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Anyone else sick of Facebook?

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Anyone else sick of Facebook?


Don't get me wrong, it's great for keeping up with long distance family & friends....BUT, (and there is a BIG BUT) It's driving me a bit crazy. I try to limit my checking it to once a day, but when I get on there I wonder why I even bother. It's just Drama, Drama, Drama! I like seeing some of the people, but don't want to take on their drama, if you know what I mean!


About to just deactivate, but really will miss a handful of people on there. :confused:


Sorry for the rant.:rant:

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I don't have to see any drama from my friends, but I get tired of all the reposts of cute little pictures and sayings. I just want to see what's happening in their lives, not that they loved a picture of a kitten upside down with "I don't know about you, but I'm ready for the weekend!" at the bottom.

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I don't have to see any drama from my friends, but I get tired of all the reposts of cute little pictures and sayings. I just want to see what's happening in their lives, not that they loved a picture of a kitten upside down with "I don't know about you, but I'm ready for the weekend!" at the bottom.


:iagree: Or the "if you don't repost this you hate people dying of cancer" or type stuff.

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I don't have to see any drama from my friends, but I get tired of all the reposts of cute little pictures and sayings. I just want to see what's happening in their lives, not that they loved a picture of a kitten upside down with "I don't know about you, but I'm ready for the weekend!" at the bottom.


:iagree: Or the "if you don't repost this you hate people dying of cancer" or type stuff.


Yes, I get those, too! It just feels like another form of spam. :thumbdown:


Recently started Instagram & find I like it so much more. No spammy stuff, no "what people are eating for dinner"...just good ol' pictures & a little space to comment. Love it.

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I have given notice to all my 'friends' on fb that I am closing my account this Friday. I have loved getting in touch with several extended family but not enough to continue with the drama. It has brought some great stress to our family and I am done with it. I told the 'friends' that if they want to keep in contact with me to send me their up dated email address. Of 109 I have probably gotten 10. That is great. I now know who I need to keep in contact with.:001_smile:

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I told the 'friends' that if they want to keep in contact with me to send me their up dated email address. Of 109 I have probably gotten 10. That is great. I now know who I need to keep in contact with.:001_smile:


This is along the lines of what my sis was telling me today. She got off of FB awhile ago. She said that it seems like most of the people "friend" you on there just to get their "# of friends" up, and if they were truly your friend they would stay in contact with or without FB. Starting to see the truth in that.

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I'm sick of it. I deactivated my account last week. I logged back on to share the video I just made :smilielol5: but then I will be deactivating again. It's nice to share pictures and have people we care about get a peek into our lives, but I'm really sick of the drama and politics. It stresses me out.

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I love Facebook. There's no drama on my feeds or profile, so maybe that's why. FB is what you make it. I'm careful about who I add as a friend. If it someone that doesn't fit well into the laid back life I like to live, I just remove them and my FB is instantly a better place.

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I don't have to see any drama from my friends, but I get tired of all the reposts of cute little pictures and sayings. I just want to see what's happening in their lives, not that they loved a picture of a kitten upside down with "I don't know about you, but I'm ready for the weekend!" at the bottom.





I love it for keeping in touch, but hardly anybody posts actual updates anymore. Just pictures. Some of them are fun/cute, but the volume. Goodness, who wants to see it all?

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Hide all your friends (or better yet, unfriend them). Then use FB for messaging and to be involved in any groups you're involved in (for me, that's homeschool related, job related and local swap group related). I don't see the drama anymore and don't miss it!!

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Hide all your friends (or better yet, unfriend them). Then use FB for messaging and to be involved in any groups you're involved in (for me, that's homeschool related, job related and local swap group related). I don't see the drama anymore and don't miss it!!


Great idea!

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I hide people who make drama. And stupid games. And links from people who post too many links. I kind of like the politics talk, so I don't hide it. :D


For me, FB is pictures, a glimpse into people's lives, and a form of entertainment.

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Couldn't you just block the ppl causing the drama?


Well, here's the rub...A few of the folks that are "total drama" on there are actually close relatives and friends. If I was to block them, that would cause "real world" drama that I personally would like to avoid. They are good people, and I truly care for some....but for example, I don't need to hear my cousin's multiple rants against her soon to be ex-husband.


The drama is not directed at me, it just out there in the universe (so to speak). I guess I am just sensitive to what I read. I also see that it is the same people who are forever in turmoil. Which saddens me, and makes me feel awkward in real life situations when I run into these people...Do I act like I know about all their issues cause I read them on FB? There is just a real weird false intimacy that it creates that weirds me out. Don't know if that really explains it.:confused:

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Anyone else sick of Facebook?


