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If you saw me at the grocery store (or anywhere else) in the afternoon with wet hair, fresh from the shower, what would you think?


I have curly hair that looks more like a big poodle-doo gone wrong if I touch it while it is drying so it air dries. I also tend to run in the early afternoon so it isn't unusual for me to shower then go somewhere with wet hair. It occurred to me not long ago that I don't think I've every seen anyone else with wet hair outside of a house. Do ya'll all blow dry? Shower earlier or later in the day? Just stay home until you're dry?


I'm not planning to change, but maybe sometime before I turned 42(ish) I should have learned the proper etiquette of wet hair. :tongue_smilie:

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I'd think you just got out of the shower.


What would you think if I had my hair twisted in a claw but still soaking wet?


I know a lady that would more often than not show up at mass with long straight wet hair. By the time mass was over she was usually mostly dry.


Let the person who has never been late throw the first stone. It won't be from me.

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I have the same problem. I try to take my shower at night so I can just get my hair damp in the morning to freshen it up - it dries faster that way. Or, sometimes I'll just pull it back or wear a hat so I don't have to deal with it. I hate going out with wet hair and I never see anybody else with wet hair either.

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I would probably think you have just gotten out of the shower, if I had noticed your wet hair at all. Then I might wonder if you had been to the gym, or if maybe you were lucky and got to sleep in, or that you must be cold walking around with that wet head. It is cold where I live.

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shower in the morning. I have medium/longish hair and pull it back wet up into a clip/pony/hairsticks/comb. (it only stays up if it was wet/damp when I put it up.) I used to do french braid down the back alot, but I just like it up better.

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My hair's so short and straight that it dries on the way to the store. ;)


But for you gorgeous curly-headed people, never fear - if you are out and about with wet hair, I might think you've just come from a pool, a run or your work, and wanted a shower afterwards. Nothing more than that.


I live in the midst of dairy farmers. Evening meetings tend to start at 7:30 (no matter the organization) to accomodate milking times. The dairy farmers tend to show up with wet hair, and I think it's rather thoughtful of them to jump in the shower after chores are done!

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Pfffft...unless I *knew* you, and you made it a point to say 'Hi', I sincerely doubt I'd notice.


Frankly, these days I probably wouldn't notice someone wearing a cape, dayglo go go boots and nothing else unless they strapped cymbals to their knees.


Sleep deprivation. Blessing and a curse :lol:

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Pfffft...unless I *knew* you, and you made it a point to say 'Hi', I sincerely doubt I'd notice.


Frankly, these days I probably wouldn't notice someone wearing a cape, dayglo go go boots and nothing else unless they strapped cymbals to their knees.


Sleep deprivation. Blessing and a curse :lol:


Cymbals on the knees - so that's what I need to get noticed?:lol: Thanks for the tip.

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I would probably think you have just gotten out of the shower, if I had noticed your wet hair at all. Then I might wonder if you had been to the gym, or if maybe you were lucky and got to sleep in, or that you must be cold walking around with that wet head. It is cold where I live.

I've had it freeze before - you don't notice the frozen hair as much as you when your ears freeze - or start to defrost anyway.

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This is me in the summer. I'm a reluctant curly girl, so I'm only curly in the summer. In the winter when I can keep my hair straight I do that with an iron. In the summertime I have to wet my hair every morning and it takes forever to dry. For. ev. er.


eta- I don't want to know what you would think of me if you saw me sometimes in town. Mud boots, horse poop, dog hair..........if I'm doing a farm thing and the guys need parts or cattle meds RIGHT AWAY I go as I am. Usually only to the vet or Tractor Supply though!

Edited by Remudamom
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Oh my L-rd. I never give it a second thought.


I wear sweats, too.


Never knew I was so rebellious.


Guess I don't belong in polite society.


I'm from Ohio--does that explain it?




I wear sweats in public and go out with a wet head. I live in Ohio, so I guess that does explain it! I also wear tennis shoes just about everywhere!

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I'd think you had no class and were completely clueless when it comes to style and etiquette. Sorry, but you asked. That's what I'd think. Flame away.


Just kidding. :D I just wanted to post something different. I wouldn't think anything of it, except that you were clean! Well, actually, I'd probably subconsciously think "I could be friends with her" b/c you aren't too uptight to go out with wet hair.

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If it were anytime between November and May, I'd think you were nuts and looking for frostbite, and if I knew you, I might knit you a couple of toques.


Other than that, I would just think you'd been to the gym or something.

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