his sisters are around playing with his toys, and Mama is learning over Skippy with one paw on his ear. That's it.

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