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Here I go again- pregnant but potential problems.

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I really, really don't want a third loss in a row. :( I had the ectopic last summer. I had a m/c just after seeing a heartbeat and a much too small gestational sac just a couple of months ago (June), just after my 39th birthday in May.


And here I go again.


Three days ago, 9 days past ovulation, just before bed, I noticed pink spotting when I wiped. Figured my period was starting early but it never really happened. Instead I've had 3 days of pinkish spotting (only when I wipe) and on and off mild period like cramps.


This morning, 12 dpo, I took a pregnancy test and got a really faint positive.


Called dr and they had me go for beta. They also told me to come in this afternoon because of my history. In the meanwhile the spotting got a bit darker, more reddish, but still just when I wipe. And then got lighter again.


I'm at the dr now, waiting for her to come in. I did have my intake with the nurse though already and saw her typing notes on the computer. She typed "had BETA which was 42.62." I wish that number had been higher. I wish I haven't been spotting and could be excited instead of freaked out that I'm going to have a third loss in a row.


The dr will prob say to take it easy, call if I have heavier bleeding or cramping, and to retest my hcg levels in a couple of days, and the cycle of waiting, testing, awaiting results, and worrying will start all over again.


Please think of me and send prayers and positive thoughts my way. I don't know if I can take losing a third pregnancy in a row.

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Ok so dr came in. Did an internal exam and didn't notice any obvious bleeding. Said the hcg levels aren't worrisome for how early on it is and that I should go back weds and fri to test again so we can follow them. Said my progesterone levels (which I have to research) are 16.5 which she says is within range for this early. I asked would it hurt to supplement just in case and she said we could do that. So, I'm at pharmacy waiting for the prescription, and then I'm just going to kind of take it easy and wait it out until I get Weds results. Hoping hard the spotting stops and the levels double or more with each test this week! Thank you for being here with me through all of this yet again!

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Ok so dr came in. Did an internal exam and didn't notice any obvious bleeding. Said the hcg levels aren't worrisome for how early on it is and that I should go back weds and fri to test again so we can follow them. Said my progesterone levels (which I have to research) are 16.5 which she says is within range for this early. I asked would it hurt to supplement just in case and she said we could do that. So, I'm at pharmacy waiting for the prescription, and then I'm just going to kind of take it easy and wait it out until I get Weds results. Hoping hard the spotting stops and the levels double or more with each test this week! Thank you for being here with me through all of this yet again!


:grouphug::grouphug::grouphug: I'm hoping the best for you!!

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The spotting is actually probably a good sign. It can be a sign of implantation at that gestational age. Also, request to be put on progesterone. It can help maintain a pregnancy early on with a threatened miscarriage. Good luck to you.


ETA, just read the part about a prescription for progesterone. That is a good thing.

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The spotting is actually probably a good sign. It can be a sign of implantation at that gestational age. Also, request to be put on progesterone. It can help maintain a pregnancy early on with a threatened miscarriage. Good luck to you.


ETA, just read the part about a prescription for progesterone. That is a good thing.


Thank you, all! The dr did say this could be implantation bleeding. I said I thought that would only last a day or two at most and it's been three days but she said it could last "a while."


Just so nervous. I don't want another ectopic, I don't want another m/c, I don't want another blighted ovum like I had before I conceived my 11 y/o daughter, I just want this one to stick, grow, and be healthy!

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I'm so sorry. After my fourth loss in a row (twins), a positive pregnancy test meant nothing to me. I refused to believe I was really, truly pregnant until I was 16 weeks along and knew I was finally past the danger point for first trimester loss (all of mine had been before 12 weeks). I could not emotionally invest myself in something that I was sure would end up being yet another miscarriage (that fifth pregnancy is now an 11 yo boy, btw).


Recurrent miscarriage steals the joy of any new pregnancy...permanently. It's just no fun, and it's even harder knowing the only thing you can do is sit around and wait.


I'll be thinking good thoughts for you!!!

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Recurrent miscarriage steals the joy of any new pregnancy...permanently. It's just no fun, and it's even harder knowing the only thing you can do is sit around and wait.


I'll be thinking good thoughts for you!!!


True true words. :grouphug:


You know ya got me here for you!!!!!!! <3 <3 <3

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:grouphug: and prayers. I had 3 m/c in a row before our 7th child. I was devastated. Went to a specialist to figure out why b/c I didn't want to keep getting pregnant only to lose the baby. He said it was just a "fluke" that I had 3 in a row...nothing to be concerned about. Sure. It's tough...I will be praying this one results in a healthy little baby for you.

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Thank you, all! The dr did say this could be implantation bleeding. I said I thought that would only last a day or two at most and it's been three days but she said it could last "a while."


Just so nervous. I don't want another ectopic, I don't want another m/c, I don't want another blighted ovum like I had before I conceived my 11 y/o daughter, I just want this one to stick, grow, and be healthy!


I had implantational bleeding with 4 of mine. It was scary as anything. Esp with your history. :grouphug:

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I'm so sorry. After my fourth loss in a row (twins), a positive pregnancy test meant nothing to me. I refused to believe I was really, truly pregnant until I was 16 weeks along and knew I was finally past the danger point for first trimester loss (all of mine had been before 12 weeks). I could not emotionally invest myself in something that I was sure would end up being yet another miscarriage (that fifth pregnancy is now an 11 yo boy, btw).


Recurrent miscarriage steals the joy of any new pregnancy...permanently. It's just no fun, and it's even harder knowing the only thing you can do is sit around and wait.


I'll be thinking good thoughts for you!!!


This. Nancy I have tears in my eyes and my heart is just a pounding for you! I will pray with everything that I have that we have a sticky baby. I hate that we can't get excited over positive pregnancy tests anymore. We've been robbed of something precious! I will keep thinking positive thoughts for you, because I know right now you just don't have the strength!! :grouphug:

Oh and post as much as you want because for me being able to have the anonymity of such a great group kept me sane during my waiting periods. It's much easier to type it all out sometimes.

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Recurrent miscarriage steals the joy of any new pregnancy...permanently. It's just no fun, and it's even harder knowing the only thing you can do is sit around and wait.


I'll be thinking good thoughts for you!!!





If you need to talk, pm me. I know those thoughts. :sad:



That said, I refuse to give up hope until it is absolutely necessary. I will pray if that is alright for the stickiest baby there is. It is not over yet. :grouphug:

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Recurrent miscarriage steals the joy of any new pregnancy...permanently. It's just no fun, and it's even harder knowing the only thing you can do is sit around and wait.


I'll be thinking good thoughts for you!!!


Yeah. You really nailed it. After a couple of losses (and I can't imagine four in a row!!!) it is impossible to be truly happy or excited by a new pregnancy, because it's overshadowed by the worry and fear that "it" is going to happen yet again. Add in some potentially bad symptoms like spotting, and that worry and fear is even worse.


And last time, I thought if only I could see my levels double, and then if only I could see a heartbeat, I'd feel reassured, everything would be fine then. Yeah, well, I saw my levels double more than once, I saw a heartbeat, and then lost it right after that anyway.


I don't think I'll feel really good about this one until if and when I get out of that first trimester! But I still hope for good news in the meanwhile- levels doing what they should, no more bleeding, a heartbeat, etc.


I really appreciate all those thoughts, prayers, and posts!

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