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Poll: Do you post about your birthday/anniversary/etc on facebook?

Do you post this stuff on FB and what do you think of it?  

  1. 1. Do you post this stuff on FB and what do you think of it?

    • I do and I think it's nice when others do, too
    • I do and I don't mind when others do, but don't think about it either way
    • I don't but I don't care if others do
    • I don't and I think it's weird when others do
    • Other. Because there has to be an other. (Please Explain)

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I'm totally just curious.

I don't really think anything of it when other people do it - I usually just 'like' it (whether it's a birthday wish for their spouse or one of their kids or an anniversary thing, whatever. Most people don't really post about their own birthday because FB tells everyone when it is already - but I will say I don't write 'Happy Birthday' to every one of my FB friends. :tongue_smilie: ) and scroll on.

For some reason, I'm feeling blah about putting anything about my anniversary this year. Part of me doesn't want to do it just because it seems like the popular thing to do... and I like to break the mold that way. Or maybe it would seem like I'm fishing for comments? Idk...

Anyway, small unimportant question, but what says the hive?

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I don't like posting on facebook about anything like that. Usually though I get people asking about it that know or congratulating me and then I end up posting about it. I have succeeded a couple of years in not having anyone else remember and not having to talk about it. Anniversaries I don't mind as much as birthdays.

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I think you're overthinking it. :001_smile:


Probably. I'm finding myself doing that lately. :tongue_smilie:

It's like I want so badly to not be a part of the crowd I try to think of ways to do that. Which, in the end, make no difference anyway. :D Part of me wanted to post something snarky like:

'It's my anniversary today. Unlike everyone else, I'm not going to go all googly and faux-romantic because, well, I'm not. And I'd like everyone to be able to keep their lunch.'

No? :lol:

(I wouldn't really. I'm just feeling especially snarky and I have no idea why...)

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I don't understand why so many people seem to think the entire world needs to know about every single event in their lives. Do all of your kids' friends' moms need to know when your anniversary is? Because if they're your FB friends and you post about it, they know now. (And they probably don't really care to know, either.)


Facebook (and Twitter, and other services) are turning people into complete and total egomaniacs who think it is somehow necessary to document their entire existences for others to read about.


I'm not talking about people who have private accounts so they can share photos and stories with Grandma, other close family members, or very good friends. I'm talking about people who seem to friend each and every last person they meet, and then post tons of personal information about themselves and their families -- including many things they would never share with those same people IRL.

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'It's my anniversary today. Unlike everyone else, I'm not going to go all googly and faux-romantic because, well, I'm not. And I'd like everyone to be able to keep their lunch.'


Now this is one anniversary post I'd actually enjoy seeing on FB! :D


I don't understand why so many people seem to think the entire world needs to know about every single event in their lives. Do all of your kids' friends' moms need to know when your anniversary is? Because if they're your FB friends and you post about it, they know now. (And they probably don't really care to know, either.)


Facebook (and Twitter, and other services) are turning people into complete and total egomaniacs who think it is somehow necessary to document their entire existences for others to read about.

:iagree:many times over!!!
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I often get a kick out of friends who post wedding pictures on their anniversaries. Some of our friends posted a pic from their wedding for their anniversary last week. They have only been married 7 years, but in the photo, they look so young that it could have been a junior prom picture or something. DH and I remarked on it to each other and smiled.

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I want to see every couple of my acquaintance who is so blessed as to be happily married for 10+ years. Blast it all over Facebook.


I want to see every baby who makes it to his first birthday. I want to see his healthy, toothy smile and his cake smushed into his baby hair.


I want to see every teenager turn old enough to vote. If they're sober, post it twice.


I want to see every great-grandparent's 90th birthday celebrated all over the world.


For Pete's sake, we have to hear about their burnt toast, their raised taxes, and their root canals, but it's life's celebrations that get on people's nerves? Really?


Can we not have all the daily :ack2: and :nopity: balanced with just a wee bit of :party: every now and then. And when they share a :hurray:with us, are we not human enough to respond with :cheers2: . If not, why not.


Never mind, I don't want to know.

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I agree, Tibbie. I hear people complain about posts about celebrations of life and love, but I also hear complaints about posts that talk of deaths of people and marriages. We can't please everyone and some will always have something to complain about.

