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Blood types?

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My daughter's science teacher wants each student to find out their own blood type. As in, ask your parents. I have a vague recollection of being told her blood type; I am fairly certain it's the same as mine (O+). Is blood typing done in the hospital after delivery? If not, when? And where could we get it done to know for sure? Why don't they write in on the shot record or something handy like that?


Sadly, I am completely clueless about the whole thing. Do you know your child's blood type? How/when did you find out?

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Dh is fairly sure he's O+. So if the parents have the same blood type, the children's type will be the same as the parents? Can you tell I slept through the genetics chapter of biology?


I don't think it works for AB, because then you can get a mix. (a from mom and dad, so kid is A even if mom and dad are both AB) But for O, yes, she must be the same. Not exactly sure how the +/- works with heredity. (+ means you have the Rh and - means you don't. So, I suppose our theory just fell flat. If both parents are negativE, then kiddos have to be. There's no Rh to inherit. But if you'r + and have a - parent, and so does dad, then kid could be -)

Edited by Scuff
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I have no idea what my kids blood types are. I know they are either O+ or B+. Because dh is O+ and I am B+. I asked my pediatrician the last time we were there and they don't know because my kids were born in another state. They did say I could probably find out from the hospital where they were born.

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Dh is fairly sure he's O+. So if the parents have the same blood type, the children's type will be the same as the parents? Can you tell I slept through the genetics chapter of biology?


No. My parents and all my siblings are O+, but I'm O-. My husband is O+ and all our kids are O+. I know all their types because of our Rh incompatibility.

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My brother is 0+ and his wife is AB+ Their dds have 0+, 0- and AB+ blood types!


My DH is O+ and I'm O-

Our 3 dds are all O+


My parents are/were O+ and all of my grandparents were O+

I had a college Biology instructor tell me that either my mother had an affair or I was adopted :001_huh:


I did some research and O- is a recessive gene on my mother's side. She has an aunt who was O- and I have a few cousins who are as well.

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Okay, I stand corrected: ds says he is A-, not AB-. So we have two O+, two A+, one O-, and one A-.




Genetics is sometimes weird. I'm 0+, dh is A+. We have six children (all REALLY ours! :) ), and the collection includes O+, O-, A+, and AB-. Sometimes a recessive gene from long ago shows up; kind of like the red haired child in a family of 3-generations of dark brown hair.

Edited by K in MI
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I was told my kids blood type at birth because of RH incompatibility. (The doctors won't take DH's word that he is A- because he hasn't had formal blood typing so they assume we are incompatible and give me the shots even though I don't need them).


I am O- DH is A- Kids are A-, A- and O-

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My daughter's science teacher wants each student to find out their own blood type. As in, ask your parents. I have a vague recollection of being told her blood type; I am fairly certain it's the same as mine (O+). Is blood typing done in the hospital after delivery? If not, when? And where could we get it done to know for sure? Why don't they write in on the shot record or something handy like that?


Sadly, I am completely clueless about the whole thing. Do you know your child's blood type? How/when did you find out?


I found out when someone wanted me to write it on a form. I had no idea before then. Dd used a kit I got from Amazon.com. It's also sold by Home Science Tools. I think it's the one used in Apologia Anatomy, although we've never done that class.


I remember doing a blood type kit in biology class in high school.


You can have blood typing done when donating blood. A friend had major surgery on his chest during which they didn't bother typing his blood (he asked later) -- the doctor told him it was low risk for blood loss, but if they'd been doing something abdominal they would've done a blood type.

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Genetics is sometimes weird. I'm 0+, dh is A+. We have six children (all REALLY ours! :) ), and the collection includes O+, O-, A+, and AB-. Sometimes a recessive gene from long ago shows up; kind of like the red haired child in a family of 3-generations of dark brown hair.


This is very true. We were told my mom must have had an affair because according to the military my dad is O- and my Mom is B+, but I'm AB+ finally after I got married one of my doctors said one of my parents must be carrying an A gene somewhere that my A part came from. So we think maybe the Army (back during the draft for Vietnam) didn't really have my dad's blood type right, but since O- is the universal blood used in emergencies they just put that on the papers.

