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Any hot tea drinkers?

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I'm getting ready to give up diet soda, and I don't like coffee. I like iced tea, but I have never tried hot tea. I need something in the mornings with some caffeine to get my mind working before I teach the kids. I was thinking hot tea just might be the answer. If you drink it, what kind do you drink? Do you put anything in it? Do you use a kettle or how do you make it?

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I like a strong black tea with milk, not cream, and no sugar. My favorite is Yorkshire tea, but most Irish Breakfast teas are good too. :001_smile:


ETA: in order to have good tea, you need a kettle, either electric or stovetop. Your water should be boiling just before you pour it over the tea. Most people have only had bad tea, and thus think they don't like it. Real tea is superb. ;)

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I have quite the collection over 30 different flavors/types.


In the mornings I choose a black tea (higher caffeine). Sometimes I go with a chai black. I used to have my tea plain or with a bit of sugar. Since my trip to Kenya last year I have taken cream/milk in my tea. Coffee Mate has a vanilla that is all natural!


In the late morning I may have a green or white tea (moderate to low caffeine) and after lunch I stay with Rooibos (LOVE Celestial Seasonings Madagascar Vanilla Red) and in the evenings I go with an herbal-- Honey Vanilla Camomile or 'Tension Tamer' (Celestial Seasonings).


I love hot tea so much I have a huge mug collection. I also have a hot water dispenser on my sink-- perfect temp hot water on demand!


DH wishes I liked TeA as much as tea:lol:

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Tazo Awake



This is my favorite for alertness. I like it black or with cream.


Also, I think that steeping time makes a big difference. I usually follow the directions on the box first and then adjust from there. Steeping too long can cause black tea to be bitter.


We use an electric kettle to heat water and then use tea bags in individual cups.

Edited by happi duck
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I like the brand Red Rose - regular for mornings, decaf for before bed. I boil water in a kettle and steep my tea bag in a small ceramic tea pot, covered with a tea cozy. I add sugar and milk. I grew up with it and it is my ultimate comfort food. :D (I also enjoy a lot of herbal teas, too. But those come and go. My Red Rose is a staple!)

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I drink lots of tea. I like Bigelow and Celestial Seasonings (mandarin orange is one of my favorites), but I also like Chai tea. I boil water, let the bag steep, and I'm done. I don't put anything in it. I used to use lots of sugar, but had GD when I was pregnant so had to go without. I never went back to the habit of using sugar in my tea after that, unless I have a strong, loose-leaf tea like my ILs usually serve. I need sugar to cut the taste of that.

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Tazo Awake



This is my favorite for alertness. I like it black or with cream.


Also, I think that steeping time makes a big difference. I usually follow the directions on the box first and then adjust from there. Steeping too long can cause black tea to be bitter.


We use an electric kettle to heat water and then use tea bags in individual cups.



Tazo tea with a splash of coconut creamer and a tsp. of sugar is how my mornings get started every day. :)

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I love the line of earl grey teas, so regular earl grey, earl grey vanilla, lady grey, etc. yummy simple black tea

:iagree: I only drink Earl Greys (LOVE oil of bergamot.. not good to drink if you are expecting though I heard). ooops, and the occasional Chai if I am out and about. I just heat water in a teakettle and steep in cup. I usually add a touch of sugar and a splash of milk.

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Tazo Awake



This is my favorite for alertness. I like it black or with cream.



:iagree: This stuff is a really good morning tea. I can't drink hot stuff first thing after crawling out of bed though, so sometimes I'll make it the night before, put in my sugar, and stick it in the fridge so I have a nice cup of iced tea for the morning. (Then I move on to my coffee, heh.)


Lapsang souchong is good too, though I hear some people aren't fans.

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I'm getting ready to give up diet soda, and I don't like coffee. I like iced tea, but I have never tried hot tea. I need something in the mornings with some caffeine to get my mind working before I teach the kids. I was thinking hot tea just might be the answer. If you drink it, what kind do you drink? Do you put anything in it? Do you use a kettle or how do you make it?


Irish breakfast tea with milk and sugar. EVERY morning or I'll die. My 12-year-old shares this addiction. Let me know when you're ready to talk paraphernalia.

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I had an electric kettle that just recently died and I miss it. I just replaced it with a stove-top tea kettle.