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I often get a kick out of friends who post wedding pictures on their anniversaries. Some of our friends posted a pic from their wedding for their anniversary last week. They have only been married 7 years, but in the photo, they look so young that it could have been a junior prom picture or something. DH and I remarked on it to each other and smiled.


I like that too. It's sweet! And I agree with Tibbie. I like hearing the nice things!

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For Pete's sake, we have to hear about their burnt toast, their raised taxes, and their root canals, but it's life's celebrations that get on people's nerves? Really?



I don't want to hear about their burnt toast, their raised taxes, or their root canals, either. :glare:


I just think it's incredibly arrogant to think that everyone you know wants to read every single thought that comes into your head, or that their lives will somehow be tragically incomplete if you don't tell them about how you overslept by 5 minutes this morning.


I guess I just don't understand the tremendous sense of self-importance that sites like Facebook are facilitating. "I can post every little meaningless detail of my life, so I must do exactly that! THE WORLD NEEDS TO KNOW!" :ack2:

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I want to see every couple of my acquaintance who is so blessed as to be happily married for 10+ years. Blast it all over Facebook.


I want to see every baby who makes it to his first birthday. I want to see his healthy, toothy smile and his cake smushed into his baby hair.


I want to see every teenager turn old enough to vote. If they're sober, post it twice.


I want to see every great-grandparent's 90th birthday celebrated all over the world.


For Pete's sake, we have to hear about their burnt toast, their raised taxes, and their root canals, but it's life's celebrations that get on people's nerves? Really?


Can we not have all the daily :ack2: and :nopity: balanced with just a wee bit of :party: every now and then. And when they share a :hurray:with us, are we not human enough to respond with :cheers2: . If not, why not.


Never mind, I don't want to know.


Yes, yes, yes. This is exactly how I feel. I love my friends (even the WTMoms I don't know irl) and I love seeing and hearing about the joyful moments in their lives.

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I want to see every couple of my acquaintance who is so blessed as to be happily married for 10+ years. Blast it all over Facebook.


I want to see every baby who makes it to his first birthday. I want to see his healthy, toothy smile and his cake smushed into his baby hair.


I want to see every teenager turn old enough to vote. If they're sober, post it twice.


I want to see every great-grandparent's 90th birthday celebrated all over the world.


For Pete's sake, we have to hear about their burnt toast, their raised taxes, and their root canals, but it's life's celebrations that get on people's nerves? Really?


Can we not have all the daily :ack2: and :nopity: balanced with just a wee bit of :party: every now and then. And when they share a :hurray:with us, are we not human enough to respond with :cheers2: . If not, why not.


Never mind, I don't want to know.


:iagree: I will post about my anniversary that's coming up soon and have before because I want to and I think it's worth celebrating.

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I actually post very little on FB (because I don't really figure anyone wants to hear about the burned toast!), and I don't generally post when it's my own birthday, but I will generally post on my children's birthdays and on our wedding anniversary. I generally at least "like" other people's birthday/anniversary posts and will often wish them a happy birthday/anniversary. I'm with Tibbie -- let's celebrate the good times!

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I just think it's incredibly arrogant to think that everyone you know wants to read every single thought that comes into your head, or that their lives will somehow be tragically incomplete if you don't tell them about how you overslept by 5 minutes this morning.


I guess I just don't understand the tremendous sense of self-importance that sites like Facebook are facilitating. "I can post every little meaningless detail of my life, so I must do exactly that! THE WORLD NEEDS TO KNOW!" :ack2:

Unfortunately, of the very few friends I have on FB (less than 30) there are many who flood the page with posts that are so pointless (yes, I've gotten more than my share of posts about what time people got up or how long they overslept). This kind of posting has really jaded me, unfortunately. I'd love to be thrilled about the celebrations and will try (really, I will) to appreciate those posts more after reading Tibbie's response. There are a few friends whose posts I very much enjoy reading and don't mind celebration announcements whereas other friends my eyes tend to glaze over as soon as I see their name as I prepare to read yet another "Why did she waste time posting this???" post.


I also find that I project my dislike of birthday/anniversary attention on to others. I know that is bad and it is my own issue, not the issue of my friends on FB who don't have this hangup. I don't have my bday on FB because bdays are not a big deal to me; I'd just as soon not think about getting older so having anyone wish me a happy bday is not what I'm after. Anniversaries...well, we haven't celebrated once in 16 years so I can't imagine actually putting something on FB (someone is always - and I mean always! - sick on our anniversary so we always forget what day it is).


