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Do you think one of your kids is cuter than the other(s)?

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Yes, but it varies from day to day. Isn't the angelic one who works so hard to keep little brother on the straight-and-narrow always cuter? Oh, or is the sneaky devilish 4-year-old who grins up at your stern face and says, "You are like an angel to me!" Okay, maybe it doesn't vary all that much... ;)

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My dc have such different looks, that it would be hard to classify what would be considered "better."


:iagree: My 11yo is probably prettier, with more regular features and shampoo-commercial hair. My 8yo is impishly adorable, with gorgeous red hair, a cute smile, and a dimple. Both are, objectively speaking, far better- looking than I ever expected my children to be.

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The 3 yo is the cutest. I told my kids that it is set up that way so parents wouldn't eat them. :lol:


I just said essentially this to my (very irritating at the time) kids yesterday! That it's a good thing they're cute, or else....


But yes, in response to the original question, one of my kids is cuter than the other, but I also think it's an age thing. They're all cute when they're little in order to insure they're allowed to grow up. :D

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My initial answer was YES. My younger son is cuter. He has always been the "cute" one, in the classic definition of the word. They both do cute things, and not so cute things....but they are definitely in different categories.


My older son has always had a serious personality and has really intense eyes that rarely would set him in to the cute category. Both have done paid modeling work (mostly because we know people in the business and they've said things like.. hey, we're having trouble casting this XXXXX you have good looking kids.. come on in...and they have always been chosen), both are photogenic, but only one is "cute".


But with all the other answers, it makes me wonder. Are other posters misreading the OP, or is it me?




I'm on cold medication, so it's probably me.

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Ds15 has really grown into his looks. He gets noticed by girls a LOT. He's very tall too. A classic looking kid, I think!


Ds 13 will grow into his looks, I'm sure. Poor kid. Puberty hasn't been kind. He was a VERY cute little boy though, so I'm sure he'll be cute again someday.


Ds 11 was our cutest boy by far. He's doing some of that pre-puberty bulking up and it's done a real number on his face. He's still cute though. I wonder what puberty will do to him. He looks more like my oldest.


Dd5 is the only girl and she is VERY cute. She's a very petite little blonde thing. Her personality really helps too. She's bubbly and funny.


They all are so different though, it'd be hard to choose a cutest!

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Answering my own question:


My oldest has a beautiful smile and is definitely very pretty. She is thin and lanky like me but she at least from my perspective, carries it much better than I did. She has a heart of gold that really carries over into her face because she is generally joyful and it manifests in physical beauty.


My middle has a beautiful skin tone and hair that makes me jealous. She is also beautifully proportioned. She has a very nice smile when it is natural but its also very "fake" looking during photographs. She is my most exotic looking out of the three.


My son-its hard to compare him to the girls. He is a very nice looking little boy but since he is a boy, I can't tell if he is cuter haha. Does that makes sense?


I agree that for the most part that my choice would change from day to day, but at the moment, if I had to choose one, it would be my middle child. But only by a hair and that could change tomorrow.

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Hard to say. When I first saw Pigby, I thought, "No newborn is that beautiful." Even the nurse said, "I never say this, but he is such a beautiful baby." Maybe she was lying, but I think she was telling the truth. ;) And people were always fawning over him, stopping me in the grocery store to comment on how cute he was while their poor child was neglected. I even had a friend tell another friend, "My baby is cute, but seriously Megan's baby is gorgeous."


When I first saw Digby, I thought, "Yeah that's what a regular newborn looks like." His cuteness took a day to grow on me. He just looked so different than Pigby, it took me awhile to find it:D. About that time, Pigby was outgrowing his toddler cuteness and Digby was such a cute baby. His cuteness sure saved him several times because sleep deprivation made me crazy.


Since he's still a toddler, he still has that toddler cuteness. He's such a little mischief maker and gives the funniest looks to get out of trouble.


And then there's baby girl. She came out looking exactly like Digby, so I had already found her cuteness. Then she morphed into the spitting image of Pigby and remained cute. Now she wears hairbows and pink clothes and has the most beautiful face and chubby cheeks and sweet little ears that stick out.


