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Just heard from Denisemomof4

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Seems her DD12 is too sick for urgent care. They are now in the ER. Please pray and/or send good thoughts their way.


If she texts me again, I'll update.


Denise's post from a while ago is here.


UPDATE: They have to stay the night. The docs want to run tests.

Edited by Parrothead
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Hi everyone! Thanks so much for your thoughts and prayers. Thanks also, Chucki, for posting this. You are a DEAR!!!


Dd was admitted to the hospital today. The doctors are concerned because she was severely dehydrated and lost nine pounds in three days. I was very scared when urgent care told us she was too sick for them and that she needed to go to the ER. I was terrified by the time we got to the ER because she was so discolored. She was actually purplish with mottling all over her body. Her hands and knees were a dark purple! They took her in immediately. I later found out that dehydration can cause that. I had no idea. The only time I ever saw that mottling was during end of life care for my mom!


Of course getting an IV into her tiny, dehydrated arm was awful. Awful. Her veins kept collapsing due to the dehydration. They finally did succeed but weren't able to get blood out, again because she was too dehydrated!!!


Of course as mom I blame myself but honestly, somethng just isn't right. I have had kids sick and vomiting before, but while she WAS defiitely vomiting, it really wasn't all that much! I have all but been forcing her to take small sips of water and Pedialite, popsicles and ice, and in her waves of extreme nausea those would be spit back up. She truly did NOT vomit enough to get this dehydrated, Except for a few times in the beginning of her sickness. That said, her fever has been 104 for three days now.


Testing which was done so far is all negative. I had dh come sit with her so I could go home to get a few things and when I got back she was deep red like she had a severe sunburn. Called the nurses in....... They don't know what is causing it. They think it may be that her fever is creeping back up again as meds wear off.


She will be seen by a GI specialist tomorrow and they said she won't go home until the fever is controlled and she is able to eat and drink without issue.


The are concerned that this has happened twice now, they are concerned at how quickly she declines. They are VERY concerned at how quickly she loses weight. At 5'4 she only weighs 83 lbs. :crying: i was told today that I need to ask the pediatrician to give us a prescription for Zofran for next tme this happens. They also said that on day ONE of her not being able to eat and drink much she needs to immediately go to the ER and get hooked up to IV's.


Well, with not a whole lot to do until we go home, I guess I will be spending a lot of time here with you all. Lucky you!!!:tongue_smilie:


Thank you everyone!!!:grouphug:

Edited by Denisemomof4
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I'm so sorry that she is so sick, Denise, and I'll pray for her quick recovery -- and that the doctors will finally figure out what's going on, so she can finally get completely well.


Thank goodness she is in the hospital where they can give her the help she needs -- it's amazing (and terrifying) that she declined so quickly. I know you are always very conscious of her health, and that you would never neglect her symptoms, so that makes it even more scary that she got so ill, because if there was anything in the world you could have done to keep her from getting so sick, I know you already tried it. :grouphug:


Please update us whenever you can, but also try to rest a bit here and there. I know it's almost impossible to rest at the hospital, but do try to keep eating and taking care of yourself so you don't get too run down. I know your dd is your first and only priority right now, but try to give yourself a little bit of attention as well, so you are healthy and strong enough to deal with all of this awful stress.


Praying for you, your dd, and your family!

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Sorry about your dd. I sure hope she feels better soon.

The last time we all got sick, my son turned sunburn (deep, not bright, though) red. It scared me also. He was the sickest out of our crew. Poor guy. It went away quickly enough when he got well.


It sure would be nice if they could figure out what all is going on with dd while she's there, huh?

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When ds1 was 4 I had to take him to the ER for dehydration. It happened so quickly. He woke up and immediately threw up. He'd caught a stomach virus. (He seemed fine the night before.) But then he proceeded to throw up every little bit of fluid I tried to get in him. The nurse had me go straight to Children's. The doc there said some people get into a viscious cycle where they throw up because they're severely dehydrated and their bodies can't absorb fluids which leads to further dehydration. When they stuck the IV in him one nurse did the sticking and 2 other nurses laid across ds to hold him down. He didn't even flinch. That's how lethargic he'd gotten. And this wasn't 3 days; it was only about 6 hours from when he first threw up.


:grouphug: Denise, hope your dd is better soon and you all find some answers.

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How is she this morning?


Awful. :crying: she won't be going home today, and the nurses said she has to be free of a fever for 24 hours before she can go home. Her fever is still 104 and Motrin is only bringing it down to 101.7. She *feels* miserable today, far worse than yesterday. She slept 30 minutes last night.


The lab tech came to draw blood. Of course, two sticks and lots of fishing around later, it made dd VERY sick and dizzy. AND THEN THEY TELL ME THEY NEED CULTURES about half an hour later. Another blood draw is necessary. I told them they WILL NOT be tring to get blood from her again today. They can try tomorrow morning.


She just got another dose of Zofran so I hope her nausea goes away and she can finally EAT something!!!


apparently there's a horrible virus going around which causes nausea, vomiting, diarrhea (she had none), sore throat, cold. They told us the summer viruses are worse than the winter ones.:confused: we NEVER get sick during the summer.


I am so afraid for her to start Lymes treatment. Her appt. Is 9/10.


Faith, I saw your response to my other thread AFTER dd's blood draws. We will be insisting on heat for all blood draws in the future, and a VERY nice PICU nurse came to talk to dd. She is working all day today and tomorrow and she is the go to for difficlt blood draws. She uses heat! We will be requesting her to draw blood for cultures.

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Awful. :crying: she won't be going home today, and the nurses said she has to be free of a fever for 24 hours before she can go home. Her fever is still 104 and Motrin is only bringing it down to 101.7. She *feels* miserable today, far worse than yesterday. She slept 30 minutes last night.


The lab tech came to draw blood. Of course, two sticks and lots of fishing around later, it made dd VERY sick and dizzy. AND THEN THEY TELL ME THEY NEED CULTURES about half an hour later. Another blood draw is necessary. I told them they WILL NOT be tring to get blood from her again today. They can try tomorrow morning.


She just got another dose of Zofran so I hope her nausea goes away and she can finally EAT something!!!


apparently there's a horrible virus going around which causes nausea, vomiting, diarrhea (she had none), sore throat, cold. They told us the summer viruses are worse than the winter ones.:confused: we NEVER get sick during the summer.


I am so afraid for her to start Lymes treatment. Her appt. Is 9/10.


Faith, I saw your response to my other thread AFTER dd's blood draws. We will be insisting on heat for all blood draws in the future, and a VERY nice PICU nurse came to talk to dd. She is working all day today and tomorrow and she is the go to for difficlt blood draws. She uses heat! We will be requesting her to draw blood for cultures.



I'm so sorry :(. My thoughts are with your family and I hope she makes a turn SOON :grouphug::grouphug:.

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I am so sorry. Sometimes it is so hard to advocate for your child in the hospital. DD is a tough stick and would I would insist on the IV specialist team, I always got labeled as the "difficult" mother. But I just didn't care.


I am full of sympathy and empathy. I will be praying for you and your DD several times today.

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I am so sorry. Sometimes it is so hard to advocate for your child in the hospital. DD is a tough stick and would I would insist on the IV specialist team, I always got labeled as the "difficult" mother. But I just didn't care.


I am full of sympathy and empathy. I will be praying for you and your DD several times today.


I'm sorry that you've had people not understand. I insist on the IV specialist team for myself and they've always been so kind.

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