Again, these are my issues and I realize I am wrong in projecting that on to those who enjoy posting such things on FB so others can celebrate.

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I just think it's incredibly arrogant to think that everyone you know wants to read every single thought that comes into your head, or that their lives will somehow be tragically incomplete if you don't tell them about how you overslept by 5 minutes this morning.


I guess I just don't understand the tremendous sense of self-importance that sites like Facebook are facilitating. "I can post every little meaningless detail of my life, so I must do exactly that! THE WORLD NEEDS TO KNOW!" :ack2:


This is how I view twitter, and I never have understood the appeal of twitter. I really don't care when you have breakfast, what you are having for lunch, what drink you are having, what store you are walking into, etc. I joined twitter to see what it was, and I haven't been on since. I still have new people following me on twitter though...? :lol:


I don't see facebook this way. I love facebook because I can stay in touch with people from my past, see a bunch of cool pictures (I have several photographer friends), read about new babies and friends getting married, see funny memes and pictures posted that make me laugh, etc. I do say "thank you for the birthday wishes" but I would never announce it was my birthday-- facebook already does that, lol. I have talked about our anniversary before.

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If you can't post about things like birthdays and anniversaries on your wall, what exactly is the purpose of Facebook? Hopefully anyone who feels I am annoying and egocentric for posting about things like that either unfriends me or hides me.


OP, if you don't want to post about your anniversary, don't. It's not a requirement. :D I have posted something about mine once or twice, but I don't every year.

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I like wishing my friends a happy anniversary. I don't keep track of who posts and who doesn't though.


I do if I'm doing something fun, cool, and, you know, shareable. ;) I never post anything to my husband as he has checked his FB twice in the past year. Most people I know have smart phones, so they are usually communicating via FB while not in the same building.


There's things that could bother me, so I don't post those.

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I post if I have something interesting to say.


I have to say the posts directed at the significant other about their anniversary are sort of cheesy to me. The "To my dearest darling Schnookums, soulmate of my soul, love of my life, dream-sharer of my deepest dreams, I love you more than I can possibly say" posts make me think "Sheesh, get a room folks!"


But I'm sure I'd post "had a fabulous anniversary dinner with DH... I can't believe it's been X years!"


I don't post about my birthday, because FB tells everyone so I get a thousand "Happy Birthdays" and I just post "thank you everyone, I had a great day!"

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I'm totally just curious.

I don't really think anything of it when other people do it - I usually just 'like' it (whether it's a birthday wish for their spouse or one of their kids or an anniversary thing, whatever. Most people don't really post about their own birthday because FB tells everyone when it is already - but I will say I don't write 'Happy Birthday' to every one of my FB friends. :tongue_smilie: ) and scroll on.

For some reason, I'm feeling blah about putting anything about my anniversary this year. Part of me doesn't want to do it just because it seems like the popular thing to do... and I like to break the mold that way. Or maybe it would seem like I'm fishing for comments? Idk...

Anyway, small unimportant question, but what says the hive?

Never. I keep my business to myself. I almost didn't accept my husband's "relationship" request! I finally decided to, but I have an intentionally small online footprint.

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Definitely over thinking it. It was my anniversary today (I thought maybe we were secret FB friends for a second!) and I posted on my spouses wall and vice versa. My sil and best friend liked it, other than that it wasn't thought about. I only have a few friends that do it and I always go "Aww, how sweet"


ETA: Also, as far as I know, unless someone is both of our FB friends they wouldn't immediately see something I post on their wall....unless they're stalking your wall.

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Well, on my birthday many of my friends post. So I post a thanks and an attempt at humor. It would seem odd to not say something to dozens of people wishing me well (if only because they saw others doing it on their feed.)


Anniversaries? Not usually. However on our 10th wedding anniversary my husband (in addition to other things) posted on FB something like Happy 3,652nd day-aversary. I replied with a wedding picture and a silly remark.

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My 20 year anniversary is this fall. You bet your boots I'll be posting on facebook. It's been 20 years of hard work on both our sides and I want to acknowledge it. Last year I was in a totally different place emotionally and didn't post.


