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I've had a day. Teen and police involved. Sigh.


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Ds 15 was at the store with some friends. Got pulled into something really dumb. Yes, he could have said no but he did not. Long story short, police were involved. Ds will not have a record but is going to do some community service. The police asked how we wanted them to handle it and we chose the most involved option. This boy is NOT getting off easy. The police even thanked us for being so supportive of them and for caring enough to be firm.


He's a basket case at the moment. I know he's ashamed, embarrassed, mortified, etc.


He got very upset when we got back home and seems to think I don't like him and that now I'll have zero respect for him. I am worried. I think my distress over the son in Afghanistan has made me pay less attention to someone who really needs it right now...someone who needed my attention more than I realized. Those teen years are so tough and I've been more than a little absorbed in circumstances across the globe.


I had a long talk with ds. Then I had a good cry. Then I took a Xanax. Yes I did.


I have good kids. He is a fantastic kid...smart, hysterically funny, great to be around. I just wonder where on earth his mind went. I hurt because he's so upset. And yeah, I'm disappointed, but that seems minor compared to his heart hurting.



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Don't beat yourself up about being disappointed. His actions and choices disappointed you. Just keep talking to him. Keep loving on him. Keep loving on yourself. Hang in there, I can only imagine how difficult it must be. Know that although I don't know you I am praying for you. Take care.

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I'm sorry. :grouphug:

Even the best teens are still--teens. :001_huh:

I'll be praying that both you and he can heal quickly and move on. Lord willing, this will become something you can both look back on and laugh about in the years to come. :grouphug:

:iagree: I was a pretty good teen, never drank, smoked or had sex. And even I did stupid things that I shouldn't have. The fact that he was crying and remorseful shows that he's a good kid. I'd be more worried if he didn't care or feel sorry or just got angry. I'm pretty sure he learned his lesson and won't easily succumb to peer pressure anymore.


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:grouphug: Mothering sucks sometimes.


Yes it does. Really. There are days, eh? :)


You guys are great. I feel better already. I know this will be ok. I think I really need to focus on my sons here at home. I have been so preoccupied with the eldest son, but he's an adult, chose to be a Marine, etc. I think I got a good wake-up call today about who really needs Mom right now.

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Don't beat yourself up about being disappointed. His actions and choices disappointed you. Just keep talking to him. Keep loving on him. Keep loving on yourself. Hang in there, I can only imagine how difficult it must be. Know that although I don't know you I am praying for you. Take care.


:iagree: This. And :grouphug::grouphug::grouphug::grouphug:

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Ds 15 was at the store with some friends. Got pulled into something really dumb. Yes, he could have said no but he did not. Long story short, police were involved. Ds will not have a record but is going to do some community service. The police asked how we wanted them to handle it and we chose the most involved option. This boy is NOT getting off easy. The police even thanked us for being so supportive of them and for caring enough to be firm.


He's a basket case at the moment. I know he's ashamed, embarrassed, mortified, etc.


He got very upset when we got back home and seems to think I don't like him and that now I'll have zero respect for him. I am worried. I think my distress over the son in Afghanistan has made me pay less attention to someone who really needs it right now...someone who needed my attention more than I realized. Those teen years are so tough and I've been more than a little absorbed in circumstances across the globe.


I had a long talk with ds. Then I had a good cry. Then I took a Xanax. Yes I did.


I have good kids. He is a fantastic kid...smart, hysterically funny, great to be around. I just wonder where on earth his mind went. I hurt because he's so upset. And yeah, I'm disappointed, but that seems minor compared to his heart hurting.




My brother got into trouble because he was hanging with the wrong crowd. He is a few years older than me, and he was your son's age i think at the time. I had to go with my mother to the police station, so I guess this is why I remember it so well. Anyways, my brother was top of his class all the way through, extrmely good and smart, just poor judgement at this certain time. Yeah, he had to do community service. He got through it, so did my parents. I think it was a big learning experience and hopefully, like with my brother, he won't find himself in that situation again! :grouphug:

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I'm sorry. :grouphug:

Even the best teens are still--teens. :001_huh:

I'll be praying that both you and he can heal quickly and move on. Lord willing, this will become something you can both look back on and laugh about in the years to come. :grouphug:




It hurts seeing them make mistakes, and seeing them hurting. It's part of growing up but I never knew until I had a teen how hard that is as a parent. :grouphug:

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kids do dumb things. Even good, smart ones. You are a great mom....he blew it...you are helping him make reparations. This too shall pass. It is good he is so upset. Maybe...hopefully next time...there won't be a next time. :grouphug::grouphug:


Faithe (whose teens can be dumb sometimes too....even when they are in their 20's!)

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Honestly, his heart hurting is a huge blessing. I bet you he won't ever get involved in something of that nature ever again. Imagine where you would be *without* his repentance.