So yes, one of my children is always cuter than the other; it just so happens to be whichever one is the baby.:D

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Neither DH or I are good looking, but our children are gorgeous. My daughters look so much alike it is hard to tell them apart in pictures. They have very different personalities, and I think one comes across as cuter to strangers for that reason.

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But with all the other answers, it makes me wonder. Are other posters misreading the OP, or is it me?




What is the OP meaning by cute - appearance or personality?


I don't judge my kids by their looks - when you have a child with a physical defect you learn that looks mean nothing.


Personality - all my kids say and do cute things. My youngest is a clown with a penchant for playing tricks and teasing which makes him act "cute" more often then the others I guess - but they all have a cute factor at different times.


I'd much rather see a thread asking -is your child kind, generous and empathetic towards others - much more important then being "cute" because if your child had these traits- my child wouldn't get teased as much for not being traditionally "cute".

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Well, as far as my two little boys, one looks like me and one looks like dh. So, the one that looks like dh I think is so handsome, and the one that looks like me actually looks a lot like my dad, so I think that's adorable, too. They're both cute in their own ways.


What's hilarious is that people ask me all the time if they're twins. They're two and a half years apart, Zee is a solid head taller than Moose, and (at least to me) they don't look that much alike. But apparently, strangers think they look like twins constantly. :D


Now, as far as my stepkids:


Dss is quite the hansome young man now that he's gone through puberty. I mean, he was a cute little boy, but now he's quite dashing. It's so strange feeling like there's another man in the house when he's here! I'm pretty sure he'll be breaking more than a few hearts during his highschool career.


Dsd is a whole different story. She was such a gorgeous girl. Even in her early teens, she was VERY pretty. Classic kind of beauty. Now, she does everything she can to hide her good looks by doing things with her hair/clothing that do not at all accentuate her natural good looks. It's part of the lifestyle she's chosen for herself. Makes me sad when I look back at pictures of the younger her, and see how pretty she could be now, if she wanted to be.

Edited by bethanyniez
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Yes. It's sort of empirically true, in our case. I have four very attractive kids (in my eyes at least) with sweet smiles, beautiful eyes, and (most importantly) lovely spirits. Then I have one (ds5) who is extremely physically attractive -- he could definitely model/do commercials. People comment on it all the time, fawn over him, etc. He is also very gregarious, smart, etc. It's hard to know how to handle this at times (not wanting the others to feel bad in comparison -- we NEVER compare but it is obvious he gets the most attention for being "cute" from others). We don't play it up or down, we just treat him like we treat everyone else... but it is what it is. I hope he uses his magnetism for good and that the other kids don't feel "less" b/c of it. We make a big effort to praise everyone for their inner qualities rather than their outer appearance.

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The politically correct answer would be to focus on the fact that they are each special in her own way - which is true.


The brutally honest answer would be yes. And I would never share that with any of them nor let it interfere with how I treat them - but as regards my personal aesthetic sensibility (for at the end of the day, I am just a human with personal aesthetics as any other human), one of them is cuter.


It does not affect how much I love them, how much I snuggle with them or anything else. It is only a statement of my personal aesthetic reality.

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Of course I think all of my children are the absolute most adorable ones on the planet, but do you consider one of your children to be cuter than the others?



All of my children took turns being the cutest child, but I have 3 adult children and one son is stop traffic gorgeous. There was a time as a teen when he realized it, but luckily he outgrew the superficial and is an upstanding man, which has nothing to do with his looks.

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What's hilarious is that people aske me all the time if they're twins. They're two and a half years apart, Zee is a solid head taller than Moose, and (at least to me) they don't look that much alike. But apparently, strangers think they look like twins constantly. :D




This same thing happens to me and the girls are almost exactly 2 years apart. Seriously, strangers would ask if they were twins when Rebecca was walking and talking and Sylvia was an infant.

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What is the OP meaning by cute - appearance or personality?


I don't judge my kids by their looks - when you have a child with a physical defect you learn that looks mean nothing.


Personality - all my kids say and do cute things. My youngest is a clown with a penchant for playing tricks and teasing which makes him act "cute" more often then the others I guess - but they all have a cute factor at different times.


I'd much rather see a thread asking -is your child kind, generous and empathetic towards others - much more important then being "cute" because if your child had these traits- my child wouldn't get teased as much for not being traditionally "cute".


