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Babies & soda - yes or no

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My DD found out today that someone(not me) has been giving her 8 month old soda. DD is livid. The offending party says it is not harmful and it makes the baby happy so DD's reaction is uncalled for.


What says the hive?


Soda = Coke and orange drink through a straw (as far as we know)

That is REALLY stupid. Baby is going to have rotted out teeth before they ever erupt.


That stuff is poison. My kids don't drink it even now- none of us do.

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NO way no how! I would give a baby soda!!! I could see if a toddler were very thirsty and it's all you had, but to willingly give that?? I diluted our apple juice, 3 parts water to 1 part juice because of the high sugar content...no way would I introduce chemicals in soda to a baby! I even went cold turkey on all caffeine during all my pregnancies and no sodas...just not gonna do it...I would be firm but kind and not let them around my child..now if it's the Dad....hmmm...work very hard on the parenting skills! :confused:

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I would be beyond livid........ that person would no longer be allowed to watch my child without myself or another responsible person around, unless I was SURE they would respect my wishes.


:iagree: We had one set of grandparents not left alone with dc until dc were old enough to manage things on their own.

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I would be livid. That is poison to a baby (adults too)! Just because it is a soically acceptable poison, does not justify giving it to someone else's child without their knowledge. If that person does not understand this, then I wouldn't leave my child in their care.

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That person woyld not be watching my child anymore. My life get soda on rare special occasons, usually sprite if anything. But they did not have any until after they were three or so. I have family members who put soda in bottles and.sippy cups....I has spent a good portion of my adult life fighting a soda addiction. My mom drank two liters a day while nursing me and.let me start drinking It early. At six, I could chug a can of sodain under a minute....two cans in a row! I drank a soda for breakfast starting in 4th grade. I have quit many times only to start drinking coke again within a few months. I would be livid if someone gave my 8 month old soda!

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Guest submarines
I would be livid. That is poison to a baby (adults too)! Just because it is a soically acceptable poison, does not justify giving it to someone else's child without their knowledge. If that person does not understand this, then I wouldn't leave my child in their care.



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No way. That stuff is horrible! So much sugar, caffeine, chemicals....


And even if soda were fine and you're dd was overreacting (which she is not), she is the mom, so if she says no soda, it is no soda. For someone else to argue or give it to the baby behind her back crosses a major line.

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It's clearly not okay... but it also used to be so common in some parts of the US that I'm not surprised. As ignorant as it is, I've certainly seen Coke in a baby bottle before. But I wouldn't stop someone from watching my kid over it - especially not if it was someone older - cultural understanding of health changes over time after all... unless they couldn't respect my wishes about it. It's only a big deal if the person watching the kid thinks it's okay to do it over the parents' explicit wishes.

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8 MONTH OLD BABY????? :confused:


That is so awful! :(

My older kids hardly ever get it, except for special occasions.

Aren't 8 month babies supposed to have just formula and a little juice/water at that age? ( along with baby food of course)

My baby is 15 months old, and, frankly, at that age, of course pop would make him happy! Cookies all the time would too! does that mean he gets it? ...nope

people just don't think anymore

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It's clearly not okay... but it also used to be so common in some parts of the US that I'm not surprised. As ignorant as it is, I've certainly seen Coke in a baby bottle before. But I wouldn't stop someone from watching my kid over it - especially not if it was someone older - cultural understanding of health changes over time after all... unless they couldn't respect my wishes about it. It's only a big deal if the person watching the kid thinks it's okay to do it over the parents' explicit wishes.


:iagree: Make the stipulation clear and then make sure they abide by it--or else. Ignorance isn't necessarily grounds for firing a babysitter or hurting a well-meaning family member. Grandparents and aunties have been dousing children with overdoses of sugar for [no doubt] centuries; it doesn't make them evil. I suggest the Dragon's DD count to 50 and sleep on it before she responds. :lol:

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NO way!! I'd be livid if someone was giving my 4yo soda! Her juice is heavily watered and restricted to only a couple of cups a day. My 20month olds hardly ever have juice (they've had watered juice once or twice in their lives) and certainly never soda.


I would not give an 8mo child any beverages other than water, breastmilk, or formula. I would not give an 8mo child any foods at all that were not specifically permitted by the parents.

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It's clearly not okay... but it also used to be so common in some parts of the US that I'm not surprised. As ignorant as it is, I've certainly seen Coke in a baby bottle before. But I wouldn't stop someone from watching my kid over it - especially not if it was someone older - cultural understanding of health changes over time after all... unless they couldn't respect my wishes about it. It's only a big deal if the person watching the kid thinks it's okay to do it over the parents' explicit wishes.


I already responded but........ I hadn't thought about the fact that it really did used to be common in some areas, and someone older might not know that we now know it is harmful. So..... if this is the case, then education is in order.

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Add me to the heaping scorn crowd.


