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So what is everyone wearing as Halloween costumes?

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We are doing Fairy Tale characters. Eighteen year old and her beau are going as Hansel and Gretel, 15 year old and dad are going as Little Red Riding Hood and Granny Wolf and the 12 year old and I are going as Snow White and her evil step-mother. My eldest dd and her hubby may be coming down as well in which case we will need two more characters with small sidekick (my grandson).

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My son worked for weeks on an elaborate steampunk cyborg costume. He wore it to an event for which we volunteered on Friday and won first prize in the costume contest.


In the name of playing along, I pulled together a gypsy costume at the last minute.


Halloween is sad for us this year, though. Ever since we have lived in Florida (going on 11 years), our big Halloween event has been the party at our church. We've run it for the last several years, too. This year, though, we've had a falling out and won't be assisting or attending.


So, he may not get another chance to wear it.


My daughter is participating in a Rocky Horror Picture Show shadow cast and enjoyed putting together her costume --- what there is of it -- for the show.


We moved to a different house this past summer, and I have no idea whether we'll get a single trick or treater. We're decorating the house and hoping for the best, but I'm afraid it may be a pretty dismal evening.


It's sad, because it's probably our family's favorite holiday.



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My son worked for weeks on an elaborate steampunk cyborg costume. He wore it to an event for which we volunteered on Friday and won first prize in the costume contest.


In the name of playing along, I pulled together a gypsy costume at the last minute.


Halloween is sad for us this year, though. Ever since we have lived in Florida (going on 11 years), our big Halloween event has been the party at our church. We've run it for the last several years, too. This year, though, we've had a falling out and won't be assisting or attending.


So, he may not get another chance to wear it.


My daughter is participating in a Rocky Horror Picture Show shadow cast and enjoyed putting together her costume --- what there is of it -- for the show.


We moved to a different house this past summer, and I have no idea whether we'll get a single trick or treater. We're decorating the house and hoping for the best, but I'm afraid it may be a pretty dismal evening.


It's sad, because it's probably our family's favorite holiday.




:grouphug: I hope Halloween turns out ok for you guys this year & that some surprise fun shows up on your doorstep. :001_smile: Could you do a party on Halloween this year w/ friends?


I'd love to see a pic of your ds' costume. Sounds awesome. (Do you go to DragonCon? Sounds like a perfect costume for that too.)

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DD went between being an Egyptian princess and Medusa, and decided on the Egyptian princess (much to the relief of her mother, who found making a beaded headdress easier than trying to manage snake hair). We're going to try to turn DH into a mummy to go with her. I'll do my usual Halloween-themed top and black slacks and witch hat headband and give out treats-anything much more tends to be a little scary for the little ones who come to visit.

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Dd4 is going to be a kangaroo.

Dd12 is a cowgirl (just a flannel shirt, jeans, a hair bandanna and braids.)

Ds17 is having a party. He an his friend are dressing up as a each other. The friend always wears red shirts and khaki jeans. Ds usually wears blue shirts and blue jeans. LOL everyone coming to the party (church youth group) knows about the swap, so it will be understood.

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:grouphug: I hope Halloween turns out ok for you guys this year & that some surprise fun shows up on your doorstep. :001_smile: Could you do a party on Halloween this year w/ friends?


I'd love to see a pic of your ds' costume. Sounds awesome. (Do you go to DragonCon? Sounds like a perfect costume for that too.)


Thanks for the good wishes. I'm crossing fingers, but I have yet to see kids in the neighborhood, and not one single house (other than ours) has any decorations up yet.


He's having his closest buddies for a sleepover after the church party. As of last week, all three said they were coming, but I'm not holding my breath about that, either. And that may be great or may be depressing, depending on how things go. (All three are working on the haunted house for the church party we're not attending. It will be painful for my son to hear too much about it and be reminded.)


We've never done DragonCon, but we do attend MegaCon here in Orlando each year. He's not happy with a few things about the costume and is planning some repairs and re-working before February.


Thanks, again.