Don't get me wrong, it's great for keeping up with long distance family & friends....BUT, (and there is a BIG BUT) It's driving me a bit crazy. I try to limit my checking it to once a day, but when I get on there I wonder why I even bother. It's just Drama, Drama, Drama! I like seeing some of the people, but don't want to take on their drama, if you know what I mean!


About to just deactivate, but really will miss a handful of people on there. :confused:


Sorry for the rant.:rant:


Why not simply unfriend everyone except the handful of people you would miss? Wouldn't that solve your problem?

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I'm over Facebook....don't see alot of drama, or at least the stuff I do, I don't participate and watch half-amused at the silliness of it. On the other hand, what I do hate is the FAKEness of it. Those people who always post how amazing their life is, look at me, look at me, etc. I know those people in real life, and their live is about as non-amazing as the rest of us. I have put a few people on IGNORE, which means I don't unfriend them, but I don't see their posts unless I make an effort to go to their FB page and look at it. That has been a HUGE destressor for me because there were a few people that drove me crazy!


I do stay on FB because my extended family is on and it's how we keep in touch. And now alot of Homeschooling groups use FB as their form of communication.

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You just "unsubscribe" from the people whose updates you don't want and that's it. You don't need to unfriend to not get their updates. That way they won't know and you can just pop over to their page and check their news whenever you feel like it.


FB can be used in so many ways. If you want it for personal friendships, then you obviously only accept people you hang out with and not from the periphery because many do just want a high number of fb friends.

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I don't have to see any drama from my friends, but I get tired of all the reposts of cute little pictures and sayings. I just want to see what's happening in their lives, not that they loved a picture of a kitten upside down with "I don't know about you, but I'm ready for the weekend!" at the bottom.



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Well, here's the rub...A few of the folks that are "total drama" on there are actually close relatives and friends. If I was to block them, that would cause "real world" drama that I personally would like to avoid.


They don't know it if you hide them (which is different from blocking them). When you hide them, you don't see their status updates on your news feed, that's all. You can still manually go to their wall if you wanted to, and they can still see your status updates (unless they've hidden you).

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I don't see much drama. I do not hesitate to either turn people off my feed or totally unfriend them. My SIL was saying things about my brother on FB I didn't want to read, so I turned her off. Maybe she figured out I never responded on her feed, and she unfriended me. Oh well! :D


I think FB is there to serve me and not vice versa. If I see a post I don't like, I turn it off. If I see continual posts from the same source I don't want to see, I turn them off my feed. If someone is super annoying, I unfriend. For some people, it's not even anything personal. If you post 20X+ a day about everything you do (hate my shoes, coffee is good, my car needs gas, ad nauseum pics of random things, kid quoting, especially reposting stuff from other posters, etc), you're not going to show up on my feed. Sorry. I just don't go FB enough to keep up with that. I'm only on once or twice a day.

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Nope. I'm not sick of it at all.


:iagree: I still enjoy facebook. No drama on mine. I did put one person on limited profile and unsubscribed from another, but never had to block or unfriend anyone.


I have friends who complain about the facebook drama constantly, yet are some of the most active people I know on there.


On the other hand, what I do hate is the FAKEness of it. Those people who always post how amazing their life is, look at me, look at me, etc. I know those people in real life, and their live is about as non-amazing as the rest of us.


As far as posting only good stuff, that's what facebook is for IMO. It's for the fun and exciting stuff. "My teen was mouthy all day", or "I mopped the floors this morning" or "My chronic back pain has me down again" just isn't facebook material. So yeah, my life isn't all sunshine and roses, but if I need to talk to someone, I'll call a friend or talk to dh. Facebook is where you'll only see my happy stuff. That doesn't mean it's fake. The happy stuff is just as real as everything else.

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No, I enjoy it. I don't go to a lot but I do like it very much. It makes it easy to keep up what's going on with my brother and his family because we didn't have much of a relationship before. The opportunity to reach out to him and his wife in a light, casual way really opened up things for us. Also great way to show the various grandparents up to the minute pictures of what is going on with our boys. They LOVE, LOVE, LOVE it. :)

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My life is very boring actually. So I invented a juvenile delinquent fairy to spice up my life.