We don't even give our kids juice because of the sugar load. (We feed them plenty of whole fruits. ;) ) I can't imagine someone giving a baby soda.


On a side note: did anyone watch the PBS News Hour piece on Costa Rica(?) and how the influx of Coke and Pepsi into remote villages has led to widespread tooth decay in young children?

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No way. That stuff is horrible! So much sugar, caffeine, chemicals....


And even if soda were fine and you're dd was overreacting (which she is not), she is the mom, so if she says no soda, it is no soda. For someone else to argue or give it to the baby behind her back crosses a major line.



:iagree: Make the stipulation clear and then make sure they abide by it--or else. Ignorance isn't necessarily grounds for firing a babysitter or hurting a well-meaning family member. Grandparents and aunties have been dousing children with overdoses of sugar for [no doubt] centuries; it doesn't make them evil. I suggest the Dragon's DD count to 50 and sleep on it before she responds. :lol:


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I would want to know how much before I made a judgement.


If it is a case of "have some of what I'm having" and a couple of sips go down the baby at McDonalds---- eh no biggie.


If it is given to the child in a bottle or a sippy cup and is more than 1/8 cup--big deal, esp if this is a common occurance.

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Thank you so much for the quick responses. I took off for 15 minutes and came back to four pages.


Thank goodness everyone is in agreement.


The offending party is the father and his family so there is no way DD can say no to the baby spending time with him or them. Dd is now wondering what else he is doing without her knowledge or consent.



Off topic - the other day the baby came home with bright red polish on her toes which she immediately put into her mouth.

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I would want to know how much before I made a judgement.


If it is a case of "have some of what I'm having" and a couple of sips go down the baby at McDonalds---- eh no biggie.


If it is given to the child in a bottle or a sippy cup and is more than 1/8 cup--big deal, esp if this is a common occurance.


From what the grandmother told DD it is a regular occurrence (whenever they go to their favorite restaurant). :glare: I am not sure of the amount. :confused:

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Thank you so much for the quick responses. I took off for 15 minutes and came back to four pages.


Thank goodness everyone is in agreement.


The offending party is the father and his family so there is no way DD can say no to the baby spending time with him or them. Dd is now wondering what else he is doing without her knowledge or consent.



Off topic - the other day the baby came home with bright red polish on her toes which she immediately put into her mouth.


Oh, that makes it way more complicated. I would speak to him about it, but to be honest she won't have much control of the situation during visitation.

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The offending party is the father and his family so there is no way DD can say no to the baby spending time with him or them. Dd is now wondering what else he is doing without her knowledge or consent.


Rather than starting World War three with the father, perhaps she can get him to go to the next well child with the pediatrician, and have the pediatrician touch on needed subjects. Consent is not something a mom gives a dad, normally.... instead, they need to come to mutual decisions....

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I have done weddings for certain ethnic groups that give soda to babies. Most of their kids teeth are rotten by the time they fall our as baby teeth, and as near as I can tell the new ones are rotten by the time they are maybe 10? Most 10yo in this group that I have seen have mostly bad teeth and are heavy if not obese. But it doesn't stop them from massive soda consumption.

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I'd be outraged. My dd has had soda exactly once in her life, when her playgroup had root beer floats and I didn't have the heart to tell her she had to be the one child that couldn't have any. We don't even buy juice.


I'd be flooding the baby's father's inbox and his family with articles about how bad soda is for children.

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I have done weddings for certain ethnic groups that give soda to babies. Most of their kids teeth are rotten by the time they fall our as baby teeth, and as near as I can tell the new ones are rotten by the time they are maybe 10? Most 10yo in this group that I have seen have mostly bad teeth and are heavy if not obese. But it doesn't stop them from massive soda consumption.


My dd plays with another four-year-old girl that lives next door, and their family drinks a lot of soda. The girl had to have all of her teeth capped recently because every single one of her teeth was rotten. Apparently her mom made her thing it was something cool, because she was walking around bragging about her teeth being capped and saying to dd, "Don't you wish you could have capped teeth like me?"



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When my kids were little (2 or so?), I would let them have a sip of sprite or tea if I was drinking some with dinner. Even now, my kids only get soda when we go out to eat or on the occasional trip into the gas station on a weekend with dad. It is never good to drink a lot of soda....and it is a REALLY bad idea to give it to someone else's child without their permission.

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No way. That stuff is horrible! So much sugar, caffeine, chemicals....


And even if soda were fine and you're dd was overreacting (which she is not), she is the mom, so if she says no soda, it is no soda. For someone else to argue or give it to the baby behind her back crosses a major line.



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I would want to know how much before I made a judgement.


If it is a case of "have some of what I'm having" and a couple of sips go down the baby at McDonalds---- eh no biggie.


If it is given to the child in a bottle or a sippy cup and is more than 1/8 cup--big deal, esp if this is a common occurance.


:iagree:It isn't good for them. But, a little isn't going to kill them either. Not a biggie for a little to me.

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