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Doing some research about non-exercisers. Chime in please!

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I am going to be doing some writing about why people find it difficult to exercise and then try to offer solutions and help.


For part of my research, I need some completely honest answers about why you don't work out.


If you are among those who do not exercise, will you share why? I won't be using any names of course--just needing to get a broad understanding.


Thank you!


Edited by Tracy in Ky
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I have been a non-exerciser my whole life. In the past couple of months I've forced myself to do a one-mile walk every night after work using a Leslie Sansone dvd. So, I'm not now totally a non-exerciser. You'll notice though that even after a couple of months I am still only doing 1 mile. I just don't want to take the time to continue increasing my exercise time.


But, here are my thoughts:

I hate to sweat

I have so little time to do anything that I want to do, and exercise isn't one of them

My mind wanders while exercising and I get bored


I'll have to think more about this.

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I used to exercise pretty regularly and have been very thin my entire life... but have not since having children. My reasons are:


1. I have so little time for myself, I don't want to spend it on exercising.

2. I seem to be tired all. the. time. I know if I exercised regularly I would probably be less tired but it is hard to get started when I am already tired and also because of No. 1 above. (Just a little perspective: I will be turning 50 years old in Feb. and my two sons are both 6.5.)

3. I really have no desire to outlive my husband by 10 or 20 years. He is 8 years older than I am and he is extremely regular about working out. He is very fit. So, in the long run, I figure that kind of evens us out a bit.


On the other hand, I am now in the process of watching the health of both of my parents decline quite quickly (or so it seems) and that tends to make me think I really need to be in better shape.....but then, No. 1 and 2 above kicks in.:tongue_smilie:

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My deliberate exercise is very minimal because I do not have child care available at the time of day when it would work best for me to exercise (end of school day). It does not work at all for me to go exercise kid-free in the evening when my husband is home. It messes up the entire evening for the family if I do. He leaves for work very early in the morning (5:30). I would like to go walk then but our kids are not old enough to be left alone in the house while I do that. I tried a gym near our house that was supposed to have a child care person after 3 pm each day so they could sit in a little room while I used an elliptical for 20 minutes, for an extra $10, but the reliability of that person actually being there was very poor and I could not deal with not knowing whether or not I would get to work out. They will not walk in the neighborhood with me. The 9 yo would but the 6 yo either runs off to the park or whines, gripes and drags his feet the entire way and I don't get an actual workout that way. There is a Lifetime with child care but it is very expensive for the family membership, and at the time of day I would like to go, it would take about 20-30 minutes to get there because of bus traffic. We have a treadmill, but I get motion-sick trying to use it. So I just do a little yoga and floor/standing exercise each morning before they are up.


The possible solutions I have thought of are 1. For us to get an elliptical to put in the basement that I could use in the early morning or at the end of the school day - the reason we have not is that we already have the problem of the kids using the treadmill as a jungle gym and we are concerned they could really get hurt on an elliptical even if it is off. We would have to find one with safety features to lock it in place when it is off and a tab to make it operate. 2. They are building an LA Fitness literally 2 minutes from our house. If they would provide child care after 3 pm, I could get us over there very quickly. I do not know how expensive that membership would be. It will be open next year. 3. I have a workout step. I have never enjoyed working out to a video, at all, but getting a step workout DVD is a possibility. I have not done it because I am not sure I could do an aerobic workout in the house long enough for it to be effective before our kids interrupted me. I get very upset at being interrupted and I feel like it's better to not even try :(


Really I think the key for me to get regular aerobic exercise is child care. Without someone else taking the kids for 30 minutes, and a time of day that works without messing up our family's routine, it won't happen. A gym with reliable child care would be the ideal for me, but it needs to be affordable and close enough to be practical.

Edited by laundrycrisis
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I hate exercising. Hate it! As others stated, I have very little time to myself. I'm constantly running around with the kids, cleaning, cooking, etc. I want to relax in my free time. I also find it boring. Now if I had time to play a sport, like tennis or softball, I'd be all over that. I like activities with a "purpose", not just repetitive motions.

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I actually like exercising and take a dance class once a week and swim when I can. I used to walk frequently with a friend and on my own.


I would like to walk and exercise more, actually, but I have a bad foot, collapsing arches, plantar fasciitis, etc. My left foot has been bothering me so much lately that I'm actually limping these days. I'm in the process of getting new orthotics and ultrasound treatments on my foot.


I think many people don't exercise due to chronic pain. I know exercise actually helps with reducing pain, but it's hard to get started when your body hurts.

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I don't mind excersizing, but it doesn't like me :D I have an unknown auto-immune condition that affects my tendons and joints, and even a short walk can be enough to put me in bed for several days recovering. If I have to walk any distance I use my power wheelchair if possible.