I usually drink Earl Grey, Irish Breakfast or plain old Lipton - one tea bag and one Green tea bag (since green tea is so healthy but I can't stand the taste) in a mug, pour the water over it, let steep. I had one slight tsp sugar and a squirt of honey. I'm slowly cutting down on the sugar. I think my usual brands are Twinnings, Bigelow or Celestial Seasonings - I buy whatever is on sale at the time.


I love Dunkin Donuts Vanilla Chai tea but haven't been able to duplicate it at home yet.


After about noon, I drink decaf if I have a cup - same kinds and brands, just decaf.

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DH and I both love tea. I know, we are so well suited for each other.


Like a lot of other posters we have an electric kettle that heats the water up quickly and then we make our tea in a little tea pot that I love. We have one that makes four cups and one that makes six. The four pot size is perfect for DH and I to drink in the morning. We use loose tea and I adore the infuser. It works fantastically. There's a

on how to make the perfect tea that is helpful if you're just getting started and it's amusing.


My favorite winter tea is hot cinnamon spice but during the summer I love jasmine.



Edited by aggieamy
Picture was giant.
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Tazo Awake



This is my favorite for alertness. I like it black or with cream.


Also, I think that steeping time makes a big difference. I usually follow the directions on the box first and then adjust from there. Steeping too long can cause black tea to be bitter.


We use an electric kettle to heat water and then use tea bags in individual cups.




I have given up Starbucks Lattes and switched to Tazo Awake in the mornings. To clarify, it was not exactly by choice. We moved and I don't have a Starbucks within 45 minutes of me now. :lol:


I like the Tazo Awake with cream and sugar. :D Just like above, I use an electric kettle, seep it for 5 minutes in the cup and then add milk and sugar. Yum.


A close second is English Breakfast tea. I believe someone else mentioned it too. Another yum!

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Good Earth Original (not decaf). It's the only tea I can drink without adding sweetener, because it's naturally sweet.


Otherwise, I like Earl Grey and other black teas, as well as a bunch of herbal teas. To all those I add one spoonful of honey.

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I have an electric kettle and I pour the hot water onto a teabag of English Breakfast Tea in a cup. I let it steep for several minutes, then I remove the bag and top up with milk.


When I have company, I make tea with loose leaves in a teapot.




Yes, this. Please, please don't heat your water in the microwave or use hot tap water. It needs to boil. And please don't use cream. Milk is for tea! PG Tips is my favorite, but I like almost all black tea.

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I drink hot tea every morning. I would be a crabby cakes without it! I usually drink Schwarz Erdbeer-Sahne, which is a heavy black tea (higher in caffeine) with dried strawberry bits in it. I ♥ it. In the afternoons I might drink Jasmine tea and if I want some in the evening I'll drink a mix of Jasmine and Silver Needle. If I'm in the mood for something earthy, I'll mix some Mate (mah-tay) with another black tea and if I'm feeling bloated, I might go for a Pu-Erh. Ah, there a so many to choose from!


I do NOT like tea bags. The tea leaves a weird feeling in my mouth when I use tea bag. I'm a loose tea kind of girl (note: not loose TeA). I use and electric kettle and take a weird kind of pleasure in watching the water change color when I pour it over the tea ball.


I do not like oil of bergamot, so no Earl Gray for me. Blech. I'm also not a fan of most herbal teas. If I have to use tea bags I only want English Breakfast or Irish Breakfast tea.


I use a little agave nectar to sweeten mine and sometimes add a splash of milk (only to the black teas, never the white), but usually just agave. Mmmm...now I think I need to go make a cup of Jasmine.


Teavana has a wealth of information about teas on its website. You might want to check it our.

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Do you buy your tea in a grocery store/walmart or do you buy it online? I have never looked at it in the store, so I don't know what is available. I think I will get an electric kettle. That would make fixing hot chocolate easy for my crew in the winter as well.

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PG Tips, black, some sugar (OK, probably too much sugar!) and no milk for me.

I even got a special kettle for my birthday just for boiling water for the tea. And I have a tea-pot to brew it in. Tea in the morning is a ritual for us before school. And we usually have a small cup in the afternoon after lunch with our poetry recitations.


My all time favorite tea has to be Prince of Wales. But I can't find it right now in my usual shopping places.

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I like Bewley's or PG Tips. I used to be able to get a Bewley's "Dublin Morning Tea", but I can't find it anymore. I only picked it because it had a beautiful picture on the box. I figured mornings are hard enough, and I enjoy looking at the pretty picture as I slurp down my morning cuppa.

