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only a cell phone? Who does this?

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We were without a landline for several years. The only reason we have one now is because we have to have one for our broadband. We never use it to make or receive calls. (We live in the sticks and cable Internet isn't an option.)

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It is very common where we live. I would say, at least 1/2 of the families I know are cell only. The ones who do have land lines, are predominately ones with young children or elderly. These families often want to have a permanent home phone, specifically for those who do not have cell phones.


I know very, very few families that, if everyone has a cell, that there is a land line also.


Several families we know who are cell only, use a cell like a home phone (it doesn't leave the house, except under rare circumstances).

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Dh and I both have just cell phones and no landline. The only time it's a pain is when I want to leave the older kids home alone, there's no phone in the house.


This a good reason to buy a prepaid cell, ideally one with minutes that do not expire. I know many people who use these for emergency only, home phones, for kids.

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My husband and I have been married for almost 6 years and have never had a landline. We are on the younger side, but it was always cheaper and more convenient this way. All of our friends with children are the same. In fact, of the people we hang out with, I don't think a single one has a landline. It works for us. If I was concerned about having a phone in one place, I'd just get another cell phone and keep it plugged in at one location, essentially making it a landline.

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We have just cell phones. We got rid of our landline about 8+ years ago. I don't miss the land line at all. The only issue would be if one of us needs to call 911 from our cell phone and can't identify where we are. But if we know where we are and can tell the 911 operator, we're fine.

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We are cell only, no problems.

I have three phones on our plan and one is for the house. The house phone doubles as a children's phone when they go to someone elses house to play, or we go out as a family (like to the park for the 4th of July). This gives the children more freedom.

I have unlimited minutes to all in-provider numbers and up to 5 others per line.

The only thing I see as a future problem is the "teen" years when they talk all the time to friends.

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My husband and I have been married for almost 6 years and have never had a landline. We are on the younger side, but it was always cheaper and more convenient this way. All of our friends with children are the same. In fact, of the people we hang out with, I don't think a single one has a landline. It works for us. If I was concerned about having a phone in one place, I'd just get another cell phone and keep it plugged in at one location, essentially making it a landline.



This is us, except we've been married for close to 9 years. I'm 30 and I can't think of anyone my age who has a landline that they use.


Teens have their own phones or or there's a phone that is designated the house phone.

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Dh and I both have just cell phones and no landline. The only time it's a pain is when I want to leave the older kids home alone, there's no phone in the house.


We have only cells here. When our kids became old enough to stay home alone, we added a third phone to the plan for $10 a month. It just stays in the drawer shut off until we need it.

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No landline here either. I was reticent to give it up, but dh showed me how to make calls (free) through gmail on the computer in addition to having my cell (free anytime minutes with our plan) and I don't miss the landline at all anymore. It's been several years now since it's been gone. :)

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We just switched this spring. DH & I got new phones, and we got a cheap one added on as a family plan to leave with the kids when they're home alone, or for one of them to carry if she has to walk home from a sports practice or whatever. The extra one was only $10 for the phone and $10 a month added on our family plan - better than the $30 a month we were paying for Vonage.

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Dh and I have cells and no landline. We have been like that for a year. Initially, I think I missed it or rather, the security of the landline. Now, we are used to this way of life. All of our babysitters have cell phones, so even when we are away from the kids, there is someone with a phone in the house. We have discussed getting a pay-as-you-go phone for the house just in case, but we've yet to go get it.

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I'm trying to cut down on costs. I want a cell phone. Who has gone to only cell and so you miss a land line?


We dropped our landline in December and went to cells only. We had to get a third cell line so that ds would have a phone if we were both gone. We still have DSL and cable tv through the phone line, although we are no longer charged for any phone use.


I don't miss it. Honestly, I loved my phone number, and my phone company is small enough that they weren't not legally required to port it over to a cell. :confused: Our handsets were small enough that I couldn't wash dishes and talk like in the "old" days, so a cell phone wasn't a big change.


I am very happy that we have one provider for internet, and another for our cells. That way if one goes out for any reason, at least we have something. And dd has a different phone provider for her phone. It makes me worry less that we'd have all communication means shut down.

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I would love to get rid of our landline. We never use the house phone, in fact, we only have one house phone and it's in the master bathroom.