I was doing Curves which I liked and wasn't too bad on my joints, but I had to stop as we couldn't afford the membership.

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I have always been active. I have danced my whole life. Now I teach dance. I am on my feet 4 hours a night. It is not a full cardiovascular workout, but at least I am not sedentary. I am so tired from teaching that I cannot do anything else.


I do not workout because it bores me. I have tried many times to get in the habit, but I cannot walk or be on the elliptical for half an hour....I have tried music and tv...still can't handle more than 5-10 minutes.

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I hate to sweat

I have so little time to do anything that I want to do, and exercise isn't one of them

My mind wanders while exercising and I get bored


This exactly. I don't like exercising just for the purpose of exercising. If I had access to tennis courts I would play hours every day however that would be for fun, not just to exercise.
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I hate anything high impact because I hate the way boobs and flab bounce.

If shorts/pants are tight enough to stay up, they are too tight.

I don't like to sweat

I feel self-conscious exercising on the street or in a gym.

I can't exercise in private at home because of the kids.


My husband is doing the Beachbody Insanity workout. The few times he's tried to do it at home, the youngest could NOT stay out of his way! That kind of workout does not appeal to me at ALL. I tried 30 days Shred a year or so ago and hated it. I don't want to be so sore I can't walk down stairs after my first day; I want a gradual start.


We are moving to a house with a finished basement and dh just bought an elliptical at a garage sale, so we plan to make a workout area and have a CD/mp3 player so I can listen to a playlist or audiobook while I suffer. :)

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Because I hate to be hot. I detest being hot. Loathe it. And when I exercise, I get hot.


Now, I do really enjoy a brisk walk outside, but it's got to be in the 60's so that I don't get too hot.


I think it's from my childhood. I've always been one who sweats easily, and gets hot easily. And my folks didn't have air conditioning. I slept on the top bunk. I was hot a lot as a kid, and I didn't like it.

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I hate exercising. I have always been relatively thin (never more than 145 lbs. at 5'9") so I lack motivation. I wouldn't mind slimming up my hips and bum more, but I find exercise SO boring. TaeBo is the exercise program that I've enjoyed most, but not enough to be consistent. I walked for 2 miles with my son last week :hurray:, and wouldn't mind doing that more often, if it crossed my mind! Exercise is usually not the first thing that comes to mind when I have free time. Unfortunately, I typically open my laptop:tongue_smilie:.

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Because I hate to be hot. I detest being hot. Loathe it. And when I exercise, I get hot.


Now, I do really enjoy a brisk walk outside, but it's got to be in the 60's so that I don't get too hot.


I think it's from my childhood. I've always been one who sweats easily, and gets hot easily. And my folks didn't have air conditioning. I slept on the top bunk. I was hot a lot as a kid, and I didn't like it.


Oh, yeah. The hot factor. I've got that, too.

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Oooh I can answer!!


I've never found a venue or outlet that I like to exercise in. I like to walk outside but that is so dependant on weather and temperature, so it's not reliable.


Before I had kids I didn't go to gyms due to people staring and feeling silly walking around doing stuff by myself. After kids I still can't find time alone to walk, go to a gym, or do a dvd (the youngest always interrupts and the olders sometimes start whining or asking for stupid stuff). I can't leave them home alone and I don't have anyone who can watch them at a time I want to exercise without it being like hiring a sitter (which I don't have at the moment).


I don't ming being hot or sweaty.

I do get bored easily.

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I used to exercise pretty regularly and have been very thin my entire life... but have not since having children. My reasons are:


1. I have so little time for myself, I don't want to spend it on exercising.

2. I seem to be tired all. the. time. I know if I exercised regularly I would probably be less tired but it is hard to get started when I am already tired and also because of No. 1 above. (Just a little perspective: I will be turning 50 years old in Feb. and my two sons are both 6.5.)

3. I really have no desire to outlive my husband by 10 or 20 years. He is 8 years older than I am and he is extremely regular about working out. He is very fit. So, in the long run, I figure that kind of evens us out a bit.

On the other hand, I am now in the process of watching the health of both of my parents decline quite quickly (or so it seems) and that tends to make me think I really need to be in better shape.....but then, No. 1 and 2 above kicks in.:tongue_smilie:


That sounds like a great new excuse, I'll have to remember that one. Dh is about 8 years older than me and I enjoy doing physical things, but hate exercise.:auto:

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When we didn't have a dog, all my walking, etc. was with the kids during the course of the day. Now we have a dog, so I walk five miles daily in addition to what I was doing before. Morning and evening walks are now an activity with a purpose.