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Irish breakfast tea with milk and sugar. EVERY morning or I'll die. My 12-year-old shares this addiction. Let me know when you're ready to talk paraphernalia.



I am ready to talk paraphernalia! What all do I need to be a hot tea drinker?? Where do you buy a cup when you are out and about?

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Tea paraphernalia? Oh my. :blush:


I like darjeeling. Like the queen. :D



I was wondering how many posts it would take :D


To the OP . . . I think a lot of folks have a bad experience with tea and don't go back. I like to convert them. Here are my rules for delicious Irish breakfast tea.


1. Heat water to just below boiling.


This is why tea in restaurants can suck. They use a coffee pot, or heat the water too much and it tastes gross. They now have electric kettles with settings for tea. I use the zojirushi water boiler, but that's not a starter toy :D


2. Steep for 3-5 minutes.


I steep for 5, so I can add milk and sugar and still taste the tea. I actually set a timer so it's exactly right.


3. Don't squeeze the tea bag.


Just don't do it.


4. If you use bags, the grocery store is fine. If you buy loose tea, order online because it can be very expensive.


If you have a tea shop in town, take out a loan and just go with it. It's wonderful. Loose tea IS better, but requires more than a cup and hot water. It's OK to start with bags. I buy my everyday stuff at Trader Joes and it's cheap.


Morning tea set-up. Note numbers on timer and water temp.




Loose green tea set-up. Different steeping time and water temp.




I'll spare you all of the stuff I use to steep loose black tea. Most of it is unnecessary, but I enjoy the ritual. You can't always find a decent cup of tea when you are out unless you have a shop that sells and serves tea. The exception is chai. Usually you CAN find a yummy chai in a restaurant. Other than that, "heat water and wait five minutes" seems to be a culinary impossibility at most places.

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I like black teas--Darjeeling, Irish or English Breakfast, plain ol' black tea. I prefer loose teas over tea bags, and I have several mesh diffusers that will fit right in my mug or teapot. Turns out that Lipton does have a loose tea; I can't tell the difference between it and the pricier English breakfast teas.


I like some flavored teas, such as China Rose and Hazelnut, which I get from Glenbrook Farms. :-)


I use an electric kettle--boils that water in no time at all, and it doesn't have to be on or next to the stove.


I usually use a sweetner of some kind, plus cream.

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I am ready to talk paraphernalia! What all do I need to be a hot tea drinker?? Where do you buy a cup when you are out and about?

Loose tea--your choice.


Electric kettle, although you can use a stovetop kettle. The electric is just faster.


For daily tea, a mug. For tea with friends, a nice teapot and a diffuser.


And a diffuser that fits in the mug.


If you drink several cups of tea, you could consider a teapot, such as a Bodum, that has a built-in diffuser.


I often just turn down hot tea when I'm out. Restaurants usually don't use boiling water, just hot water, and depending on where you live, acquring milk/cream/creamer for the tea is a monumental task. I just let it go. :-)

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I often just turn down hot tea when I'm out. Restaurants usually don't use boiling water, just hot water, and depending on where you live, acquring milk/cream/creamer for the tea is a monumental task. I just let it go. :-)


:lol: It's true. You'll see your waiter AT LEAST 3-4 times before you have everything you need on the table. I fantasize about throwing that stupid lemon at them. :D


Best case scenerio? Look for a place in your area that serves high tea. Take a friend, make an event of it, and step into the light.

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I love tea, both hot and iced. My favorite kind of iced tea is made with a 30/60 mix of Bigelow Constant Comment (orange spice) and Luzianne, then I put lemon juice in it. For hot tea, I really like either Bigelow Red Raspberry herb tea, or HyVee store brand Jasmine Green tea. The green tea smells SOOOOO good, but has a really light flavor, the raspberry stuff is really tart. I don't like to put anything in my hot tea, other than maybe some sugar if I'm drinking plain black tea. I have a cute tea pot that I heat my water up in.


The only time I order hot tea when I'm out is if we are eating at a hotel restaurant in the morning. We have also been on a couple cruises, and they have good hot tea.

