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I love to read but never get around to it. Readers...when do u read?

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I have always loved books. Then college happened. I still read but much much slower and rarely for enjoyment. I read for information. Mostly stuff about motherhood, homeschooling, marriage, or general self-help.


But I get through all of that very slowly....


I just don't seem to have the time.


So, I'm curious...for those of you who seem to maintain a nice clip of reading (as evidenced by recants on previous threads of reading practices, number of books read throughout the year etc)...how do you do it?




Mom of 20yo college student dd

16yo PS dd

8yo ds

6yo ds

3yo ds

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I had an epiphany today about finding time to do things. I realized it isn't that I don't have the time, it's that I don't take the opportunity to do something when I could have. So there will always be time, you just have to take advantage of it and use it as an opportunity. I don't watch much tv so read in the evenings. I get up before everyone else so read during breakfast and often during lunch. Snatch time here and there during the day when lessons and housework is done.


Slot out an hour for yourself to read for pure pleasure. You may have to look at your schedule and see where there is time to do so.

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I usually read at least a few pages each night before I go to sleep. It helps me "turn my brain off" and relax.




I also read at some meals (maybe once or twice a week) when we are all overloaded and just sit quietly with our own books and our food.


About once every couple of weeks I actually get a chance to sit down for about an hour for "quiet time" with a book. It used to be every day when the children were little, but our school schedules have grown with the kids and I no longer get to do that every day.

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When I'm supposed to be doing housework, mostly. :blushing:

One of the nice things about small kids is they think I'm hanging out with them if I lie outside reading while they play. Being able to come and plonk down on my back makes it all so companionable, you know. :rolleyes: Dd isn't fussy about what I read to her while she's "doing school" so I read kids classics I like too, most of the time.


I go nuts if I don't read, so dh and I both consider it a high priority. He likes me better when I'm not nuts. :tongue_smilie:



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I mostly do my reading at night, after dd is in bed and I've finished cleaning. I also read in the morning, while I'm having my morning coffee, and whenever dd is sitting and "reading" her books. :001_smile: Oh, and if dd and dh are doing something together, I'll read then, too. And when we're at the library and dd is playing with the giant lego table.


So, basically anytime I don't absolutely have to do something else. :D I don't watch much tv and our apartment is fairly small and doesn't require hours of cleaning each day, so it's not too difficult.

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I decided I was going to do the 52 book challenge, and as if by magic, the time appeared! Initially, in order to finish a book in a week, I'd figure out how many pages I needed to read a day, then I'd read them. If I fell behind, I got up early, or stayed up late (less successful) to catch up. If I hadn't read my pages, I didn't switch on the computer, or the TV. As the weeks went on, reading became more natural, and I found quiet moments in the day to read. Notably, both my TV viewing and computer time have declined since I started reading.


Oh, I also bought a chair for my bedroom, and have declared it out-of-bounds to everyone else, so I sneak in there for the odd 10 minutes of reading-and-coffee during the day.

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I read in the bathroom...generally will sit there for 10 to 15 minutes each time. I read while I eat at lunch and dinner. If I am really into a book, then I will reward myself after doing a hated chore by getting to read a chapter or two. I normally get to a point in a book where it is the point of no return and I just disappear until I finish it. Like the others mentioned the only tv I really watch is the local news.

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I read at bedtime, over breakfast or lunch, in the evenings if my husband is busy with work or watching a TV show I don't like, while I'm waiting for kids at their activities . . .


I also listen to audiobooks in the car. And I read aloud with my son.


Essentially, any time I'm not doing something that would prevent me from reading, I read.


I'm weird, though, because I read for pleasure even while I was an English major in college and while I was working as an editor. My co-workers thought it was hysterical that they would come out of the building on their way to lunch, having spent the whole morning reading manuscripts, and find me sitting on a bench outside reading a novel.

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Most of my reading is done in bed before falling asleep, or in the morning when I first wake up. I also keep a book in the living room to read when I have a few spare minutes. I also take books with me to things like the kids' theatre class or Swim & Gym and can get some good chunks there. And occasionally, when I have a really good book going, I just don't do the other things I should do like laundry or making dinner, and I just read.


ETA: I listen to audiobooks while I'm cooking or doing some other repetitive task that doesn't require too much concentration.

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I found that I read much more now that I have an e-reader. If I only have 10 minutes I can choose something with short chapters. If I have more time I can pick up a book where I left off. And I don't have to carry a bunch of actual books! I love it.


I mostly read in snippets. My longer times are when dd is in gymnastics class.

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My DD has 9 hours of dance classes a week, my DS has 5. That's a lot of reading I can get done while I'm sitting there watching and waiting for them to be done.