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I do not like the effort I have to put into it. There doesn't appear to be any easy, effortless exercises. I've basically chosen the lesser evils.


I do not like to get hot and sweaty. I find it incredibly gross and very unladylike.


It takes too long. My Weight Watchers leader said that I could do 10 minutes at a time, 3 times a day, and that is the same as one 30-minute session. I have a truly difficult time believing that since I've always heard that it's important to keep your heart rate up for at least 30 minutes for a decent exerecise session. Maybe her recommendations were for obese people who cannot move a lot. I can move. I just don't want to.


I feel really stupid somtimes. If I'm just walking, I feel like it's a waste of time and that I should be running. Walking on a trail outside with runners brreezing past me makes me feel inadequate. Exercising to a tape that leaves me panting while the people on the film are still smiling makes me feel inadequate.


I never feel good after exercise. I hate hearing other people say how good they feel because I do not get any sense of euphoria or accomplishment. I just feel terribly relieved that it's over. I am also crabby for a while and want to just be by myself for a while. I don't want others around me.


I understand I'm pitiful. :o

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It takes too long. My Weight Watchers leader said that I could do 10 minutes at a time, 3 times a day, and that is the same as one 30-minute session. I have a truly difficult time believing that since I've always heard that it's important to keep your heart rate up for at least 30 minutes for a decent exerecise session.
This may not be the case:



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Like Sparrow, I've always been pretty thin so I just haven't had the motivation. I hate to be sore, I hate to flail my body around, I hate to expend unnecessary energy. I am just very lazy. I have shortcuts for virtually everything so the last thing I want to do is ruin that by exercising and being super uncomfortable. :tongue_smilie:


eta: I think a large part of this is due to sensory issues, not to mean that as an excuse or that it cannot be overcome, but I have a lot of trouble with too much movement, too much noise, being uncomfortable in any way (certain clothing used to drive me crazy as a child), changes in temperature, etc. Having a large family is very challenging for me in this way ;)

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I never feel good after exercise. I hate hearing other people say how good they feel because I do not get any sense of euphoria or accomplishment. I just feel terribly relieved that it's over. I am also crabby for a while and want to just be by myself for a while. I don't want others around me.


I understand I'm pitiful. :o


Well I'll be pitiful with you then, because I was just coming back to add this. I never feel 'great' after exercising. I feel hot, sweaty, tired, and grouchy. How is that fun? I don't know.

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I don't exercise much because I have arthritis. It's in every joint and it's bad. I've had it since I was 25. (more than half my life.)


I would swim but there is not a pool nearby. Even swimming is iffy though. I have a shoulder so rotten from joint problems that it pops out a lot and I have to be very careful while in the water. I try to walk, but sometimes even two miles will have my hips aching for days.


I'll take any suggestions you can come up with!

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I know you didn't ask for solutions, but I can't help myself for a couple of them. :)


Boobs bounce: Get a great sports bra (yes, $50+) and/or layer TWO sports bras, or a bra under a tank with a built in bra. For D+ cup sizes, it is nearly imperative to invest in a great bra and/or layer two good bras.


Boredom: Walk with a friend. Take a class with a friend or make friends there. The social aspect is reinforcing and also reduces or eliminates boredom.


Me-Time Loss: Make exercise social (see above). Or, make it Meditative (YOU time) by hiking somewhere beautiful or running solo or doing yoga in a beautiful space.


Heat: Exercise outdoors in cool temps. Early mornings are good for summer months. Inside, use an industrial fan ($60-$100 at home improvement stores) aimed right at you, not a wimpy typical fan. Crank up the A/C and/or workout in the basement. Also, wear good quality tech fabric clothes.


Body jiggles: Invest in some cute and well designed workout clothes. Capri compression/tight leggings with an attached sports skirt are adorable and cover a lot of bases. One great outfit is enough to start with!


:) I love to run. I used to hate exercise. For all of the reasons above, and more. Just STARTING was the key, because once I got started, the benefits were so vast that the obstacles above (and more) became smaller and smaller in my mind.

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This may not be the case:




Now THAT is encouraging! I can do a few minutes here and there of intense exercise! It wouldn't surprise me if I'm one of those that is not a "good responder" though, considering how difficult it is for me to get on board with aerobic activities and how consistently difficult they are for me.

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I know you didn't ask for solutions, but I can't help myself for a couple of them. :)


Boobs bounce: Get a great sports bra (yes, $50+) and/or layer TWO sports bras, or a bra under a tank with a built in bra. For D+ cup sizes, it is nearly imperative to invest in a great bra and/or layer two good bras.