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My kids are too old for trick or treat. DD hasn't decided what to be yet -- she is going to a Halloween party, and her boyfriend is dressing as a zombie.


Someone look at my kids' ages and agree that it would have been great for them to dress as the three little pigs and the big bad wolf, and Goldilocks and the three bears.


I tried for years to get them to do that, and they all refused, even when I offered our collie as the big bad wolf, so DD could be something else. What is the point of having all boy triplets and a girl close in age, if they won't dress in those costumes?!

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This year, dd will be a prisoner and her best friend will be the police officer.

Ds is just being goofy with the arrow through the head bit. Although, the year he stabbed a cereal box with a knife and told everyone he was a cereal killer is still my favorite.


Me-as I do every year-I dress as myself and tell people I am a sociopath and they look like everyone else.

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We're sort of just throwing things together this year since I'm due with a baby any time now.


DD4 is going as Belle. Thankfully, we already have a Belle dress and all we had to purchase was a tiara. I'll fix her hair fancy on Halloween night.


DD7 wanted to go as a My Little Pony. I wasn't quite sure how to pull it off until we found THIS on Etsy. Now she'll wear all purple with that hat. She's very happy about the hat.


We usually go to Disney for a week over Halloween and spend Halloween there. Our family usually chooses a theme and we all dress according to that theme....but not this year.

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I'm not planning to dress up, but would do a witch if I do.


My oldest wants to be "Edgar Allen Crow" from Bunnicula, I got him a set of wings and some feather boas we'll pin to his sweatshirt, then he got one of those carnivale masks with the beak like nose.


My dd is going to be a cheetah (she has a cheetah print sweatshirt and pants) because we found a simple ear and tail set at target she can wear with her clothes.


My youngest is going to be a Knight.

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Happy witches.


I really debated it as I have some friends who are more conservative than we are and they might judge me for letting my kids be witches.


But then I decided I like my kids more than my friends and I think they have cute costumes!


We're going to Magic Kingdom on Halloween and it should be fun!




Anyway, I love my little witches and those who see my pics on FB that day and are offended are welcome to defriend me ;). I'm just over judgy people lately!

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Ds will be a Portal Test Subject.

Dd will be Momo from Bleach (manga series).

:D love bleach, and Momo is adorable. :)


Me-as I do every year-I dress as myself and tell people I am a sociopath and they look like everyone else.




Well, DH and I don't dress up - I would if I had any reason to (Dh probably still wouldn't :lol: ) but I just don't. The last time I dressed up for Halloween was my senior year in high school, 12 years ago. I was 16 and dressed as a french maid. :D DH said I should have kept it... :lol:

DS7 is going to either be Batman or Iron Man.

DS5 will be the other, Iron Man or Batman. (they still have last year's costumes, and DS7 was Iron man and DS5 was Batman. No word yet whether they are going to switch or stick with the same one.)

DD is a princess. :)

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I got a "Renaissance Royal" costume this year :thumbup: I found an AWESOME "Brave Crusader" that I would LOVE to see dh in:001_wub: but he's sticking to his usual costume: a Hawaiian shirt and lei (he's a tourist.)


Ds#1 is wearing the Thomas the Tank Engine costume I made for him last year, and ds#2 will be wearing the Percy costume I made (I just painted on an oversized shirt a picture of the character on the front and the train's number on the back.) I'm pretty flattered that we went to a costume store yesterday, looked at all the costumes, and ds still wanted the costume I made :001_wub:

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Me-as I do every year-I dress as myself and tell people I am a sociopath and they look like everyone else.


:lol: I once dressed in a dress shirt and tie and told people that I was an IRS agent (scariest thing for an adult to face) and that I was there to audit their candy :D

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Youngest is an evil serpent fairy ( she made that up ) and the older dd is going to be Morgan le Fay. No idea what ypungest ds will be. Last year he went as a princess and was stunning. (not) Lol his GF usually but something together for him. He's got a great sense of humor, that boy.