It only takes a minute to divide up folks into "chapters" of FB so you don't have to see it all ---all of the time. I probably have 20 chapters of interest and I don't read the feeds unless I click on that specialty feed.


I also don't have my extended family on there either. I'd drop it like it's hot if there were...lol.

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The account delete button is your friend lol


I get tired of people complaining about it, but then they get on not long afterward to see what everyone is doing... :001_huh:


Makes me scratch my head.


Sorry...I'm snarky tonight. Serious headache, tired of people whining about stuff they can change but won't and just heard some news that makes me want to pull out my hair...

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I've been encouraging DH to use the Suicide Machine. He's only been on Facebook a few months and only started up to keep in contact with one great friend after moving away. He's starting to see the Facebook flaws and is not as enamored of it as he was when he first got on.


I have volunteered to commit Facebook suicide for him, but he says that would actually be murder so I can't do it. :lol:

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I love seeing pictures and hearing what's going on in other people's lives. I've had to hide a few people because of the content or vulgarity of their posts, but I can still visit theirs if I want to. I lead a pretty boring life, so it's interesting to hear what's happening out there. I don't mind writing letters, but it's slow (especially in today's techno world) and it's rare to get a letter in return. I'm on the phone all day long for my job, so one of the last things on my mind at home is talking on the phone. My biggest peeve about FB currently is the sheer number of sharing of cute pics/sayings/etc. It's like people don't have anything to say for themselves. I try to post things to engage people in conversation, but it's almost like they're afraid to say anything.



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I enjoy seeing photos of family and friends who live far away. I've unsubscribed from certain people who were posting stuff I didn't want to read.


I've thought of leaving FB but I would miss the baby pictures and family updates.

Not singling you out for any particular reason other than you're probably the 100th person I've heard say something similar.


In our family (even extended family) we update each other fairly regularly the old fashioned way - by word of mouth.


So here is my question, do people who use FB to keep up with family not speak to family any other way?

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Not singling you out for any particular reason other than you're probably the 100th person I've heard say something similar.


In our family (even extended family) we update each other fairly regularly the old fashioned way - by word of mouth.


So here is my question, do people who use FB to keep up with family not speak to family any other way?


To the bolded, pretty much...yeah. Other than my parents and DH's parents (none of whom are even on FB), we keep up with family thru FB only. We are spread over several states and don't have family living in this state.

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To answer the OP. I was sick of FB within weeks of signing up. Since I talk to family and friends either in person or on the phone or the email I didn't really have anything to do on FB except play the silly games. They got boring pretty quickly as they were designed to keep one online for the longest period of time possible.


So I deleted my account and was happy I did so once I found out the FB was designed to gather data. It truly isn't there for the convenience of the users.

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To the bolded, pretty much...yeah. Other than my parents and DH's parents (none of whom are even on FB), we keep up with family thru FB only. We are spread over several states and don't have family living in this state.

Wow! I find that kind of sad. What did you do prior to FB to keep in touch?

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I try to post pictures on Facebook everyday. It might be my page, dd's company page, or the kids' personal pages.


I don't talk to my best friend, sister, or inlaws every day.


My BIL prints every picture I post and talks to my MIL about what my kids are up to.


I'd be hard pressed to keep everyone individually updated, and yes, I assume that they are interested.


My sister is on her way to my house, after 5 months out of the country. Facebook was a lifesaver for her, when she started missing my family.

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Wow! I find that kind of sad. What did you do prior to FB to keep in touch?


Honestly, we really didn't. My extended family (thinking aunts, uncles, cousins) nor DH's is really that close and there are very few of them. Last summer, I met one of my cousins for the first time. There are some I've never met.

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Not singling you out for any particular reason other than you're probably the 100th person I've heard say something similar.


In our family (even extended family) we update each other fairly regularly the old fashioned way - by word of mouth.


So here is my question, do people who use FB to keep up with family not speak to family any other way?


I have a huge family and the closest one is 1000 miles away. Yes, we talk on the phone but there are sooo many of them. FB is awesome to keep up with what they're all doing. Then, when I'm able to see them in person, I don't feel like I've missed everything.

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I have a huge family and the closest one is 1000 miles away. Yes, we talk on the phone but there are sooo many of them. FB is awesome to keep up with what they're all doing. Then, when I'm able to see them in person, I don't feel like I've missed everything.



That is how I feel. I don't have many friends on facebook. I do keep in contact via phone/email our closest friends/family. But having several hours in time difference and busy schedules makes it difficult to contact a lot of my family.

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