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Lost the baby

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I'm so, so sorry. We lost two in 2009. Then got pregnant in January of 2010. I was terrified - only three weeks after our last loss. But she's 13 months old now :)


Be gentle with yourself. Give yourself time and permission to grieve. And name your child, if it helps. I named each of our five babes in Heaven and it helped me to grieve them as people instead of nameless pregnancies. I also planted a tree for each of them in our yard.



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Thank you so much for all the support. I only just got home from a long day. DD4 had a b-day party at Chuck E Cheese to go to at 9:30. The mom throwing the party was one of the few people who knew about the baby and she took one look at me and knew so we sat around and talked with some of my other friends. They helped to make me feel better because they have all experienced several losses in a row.


My DH got to the airport this morning and mysteriously his return trip had been canceled so they had to re-route him through 4 different cities and now I am about to set off to drive 2.5 hours to get him and 2.5 hours home. Actually, I am looking forward to it because we can have some alone time to discuss what our future plans are.


My first midwife appointment was scheduled for Wednesday the 19th, so I am keeping it and will discuss my options with her. When I had the miscarriage in May they did thorough scanning and said everything looked great so it may be a hormone issue, or my age.


The responses really mean alot to me, and make the "happy face" I have plastered on a little easier to maintain.

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Jennifer, Thinking of you. You are very brave. Stay strong. I hope you feel well and strong after talking things over with your midwife.


A friend here -who is in her mid-forties and had several miscarriages after her two kids- is finally pregnant at 16 weeks. She was also at the end of her rope, but things worked out on their own.

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