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I'm getting ready to give up diet soda, and I don't like coffee. I like iced tea, but I have never tried hot tea. I need something in the mornings with some caffeine to get my mind working before I teach the kids. I was thinking hot tea just might be the answer. If you drink it, what kind do you drink? Do you put anything in it? Do you use a kettle or how do you make it?


Really? You've never had hot tea?! I am only believing this is possible because I got to age twenty without ever having tried ketchup. But still, I'd seen it served and knew how. Wow. Where did you grow up?


You can make tea the British way or the American way. The American way is to put a tea bag in a mug with some water and microwave it for a couple of minutes, then add sugar and maybe milk or lemon juice, depending on your personal preferences.


The British way requires a tea pot, a tea kettle, and containers of cream or milk and sugar. You boil water in the kettle on the stove, then pour it onto tea bags you have placed in the pot. You let it steep in the pot on the table for a little bit, then serve it from the pot into individual cups. Each individual adds sugar and cream or milk into their own cup. I usually just make tea for myself but I do it the British way because I like having multiple cups ready to go.


Then I guess there's the hybrid way - boil water in a kettle on a stove, but pour it over a teabag that's placed in the cup. After a few minutes, remove the tea bag and add your sugar, honey, lemon and/or milk.


Teas taste radically differently. Your main choices in any American grocery store should be black, earl grey, English breakfast, oolong and Irish breakfast. I really can't guess which one you'd like more. My favorite is earl grey; I tend to like nuttier, more savory teas. My guy can't start a morning without Irish breakfast; he likes super sweet teas. He always adds milk. I never do. Oh, and he can not stand iced tea, hates it, whereas I adore it.

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Really? You've never had hot tea?! I am only believing this is possible because I got to age twenty without ever having tried ketchup. But still, I'd seen it served and knew how. Wow. Where did you grow up?


I remember making myself hot tea even as a young girl. :) I have used hot tea for as long as I can remember if I'm having a hard time sleeping.


Then I guess there's the hybrid way - boil water in a kettle on a stove, but pour it over a teabag that's placed in the cup. After a few minutes, remove the tea bag and add your sugar, honey, lemon and/or milk.


This is how I make it.


Teas taste radically differently. Your main choices in any American grocery store should be black, earl grey, English breakfast, oolong and Irish breakfast. I really can't guess which one you'd like more. My favorite is earl grey; I tend to like nuttier, more savory teas. My guy can't start a morning without Irish breakfast; he likes super sweet teas. He always adds milk. I never do. Oh, and he can not stand iced tea, hates it, whereas I adore it.


You can also find herbal teas with mints, fruits, or nuts (almond, etc), as well as green tea. I prefer herbal teas b/c I don't like the flavor of the other kinds of tea when they are hot. They leave a weird taste in my mouth. I also like a bit of flavor/scent to my tea, like raspberry or mint.

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I am ready to talk paraphernalia! What all do I need to be a hot tea drinker?? Where do you buy a cup when you are out and about?


I'm not sure if the US uses the same as we have here but I have to say that the tea McDonalds uses (forget which brand it is) is pretty darn good when you are out & about :leaving:

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When out and about Panera and Starbucks have decent tea. Panera is diy but at starbucks they put it together so I try to notice when they add the water so that I can time the tea.


Reading this thread makes me think that hot tea could seem complicated!


At the very least:

buy some tea bags at the grocery store (you'll probably be able to find Tazo or Stash)

boil some water on the stove

put the boiled water and tea bag in a mug

remove tea bag according to package directions

taste...experiment with sugar etc


Don't give up...tea is a lovely routine

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I use the zojirushi water boiler, but that's not a starter toy :D



So jealous it hurts! I told James Bond when we move back to the States I'm getting one of these.


OP, I don't think anyone has mentioned it, but it's best to always use FRESH water when making tea. Never use water that has been boiled already and then reboil it if you want more tea. Ack. It tastes funky.


The British way requires a tea pot, a tea kettle, and containers of cream or milk and sugar. You boil water in the kettle on the stove, then pour it onto tea bags you have placed in the pot. You let it steep in the pot on the table for a little bit, then serve it from the pot into individual cups. Each individual adds sugar and cream or milk into their own cup. I usually just make tea for myself but I do it the British way because I like having multiple cups ready to go.