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This is very true. We were told my mom must have had an affair because according to the military my dad is O- and my Mom is B+, but I'm AB+ finally after I got married one of my doctors said one of my parents must be carrying an A gene somewhere that my A part came from. So we think maybe the Army (back during the draft for Vietnam) didn't really have my dad's blood type right, but since O- is the universal blood used in emergencies they just put that on the papers.


My dad is O+, my mom is B+, I'm AB+. I have been told multiple times that I can't be my dad's. He gives blood regularly...has been in the hospital...always O+. I've never heard this before, and it has never shown up in any research I've done.

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My daughter's science teacher wants each student to find out their own blood type. As in, ask your parents. I have a vague recollection of being told her blood type; I am fairly certain it's the same as mine (O+). Is blood typing done in the hospital after delivery? If not, when? And where could we get it done to know for sure? Why don't they write in on the shot record or something handy like that?


Sadly, I am completely clueless about the whole thing. Do you know your child's blood type? How/when did you find out?


I think the science teacher should just test 'em in class :D We did that in high school, but it's really boring if you're Oneg because nothing happens,


In my family it's:


Me O-


Dd A-

Ds A+

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Interesting. Heredity isn't always cut and dry. (reminds me that my sister has one hazel eye even though dad has blue and mom has green) now I want to type my kids. (though I'm pretty sure they'll still be Os. They come from a long line of Os)

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All of my children's blood types were recorded in the hospital. I was either told or I asked about all of them. I asked our family Dr. about one of them and he was able to look up the info and tell me. Interestingly my dh has A+, I have O+, and we ended up with 2 kids with A+ and 2 with O+.

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I was told my kids blood types right after birth. It was written on their charts but maybe I noticed more since I'm Rh negative and need to get shots.


I'm A-, dh is O+, both girls are A+ and ds is O+. We evidently inherited along gender lines.


Same here. My children are A+.

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I found out when someone wanted me to write it on a form. I had no idea before then. Dd used a kit I got from Amazon.com. It's also sold by Home Science Tools. I think it's the one used in Apologia Anatomy, although we've never done that class.



Is there anything Amazon doesn't sell? Thank you for the link! We might try that! Then we would know for sure...

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Could be a bit awkward, though, in certain circumstances. So probably wise to have them ask/discuss with parents.


Good point. Dd just informed me that the school isn't allowed to do these tests anymore because of blood-carried diseases and such. So it looks like I might be ordering the testing kit from Amazon!

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My brother is 0+ and his wife is AB+ Their dds have 0+, 0- and AB+ blood types!


My DH is O+ and I'm O-

Our 3 dds are all O+


My parents are/were O+ and all of my grandparents were O+

I had a college Biology instructor tell me that either my mother had an affair or I was adopted :001_huh:


I did some research and O- is a recessive gene on my mother's side. She has an aunt who was O- and I have a few cousins who are as well.


That - can hide in a woodpile pretty well. However, your brother and his wife might want to talk...he cannot be the father of the AB child... in fact, she can't be the mother of the O children! A mix of O and AB (ignoring the rh factor) can produce possible children with A or B bloodtypes. They would be AO, or BO.


My dad is O+, my mom is B+, I'm AB+. I have been told multiple times that I can't be my dad's. He gives blood regularly...has been in the hospital...always O+. I've never heard this before, and it has never shown up in any research I've done.



If you really want to know, you might want to research it a bit more. If you don't want to stir the pot, don't look it up.

Edited by Lolly
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I can't remember where I saw the boys' blood types... on their birth certificates maybe?? Hmm... I know that they are O+, like me.

We knew what DD was when she was in the NICU - O neg - she had a lot of blood and platelet transfusions, so it was all over everything. :) We found out after DH gave blood at the blood drive we held on her 1st birthday that she got it from him. :)

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I'm A+ dh is B-. All 3 kids are O+. O is recessive. Dh and I each have a parent with type O so I am genotype AO and dh is BO. So all 3 kids got my dads and his moms gene for O. We technically could have a child with A,B,O or AB. Can you tell I love genetics lol. I also agree, someone could learn info from blood types that they didn't want to know. The above poster is correct, someone with type AB can never have a child with type O. O is recessive to both A & B but they are equally dominant to each other. They only have an A&B gene and type O people have to have an O gene from each parent.

