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DESPERATE Prayer/good thoughts/happy mojo request. PLEASE!

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My dh is being accused of something horrible and atrocious at work. HE DID NOT DO IT. It's not a moral thing, strictly professional formality- please don't let your imaginations run away with you ;) but he stands to be fired over this. And the repercussions will run deep.


Not only would he be fired but he would lose many many business relationships and it would be very difficult for him to be hired anywhere. He has spent the last decade making a name for himself and is very successful at what he does.


What he is being accused of is coming completely out of nowhere although there are decent suspects as to who would want to frame something like this on him


Again, it's all business related but he is scared cr@pless right now as am I.


Please, send what positive energy/prayers you have our way today and the next few days that the truth be revealed and my dh can save his good name.


If you need more info, I'm open to PMs but I simply can't post more info on a public forum.


Thanks all. This is so horrible.

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My dh is being accused of something horrible and atrocious at work. HE DID NOT DO IT. It's not a moral thing, strictly professional formality- please don't let your imaginations run away with you ;) but he stands to be fired over this. And the repercussions will run deep.


Not only would he be fired but he would lose many many business relationships and it would be very difficult for him to be hired anywhere. He has spent the last decade making a name for himself and is very successful at what he does.


What he is being accused of is coming completely out of nowhere although there are decent suspects as to who would want to frame something like this on him


Again, it's all business related but he is scared cr@pless right now as am I.


Please, send what positive energy/prayers you have our way today and the next few days that the truth be revealed and my dh can save his good name.


If you need more info, I'm open to PMs but I simply can't post more info on a public forum.


Thanks all. This is so horrible.

I'm so sorry.


He needs to begin recreating a paper trail right now of exactly what happened, who was involved, who had access - every single thing relevant to the incident in question. If he has good documentation (and I hope he's not locked out of the office already) this can help him immensely.


Praying it all works out.

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Ds was accused of robbing a house last year. Even though we knew, without a doubt that he didn't do it, the agony of going through the process with the courts was horrible. The accusation just about caused me to loose it! I was so stressed, there were days that I could barely walk. One of the worst parts, was how some people who have known him for 10 years, believed he did it (there was zero evidence, just someone who said he did it). That broke my heart, to realize how quickly people would turn their back on you and go along with believing the lies......:grouphug::grouphug:


I am sorry you are going through this. It is devastating, horrid and maddening. I hope it all gets cleared up soon, and that his reputation is not destroyed in the meantime.

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I'm so sorry .... we have sort-of been there. A guy got hurt due to his own carelessness and decided he wanted to bring dh down with it. We think it was an extortion attempt because he the guy wrote a letter to dh's employer but handed it to dh, so we think he wanted to get paid to be quiet. Dh promptly told his employer. In our situation, everyone knew the guy was crazy but if he involved a lawyer than it would have been ugly. Dh ended up getting statements from everyone who was involved in the situation so that it wasn't just his word against the crazy guy's. The guy dropped it, hopefully for good.


I hope your dh is able to get statements that back him up. :grouphug:

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Thanks all. I'm just so sick about this. We both are.


Please continue to pray for us. Turns out it's not an accusation over something that just happened to take place. It's something that was purposely done to look like

he did. :glare::glare:


I'm completely dumbstruck that people can be so outright evil. Our family stands to lose so much over all this. His job, his reputation... he may not be able to find a job in his field locally after all of this. :crying:


What is wrong with people? :001_huh::willy_nilly: Ugh.


Hive, I'm needing a miracle here. :(

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Stay strong! Remember to breathe. And find the best lawyer you can, even if you think you don't need one. Get one. :grouphug:


Between the crying and wanting to puke, I'm trying to get a few breaths in there. :tongue_smilie:


We're looking into legal counsel. I'm just in shock. I knew that people can be ugly. I've just been too naive as to the depths that people will sink to. It's quite disturbing. :001_huh:

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How did I not see this post sooner?


Praying hard for you guys here. Having your dh framed for something is so sickening. The worst part is even if he is found to not be guilty the work relationship is ruined. He will no longer trust his bosses/coworkers, they will never full trust him again etc. I hope that karma bites the arse of the person responsible for this hard and fast and makes the truth come out one way or another.

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