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Do you limit outside activities during cold/flu season?

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I know there's a thread going on right now about avoiding outside activities until Christmas....but what about during the whole season?


About a month and a half ago, all three of my kids as well as myself had a horrible fever/congestion/hacking bug. Luckily DD#3, who was 2 weeks old at the time, only got a tiny bit of congestion.


A little over a week ago I came down with a cold. Nothing terrible, but I was still stuffy with a headache and slight coughing.


Last night DD7 wakes up all stuffy and congested with a runny nose. I woke up with the chills for some reason. It was strange. No fever, no other symptoms, just some chills for a few minutes and then I was fine. I'm fine today.....cleaned the house like a mad woman.




Seriously, I'm tired of these bugs. I'm absolutely paranoid that my 8 week old will catch something. I've never had a small baby during cold/flu season.


Do you limit your outside exposure during cold and flu season? I have to make grocery store runs. I like to do fun things with the kids like the movies, bounce house place, museum, etc. We have church on Sunday mornings and Wednesday nights. And we have homeschool group on Wednesday mornings. I'm seriously contemplating cutting some of these things out....but what?


And what can I do to boost our immune systems? Drink more water? I know we don't drink nearly enough. Take Vitamin C? Regular vitamins?


I'm seriously an illness-a-phobic. My grandmother called me today (I was supposed to go over there and visit her) and said she had a cold. I cancelled on her. Felt bad, but I didn't want to bring the kids over.


And we have reservations at Disney in early February. I REALLY REALLY want to go....but it's the germ capital of the world! My kids would be devastated if I cancelled it.

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I avoid puke. I don't avoid colds so much now that my kids can cope better than when they were little.


However, this time of year, I try to keep busy with activities that have less exposure. Tomorrow, we'll have families over to make gingerbread houses. That's less exposure than an all-day shop fest at the mall.


And, when they were little, I'd reluctantly go to the Chuck E Cheese and McDonalds playgrounds during the summer. But I'd try to make excuses during puke season. Now, thankfully, the kids think those places are childish. Eww. I've seen enough at those places to write a book.

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Well I will become more of a hermit when I have my babe in Feb. It will be RSV season and I don't need that.


We try to limit outside stuff, but not everything. We have church on Sunday and my oldest is in Cubs. Other than that we can pick and choose where we go and when. Last week we had a kid with a fever, nothing more for 24 hours. Nobody else got it. Another had a runny nose for 2 days, clear nothing else (cedar is bothering dh right now.)

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I know there's a thread going on right now about avoiding outside activities until Christmas....but what about during the whole season?


About a month and a half ago, all three of my kids as well as myself had a horrible fever/congestion/hacking bug. Luckily DD#3, who was 2 weeks old at the time, only got a tiny bit of congestion.


A little over a week ago I came down with a cold. Nothing terrible, but I was still stuffy with a headache and slight coughing.


Last night DD7 wakes up all stuffy and congested with a runny nose. I woke up with the chills for some reason. It was strange. No fever, no other symptoms, just some chills for a few minutes and then I was fine. I'm fine today.....cleaned the house like a mad woman.




Seriously, I'm tired of these bugs. I'm absolutely paranoid that my 8 week old will catch something. I've never had a small baby during cold/flu season.


Do you limit your outside exposure during cold and flu season? I have to make grocery store runs. I like to do fun things with the kids like the movies, bounce house place, museum, etc. We have church on Sunday mornings and Wednesday nights. And we have homeschool group on Wednesday mornings. I'm seriously contemplating cutting some of these things out....but what?


And what can I do to boost our immune systems? Drink more water? I know we don't drink nearly enough. Take Vitamin C? Regular vitamins?


I'm seriously an illness-a-phobic. My grandmother called me today (I was supposed to go over there and visit her) and said she had a cold. I cancelled on her. Felt bad, but I didn't want to bring the kids over.


And we have reservations at Disney in early February. I REALLY REALLY want to go....but it's the germ capital of the world! My kids would be devastated if I cancelled it.


I don't anymore. I did used to be a lot more careful than I am now though.


And, more importantly, you'll be at Disney in early Feb? When!!!!????? Where????? We'll be there 2/2 − 2/9! I'd LOVE to meet up with you!

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I avoid puke. I don't avoid colds so much now that my kids can cope better than when they were little.


However, this time of year, I try to keep busy with activities that have less exposure. Tomorrow, we'll have families over to make gingerbread houses. That's less exposure than an all-day shop fest at the mall.


And, when they were little, I'd reluctantly go to the Chuck E Cheese and McDonalds playgrounds during the summer. But I'd try to make excuses during puke season. Now, thankfully, the kids think those places are childish. Eww. I've seen enough at those places to write a book.



:iagree: I'm a puke phobic person and really can't deal with it.

