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Bedtimes for pre-teens and teens?

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Our 12yo is in bed by 9:30. She has the option to read until around 10:00. However, this kid is a freakishly early riser. Seriously. She should not expect a real conversation from me at 7:30am until I have been sufficiently caffeinated.

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Auhhhh, it's 11:57 and I think my 11 and 14 year old might be getting ready for bed.

If so, it's the earliest they've gone to bed in ages. (But, we're night owls and DD was visiting so we're in vacation mode.)


But, even when we're in 'real world' mode, they are still frequently up till midnight. DS11 gets up before me almost every morning and DD14 needs a cattle prod to move her no matter what time she goes to bed.:D As long as they are ready to start working by 9:00 am, I'm okay with whatever bedtime they choose.

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When my dd was at home, 11pm (age 13-15). But she went off to a boarding arts school school at 16 and her school had quiet time from 9-10pm. Sometimes they had hall meetings at 10pm. I think they had to be in their rooms at 11pm on school nights. Her classes there started at 8am.


There is a big difference between pre-teen and teen when it comes to bedtime. When she was 10-12 she went to bed around 9:30-10pm and got up at 8:30.

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11pm for ds. He's a night owl. We also don't start school until 10 am.


I had hoped to make it 10:30 this year, but I'm in bed by 10 always and dh is already asleep. He'd stay up anyway. As long as he gets up when necessary, I'm okay with a later bedtime.

Edited by elegantlion
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We aim for 9:30 but it ends up being around 10 - 10:30.


And then my daughter usually lies awake for 30 - 60 minutes (at least) because she simply can't sleep. She is not an early riser, but getting her to bed early doesn't help, because she doesn't sleep anyway.


So we're still looking for her sweet spot.

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My teen regulates her own bedtime. When she was homeschooled, she went to bed late . . . around midnight. We're night owls and generally start school between 9 and 10 a.m.


Once she began high school, she just put herself to bed earlier; by 10 p.m. She's had a lifetime of always getting enough sleep, so I don't think it ever occurred to her to attempt school with less than 8 hours. During the weekend, there's usually one night where she'll sleep for 11 hours.

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My kids don't actually have a bedtime. They do have a start school time and a get to swim practice time. As long as they can manage those, I don't care how late they stay up.


We're pretty much the same.


13-yo homeschooled DS usually goes to bed around 11:00 (except sometimes he stays up to watch Jon Stewart). He gets up around 8:30.


16-yo DS in public school tries to go to bed between 10:00 and 10:30. He has to get up around 6:15.

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I followed what my mother did. When you are going into 6th grade (or there-about as obviously it somewhat depends upon the child), you are responsible for your own bedtime. HOwever, you need to be able to get up at the time necessary to start life when life or I deem necessary (school starts at ___; chores done by ____). If you struggle, I can help you. If you pick extremes, I can pick and ultimate "go to bed" time.


I would *rather* kids self-manage this though. It was easy with my daughter. My son had periods of struggling. We'll see how the littles do when it is their turn.

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In my house, all the children go to bed at 8pm. My girls, 11 and 13, read and turn off their own lights when they are finished. 11 year old is usually out by 8:30, and so is my 13 year old. There are nights when someone is reading a very interesting book or just can't sleep. Wake up is t 6:30.

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My teens set their own bedtimes if they don't keep anyone else up and they can wake up on time without being grumpy in the morning. My 12 year old has a by 9P bedtime he is a bear in the morning if he does not get enough sleep. It has been a nonissue all these years.

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Alex has to be in his room by 9:30 or so. Sometimes it is as late as 10:30 or 11 but that's way later than normal.


I don't insist he sleep. I don't have any investment in when he chooses to sleep or not. I just want some grownup time in the evenings, if for nothing else than a simple conversation without 5 minutes of Why This Topic Relates to Minecraft or DragonBallZ from the child who never stops talking.


We start school when both of us are awake and ready. Between 6 and 11ish, depending on the day.

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Dd has stayed up late all summer. But this week, with school looming on Tues and a 6am wake-up, we are telling her to go to bed around 9:30. We will be pushing that back to being ready for bed at 8:30, in bed by 9:15.

It takes her a while to brush her teeth (braces), so what starts at 9 usually finishes by 9:30, and I fear she's going to be really tired.


My homeschooled son would go to bed by 10 or 10:30 and start homeschool by 9 or so (a little earlier, as he did devotions beforehand in his room).

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Ours is tied to wake-up times. Dd14 needs at least 8 hrs. of sleep and ds16 needs 10. We take their wake up time, back up the number of sleep hours needed and that's their bedtime. Dd14 goes to school and has to wake up at 6:30am so she goes to bed by 10:30pm. Ds16 homeschools and doesn't wake up until 11:30am so he goes to bed at 1:30am.

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Our teens don't have a set bedtime, except for the rule that they're not allowed to stay up later than we do.


DH would like DS14 to go to bed at 10p but since he's always been a weird sleeper I don't push it. As long as he can get up and get started on schooling at a decent time of day, I'm fine with it.


DS18 and DIL's bedtimes depend on whatever they have going on in the morning.

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My kids have been choosing their own bedtime since they were early elementary age. As long as they are up for the beginning of school at 8am (or leaving the house at 7:30am for outside classes, properly dressed and having eaten breakfast) I do not impose a bedtime.

DD usually goes to be between 11pm and midnight (but sometimes stays up way past this), DS between 10:30pm and 11pm.

If we have issues in the morning or the kids are noticeably tired, I will enforce an 11pm bedtime for DD.

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Both my kids at home (DS16 and DD11) go to bed at 9pm now that school is in session. DS16 has a music class at 6:30am at the high school and needs to get up at 5:30 to be there on time. Going to bed at 9pm gives him time to wind down before sleep.


DD11 doesn't have to be up until 7:30, but she needs more sleep to function.

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