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so the shaky wasn't the low carb thing..I'm pregnant!!

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Last month I posted that my period was short and light, and I was worried it wasn't a period. I took a test and it was negative, so moved on. Well, now I don't know if I WAS pregnant then, or if I got pregnant this month, but I just took a test and it was positive.


Not sure what I'm going to do, as nine months from now my midwife isn't taking due dates, she will be out of town. I don't know any others really. I met one, once, when I was donating breastmilk as her office did my bloodwork. She seemed nice enough, but no instant click. I want MY midwife, she is the best in the area, has an amazing success rate, handled complications with my daughter so well, and is the only person my husband trusts. If I got pregnant last month that will be fine. I can use her. But more likely it was this month, and I am in trouble.


I have a call in to her office and am waiting for her to call back. I need a referral to get a dating ultrasound I guess.


And I have NO idea how to tell my husband. Yikes!

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thanks everyone! i know i should probably have told my dh first, but i need the moral support, lol!


I'm not sure how he is going to take this. I mean, it isn't horrid timing, except the midwife thing. I just talked to her (LOVE HER) and she is ordering an ultrasound and will call me back. If she can't do it i'm sure she will refer me, I'm just nervous to use anyone but her. And really really nervous about my husband's reaction to someone other than her.

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We started back to school today. I was grumpy. Kids were grumpy. 2yo was shrieking (something new she learned during our vacation). Puppy was biting. House is a disaster. And the school day isn't over yet.

And yet...I read your post and I'm jealous! :lol:


As for telling your dh, I saw a cute idea on Pinterest. Tie a big bow around your belly with a card that reads "Do not open until (due date)." :D

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Yay, I was able to beg and got an ultrasound appointment for 4:30 today!! I can have a picture to show my husband when I tell him!


Now, to figure out how to tell him....he is NOT capable of being the happy excited dad with this kind of news. He will be concerned, worried about money, about finding room in the house, etc, but not excited right away. He can't help it I guess.

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Guest submarines



It is more likely, though, that you were shaking because of the low carb diet. Is it typical for you to shake with pregnancy?

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