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Do you care what your child(ren) grow up to do (work-wise)??

Do you care what your child(ren) grow up to be (occupationally)?  

  1. 1. Do you care what your child(ren) grow up to be (occupationally)?

    • Yes
    • No
    • Obligatory Other (please explain)

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Just curious. I'll explain in further detail later, when I've made dinner and done the other things I *should* be doing now. ;)


ETA (also at the end, but just in case):


So the idea of any illegal/immoral jobs never even occurred to me!

I was thinking in the realm of what I've seen in different magazines and such, that x% of people prefer that their kids grow up to have high paying jobs, xx% that they grow up to be doctors, xy% lawyers, yy% teachers, etc.


I voted no based on that premise. I don't care what they grow up to do, whether they are construction workers or missionaries or doctors - or sound effects guys for Skywalker Sound (which is what I joke that DS5 will be). But yeah, no immoral/illegal.


I'm more concerned in who they are as a person than what they do to make money. To me, jobs are unimportant. They are there because they have to be. DH does what he does to pay the bills - he doesn't dislike it, but he doesn't find his fulfillment in life from going to work, kwim? And I never had anything that I really WANTED to do for a living (aside from become an opera singer lol).


We won't insist that they go to college for any period of time, etc. They just need to do something with their lives. I'm particularly fond of the 'going away for missions for a year' type thing. But idk if that's anything my children would be called to do.


Anyway, I was wondering if I was in the minority with my lax concern about their future occupations. I don't think I am, though. It's refreshing.

Edited by PeacefulChaos
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I chose other. I do care to some extent, but I don't have the perfect recipe all picked out and expect them to follow that.


I do care that they follow some sort of intentional plan; I'm not all that picky about what the plan has to be. I'd rather they complete college with a worthwhile degree, but I would not be opposed to trade school or a non-traditional plan...as long as it is actually a plan.

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I will prep them to have options available to them. I would love for them to have the college experience, but I also think trades, etc. can be a viable option. (fwiw we both have advanced degrees in "in demand" fields and still feel that way).


As long as it is legal, and they are happy, that's fantastic.


We hope to talk with them as they get older about the pros and cons of different careers (life/work/family balance, student loans vs. income potential and what that might mean down the road, certain jobs being physically demanding, looking for jobs that allow for growth, discussing what is more/less likely to be outsourced, etc.). I think it is our duty to talk through the pros and cons of various professions in a level-headed way (without intentionally pushing them toward or away from something), and what we can afford financially in terms of education, etc. After that, it is pretty much up to them.

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I voted obligatory other.


While we want all our children to go to college, we also want our kids to be able to support themselves and their families. I don't care so much what they do as long as they meet that criteria.


We are paying for a good portion of the college costs for six children, so we do have some limitations on college majors. If a child of mine wanted to be a music major, or dance major, we'd probably withhold the money. We want the kids to get an education that will lead to a good-paying job. There are too many unemployed college graduates right now; we believe it pays to be prudent when picking a major.


Not all kids will go to college despite a parent's best intentions; one of our twins dropped out of a very selective college and enlisted in the Marines. Do I care? Yes and no; yes because I hate the thought of him being in Afghanistan right now :( and no because he's an honorable young man serving his country and this experience has really helped him grow up. His twin sis, btw, just graduated magna cum laude (BS RN). :)


Ultimately, being able to support themselves seems the most important thing, though we do hope for college educations as part of that package. Hope being the operative word, or course. :tongue_smilie:

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I replied no, although that's with the caveat that they aren't doing something immoral.


I care that they are readers, enjoy learning, are moral...but as far as occupation, I don't care what it is in the slightest. Maybe that's because I've never been one to find satisfaction from jobs. My husband is an attorney, and I believe he feels differently. He definitely wants them to go to a good college and at least have the option of a successful professional career.


ETA: While i don't care what career/job my children choose, if they do decide to go to college, then I DO care what major they choose. I would have a hard time supporting a non-academic/serious major. If college were free, it would be a different matter.

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Legal is good, moral is debatable. My brother is an attorney and I could make a good arguement that his occupation is not exactly a moral one and of course he would argue back that it is......:001_smile:



I would rather my kids not work for someone else, but DH chose to work for our county human services department and I have to be okay with that.