I think it depends on how you use facebook, there is no requirement that you post those kind of updates. But I enjoy seeing others celebrate.Many of my "friends" are people I don't know IRL, and I like seeing their trips, their kids birthdays, and wishing them happy celebrations.

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I want to see every couple of my acquaintance who is so blessed as to be happily married for 10+ years. Blast it all over Facebook.


I want to see every baby who makes it to his first birthday. I want to see his healthy, toothy smile and his cake smushed into his baby hair.


I want to see every teenager turn old enough to vote. If they're sober, post it twice.


I want to see every great-grandparent's 90th birthday celebrated all over the world.


For Pete's sake, we have to hear about their burnt toast, their raised taxes, and their root canals, but it's life's celebrations that get on people's nerves? Really?


Can we not have all the daily :ack2: and :nopity: balanced with just a wee bit of :party: every now and then. And when they share a :hurray:with us, are we not human enough to respond with :cheers2: . If not, why not.


Never mind, I don't want to know.

You know I might even consider joining FB if this was what it was all about. Sadly, too often it is about :ack2: and :nopity:. Mostly the stuff others don't need or really want to know about.



Oh, to answer the poll. Other. I don't have or particularly want FB for a large variety of reasons.

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I post about my anniversary because it's something I'm happy about. Last October, I think I said something along the lines of 'I am blessed to say I've been married to DH for 16 wonderful years today. Life is good.' And then I got lots of happy anniversary messages. If I saw any of those people in real life, I'd be sharing it's my anniversary or birthday as well. I love being able to return the wishes to people on their special days. We even do that here on this board! People have posted it's their birthday or anniversary. They are fun days to celebrate with others.

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Never. I keep my business to myself. I almost didn't accept my husband's "relationship" request! I finally decided to, but I have an intentionally small online footprint.


:iagree: Me too. I don't even share my own real birth date on FB, so only people who really know me post about it. I delete it all after a week or so because I don't want my birth date "public" online. But of course, it's always on the Way Back Machine... forever and ever. :glare: I use FB for hs stuff, mostly. All notices of local hs happenings have migrated from email to FB, and if I want to be in the loop, I have to be on FB.

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I like seeing nice things on facebook.


I dunno, I guess I don't see enough burnt toast posts on there to really worry about it. I've had one or two people who won't stop posting inappropriately so I ignore them. Mostly I like to see what people are doing and share their happy times, and sometimes their hard things. Last night a friend of mine who I don't get to see much of IRL posted that her parents are safe, but their ranch (her home) is almost certainly gone in one of the wildfires raging around here. I'm glad I can at least offer her a virtual hug since she probably doesn't want to see a billion people right now.


I try to usually post funny things.

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I deleted my birth date in my privacy settings, which means people do not get notified it's my b'day. It's on my wall, but most people go through their feed. This year it was only very close friends and family who said h'day to me, and I was glad of it. lol I also ignore requests to be added to birthday calendars. ;)


I do enjoy the anniversary notes on the feeds. I don't mind if they are sappy. I am on FB because I want to see pix of you and yours, cute babies, know how you're doing etc. I do say HB to others whenever I get a notice, or if I see your ani post on my feed. I love old wedding pix as well.


I just don't want others keeping track of *my* birthday. :tongue_smilie:


You do know this board sends happy birthday emails, right?

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I don't want to hear about their burnt toast, their raised taxes, or their root canals, either. :glare:


I just think it's incredibly arrogant to think that everyone you know wants to read every single thought that comes into your head, or that their lives will somehow be tragically incomplete if you don't tell them about how you overslept by 5 minutes this morning.


I guess I just don't understand the tremendous sense of self-importance that sites like Facebook are facilitating. "I can post every little meaningless detail of my life, so I must do exactly that! THE WORLD NEEDS TO KNOW!" :ack2:


Wow, I didn't know I was so arrogant. I find it fun to share minor things both here and on Facebook, and I enjoy seeing little things that are going on in others' lives. I always leave time in my day for a little frivolous.

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I want to see every couple of my acquaintance who is so blessed as to be happily married for 10+ years. Blast it all over Facebook.


I want to see every baby who makes it to his first birthday. I want to see his healthy, toothy smile and his cake smushed into his baby hair.


I want to see every teenager turn old enough to vote. If they're sober, post it twice.