:iagree: It's the kids that don't agonize over something like this after the fact that a person really needs to worry about! You are doing all the right things. :grouphug:

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My teen hasn't had a chance to do many stupid things yet but my day is coming. According to my mom, I'm due some headaches. :D


He sounds like a great kid and you sound like a great mom. He took a walk on the wild side and found out it's not much fun. Support each other, everyone makes mistakes and teenagers don't always think past what's in front of their faces.

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He is a fantastic kid...smart, hysterically funny, great to be around. I just wonder where on earth his mind went.




He's 15. Sometimes there is just no reasonable explanation for a poor choice.




I am sorry you are both hurting today. Just remind him that this singular event does not define him -- he is still fantastic kid!

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I have good kids. He is a fantastic kid...smart, hysterically funny, great to be around. I just wonder where on earth his mind went. I hurt because he's so upset. And yeah, I'm disappointed, but that seems minor compared to his heart hurting.




He's a teenager, who knows where his mind went? I'd just thank goodness that he went while he was still young and under your roof so that you could handle it properly.


Great parents aren't the ones with all perfect children. Great parents are the ones who know how to properly handle the messy kids. Sounds like you did really well with him. :grouphug:

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Ds 15 was at the store with some friends. Got pulled into something really dumb. Yes, he could have said no but he did not. Long story short, police were involved. Ds will not have a record but is going to do some community service. The police asked how we wanted them to handle it and we chose the most involved option. This boy is NOT getting off easy. The police even thanked us for being so supportive of them and for caring enough to be firm.


He's a basket case at the moment. I know he's ashamed, embarrassed, mortified, etc.


He got very upset when we got back home and seems to think I don't like him and that now I'll have zero respect for him. I am worried. I think my distress over the son in Afghanistan has made me pay less attention to someone who really needs it right now...someone who needed my attention more than I realized. Those teen years are so tough and I've been more than a little absorbed in circumstances across the globe.


I had a long talk with ds. Then I had a good cry. Then I took a Xanax. Yes I did.


I have good kids. He is a fantastic kid...smart, hysterically funny, great to be around. I just wonder where on earth his mind went. I hurt because he's so upset. And yeah, I'm disappointed, but that seems minor compared to his heart hurting.




:grouphug::grouphug::grouphug: I was a very good kid, a very smart kid, a kid who followed the rules...and yet, I allowed myself to be pulled into something moderately criminal as a teen. Why it seemed like a good idea at the time? I have absolutely no idea. It didn't seem wrong to me until it was far too late. I'm sure your DS had the same momentarily empty-headed experience I did. He'll be OK. You did the right thing by handling it the way you did and by viewing him the way you are now--as someone who needs your reassurance and love alongside the tough love the police will be administering.



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Kids do stupid things - it's how they learn to do the right thing.


You sound like a great mom and he sounds like a good kid who just learned something.





:iagree: :grouphug:



Your son sounds a lot like mine. He always takes things hard and worries that I'm disappointed in him.


You're a good mom.

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I did some astronomically stupid things when I was a teen. I remember wishing my parents had even noticed.


You know, msjones raises a thought. You've been worried to distraction about your older son, and I'm sure your younger son has been too. Since this was so out of character, maybe this was his way, probably subconsciously, to break the tension. The fact that you snapped to and reacted exactly the way he'd expect you to react is probably a great relief and comfort to him. To know that even now, you are still in charge and capable of saving him from himself.

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Honestly, his heart hurting is a huge blessing. I bet you he won't ever get involved in something of that nature ever again. Imagine where you would be *without* his repentance.


:iagree: and :grouphug:


I have a friend who prays that if her children do stray, they will get caught. At least your son was caught in the act ... that, and his repentance, are blessings. I had two brothers - good kids, from a stable, loving home - who still made dumb choices sometimes. That gives me some perspective as my sons navigate their teen years. As a PP said, it's much more challenging than I'd anticipated. Thanks, Ria, for sharing. I've admired your posts over the years, most recently your sons' summer adventures.

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:grouphug: Mothering sucks sometimes.


This was not in the manual at the birthing classes, either.



We have a joke in our house that if there is a group of boys you take the lowest IQ amoung them and divide by the number of boys. That is the potential functioning IQ of the group.


This would be hysterical if it weren't true! :lol:


You know, msjones raises a thought. You've been worried to distraction about your older son, and I'm sure your younger son has been too. Since this was so out of character, maybe this was his way, probably subconsciously, to break the tension. The fact that you snapped to and reacted exactly the way he'd expect you to react is probably a great relief and comfort to him. To know that even now, you are still in charge and capable of saving him from himself.


I was thinking something along this line, also.


And the firm but loving way you reacted will stay with him the rest of his life.:grouphug:

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:grouphug: and an extra one just because I think you need it. :grouphug:


The good thing is he saw Mom loves him enough to help. He feels those feelings of shame about it. He acted, probably impulsively, and he realizes it was wrong. That's a good thing. I am so sorry he had to go through this. Hopefully everyone has learned from it and all will be better and grow. Hugs to you.

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