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I do my best to avoid extracurricular activities with people who's bugs we haven't met yet, ;) if the activity will be in an enclosed, small space. Anything outdoors, we do. (We're fortunate, despite the bone-chilling winter winds that howl off the Atlantic in the winter, that there's other hearty folks who go outside then! :) )

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We don't. But in November, we started our Vitamin C, extra sleep, extra water, immunity chewies, extra hand washing routine. We did it last year, after I had influenze the year before, and it was amazing. And this year, we have been through Thanksgiving with my germ-ridden nephews (who have always given us something) and my niece staying here with mono (and sharing dc's toothbrushes :glare: and drinks.)


Church and homeschool group are probably your two biggest threats. I know we used to get sick a day or two after co-op every week when my dc were little. I started using a routine I heard here for church: when we got home, everyone stripped down and jumped in the shower, and I washed their clothes. That seemed to help. Your other threat is the baby. I would pop that baby in a sling and never let anyone touch him.


I consider a few minor symptoms that last just a bit to be a victory. That means I caught something, and I fought it off. My dc will have a sniffle for half a day or a cough for a few hours, and I know what I'm doing is working. :D

Edited by angela in ohio
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I do because ds has asthma. This is the first year that we've had snow before an asthma attack! I think it's because he's home and not with coughing, green boogered kids all day.


We have always done a lot of stuff outside when possible (as long as ds is well) but even when they were in PS, I still avoided many activities during fall and winter.

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The only way I've succeeded in avoiding colds is to avoid other kids. Adults don't seem to carry the crud so much, unless they have kids -- in which case I would avoid them too. Because adults with kids seem not to even recognize when they are themselves sick.


But I've only tried this when my mom is coming to visit. When she gets sick she gets VERY crabby.


Even rigorous handwashing does nothing for us. I know as a public health measure it likely does reduce the spread of some viruses, but for us as individuals it doesn't seem to accomplish all that much. It could be that my asthmatic children just pick things up from the air, so hand washing is of very little benefit to them. (And I don't pick things up from other people, just from my kids.)


But the colds seem to lighten up when the weather gets really nasty, so I mostly try to avoid people when we're in the milder winter weather. Just run of the mill cold seems to drive people indoors to spread their germs, but REALLY cold weather seems to knock the germs down even indoors. It might be that the viruses don't last as long in dry air.


And I have no problem with the kids being outside in the cold.

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I do my best to avoid extracurricular activities with people who's bugs we haven't met yet, ;) if the activity will be in an enclosed, small space. Anything outdoors, we do. (We're fortunate, despite the bone-chilling winter winds that howl off the Atlantic in the winter, that there's other hearty folks who go outside then! :) )


Us, too. We are fine with out of the house group activities,but tend to avoid those for prolonged periods in close quarters.


I am also spearheading a campaign to bring back ladies' gloves: very cute and then you're not touching germy public surfaces with your hands. (Bonus: if everyone is wearing day gloves, I don't look like a nut. :D )

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We go out anywhere, anytime. Dd usually comes home from ps and washes her hands right away. I think handwashing is extremely important. She probably gets sick twice a year--once in the fall, and once in the spring.


If limiting anything, I'd say stay away from the bounce houses. There's no way they disinfect those places adequately (ball pits, too--they are DISGUSTING).


I will say that making sure kids are outside enough seems to help ware off germs--I think it's the Vit D and exercise that strengthen the immune system. I believe (not a fact, just a belief) that the body gets stressed when cold, so I try to make sure dd wears appropriate clothing/coat outside, too.

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I selectively avoid some things - like the indoor playground place, they just don't clean it well and they certainly don't disinfect the play structure regularly! The play area in the mall is off-limits from Oct-Apr for the same reason - it's visibly not well cleaned and during the winter months with colds and flu, too risky. Other places, like the ceramics studio or art place, we'll still do, same with going to stores and the like. I just avoid the places that are notorious for being petri dishes around here.

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No. Isn't flu season October thru March?


We limit our activity only when we are sick. Other than that we work hard to keep our hands away from our face and wash our hands often. We rarely get sick.


If we participate in an activity where avoiding close contact is difficult, and a noticeably sick person is present, we leave.

Edited by arghmatey
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I can't get the flu vaccine and all of us have asthma. Added to that, my youngest ds has been seriously ill already this year and my oldest has vision issues that become much more severe if he is sick. We don't stop doing everything, but we do stay in during the worst of the flu season and we are obsessive hand washers. Youngest DS probably won't go bac to regular activities until spring. Another round of trying to control his c-diff could land him in the hospital.

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Not really. The girls spend a lot of time at our local science museum for classes, etc and we continue to go to girl scouts. This winter, so far, we have even done a little more than normal. Sweet-Pea has not been sick beyond sinus drainage issues in years. Boo-Boo has asthma so she has more issues but hers still tend to be sinus/allergy related. Unfortunately, I can't avoid that.

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No. And I am on immunosuppressants too. That said, I haven't gottern any childhood illnesses and my more severe illnesses have come not at the typical time. In fact, my youngest has had a few strange diseases in the last few years- mono, fifth; hand,foot and mouth, and none of them were in the typical cold/flu season. For her they were always in late summer. My worse diseases were in spring, summer or early autumn.