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I agree with all of the above. Don't most people feel this way?


I'm East Asian. Most parents not only care, they make certain you do what they want you to do work-wise LOL. I always laugh at my Jewish and Catholic friends' jokes about their moms because when it comes to guilt my people wrote the book :D


I don't care what my kids do for work when they're older. I joke with my husband that our son is a lot like me, which means he'll opt out of the rat race and do his own thing (family expectations be darned). I picture him on the beaches, teaching surfing here and there to make ends meet, happy to live minimally. Our girl is more like him, and I picture her earning tons of letters after her name so she can afford a pricey city loft, luxury car, and a designer dog.


I found a job that has allowed me to life the lifestyle I want: traveling, flexibility, freedom. That's what I want for my own kids - to find a job that will give them whatever lifestyle they want. I want them to work to live, not live to work.

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Oh, I care BIG TIME about that middle boy...that weird, not to be understood, weird boy of mine. He wants to be a herpetologist...zoology expert in reptiles.


If you know anything about me from these boards, you may know that I am vehemently against all life forms that are snakes or snakelike...lizards are snakes with legs and nothing more. I HATE THEM ALL!!!!!!! ROUND THEM UP AND NUKE THEM! That's my feeling. I am against pictures of snakes, books about snakes, drawings of snakes, and the word snake!


Sigh...this kid wants it so badly that even at 12 - 8th grade - he's researching colleges, best programs, how to get into them, etc. He is 100% committed and focused. There is a leopard skin gecko living in his bedroom. It is, as lizards go, the least offensive I have encountered. He's begging for a bearded dragon and an iguana and has plans for experiments with the gecko...something about varying his light levels artifically and naturally, studying his skin and molting cycles. If I give in to the bearded dragon, I know something worse will come into this house. Must.be.firm. Must.not.allow.dh.to.sneak.one.into.the.house.


:eek::ack2::eek::ack2: I've tried to dissuade him. I've used all kinds of arguments and even half-truths..."P, you do know that all women everywhere - well, except for your weird sister and aunt - are terrified of reptiles? I mean, you are destined to a lifetime of self-imposed bachelorhood. No woman will marry you! You'll be lonely."


"MoooooooM! The world is a big place. Somewhere there is a girl out there that likes reptiles just as much as I do." (Grinding of parental teeth.)


:tongue_smilie:I could end up with grandkids like this...the genetics of two such people would definitely work against me.


As for the others, dd went into human medicine - no worries there. Ds number 1 is a 9th grader and a bit all over the map in terms of what he wants to be when he grows up. Anthropology (but not forensics), Archaeology, History, Writing, Geology, Computer Science, and German! Yep, that's an easy set of interests to bundle into a career. :001_huh:


The other ds is a no brainer. The kid is a ridiculous math and physics nut. He's gifted in math (not just talented - truly gifted) so I really don't worry about his future. There is always employment for mathematicians and physicists.


Drat that middle boy...he'll be the death of me!



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Yes. There are some lines of work that I'd just prefer them not to be in. There are some that are morally wrong (although they may be legal), there are some that are just too hard on people (music/acting industries), and some that I just don't think would be a good fit for them. That said, I realize I have pretty much ZERO control over that once they are grown ;)

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"MoooooooM! The world is a big place. Somewhere there is a girl out there that likes reptiles just as much as I do." (Grinding of parental teeth.)


:tongue_smilie:I could end up with grandkids like this...the genetics of two such people would definitely work against me.





I have this daughter.........:lol:

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Of course I care! But I don't have a specific idea in mind for them. Nor do I have things I hope they don't do. I want them to do something that makes them feel fulfilled and provides reasonably well for them. But the definition of that is so subjective and individual - I'm happy for them to be the ones to define it.

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Oh, I care BIG TIME about that middle boy...that weird, not to be understood, weird boy of mine. He wants to be a herpetologist...zoology expert in reptiles.


If you know anything about me from these boards, you may know that I am vehemently against all life forms that are snakes or snakelike...lizards are snakes with legs and nothing more. I HATE THEM ALL!!!!!!! ROUND THEM UP AND NUKE THEM! That's my feeling. I am against pictures of snakes, books about snakes, drawings of snakes, and the word snake!