Boredom: Walk with a friend. Take a class with a friend or make friends there. The social aspect is reinforcing and also reduces or eliminates boredom.


Me-Time Loss: Make exercise social (see above). Or, make it Meditative (YOU time) by hiking somewhere beautiful or running solo or doing yoga in a beautiful space.


Heat: Exercise outdoors in cool temps. Early mornings are good for summer months. Inside, use an industrial fan ($60-$100 at home improvement stores) aimed right at you, not a wimpy typical fan. Crank up the A/C and/or workout in the basement. Also, wear good quality tech fabric clothes.


Body jiggles: Invest in some cute and well designed workout clothes. Capri compression/tight leggings with an attached sports skirt are adorable and cover a lot of bases. One great outfit is enough to start with!


:) I love to run. I used to hate exercise. For all of the reasons above, and more. Just STARTING was the key, because once I got started, the benefits were so vast that the obstacles above (and more) became smaller and smaller in my mind.


I like these suggestions :) Any specific reccs for workout clothes that hold, say, the tummy and hips in? I didn't know they had that, I thought workout clothes were always supposed to be loose and breathe-able. Or a good sports bra?


Well I'll be pitiful with you then, because I was just coming back to add this. I never feel 'great' after exercising. I feel hot, sweaty, tired, and grouchy. How is that fun? I don't know.



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I have had three ankle operations and have severe arthritis now in my foot. I am going to start weight training on machines if a good trainer can help me. I can swim, but the chlorine hurts my skin so much and my foot. I was previously quite active and fit. So to sum it up - injury and pain. (I can not walk to even go shopping without being in pain)

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I absolutely love working out - everything about it - even getting hot and sweaty.

But do I work out on a regular basis? Sadly, no.


I never put myself first, which is what I think I need to do to work out consistently. Couple that with child care issues and I just don't get around to working out. :glare:


I really want to go to water aerobics tomorrow morning, but we also need to do school. So school or working out? School will win.


I find day care options to be so difficult with homeschooling. I live in a major city but we only have three gyms in the immediate area. None offer day care for children over school age.


I do get a monthly membership at one of the gyms from time to time, but I have to keep my child with me - he's too old for their day care but too young to participate in anything. So he just off to the side if I take a class. :tongue_smilie:


I have tried for the six years we have homeschooled to find some option where DS and I can both work out at the same time. We do hike, walk and bike together, but I need more cardio than that.

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1. I really do not have the time.


2. I did gymnastics for 15 years growing up in the days when a wrestling mat was considered cutting edge. All those years of pounding did my ankles and knees in. I have great difficulty doing exercise without risk of injury.


3. I will wet my pants. Walking is okay, but other stuff...Not worth it.

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I always seem to gain weight which is counter productive to what I am trying to do. It can't be muscle either since it happens very quickly. I also hate it.


That is interesting. I have the same thing happen to me. Within a day or two I gain 2-3 pounds, and there is no way that is muscle. I though I was just odd, but at least I am not alone. :)


I have a connective tissue disease that leaves me in pain after I excerise, so I only walk, but even that leaves me feeling awful.

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I know that you are being very practical and helpful, but...like I said, I don't like to exercise.:D


I know you didn't ask for solutions, but I can't help myself for a couple of them. :)


Boobs bounce: Get a great sports bra (yes, $50+) and/or layer TWO sports bras, or a bra under a tank with a built in bra. For D+ cup sizes, it is nearly imperative to invest in a great bra and/or layer two good bras.

Wow! I have much better things to spend $50 on.


Boredom: Walk with a friend. Take a class with a friend or make friends there. The social aspect is reinforcing and also reduces or eliminates boredom.

I have no time to do the things I want to. There's no way I have time to schedule walking with a friend (get dressed, go to wherever we plan to walk, take the walk, get back home, change and shower...etc.) For me to exercise, it has to be something I can do with no prep time and just be able to do it. Which is why I'm doing Leslie Sansone walking.


Me-Time Loss: Make exercise social (see above). Or, make it Meditative (YOU time) by hiking somewhere beautiful or running solo or doing yoga in a beautiful space.

See above


Heat: Exercise outdoors in cool temps. Early mornings are good for summer months. Inside, use an industrial fan ($60-$100 at home improvement stores) aimed right at you, not a wimpy typical fan. Crank up the A/C and/or workout in the basement. Also, wear good quality tech fabric clothes.

I'm also one of those people who are overly warm and don't like it. I sweat even in the winter.


Body jiggles: Invest in some cute and well designed workout clothes. Capri compression/tight leggings with an attached sports skirt are adorable and cover a lot of bases. One great outfit is enough to start with!