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:lol: I once dressed in a dress shirt and tie and told people that I was an IRS agent (scariest thing for an adult to face) and that I was there to audit their candy :D


That is funny. The next time I am invited to a Halloween Party I am so stealing this.

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My oldest (8 1/2) is going to be a dinosaur again. This will be the third Halloween he uses it. I hope he can use it one more year before I have to pay for another nice warm costume for him.





My 2 year old is going to be either a cat or a spider, depending on which costume fits. Hopefully it's the spider, then next year he can be a cat, saving me money next year for a costume for him as well. :lol:





My 4 year old has decided and it's a secret for now. Only myself, my SO, my sisters and some close friends know what he decided. I need to buy one more thing this week and hope that it will be here in time. I'll post pictures once it's all pulled together.





Oh and the baby (the day after Halloween she will be 7months old) is going to be a tree frog, unless I dig through my costume box and find something different for her. I bought a few baby costumes a few years back and never used them. :tongue_smilie: We have to have warm costumes here so I'm super picky about what they wear. I don't want any blue children. :D



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not dressing up but kiddo has a cat costume (mask/bowtie/tail) and a shirt that has a giant ghost face on it so not really sure yet LOL I saw the ghost shirt and got it because he had mentioned the other day he wanted one of my sheets to use as a ghost costume and I figured uh oh scissors....:glare:

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I'm going to be a gypsy. I have part of an old dance costume from 3rd or 4th grade. It's a blue stretchy shirt that has lacing in the belly area and one side is longer than the other. I will wear a long white or brown skirt that has jewels on the waist line, and I also have a gold and silver sparkly scarf that I'll use as a head covering.


I have jingly bracelets and long necklaces to complete it.


It was either that or flapper. I think I'll be a flapper next year. I've always wanted to wear one of those feathery scarf things, and I have the perfect dress for it :001_smile:


ETA: Just to clarify, I'm not trick-or-treating, I'm passing out candy with my friends.

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My daughter just decided today to dress as Lucy from the "I Love Lucy" show. We found the cutest copy of one of her dresses from the show on EBAY. Now, we just have to figure out how to do her red hair!


There are spray on dye that will work or you could go with Manic Panic (which would probably turn out to red) or you could get one of those washes out in 6-12 shampoos dye. If all else fails resort to a wig.

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My 15yo is Namine from Kingdom Hearts. The 13yo did most of the work on her costume (she takes sewing classes). She wore the costume yesterday to a Cosplay contest for Anime Club.


My 13yo didn't want to make her own costume. She got the women's native huntress costume. I think it looks like something the Hunters of Artemis would wear.


The 18yo has talked about dressing up for Halloween and I suggested that she go to Target because they have some nice costumes there at reasonable prices, but she hasn't gone looking yet.

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My ds10 will be Carter Kane from The Red Pyramid Series.


Ds8 will be Agent P from Phineas and Ferb.


Dd6 is going as Isabella from the Second Dimension, also Phineas and Ferb.


Finally, Dd3 plans to be Milly, the Fireside Girl, from, you guessed it, Phineas and Ferb.


I didn't plan on a theme or even ask them to, but it's still kind of cool. And I'm happy that for the first time in six years, we don't have a princess.

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This year, dd will be a prisoner and her best friend will be the police officer.

Ds is just being goofy with the arrow through the head bit. Although, the year he stabbed a cereal box with a knife and told everyone he was a cereal killer is still my favorite.


Me-as I do every year-I dress as myself and tell people I am a sociopath and they look like everyone else.



I shared this with my son, who has been spending far too much time thinking about Halloween costumes lately :glare: and the cereal killer was an instant hit. Thanks! He now has his costume.....and can get back to his regularly scheduled schoolwork.

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For a church costume party, two of my older children are dressing as a Greek god and goddess, Artemis and Apollo, in lovely costumes and accessories that they made themselves using discarded linens, clothing, spray paint, carboard and other household items.


You're older children are going to a church costume party as a god and goddess? Oh my, the irony! LOL!

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