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Do you like the name Owen?

Do you like the name Owen?  

  1. 1. Do you like the name Owen?

    • Love it!
    • I like it okay!
    • Meh.
    • I don't like it.
    • That is a terrible name for your kid.
    • Other.

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It's the only baby name DH and I both seem to like. I'm due in the next couple of weeks! Our other kids are Molly, Matthew and Callie. Everyone I've told about Owen doesn't seem to like it. Or thinks it's really unusual. It's in the top 100 now, so it's definitely not statistically that unusual.


If you don't like it, why not?


If you do like it, what middle name would you use?

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I have known a few Owens so it isn't foreign to me. Being brutally honest, it make me think of a whiny little boy, who grows up to be a whiny man. I don't have any idea why I have that association but I do. LOL

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I think Owen would be an excellent choice.


My suggestions for a middle name would depend on your last name. How many syllables are in your last name? If it's long (3+ syllables), I would suggest a one-syllable middle name might sound best.


Owen James

Owen Jude

Owen Luke

Owen Miles


If your last name is short (1 syllable), I would pick a longer middle name.


Owen Alexander

Owen Dominic

Owen Gabriel

Owen Theodore


If your last name is also two syllables, lots of people seem to enjoy the steady rhythm created by 2-2-2 names, especially for boys. Most popular boys' names fit that, so you could just look around and consider dad's first and middle names, plus grandpa's, great-grandpa's, uncle's, masculine version of yours, etc if there are no other options jumping out at you.

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I really like Owen Matthew.


:iagree: This is what popped into my head for a middle name, too.


I really like the name Owen. And I agree that if you and your dh like it, you should go with it.


I have a sil who told me that other kids would make fun of Moose when I told her what we were going to name him. :glare: Gee, thanks. I just TOLD you what name we had picked out, and your reply is that other kids are going to make fun of him?! Yeah, that sil and I aren't real close. (And obviously ds's name is not really 'Moose'; we named him after an Old Testament prophet.) And while his name is only like 500 or so in popularity for little boys, it's not exactly extremely unheard of in Christian circles. I've even seen others on this board mention they have a son with the same name.


if you love Owen, use it. I think it's a swell name. :)

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My niece just named her baby boy Owen Timothy. He was born in February. I was not in love with the name Owen, but his middle name is given to honor my oldest son - so my heart loves the name. Especially because when somebody writes about him on FB - they always write Owen Timothy. I think it is a name that is gaining in popularity so people must like it!

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Our last son was almost an Owen. We had picked the name out and loved it until a neighbor kept yelling it like the actress from the movie "Throw Mama from the Train" after that we started to doubt it, and then I had a dream that the baby wanted to be named Lucas John, so we went with that. After he was born another friend said "so you ditched Owen but stayed in the same family." We did a :confused: and then she said "you know Owen and Luke Wilson the actors" yep didn't even think of that. Oh well, he just looked like a Lucas and it fit him well. I'm kind of glad I didn't go with Owen because although Lucas is not totally uncommon, Owen has taken a huge surge where we are living, so there are tons of them.

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I love the name Owen. I love the little play on words; it's so close to "own" as in My Owen, My Own. We were ready to use Owen as a middle name for my youngest, but put together with his first, made it sound like a phrase that wasn't something I wanted.

Owen James is nice, or pick a family name for the middle name.

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Ooooooh! I got to check 'Other' for once! My maiden name is Owens, and, while I didn't have a HORRIBLE upbringing, it was somewhat dysfunctional, and not always nurturing. Therefore, I cannot LIKE the name Owen.

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Owen is a family name for us. :) I like it. But I liked it when it was not quite so popular.


My only reservation... Do you want to have one of the many Owens on the playground, if it's in the top 100? Now that it is a more popular name, we hear it while we're out and about almost weekly. Usually in the toddler group. We're always hearing some frazzled mommy calling out, "Oooowwwweeennnn!" I can list, right now, at least 4 times we've heard it in the last month - different kids, different locations.

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I really like it, but for some reason I think it is one of those names that suits a child better than an adult. And then if his middle name starts wtih J, I could see people saying OJ, which makes me think of juice or.....something else.


But I do like the name. I like Michael for a middle name. He could always go by his middle when he grows up if he prefers.

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Wouldn't do a "J" name for the middle... (OJ...no) But do know some Owens... the aren't whiny. Don't know if I'd like my teen being called "The Big 'O'." But, I suppose that'd be any "o" name. (Better than the small "o"... ;)) Hmmmm.... I always think of what kid's will be nicknamed...potentially at least...

The one that I hear of the most has a last name that's French... The Dad is a cool guy and not whiny... the mom is beautiful!!

The other names in the family are similar to Emily and Travis...

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