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Our precious Kitty :(

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So, barring some miracle of cure at the vet's, my poor kitty is going to be put to sleep this evening. How sad :( She was healthy and sweet until we brought home our "new" kitty from the Humane Society. He ended up getting sick and through coincidence or whatever, she has been sick for the last year. Well, she looked like she got better when we gave her steroids for 3 months. I properly weaned her off, since the vet and I agreed she looked like she was well. (Seriously, I think she would rather die than be given a 1.5 pills each day for the rest of her life) :(

Anyway, I keep thinking of people that die... so many of them... and cat's shouldn't be so sad, when there are so many people dying :( And truly horrible sad tragedies:(

I always knew that she was an incredible cat, and it makes it even sadder thinking that she was always well till I adopted our other kitty :(



Edited to add: (Copy of Post 36 or something... :))

So now I feel a bit silly (but really I feel lucky!!) Thanks for all your well wishes!!


So here's what happened: amazingly enough when we went to to the vet in town, instead of the one that I had been going to... The new vet offered a bloodwork up that would show if she had something terminal, because overall he said that he didn't hear anything that would mean she needed to be put down. (And my sweet husband said that he wanted to do the test)

Then when he came back he said he had good news. (basically) She might possibly need a shot for asthma, but he had an antibiotic shot that he said should kick the infection and then if she needs a steroid shot he'll do that.


Anyway, we still have our kitty I hope it's true and that she'll make a full recovery!!

Edited by NayfiesMama
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It hurts to lose a loved one, and the pain doesn't dinstinguish between humans and pets (((((hugs)))))


Let your loved one know that whatever else is going on in the world, she mattered so much in yours.

Give yourself permission to be sad, if not for yourself than for her. I'm so, so sorry you have to say goodbye :(

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She is a living breathing creature and you have evey right to be sad sometimes the death of an animal is so sad because of their innocence. I am very sorry for your loss and hope you will be able to remember your kitty when she was well.


I agree completely. Losing a pet is devastating, because we know they don't understand, and they do nothing but love us.


I'm so sorry. I hope the evening is as peaceful as it can be for all of you.

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So, barring some miracle of cure at the vet's, my poor kitty is going to be put to sleep this evening. How sad :( She was healthy and sweet until we brought home our "new" kitty from the Humane Society. He ended up getting sick and through coincidence or whatever, she has been sick for the last year. Well, she looked like she got better when we gave her steroids for 3 months. I properly weaned her off, since the vet and I agreed she looked like she was well. (Seriously, I think she would rather die than be given a 1.5 pills each day for the rest of her life) :(

Anyway, I keep thinking of people that die... so many of them... and cat's shouldn't be so sad, when there are so many people dying :( And truly horrible sad tragedies:(

I always knew that she was an incredible cat, and it makes it even sadder thinking that she was always well till I adopted our other kitty :(




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She is a living breathing creature and you have evey right to be sad sometimes the death of an animal is so sad because of their innocence. I am very sorry for your loss and hope you will be able to remember your kitty when she was well.


:iagree: I am so sorry for your loss. :grouphug::grouphug:

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I'm so sorry. We had to put down a kitty in August and I grieved terribly. I'm crying now just thnking about it.

His litter mate, who we still have, is 12 tomorrow, and is having blood in her stool. We took her to the vet today and it it's not due to worms then it's due to stress from our new kitten that we got in December. I think she hates him :(

I feel terrible that my wanting a new kitten is the reason she's stressed.

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Losing a pet isn't like losing a family member... it IS losing a family member. I'm so sorry that you are going through this.


Maybe the new kitty was brought into your life precisely because the other kitty is sick and something out there knew you were going to need the comfort that only a pet can provide.

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So now I feel a bit silly (but really I feel lucky!!) Thanks for all your well wishes!!


So here's what happened: amazingly enough when we went to to the vet in town, instead of the one that I had been going to... The new vet offered a bloodwork up that would show if she had something terminal, because overall he said that he didn't hear anything that would mean she needed to be put down. (And my sweet husband said that he wanted to do the test)

Then when he came back he said he had good news. (basically) She might possibly need a shot for asthma, but he had an antibiotic shot that he said should kick the infection and then if she needs a steroid shot he'll do that.


Anyway, we still have our kitty :) I hope it's true and that she'll make a full recovery!! :)

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