I also read at lunch time, and most days I'll take a coffee break around 2:00 in the afternoon. We've usually finished school, I've got the evening meal prepped, and we have a few hours before we need to be at dance classes, so I'll take a good 45 minutes to recharge my batteries for the second half of the day.

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I'm another bathroom reader. I can finish a book in a few days that way.


I read when the kids have their gymnastics class every Friday. It makes me seem unsociable but I'm okay with that.


I read in the evenings while watching television with dh. Even if its something I want to watch, there are enough interruptions where we have to pause the tv (I LOVE DVR) for dh to check on dinner or do something for the kids that I can read quite a bit that way.


I'll read at the end of the day when the kids have finished school but dh isn't home from work yet.


Any other time I can get away with it.

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In the bathtub after the kids have gone to sleep (although not anymore since I just got a Kindle :001_huh:).


If the kids are happily playing in the afternoon I sometimes read where they are playing.


Mostly I read before I go to sleep.




Put the Kindle in a clear ziplock bag and read in the tub! This also works well at the pool and beach!



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Like others I read in the morning before school and in the evening, sometimes between 8-11 when I'm not looking at school work and other times b/t 11-12am when I should be sleeping but instead I'm trying to squeeze out time for myself. I try to make my bedtime reading something sedate that I won't want to stay up all night and read. Also, like Jean, I sometimes read at lunch.


I also bring books with me for the waiting rooms at doctor and dentist appointments.


As the kids get older and have more independent work, I find I am sometimes able to read while they are doing work....if I don't opt to do housework.


When they were younger we sometimes had days of DROP (Drop everything and Read) just like our public schools sometimes do. At one point I added SSR (Sustained Silent Reading) into our schedule for 45 minutes a day and we all read for that time.


I also want to mention, as you read more generally you become a faster reader, which means you are able to finish more books in a shorter time.


I do go through periods where I am not reading as much because of other demands, but for the most part I usually have several books going at the same time. Usually at least one non fiction, one literary work, one sedate night time book. I alternate these during my reading time depending on my mood.

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I stopped watching most live tv...I watch everything on DVR so I can skip commericial and that's freed up a lot of time in general. I even watch basketball on tape. I always like to read in bed but the light bothered dh. Since I bought the iPad I can read without disturbing him. The iPad has has made it easier to fit in reading for me. I always have it with me so I can read in the car (while dh is driving) while waiting for food in restaurants or for dd to get out of various activities. When I was a child my mother carried a book with her everywhere so she could read "when she had the chance". I find the iPad allows me to do that without carting books around everywhere. I even started reading a book for pleasure this week which is something I haven't done in a long time. For the last few years I've only read Bible, business and homeschooling related books.

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It's a ritual before bed for me, after all the animals and people are taken care of, I get to take a shower, brush my teeth, lotion up my face, and read.


Unfortunately by the time that's all done, I usually wind up bonking myself in the nose with my book as I fall asleep reading the first paragraph.

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today my son swan from 7 - 9 am. I went to a coffee shop, wrote a few thank you notes, and then read for an hour. The ear plugs are because of the music. I read while I wait for kids at sports. I read at night in bed. I read sometimes in the earlier evening if other people are watching tv.


When my kids were little, I read starting at 8:30 at night. I could get them in bed by then, and then was "off the clock."

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I read in the morning when I get up - usually something inspirational. I keep a book with me in the car so that whenever I'm waiting somewhere, if I get the opportunity, I can read. I read after lunch for a few minutes before I drift off into my short afternoon nap. I read in the bathroom. I read at night before I fall asleep. I do lots of reading aloud too, so I make sure I find those books interesting as well as age appropriate for my kids.

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I read at work. My commute is 4.5hrs, and is prime reading time!


I also have a bath most days (or nights, depending) and will get a good 30-45 minutes in then. I make time for this bath anywhere I can - sometimes during lunch, by not sitting down with the kids or by staying up a bit later at night to squeeze it in. It's a priority; the getting to read during it is gravy.

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I read at night also. It's too difficult for me to read when there is a lot going on around me, so bringing a book while running errands or sitting in waiting rooms and such never works! lol The daytime bustle is usually too distracting as well.


I read for at least an hour in bed on most nights. Dh listens to audiobooks on his way to and from work and then reads in bed for about 30-45 min. each night, too.

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I used to spend that time on the 'Net, before I had an epiphany that my time was much better spent reading while it was quiet in the house and surfing when everyone is awake.


...Again, this is time I have to choose to read rather than get on the Internet (or take a nap).


Thanks for giving me an "AHA" moment! I do have time to read...I just spend that time on the Internet!


I'll have to be more purposeful abt using the free "reading time" I currently have.

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