I have all of the landline calls forwarded to my cell phone. DH won't let me turn the landline off. :confused:

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we are cell only.


Oldest in college at the time already had a phone,

so we got one for our youngest 12 at the time.


and went all cell.


don't miss it don't think about it at all.


when we did it. We made my phone the old house number and ds got my old cell number. Helped with the transition of the phone

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We got rid of our landline 3 years ago when we got cell phones for the two younger kids (oldest already had one). I don't miss it at all.


It was a little hard to get used to right at first because I wasn't in the habit of keeping my cell phone in my pocket, so when it rang, I had to make a mad dash downstairs to try to get to it before it went to voicemail. I missed a lot of calls due to not hearing my phone ring.

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We haven't had a landline for several years. We got married in '04 and I think we had a land line for about a year just because the cost worked out about the same with our internet company. Then we switched, ditched the phone, and never looked back. We haven't even considered getting a land line since. When DD is old enough to be home alone or out running around, she'll have an emergency-only cell phone. We pretty much always have ours on us or nearby at all times, so no worries about someone not being able to contact us.


I'm not sure DD knows what a regular telephone looks like. We were reading Goodnight Moon once and as I read good night to each thing I had her find it. She couldn't find the phone and I thought at first she just wasn't paying attention or had lost interest. Then I realized she honestly didn't recognize that thing on the table for a phone.

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It's been seven years now since we got rid of our landline. We did it once we realized that the only calls we ever got on it were sales calls and it was silly to pay for that "privilege."


So far, I've rarely regretted not having a landline. In fact the only real example I can think of is this:


The only thing we miss is being able to send out or receive the a fax now and then. We end up going to an office store to do that.


but that happens rarely enough that it's definitely not worth the hassle to have a home line.


So far our kids are not old enough to be home alone, but once our oldest is, we'll likely add a phone for him on our plan.


I do like the idea several people mentioned about having an inexpensive prepaid phone for emergencies. We may have to look into that.

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The only reason I have a landline still is for fax purposes. We fax things frequently enough that I wouldn't want to be without it. But I wonder, could we scan & email stuff instead of faxing and get rid of the landline? Have any of you done that?

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The only reason I have a landline still is for fax purposes. We fax things frequently enough that I wouldn't want to be without it. But I wonder, could we scan & email stuff instead of faxing and get rid of the landline? Have any of you done that?


I have scanned and emailed documents. I've never actually faxed anything from home - a circumstance comes up maybe once every couple of years where something needs faxing but I usually just go to an office store.


I guess it depends on why you are faxing so much. :001_smile:

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Dh & I have cell phone, but we have a land line for the kids when they are home alone. I downgraded our land line to emergency only or some such nonsense, and it only costs $11/month now. This summer we are getting a prepaid kid phone for them to take out & about. Since I can't see us being able to afford a separate phone for each kid in the near future, we will continue to have a landline for the foreseeable future.

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we did it for a little while and I hated it so much I made dh give me back my landline. We need it for our internet cable anyway, but I rarely use my cell phone to make calls. I find it uncomfortable and inconvenient. I hate it that reception is not always good "Can you hear me now?" I hate it that calls drop. I hate it when I have to call people on their cell phones and all of the sudden the call is gone.



I guess I'm old fashioned.

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we did it for a little while and I hated it so much I made dh give me back my landline. We need it for our internet cable anyway, but I rarely use my cell phone to make calls. I find it uncomfortable and inconvenient. I hate it that reception is not always good "Can you hear me now?" I hate it that calls drop. I hate it when I have to call people on their cell phones and all of the sudden the call is gone.



I guess I'm old fashioned.


Funny thing is that last time I had a landline (when I lived in a place without cell coverage) I had every one of those problems, and I only rarely have them on my cell. Plus I had to pay long distance to call my coworkers who lived 15 minutes away. I love being able to call my family all over the country with no long distance charges!

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Funny thing is that last time I had a landline (when I lived in a place without cell coverage) I had every one of those problems, and I only rarely have them on my cell. Plus I had to pay long distance to call my coworkers who lived 15 minutes away. I love being able to call my family all over the country with no long distance charges!



I never have any problem when I'm talking landline to landline. My phone bill with internet cable is less than $50 and that includes unlimited long distance.



I don't text either on my cell phone so it's really just used when I'm out of the house for a quick call to my dh.

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