More money I can't afford to spend


:) I love to run. I used to hate exercise. For all of the reasons above, and more. Just STARTING was the key, because once I got started, the benefits were so vast that the obstacles above (and more) became smaller and smaller in my mind.


I know that I'm being contrary.;) I'm just not highly motivated to make those kinds of changes. I really need to have time just for myself to unwind. Otherwise, I'm no good to anyone. I'm not willing yet to give that time up for exercise.

But, for someone who is ready to take the step, you do have some great suggestions.

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I don't have any time or energy to exercise. About once a month we might get out as a family and have an hour or so's walk, that I love, otherwise nothing. We have a large house which up until a week ago I cleaned entirely on my own (we now have a cleaner to help for four hours a week), which took up all my spare time and any remaining energy after looking after four boys and educating three of them. I also feel pretty healthy, I'm 5' 8" tall, 130 lbs, and fairly well toned. If and when I feel my body needs more or better exercise I'll review matters.

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I had a friend who had exercise incontinence when she started ... she wore a pad while working out. It got better as she strengthened her pelvic floor muscles, and now she runs marathons without issues. So maybe it's one of those things that resolves itself.

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I don't do cardio exercising, partly because I spend a lot of time outdoors throughout the week doing work at my horse barn & on the yard. It gets to 100+ degrees here most days, and it isn't even high summer yet! By the time I have finished feeding horses & cleaning poo, I am pretty drained. If I have any extra energy then or later, I try to get the yard mowed & weeded, irrigate the pasture, etc. My FIL is a life-saver on this - if he wasn't around to do so much of the "extra" stuff, I'd be exhausted all the time & NEVER catch up. He's my fix-it man - mower's broke? Grandpa!!! Shed needs building? Grandpa!! :) He is over 80, though, so slowing down.


On the 2 days I work out of the house, it is just not practical time-wise (I work 10 hours, plus 1 hour driving, and need to get kids ready both before & after - by the end, I just crash).


On the 4 days I school, I have more time but less energy! I often sit and watch a show or read a book during break time, so I COULD do exercising then - I just can't get up the oomph to do it. :( Especially if I have to work on lunch & dinner (often my MIL does this, but she is older & gets stressed). Then there is laundry, cleaning, organizing, planning, etc. Also, my dh spends most of his time traveling this time of year - so I don't have him to back me up on doing things (my MIL tries & is very kind & helpful, but is over 80 - thank goodness she is around to watch the kids while I run out to stores & do various outdoor things, though!).


On my "day off" I pretty much am only up to loafing - and even then I have to do all my barn chores so I still get hot & sweaty & tired.


I actually did do a few years of exercising:

-I went to the YMCA for awhile & did the treadmill while the kids were in childcare, then let them swim afterwards. This was great!! Except that the place was just far enough away that it started making it a chore to get there, and every time we went it was a good 1.5-2 hours (travel, exercise, kid play, travel back). I didn't want to do it more than 1-2 times a week, and at the cost of the membership (VERY high!) I really couldn't justify continuing. If I had found a friend to meet up with every time I might have continued and tried to work out more, but everyone else has time constraints, too! :)


- I used the wii exercise for awhile & this was GREAT!! Actually, this by far worked out the best of all the workouts I've tried over many years. I could do it any time of the day without leaving the house, I was still available for the kids if needed, I didn't have to worry about getting dressed to do other things after, and once the equipment was purchased there was no additional cost. Also, the kids could be bribed to behave by promising them they could play a game on the wii if they let mommy do her exercise in peace :D. We have it set up in our bedroom, so I could close the door & have the kids play in the living room while I had some privacy (the sizing was a little tight, but do-able). The Wii Fit Plus was fun & enjoyable - I actually really liked some of the activities, and the scenery on the TV & music helped keep your focus. I also went on the Atkins diet during that period, and I ended up losing a lot of weight as well. After awhile, though, it gets old & you put it off more & more - then it is hard to start up again. I have actually been planning for months now to start this again (I got a new video at Christmas & did that for awhile, but I think it was too tough so I lost heart). Maybe today's the day!! :)

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I'm not a total non-exerciser - I like to do some things - I walk and hike with the kids some, and I often take them swimming or ice skating as much for me to get moving as for them. I don't mind the getting sweaty thing or some of the other things mentioned here. And I do feel better after exercise, even if it's sometimes hard to get the motivation to do it.