I did mean looks and I like I said before it is nothing to do with how much I love them and of course I believe their personalities are more important than their looks. I don't judge children by their looks and I also believe their personalities are part of what make them physically good looking. I believe joy, gentleness, kindness and so can radiate into the way you look. I also have seen children with a physical abnormality that I thought were adorable simply because often my eyes see inner beauty as outer. I certainly dont just peoples value on how one looks, but someone has to be the best looking, judge like one has to be the smartest, the kindest, the gentlest and so on. There is aboslutely nothing wrong with physical beauty though.

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but someone has to be the best looking


Why? I didn't know life was supposed to be a beauty contest.


I'm guessing you have a good looking, normal family - because otherwise you would realise how saying something like this can really hurt.


I never said there was anything wrong with physical beauty - no one can help how they look.


What is wrong is the emphasis that is placed on "looking cute" so that if you aren't cute - you end up being teased and bullied sometimes to the point of suicide.


Making statements like someone has to be the cutest, the smartest, the kindest etc is only said by people who's children ARE those things - few people go around saying that their child is the ugliest, or the dumbest or the meanest because those things are not valued in society.


Luckily for my family God looks on the heart and not the outward appearance ;)

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Of course I think all of my children are the absolute most adorable ones on the planet, but do you consider one of your children to be cuter than the others?


Yes, if going strictly by looks. My son is routinely called by adults: "beautiful", "gorgeous", "oh my", etc. and, by a few local girls, "hot". He IS very good-looking, and has had several people (not friends) wanting to represent him in modeling.


My dd is attractive, but her personality is so wonderful that she ends up out-shining her brother. She's very friendly, smart, funnily random, social, and a real go-getter. People gravitate towards her, and always comment that she's one-of-a-kind.


So...I think it depends if you take looks alone or the whole package.

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I do think that the cutest at the moment is usually the youngest. I mean, what's cuter than an infant or a toddler? Of course, all of my children are adorable. :D The 4 year old has always gotten a lot of compliments. She came out with a head full of hair, so she's always had more hair than a lot of children her age. People would always notice that about her. And right when she turned 3, she got glasses....so what's cuter than a toddler with glasses? She gets a lot of compliments from strangers.


The 7 year old did some brief, basic modeling work when she was a toddler. The clients loved her photos but she was much too shy for us to pursue anything further.


I don't feel that I'm strikingly beautiful or anything, so my children are much more attractive than I ever dreamed they would be. :lol:

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Well I have only one dd, so naturally, she's the most gorgeous girl I've got (and she is a classic blonde haired blue eyed petite beauty). :D


Of the three boys, the youngest is currently the cutie-pie. I have to say though that my 14 yo at about age 3 was the most adorable little kid I've ever seen. Curly wispy blonde hair, dimples, striking green eyes... gosh... He got compliments everywhere. (Little old ladies still love him. ;))

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I certainly dont just peoples value on how one looks, but someone has to be the best looking, judge like one has to be the smartest, the kindest, the gentlest and so on. There is aboslutely nothing wrong with physical beauty though.


Actually. I disagree.


My kids all look different. No one is cuter. And I honestly believe they are all physically attractive.

They all have different physical aspects about them that are attractive. I can't say one is more than the others. They're just different.

(I don't think red hair is cuter than brown, for example. They're just different colors.)


Example... would someone with really beautiful eyes be more good looking than someone with terrific hair? Or... would someone with a truly beautiful face be prettier than someone with a fabulous body? I just don't think there is always an obvious "winner."

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When my dd was a baby, I felt a little bad for her. My ds was such a cute baby. One of my friends who had a baby the same age came up to me and said "X is so cute and I love my daughter, but Nicole, you had the gerber baby!" dd was not a gerber baby.


Now that they are older ds is in the akward 9 year old, starting to need braces, glasses wearing driving me crazy pre tween stage. 4 year old dd is stunning with the larger than life attitude to match, so I don't think she will mind her alien baby photos.:lol:

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Yep, but I completely expect the more goofy looking ones to turn out looking like Julia Roberts...you know all those Hollywood beauties were skinny awkward looking kids...they just needed a little time.


Oh, and I went to high school with this really short, thin, totally nerdy looking, clarinet playing guy - saw a recent picture of him, and (wow), uh, he was definitely ready for his photo shoot. :D

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