If Indy and I are drinking the same tea (he's a breakfast tea drinker too), this is how I do it. It's my preferred method, but as we often drink different teas, I usually make them in the mugs. I have a couple of diffusers so I can make multiple cups of tea at one time. If I didn't have a ginormous mug, I'd probably need at least 2 cups of tea in the morning and would use a small tea pot instead of making it in the mug. Han Solo has gotten in on the tea as well. I spoon feed him some of my tea with breakfast and it's amazing how much of it he can drink.


When we studied England a few years ago, we had high tea at our house with several of Indy's friends and a friend of mine who was from England. I had 3 different kinds of tea (in pots of course!) and used the nice china cups (brave of me). I had gone to the British shop a few days before and loaded up on some of the British cookies and cakes and baked scones, served with clotted cream from the shop. It was so much fun and the tea was so good. When William and Catherine got married, Indy said we should do high tea while we watched it. Of course he also said we had to talk with British accents the entire day.

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I would try English breakfast tea from a decent brand like Twinings. And vary the amount of time you leave it to brew, it makes a drastic difference to the taste. I don't like my tea too strong, I rarely brew it more than a couple of minutes but that might be because the brand I drink isn't floor sweeping like some so it is fairly strong.


Here is a good link with how to make tea. It is the brand of tea I buy if you see it anywhere.

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I make my tea with my Kurig, Not the ones that come with it...just hot water brewed and I put a tea bag in with either a stevia or a tsp. of sugar. I prefer sugar...much yummier.


I recently purchased this purple box of tea from lipton...I believe it is called British Blend. It is so strong and GOOD!! It is very good. I also love the breakfast tea in the red box. Nothing fancy for me to brew...just some good old hot water and the tea bag thrown in :)

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Traditionally, the pot is warmed in advance, so that the water is at fully boiling temp. when it hits the tea.


Chinese (green) tea is traditionally made with slightly cooler water.




Yeah the water has to be boiling and you can warm the pot by getting the hang of this super quick move-pour boiling water in the teapot, swill it around, empty teapot, put in tea and fill with the still boiling water. Any slower and it gets too cold. Though you could slow that down if you have a kettle on a stove that keeps it at boiling temperature. If you use an electric kettle you just have to do it faster.


Also remember to hold the top of the tea pot on when pouring or there can be a nasty accident.

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Traditionally, the pot is warmed in advance, so that the water is at fully boiling temp. when it hits the tea.


Chinese (green) tea is traditionally made with slightly cooler water.




Clearly, this is a science experiment in the making. The op will need to devote an entire school day to drinking tea steeped at different temps. Personally, I err on the side of 'the second before it boils.' (or I did when I had to think. I have the zojirushi now and it is preset for black/green/white temps and dechlorinates the water.) I HATE that blegh taste of tea made with boiled-out water . . . or WORSE super-heated micro-water.

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I HATE that blegh taste of tea made with boiled-out water . . . or WORSE super-heated micro-water.


The water for tea has to be fresh and fully-oxygenated. Perhaps the bad tea you have tasted was made with many-times-boiled water. Extended or repeated boiling (avoided by using an electric kettle and fresh water each time) causes that.



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I like a strong black tea with milk, not cream, and no sugar. My favorite is Yorkshire tea, but most Irish Breakfast teas are good too. :001_smile:


ETA: in order to have good tea, you need a kettle, either electric or stovetop. Your water should be boiling just before you pour it over the tea. Most people have only had bad tea, and thus think they don't like it. Real tea is superb. ;)


:iagree: I haven't read all the posts, but I'm so glad to read someone else saying this. Yes, you absolutely must bring the water to a full boil. I hate it when I'm out and order a tea and they haven't boiled the water (yes, I can tell). I've had people visit and ask me how come my tea is so much better than theirs. They thought I had some kind of gourmet tea. Nope, just what I picked up at the grocery store, but I made sure the water was boiling.


I also like Irish Breakfast and English breakfast is good too.

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No mention has been made yet of the cup you drink your tea from. It *must* be bone china with a thin lip, mug is fine. Seriously, this is the best way to drink tea. Electric kettle is a good idea and best if the inside is all stainless steel. I can't speak to the 'steeping time' discussion but I will say that hot tap water/microwave just doesn't cut it for a really decent cuppa.


Russian Caravan/Lapsang, Yunnan, Irish Breakfast are all good, strong teas. Early Grey is nice but the bergamot is not for everyone. It seems that either you love it or don't. Yunnan is lovely, with a much subtler smokiness than Lapsang.


Okay, off to put the kettle on :D

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