But I've never been a totally regular exerciser either. One of the things that prevents me from having any desire to do a lot of exercise is the nastiness that I've seen at gyms, yoga centers, fitness classes and the like. People are really judgey. I've seen a lot of judgement when you can't do something, when you don't know how to do something or use some piece of equipment, or when your body shape isn't skinny and toned. I feel like a lot of places think it's good to use shame as a tool to make you want to work harder, but honestly, while I know I should be in better shape, I'm not obese and I'm not really unhappy with my body either, so that cr*p doesn't work on me at all. Every time I dip a toe into that water and see things like that, that's the end for me. So now I have zero desire to join in that sort of culture, which closes off a lot of potential avenues of exercise for me. Like, I'd love to do yoga, but the trial of finding a yoga class that won't be competitive and a stupid hipster pick up scene (gosh, I hate my neighborhood sometimes) is just so not worth it.

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I have a lot of the same issues as everyone else.


-I was pretty fit as a teenager (track team) but once I started having to work for a living, then started having children, it was all down hill. I did get fit again shortly before meeting dh but it was a result of doing stock work for Sam's Club 8 hours a day, 5 days a week from 3am to 11am so I also ate a lot less since my schedule was whacked. I can't sustain that level of activity or that eating pattern with a normal life.

-I have very little free time and have other things to do with it.

-I'm always tired. I have no energy for anything. I've had my thyroid and hormones checked and there doesn't seem to be a health issue. I've always been like that - plugging along while exhausted is my norm.

-I have a lot of aches and pains. Arthritis in my fingers, old breaks that ache all the time, bad knees since I was a teenager.

-a very small house which means I can't get away from the kids. I try to do Wii Fit and they are running back and forth. I've already clobbered both of them in the head with the nunchuk and one of these days someones going to really get hurt (probably me).

-Finding time is hard even if I wanted to. Dh leaves for work around 5:30 am and I am not getting up before that. I was thinking about taking a walk when he gets home from work but it's been so hot and the pollen counts are up so my asthma/allergies are acting up. I also have a sinus infection and touch of bronchitis from catching colds from the kids.


-We are going to join our local ymca at the end of summer. They have daycare for up to 12 years old but of course, during the school day my kids are likely to be the oldest ones there. We can go at afterschool hours and they have a kids cardio arcade with active video games that my son can go to while my youngest goes to the daycare. They can also take classes and I can work out while they are there. I'm hoping it will work out and I can start getting back in shape. I think some of my aches and pains are from being so out of shape.

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Reason / Excuse

#1 I truly have very little time for me.

#2 It's dull.

#3 I don't like routines.

#4 I'm self-conscience about my appearance, so no gyms.

And so forth depending upon the day! Reasons not to exercise come easy to me.


However, I have started karate with my almost 12 yo DD. She's a purple belt. The dojo is too far for me to go back home and not convenient for errands. Sitting was worse than exercising, so I joined the kids' karate class. Last month, I earned my yellow belt. Yea for me! One little kid told me he didn't know old people could be white belts. It was funny, not rude.


So far, I enjoy the class, imagine that!

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I don't mind exercising, but it's hard to stay in a routine. Here's the factors that stop me.


1. I have exercise induced asthma and allergies. Using anything before exercise increases my heart rate. Walking the dog (she's a big lab) makes me winded. I walked to the library the other day (like 6 blocks back and forth) and felt out of it for the rest of the day.


2. I like hiking trails but the gas money to get to the trails and only having one car has limited our time in the last few years.


3. I can't ride a bike for a long period due to #1. If I do, which dh and I used to ride a lot, I'm out of it for the rest of the day.


4. I fell while walking the dog last fall. My knee was messed up for weeks. It's still sore. I have crappy knees in general, but this was the good one. I can't sit on my knees at all. It's like sitting on pins.


5. I build muscle quickly. I am a bulky person even at my ideal weight. I prefer lengthening exercises but don't take the time to do them.


6. I've had two abdominal surgeries and have majorly crappy abs. I've improved them in the last few years, but they are seriously a jigsaw puzzle. I can't do some ab exercises because they make the problem worse.


7. Walking is the one exercise I can do one my own time. Ds walks with me and that helps. I have problems in the heat and humidity though due to #1.


8. I don't mind a good sweat. We have a heavy bag, which is great for being at home working out some angst and listening to some metal music. It's still in storage otherwise I'd have used it quite a bit this last week. :glare:


9. I stay busy by doing things that are exercise and not exercise. Moving furniture, organizing, lifting, home improvement, stuff like that. I always have some project going on, so I'm getting sweaty at least once a week.


10. Room for in house exercise. Our house is small and there is no space in the living room. I just rearranged the classroom so we have some room in there, but no room to bounce around, just stretch.



When we were younger we lived near some great biking trails. WE had good quality bikes and we'd ride 7 or 8 miles in the evening. We no longer have those bikes and don't live near any trails, plus neither of us has the stamina.