I want to see every great-grandparent's 90th birthday celebrated all over the world.


For Pete's sake, we have to hear about their burnt toast, their raised taxes, and their root canals, but it's life's celebrations that get on people's nerves? Really?


Can we not have all the daily :ack2: and :nopity: balanced with just a wee bit of :party: every now and then. And when they share a :hurray:with us, are we not human enough to respond with :cheers2: . If not, why not.


Never mind, I don't want to know.




Facebook is my little corner of the web and I post whatever darn thing I want on my page, if you don't like it please un-friend me.

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Sometimes I do, sometimes I don't, but I don't care either way what others do. (Although, I will say that for all but immediate family, if your birthday isn't listed on Facebook events, I won't remember when it is... I'm terrible at remembering names, dates, etc so having it written down for me is a blessing.)

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I don't want to hear about their burnt toast, their raised taxes, or their root canals, either. :glare:


I just think it's incredibly arrogant to think that everyone you know wants to read every single thought that comes into your head, or that their lives will somehow be tragically incomplete if you don't tell them about how you overslept by 5 minutes this morning.


I guess I just don't understand the tremendous sense of self-importance that sites like Facebook are facilitating. "I can post every little meaningless detail of my life, so I must do exactly that! THE WORLD NEEDS TO KNOW!" :ack2:


Wow. Hostile, much?:tongue_smilie:


I probably overshare sometimes on facebook, but for me it is sometimes the only contact I have with other adults. We are a one vehicle family and when my DH works long and many hours, I'm stuck at home. I can't chat on the phone a ton because there are things to do that require my attention, but I can check in on fb for a few minutes here or there.


Today, I posted about my DD learning to potty.


I don't post because I think the world NEEDS to know. I post because I'm sharing with people who call themselves my friends, same as I would if we were sitting over coffee chatting.


Guess I'm arrogant. :001_huh:

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It's ironic to vent on an online forum about social networking and the arrogance of thinking anyone cares about others' opinions, daily lives, joys, and struggles.


:lol: :iagree:



While I do not provide facebook with my birthday or anniversary information, it truly is none of my business what other people decide to post on facebook unless they are violating facebook terms. I honestly never gave facebook any real thought beyond the few threads I've read here about facebook. At the request of a friend who was sharing pictures, I set up a fb account for sole purpose of seeing the pics. Later it was used as a substitute for a special interest group email loop. While I rarely post a status, I sometimes do enjoy reading about what is going on in other peoples' lives.


I have had brief facebook conversations with my kids when we are in same house together. I've also called them on the phone when they are inside the house because they may not hear me when I yell up the stairs.


If (generic) you do not wish to read peoples' posts, it really is as simple as selecting one of the following courses of action: (1) unfriend them (2) hide their posts (3) stay away from facebook. The bonus with the third choice is that (generic) you will no longer have the need to fret about what people post.


The beauty of facebook is that it is a free service that no one is forced to use. A free service where the user has freedom of choice about whose posts he/she sees.

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Not my birthday, but my anniversary -- sure! My anniversary is one of the most special days of the year to me. I don't share many of my personal thoughts on FB, but you bet I'll share on the day I'm thinking about the amazing gift of my dh, and how faithful God has been to us.


I don't get the FB frustration, either. It's not everyone's cup of tea. If it's not yours, don't join. If you think someone overshares, hide them. But I try not to judge people's motives. I wouldn't like them to assume I'm some closed-off, self-protecting jerk for not sharing more, so I don't assume they're egomaniacs for sharing what they do. We all have different comfort levels with what we share of our lives, both in person and online. Live and let live.

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Not my birthday, but my anniversary -- sure! My anniversary is one of the most special days of the year to me. I don't share many of my personal thoughts on FB, but you bet I'll share on the day I'm thinking about the amazing gift of my dh, and how faithful God has been to us.


I don't get the FB frustration, either. It's not everyone's cup of tea. If it's not yours, don't join. If you think someone overshares, hide them. But I try not to judge people's motives. I wouldn't like them to assume I'm some closed-off, self-protecting jerk for not sharing more, so I don't assume they're egomaniacs for sharing what they do. We all have different comfort levels with what we share of our lives, both in person and online. Live and let live.



I don't think twice about what people post. If I see a trend of something I don't like in their updates, I usually just hide them. :)

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