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I don't limit our activities. I know after we've had a bout pass through the entire family that I re-enter the world with fear and trepidation :) . We just got well. I really, really, really, don't want to get sick again! Some years are worse than others and I don't know why because we really don't change anything. A couple of years ago we didn't get sick the entire winter! I don't know how we avoided it and I haven't been able to duplicate it.

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No. We continue to lead our normal lives.

I have a job outside the house.


Exactly. Dh and I both work full-time, the kids are involved in activities- staying home just isn't really practical or necessary for us. We must all have decent immune systems because we don't get sick too often other than a typical run of the mill cold now and then.


No. If you are worried, make sure they wash their hands when they come home, and wash their hands before they eat if they eat while out. Keep the baby in a sling tucked up close to you.


Yes. When both my of my kids were born I was running a home daycare. I took 2 weeks off with my first, 3 weeks with my second. So, my newborns were around 4-5 other children every single day. I never worried too much, but times when the baby needed a little space from the other kids or when we went out in public the sling was super handy. You can snuggle a newborn right up against your chest and since most people know better to invade your personal space they leave the baby alone.

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No. However, I do a few things to try and prevent illness. Before or after (depending on when I remember) we are around a lot of people; my kids get airborne, elder berry extract, and a Vitamin D drop. When we get back from the store or library we wash hands. If we are going to eat while out we use sanitizer. The books that are brought home from the library get wiped down with sanitizing wipes (those things are gross). I think it is important to not hide away. You want your kids to build immunity. My kids have not been sick at all this year.

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No. There's no way I'd stay in for months and avoid people. It's annoying and wrong when someone brings a kid out sick, but you don't always know when your kids are really sick and when they're just whiny, plus they can be terribly contagious before they even show symptoms. I think it's just a risk you live with unless you have a compromised immune system or something.

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No. There's no way I'd stay in for months and avoid people. It's annoying and wrong when someone brings a kid out sick, but you don't always know when your kids are really sick and when they're just whiny, plus they can be terribly contagious before they even show symptoms. I think it's just a risk you live with unless you have a compromised immune system or something.



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And, more importantly, you'll be at Disney in early Feb? When!!!!????? Where????? We'll be there 2/2 − 2/9! I'd LOVE to meet up with you!

I'll be there then too! My girls will be competing in the National Dance Team Championships Feb 4-5. :hurray:

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I don't if it would help in our case. Dh brought something home last week and now I'm sick. :glare: I have the compromised immune system, ds rarely gets anything.


I try to avoid going out when I'm run down, but we don't necessarily avoid events. I do avoid people that are coughing when I'm out.


And we are diligent about hand washing.

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No. Exposure breeds immunity. I will say that church was the absolute worst place for germs. Close quarters, and it's the one thing people seem not to skip if they are sick. The only times my kids got stomach viruses was from Sunday School. Take extra vitamin C, wash hands frequently, and try not to worry!

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I know there's a thread going on right now about avoiding outside activities until Christmas....but what about during the whole season?


About a month and a half ago, all three of my kids as well as myself had a horrible fever/congestion/hacking bug. Luckily DD#3, who was 2 weeks old at the time, only got a tiny bit of congestion.


A little over a week ago I came down with a cold. Nothing terrible, but I was still stuffy with a headache and slight coughing.


Last night DD7 wakes up all stuffy and congested with a runny nose. I woke up with the chills for some reason. It was strange. No fever, no other symptoms, just some chills for a few minutes and then I was fine. I'm fine today.....cleaned the house like a mad woman.




Seriously, I'm tired of these bugs. I'm absolutely paranoid that my 8 week old will catch something. I've never had a small baby during cold/flu season.


Do you limit your outside exposure during cold and flu season? I have to make grocery store runs. I like to do fun things with the kids like the movies, bounce house place, museum, etc. We have church on Sunday mornings and Wednesday nights. And we have homeschool group on Wednesday mornings. I'm seriously contemplating cutting some of these things out....but what?


And what can I do to boost our immune systems? Drink more water? I know we don't drink nearly enough. Take Vitamin C? Regular vitamins?


I'm seriously an illness-a-phobic. My grandmother called me today (I was supposed to go over there and visit her) and said she had a cold. I cancelled on her. Felt bad, but I didn't want to bring the kids over.


And we have reservations at Disney in early February. I REALLY REALLY want to go....but it's the germ capital of the world! My kids would be devastated if I cancelled it.

This year I'm staying in as much as possible, but that is because I was in the hospital near Thanksgiving having my ruptured appendix removed and I was on IV drugs for two weeks. I am NOT getting ill again and I am NOT going to be able to take antibiotics for awhile. So sick people - keep your distance!

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No. I took my babies out early on. I teach dance, I am always around sick kids. I nursed both of my kids until they were almost 2. They got the occasional sniffle, bit we are a pretty healthy family. I want them exposed to germs, I want to keep their immune systems strong. I was however, very frustrated when DS went to a slumber party last year and one kid had a sibling at home with swine flu. I had two very sick kids.

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