I try to overcome my reasons and excuses a lot. I have a new yoga video I need to try, but now I have a sinus infection. Fun.

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I like activities with a "purpose", not just repetitive motions.


This is me, too. I vowed this year to use my bike, not the bus, to grocery shop, and to get to a dance at least once a month. Does that count as choosing to exercise? I won't even go to a yoga class. It HAS to be something that feels real, integrated with life, not just for its own sake.

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I am not a complete non-exerciser. I do make myself exercise from time to time. I go through periods of working out 3-5 days a week for a few months and then I alternate it with not working out at all. :tongue_smilie: I never, ever enjoy it though. I force myself to do it, at times, but I really don't like it at all.


Right now I am working out with a personal trainer for an hour, twice a week. She comes to my house, so I just make time for her like any appointment. The idea is that I would get back into working out with her and then work out on my own on the days she doesn't come. That isn't happening though. :glare: Right now my two sessions with my trainer are the only thing keeping me from being a total slug.


Actually, that isn't completely true. I have started doing Couch to 5K with my daughters. Even though I hate exercising, I am trying not to let my girls see that. ;) My youngest daughter really wants us all to run a 5K in the fall, so we decided to train for it. My older DD doesn't want to do it, but she has agreed because I am paying her per run. :blush: We haven't been very consistent with the training though because we have to go in the morning or not at all and sometimes we have other things to do or it is raining.


So, my reasons for not working out consistently:


1. I hate it. I can think of lots of other things I'd rather be doing.

2. If I work out, it has to be in the morning. I can't stand working out at any other time (plus, I also have exercise incontinence). If it doesn't happen in the morning, it doesn't happen. But it sure isn't easy forcing yourself to climb out of bed and exercise when you really hate it. Sometimes I can convince myself, other times, not so much. :tongue_smilie:

3. I won't work out at a gym. We actually have a membership to a club that includes a fitness center/classes/pool, etc., but I don't like to work out around other people.

4. I really don't like being outside at all. I am forcing myself to do the quick Couch to 5K runs with my daughters, but the idea of walking/running outside all of the time sounds like torture.

5. I would like to lose 10 lbs., but I'm not overweight so it isn't a huge priority. Plus, I can easily lose the 10 lbs. by watching what I eat, so exercise isn't a huge motivator.


I do have a beautiful exercise room at home-- wood padded exercise floor, glass all along one wall, flat screen TV with DVD player, a barre, a treadmill, a spin bike, a weight bench with barbell and weights, a full variety of free weights, a BOSU, weighted balls, bands, a ton of exercise DVDs. With all of that, you would think that I could motivate myself, but it is still soooo hard. :sad:

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I am going to be doing some writing about why people find it difficult to exercise and then try to offer solutions and help.


For part of my research, I need some completely honest answers about why you don't work out.


If you are among those who do not exercise, will you share why? I won't be using any names of course--just needing to get a broad understanding.


Thank you!



Ok, I don't exercise even though I should and I know I should and I actually LIKE to do it IF I get up and do it.

Here's why:

1. Time. I know that, realistically, I have time. I know that in the 30 minutes that I've been sitting at the computer so far today (not to mention the rest of the day!) that I could be doing something more active. It just seems so inconvenient. I don't want to have to take another shower in the middle of the day, should we decide to do something else this evening. Etc.

2. Convenience. Any day of the week. Mon-Fri, I have three kids at all times, which doesn't bother me (obviously lol), but it doesn't make working out easy. I don't like exercise videos in general, I've never felt that they really do much. Plus, even with those, I end up with kids and the dog all around my feet (Pinkalicious is 3, so she's right up under me trying to copy what I'm doing - cute and sweet, yes. The making of a good workout? Not so much. ;) ) So I would either have to have a membership to the Y (the only place locally with a workout/gym area - which is exceptionally expensive, at over $50/month) or try to take a walk with the kids - the boys wouldn't be a problem (they run ahead most of the time), but walking with a 3 year old isn't exactly a quick thing, either.

On top of that, we literally live in a terrible place for walking - no sidewalks, spread out, etc. I wouldn't mind it otherwise. The sidewalks we do have are pretty narrow and (again, especially with Pink) make me a little nervous on our busier roads when we do walk on them - I feel like I'm watching her like a hawk! We do have a couple of trails, one of which isn't too far from our house, but in order to get to it we either have to drive there (which seems pointless to me - driving somewhere to walk on the trail) or walk on one of our busiest roads with no sidewalk. We have another nice trail but it's a little farther, and again, we have to drive there. So by the time we get everyone in the van, over there, walk for any amount of time, and come back, it can easily take an hour or more.

