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hmmmmm... anyone "pack lunches" for they're hsed kids?

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Lunch is tough for us. I have picky kids and we don't like to take a long time off_for lunch either.i never have good ideas for lunch during the week, and am to"school focused" during school hours to get creative. Over the summer during camp i packed my boys lunch...fruit, juice our water, sandwich or soup, a cookie..did it the night before usually and put the lunch by the door..ah relief! I was thinking if doing this even though we are obviously still at Home..has anyone done this, and does it make your day run smoother?


Eta: sorry about typo in the subject line! Autocorrect on iPad isn't that helpful lol

Edited by Halcyon
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What a brilliant idea! I'm trying to do 45 minutes for lunch this year and I hate cooking lunch. Ds is so picky and will wait until lunch is over before he motivates himself to eat (he's old enough to cook for himself, yes, I'm mean). Anyway, a packed lunch he could take to his room and enjoy. Wow! I may try that tomorrow. Thanks.

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I haven't, but it's an awesome idea! After years of having to stop in the middle of school to forage for and prepare lunch, and years of looking at the Laptop Lunch boxes in my cabinet and thinking how unused they are... why haven't I thought of that!

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I do it....its a lifesaver...I let my kids eat when they are hungry, we dont have a set time and sometimes they are hungry at different times. I pack mine too so its all set (I am on weight watchers and do this all the time anyways) I make sure the frige is loaded with drinks and a bin for approved snacks and I also make ahead pancakes and sausage for breakfasts. My kids eat breakfast at different times also so I just let them break and eat when they want as we work through the day.

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I do. It just makes it easier on me. My mom used to do it too, although with her, she had 3 kids going to ps and 4 at home so since she had to have lunches made anyway, we would just all make them.


I often make my kids help put together their lunches and pack them up. That also helps save time and effort.


Whatever saves me time throughout the day, is worth it to me.

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I've done it before. I use the EasyLunchBoxes you can get on Amazon. I don't do it on a regular basis, but it did always make lunch go smoother. And then since I grossly overestimate how much I think they'll eat, so back in the fridge it goes until I hear more whining about how hungry they are. Afternoon snack, all ready to go.

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I've done it before. I use the EasyLunchBoxes you can get on Amazon. I don't do it on a regular basis, but it did always make lunch go smoother. And then since I grossly overestimate how much I think they'll eat, so back in the fridge it goes until I hear more whining about how hungry they are. Afternoon snack, all ready to go.


I use these too! my ds LOVES his lunches in these containers...

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We do! Its a huge timesaver and makes the later morning/early afternoon so much more efficient.


I use easylunchboxes http://www.amazon.com/EasyLunchboxes-3-compartment-Containers-BPA-Free-Easy-Open/dp/B004UIRUJ2/ref=sr_1_1?ie=UTF8&qid=1344995629&sr=8-1&keywords=bento+box


Each girl has their own color - I usually do "momables" - (ham/cheeese and crackers like a lunchable) or pbj - yogurt and fruit and add a cookie.


I stick them in a cooler on the counter and if we decide to hit hte park/pool midday, lunch is ready to go!


Eta- I should have read the previous posts! I do the EXACT THING as Meggie. I fill the box which is too much food for 1-7 year olds - but we stick them in the fridge and they snack as needed untl dinnertime.

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I haven't done it, but I think I'm going to do something like this for our lunches (take a look at the "lunch" section). I wouldn't be making a lunch every evening, but I'd have homemade things that they can pull right out of the fridge and have for lunch. I figure I could make most days' lunches on a Sunday afternoon. It would be super handy for those evening when there is an activity that we need to grab something for on the go too.

Edited by mandymom
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I've been thinking about doing this for the days we have an afternoon activity. When we finished school we could just grab lunch and eat in the car if needed! I know my kids would ADORE those cute little bento lunches with animal shaped cheese and pretty carrots, etc. But I probably won't have the energy to go that fancy. :tongue_smilie:

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I didn't last year but I'm planning on doing it this year. I'm thinking it will make lunch go much smoother. I'm also hoping it will make excursions easier on us. I'll be used to packing the night before so if we leave the house we'll have lunch and won't be so tempted by those golden arches. Or anything else with a drivethrough for that matter, especially Starbucks.:D

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We do. I Go on the ps website for the area and see what theyre having for lunch and do my best to have that at home. I usually Fix it in the mornings and stick it in their lunch boxes in the fridge. The kids love it when they have the same lunch as their ps friends. Not sure why.

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Huh. I started out reading this thread thinking it was crazy, because I LOATHE packing lunches. It's one of those things that's always making me regret having signed the kids up for some kind of class or camp. But I'm always making those lunches under stress, worried about the ice packs and the amount of food etc. If I can do it at my leisure and don't have to worry about temperatures and such...that might really help me!


I'm glad I read the thread after all. Thanks for the great ideas!

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At first I thought "this is weird, why pack lunch if you are home". Then I remembered that I actually enjoyed packing the kids lunches every morning. It makes sense in that once breakfast dishes are done and kitchen is clean it won't get messed up again for lunch. It makes sense to me and I plan to start this. using this http://www.100daysofrealfood.com/2012/04/19/school-lunch-roundup/

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I've thought about it, but it doesn't work for us. I do have bento lunch on the monthly lunch menu once a month.


The menu is a life saver. I have 30 different meals for lunch. So I can go into the kitchen and just make what is next on the list. It saves us from having PB&j or grilled cheese everyday.

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I haven't done it, but I think I'm going to do something like this for our lunches (take a look at the "lunch" section). I wouldn't be making a lunch every evening, but I'd have homemade things that they can pull right out of the fridge and have for lunch. I figure I could make most days' lunches on a Sunday afternoon. It would be super handy for those evening when there is an activity that we need to grab something for on the go too.


Oh my! I'm not sure if it was a good idea or a bad idea to click on that link! :lol: There were some great ideas there and, of course, I had to go and google around for other MJMs while the baby slept. Now I am *really* hungry!

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What a great idea. I bought the kids lunch bags a few weeks ago....maybe we will use then more often than not. I am *supposed* to make dh's lunch every night, and if I was making one for all of us, that might make me be more on top of that....

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Great idea! It was nice having a well-rounded lunch planned when they were going to camp. I too feel I am better about adding in fruits and veggies that way.


I want to buy some of those reusable silicone paper cups to make it fun.



I put those in my cart at amazon;)

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I put those in my cart at amazon;)


I really like the square ones. I know Amazon has them, but I may get them at AC Moore with a 50% off coupon.


The mini ones would be good for dips. ;)


Michaels may have them, and they have a 50% off baking item coupon.

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At first I thought "this is weird, why pack lunch if you are home". Then I remembered that I actually enjoyed packing the kids lunches every morning. It makes sense in that once breakfast dishes are done and kitchen is clean it won't get messed up again for lunch. It makes sense to me and I plan to start this. using this http://www.100daysofrealfood.com/2012/04/19/school-lunch-roundup/


This looks great! Thanks!

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