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I know my kids' blood types because my dh and I have the same blood type. :D So their blood types are the same.


Do you know your dh's blood type?


That is not neccesarily so. I have O+ and my Hubby has A+. I have several children with A-. Apparently they got it from my father. You have two alles for blood type as does your hubby. If one of your children got two recessive ones they could have a different blood type than either one of you. I have six kids. I don't know the type of the youngest one and the oldest has the same as me. Three of them have A- and one has the same as their father. What' even weirder is that one of my SIL and my soon to be SIL also have A- as does my grandson. Most of the people in my family have plenty of donors.


They do take your blood type at birth and it is written in your medical records and sometimes on your birth certificate. We tested all of ours at home as well.

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I am Rh negative, so I was given a Rho-gam shot, and then the dc were tested at birth to determine whether I would need a second shot. My dc are both Rh positive, as is dh, so I had to have a second shot each time.


Same here. I'm O-, dh is O+, and our 3 dc are all O+. I guess dh doesn't have any recessive O- genes.


Incidentally, my dad is O+ and my mom is B+, so they both must have the negative gene back there somewhere.

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Like many others, I know my kids' types because I'm A-. One of them is A- too, so he saved me one RhoGAM shot (not that it mattered much; I've had too many of them to count because of my miscarriages and various bleeding during the successful pregnancies). Dh is A+ and the other children are too.


I'd hoped for an O- child, since both my husband and I are AO, but I wasn't that lucky. At least I got one A-.

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One of my kids was born in a hospital, and I was told her blood type at some point while we were there.


My other kid wasn't born in a hospital, so has never been blood-typed.


About a year ago I bought a blood-typing kit from Home Science tools. But my kid wouldn't poke her finger. So I figured, whenever she gets a cut, I'll just use a couple of drops of blood from that. I'm still waiting...

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Where I live, they don't type children anymore.


The only way you know for sure that your children have your type is if you and your husband are both O-. This is because O is the most recessive, and - is more recessive than +.


A and B are both dominant.


I am A+ and my husband is B+. I am definitely O- recessive (since my mother is A+ and my father was O-.) My children could have inherited my A or my O. They could have inherited my + or my -. They may have inherited my husband's B or my husband may have passed on an O to them (we don't know what his recessive is). His recessive may or may not be -.


If you're keeping track that means they could be:

A (my A/his O)

B (his B/my O)

O (my O/his O)

AB (my A/his B)


Assuming he is O recessive, they are equally likely to have any of these options.


If his recessive is -, as mine is, then they have a 3/4 chance of being + and a 1/4 chance of being -.

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I've always felt that it was important to know my kids' blood types for emergency purposes. I have all of them... somewhere around here! When I realized I couldn't keep them straight under normal circumstances, I figured my recall would be useless in an emergency.


That still doesn't explain why I haven't jotted them down in my wallet or on my phone or something equally handy... :001_huh:


I'm B+, and dh is A+... I think!

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That - can hide in a woodpile pretty well. However, your brother and his wife might want to talk...he cannot be the father of the AB child... in fact, she can't be the mother of the O children! A mix of O and AB (ignoring the rh factor) can produce possible children with A or B bloodtypes. They would be AO, or BO.


If you really want to know, you might want to research it a bit more. If you don't want to stir the pot, don't look it up.


I'm A+ dh is B-. All 3 kids are O+. O is recessive. Dh and I each have a parent with type O so I am genotype AO and dh is BO. So all 3 kids got my dads and his moms gene for O. We technically could have a child with A,B,O or AB. Can you tell I love genetics lol. I also agree, someone could learn info from blood types that they didn't want to know. The above poster is correct, someone with type AB can never have a child with type O. O is recessive to both A & B but they are equally dominant to each other. They only have an A&B gene and type O people have to have an O gene from each parent.


:iagree: this is what I was taught as well. Eye color has more variables involved than does blood type, it's not quite analogous.


IDK what DH is, but the boys and I are all O+.

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I think the science teacher should just test 'em in class :D We did that in high school, but it's really boring if you're Oneg because nothing happens,



Unless you are a student like me. I looked my biology teacher in the eye and told her "You are not sticking me with that. You are not a doctor."

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