Anyway, I guess it's kind of just laziness. What I want to be available for me to work out just isn't. I would love to have a Y membership again, but can't afford it. I would like to get up and moving more, but it just doesn't fit within the parameters of what I want to happen each day.

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This may not be the case:




I guess for someone without a bicycle, this could work for running intervals. But eww.. I wonder if just a fast walk on the treadmill could really work the same way. I can't imagine going full throttle on a treadmill. It sounds dangerous to me. With my luck, I would fall off, hit my head on the nightstand and end up in the hospital. And yes, my DH would tell me that is an excuse I'm making to not exercise. But safety really is a huge issue for me. I refuse to go to the park and walk alone. I even talked with a park ranger yesterday who assured me the greenway was safe and there were no assaults ever reported. I just can't help but think I would be the first one.


And btw, I talked to the park ranger because we did an easy hike up a mountain trail. I figured that counts for my exercise for the month of June. :tongue_smilie:

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I don't believe in exercise. I don't believe God made us such that we must [fill in the blank with whatever you think is important] in order for us to be able to do what we need to do. And I'm not buying any of that stuff about how people a gazillion years ago were more active and so we have to make up for that today. I believe our bodies are made such that whatever level of muscle we need to do our daily life is how muscular we need to be.


It isn't that I think we should be sedentary; I just don't think that we need to schedule any sort of "exercise."


As it happens, I enjoy dancing--Scottish country dance, clogging, hula; and I did fencing for a couple of years. I like doing some sorts of outdoorsy things. But I do them because I enjoy them, not because I'm exercising.


I'd rather stick a hot burning poker in my eye than walk every day. I don't want to swim. Biking? Not gonna happen. Even aerobics--any facsimile thereof--is NOT enjoyable in any way, such that I'd be motivated to continue. Nope. Not gonna.

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I don't believe in exercise. I don't believe God made us such that we must [fill in the blank with whatever you think is important] in order for us to be able to do what we need to do. And I'm not buying any of that stuff about how people a gazillion years ago were more active and so we have to make up for that today. I believe our bodies are made such that whatever level of muscle we need to do our daily life is how muscular we need to be.


I think that in theory this might make sense. But, my personal experience is that as I'm getting older I am losing muscle. Especially arm strength. So, I know I need to exercise to build up my muscle, but I hate it.

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Body jiggles: Invest in some cute and well designed workout clothes. Capri compression/tight leggings with an attached sports skirt are adorable and cover a lot of bases. One great outfit is enough to start with!


:eek::eek::blink::ack2: Are you serious? Egads! There is NO way I would put my body in tight workout clothes. Those are for very young cute chicklets who barely break out in a sweat. I don't like seeing older overweight women in tight workout clothes either. I see more of some people that I truly think I should be seeing. Some of your other ideas sound nice though, except they may not really sway people like me who really hate exercising. For example, I'm not overly fond of how a sports bra fits so snuggly. The idea of wearing two while working out seems really wrong. I would feel like I'm wearing a corset. Can women really workout having their lungs squished like that? Well, at least women like me who find bras in general to be true torture devices designed to keep women quiet and still. :tongue_smilie: Oh, and yes I've had professional fittings so I know I've got the right size. They are just plain uncomfortable and I wear them as little as possible. I'd rather hang down to my waist and feel unfettered. :) There is more than you probably want to know about me. You should see me in tight workout clothing. :D

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I find I can only do two things well at any given time. If I want to exercise (I only exercise to lose weight), it has to be one of my top two priorities. I'd like to have another kid but won't until I lose weight. I have one month this summer to make it a priority - maybe two months. I walked three miles yesterday and today. I will walk between 4-10 miles per day once I get into it, but I will not ever make it part of my lifestyle long term.


I am not a high energy person. I've been anemic every time it has been tested. My grandmother had a chronic problem with anemia, so I assume I'm naturally geared that way. I prefer sedentary activities. I read, sew, scrapbook, play card games and board games with my family, and watch shows with Dh after the kids go to bed.


I dislike being sweaty, but I enjoy how I feel when I've just finished exercising.

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:eek::eek::blink::ack2: Are you serious? Egads! There is NO way I would put my body in tight workout clothes.
I can clearly picture the reaction of my children to such a spectacle (were I to do this). It would be wrong of me: oxygen is important to a growing child. :tongue_smilie:
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We have a large house which up until a week ago I cleaned entirely on my own (we now have a cleaner to help for four hours a week), which took up all my spare time and any remaining energy after looking after four boys and educating three of them.


Did you know that housecleaning counts as exercise? I work up a sweat just vacuuming and my house is small.


Check out this article: Calories Burned Doing Everyday Activities

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