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Regarding your spouse's feelings about your being a full-time stay-at-home mom...

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"My husband is 100% FOR my being a full-time stay-at-home mom, and his own mother was a full time stay and home mom during his childhood."


(And this is why I think SAHMing will soon become extinct, because unless a man saw his own mother do it, he's less likely to accept his wife doing it.)


I think the previous answers on this thread, including my own, show that is not the case.

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My husband was 100% for my staying home, but I also warned him way before we married that I would never leave my child in daycare or with a babysitter, so he'd better be sure he could afford that before proposing.


When my oldest was born, I cashed in my teacher retirement. He knows I'm serious. Now he wouldn't trade my being home for anything, but I suspect that if I told him I would only mary him if I could keep my career, he would love that too.


His mother stayed home during the week, but worked as a newborn nurse overnight on weekends.

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110% FOR; His mom WAS a SAHM until all the kids were in school, then she worked for their church, as she still does.... so she was always there when they got home.


My husband has always said that having a SAH-Parent is so important that, if for some reason, he couldn't make enough to support me being a SAHM with one job, he would find a second job. And only then, if he couldn't do it, would I have to go to work. He would actually return to the military before he would have TWO jobs; honestly, it's a non-issue b/c he has a great job and makes more than enough to support a family, so whatever. LOL. But that is his mindset anyways :)


If I ever get to the point where my child (and hopefully subsequent children) is in Private school, it's up to me whether or not I return to work.

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"My husband is 100% FOR my being a full-time stay-at-home mom, and his own mother was a full time stay and home mom during his childhood."


(And this is why I think SAHMing will soon become extinct, because unless a man saw his own mother do it, he's less likely to accept his wife doing it.)


I don't think that is correct at all. I have lived in many states and known a diverse range of people. I have met MANY people who had two working parents and they were daycare and/or latch-key kids... and it is BECAUSE of that, that they choose to be, or support, a stay at home parent. They don't want their kids to have the same upbringing as they did.

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100% and his mother was not.


Not that you asked, but I'd like to add that my DH is one my best "students". He loves to be read to and learns right along with the kids at different times. He knows that homeschooling as a child would have changed his entire life for the better.

Edited by Geo
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So here's the fill in the blank:

In the first blank, insert a number.

In 2nd blank, insert was or was not.

My husband is _100___% FOR my being a full-time stay-at-home mom, and his own mother ___was___(was or was not) a full time stay and home mom during his childhood.


Of my friends who are full-time stay-at-home moms, there seems to be a correlation between their husband's feelings on the matter and his own mother's decision in this area. Just curious if it's just my microcosm or if this may be true on a larger scale.


I feel so blessed to be able to stay home!!


Mama Anna

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50%. And was not......


I work from home...for him....


So, even though I stay at home, I am really a WAHM.




Other than about 4 hours one evening a week, I work at home or take my kids with me. I'm an independent contractor, and pick my jobs and schedule.


DH is 100% supportive, and we discussed this sort of thing even before children.


No regrets.

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My DH has been a SAHD and feels strongly that ONE of us HAS to be home. And right now that is me, since he wanted to go back to work after a few years. However, he seems to think that me being home is somehow better than him being home, so he probably will not be supportive if I told him that I wanted to go back to work. Okay, we've talked about it and he is emphatically against me going back to work, for totally selfish reasons (he is completely spoiled).

So, yes he is 100% supportive, and his mom was a SAHM.

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So here's the fill in the blank:

In the first blank, insert a number.

In 2nd blank, insert was or was not.

My husband is 110% FOR my being a full-time stay-at-home mom, and his own mother was NOT a full time stay and home mom during his childhood.


Of my friends who are full-time stay-at-home moms, there seems to be a correlation between their husband's feelings on the matter and his own mother's decision in this area. Just curious if it's just my microcosm or if this may be true on a larger scale.

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Hubby is 100% in support.

MIL never was a stay-at-home mom.

My mom was a single parent and I attended public school.


Anecdoctally, I was told by a relative, "You went to college for a degree and are choosing to stay at home to raise kids??" He was shocked. I can always go back into the workforce with my degree. But I cannot get back the years missed if I work and miss out on homeschooling. It is a sacrifice, but worth the time and investment. ;)

Edited by tex-mex
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My husband is _100_% FOR my being a full-time stay-at-home mom, and his own mother _was both, it varied, depending on where they lived. When they lived overseas, she did not work. When they lived stateside, she usually worked in the schools, and was off when they were off.

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My husband is 100% ok with me staying at home. He would have loved for me to be able to do it throughout our whole marriage, but I had to work full time for while my older ones were little. I worked at night and he worked during the day. I LOVE being home now. His mother worked part time while he was growing up.

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