Sigh...this kid wants it so badly that even at 12 - 8th grade - he's researching colleges, best programs, how to get into them, etc. He is 100% committed and focused. There is a leopard skin gecko living in his bedroom. It is, as lizards go, the least offensive I have encountered. He's begging for a bearded dragon and an iguana and has plans for experiments with the gecko...something about varying his light levels artifically and naturally, studying his skin and molting cycles. If I give in to the bearded dragon, I know something worse will come into this house. Must.be.firm. Must.not.allow.dh.to.sneak.one.into.the.house.


:eek::ack2::eek::ack2: I've tried to dissuade him. I've used all kinds of arguments and even half-truths..."P, you do know that all women everywhere - well, except for your weird sister and aunt - are terrified of reptiles? I mean, you are destined to a lifetime of self-imposed bachelorhood. No woman will marry you! You'll be lonely."


"MoooooooM! The world is a big place. Somewhere there is a girl out there that likes reptiles just as much as I do." (Grinding of parental teeth.)


:tongue_smilie:I could end up with grandkids like this...the genetics of two such people would definitely work against me.


As for the others, dd went into human medicine - no worries there. Ds number 1 is a 9th grader and a bit all over the map in terms of what he wants to be when he grows up. Anthropology (but not forensics), Archaeology, History, Writing, Geology, Computer Science, and German! Yep, that's an easy set of interests to bundle into a career. :001_huh:


The other ds is a no brainer. The kid is a ridiculous math and physics nut. He's gifted in math (not just talented - truly gifted) so I really don't worry about his future. There is always employment for mathematicians and physicists.


Drat that middle boy...he'll be the death of me!




My 10 yo DD would be up for this, if your boy will move to Texas. And she intends to work at the zoo too, while I or one of her sisters home schools her children. Reptiles, bugs, spiders, the creepier, the better.

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I care deeply. I want my children to choose a vocation that is truly a calling (that's what vocation literally means, you know--from the Latin vocare, which means "to call"). I want them to be fulfilled, and while I do want them to be successful, I do not want them to think "money = success", because it doesn't.

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I voted "no", but I voted that with the understanding that it wasn't anything illegal or immoral. As long as it is a job that allows them to support themselves and they are happy with it. We aren't pushing them to be doctors or lawyers or whatever.


Same here - I don't have any desire to push them in any specific career direction. I want them to pursue something they love.

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I put yes, but in reality, I told them as long as they aren't a pimp or a drug dealer I'm probably ok with it.


That said, mine are all getting 4 year degrees. I feel the experience and degree is worth it whether they get a job that uses that degree or not.


They are all looking forward to college. ;)

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I want them to make good money, but I know entering a career just for money is not the best idea, so what will be will be. But ideally they would be able to support themselves comfortably in upper/ middle class lifestyle. Beyond that, I just don't want them to be exploited.


My husband grew up in the inner city very poor and I don't want that for any of my kids. We've been poor ourselves but not totally destitute and hopeless, we were always working hard to improve our situation.

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Yes and no.


No, I don't care what they do as long as it is legal and moral. I don't care if they choose a prestigious occupation on non-prestigious.


However, I do care because I don't want them to struggle so much when they are older. I especially worry for a couple of my boys - trades are find and dandy, but you don't make any money at it unless you run your own business. They may not be able to do that, either, so I am concerned. I want them to be able to grow up and have a family if that is what they want to do. I just hope they are able to support a family!


ETA: I can't "require" college because they aren't all likely to be able to achieve at that level. I would like those that are able to go, though.

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I think this poll is skewed. :001_huh: Most all the replies say something along the same lines, but whether someone interprets it as a "Yes" or a "No" or an "Other" is mostly arbitrary.


Saying, "Yes, I care!" feels like it means something along the lines of They will go to XYU, where I went, get a Masters and go into XY field, of course!


Saying "No, I don't care" feels like it means Whatever they want to do, I don't care at all. Hair Dresser, Astronaut, Rabbit Breeder, Marine Biologist, Pyrotechnician, Hooter's Girl - None of my business!


I don't think many people fall into those two outlier categories. :tongue_smilie:

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I care in the sense that I want them to be able to be self sufficient, and/or provide for their family. I do not want them to ever have to face the financial issues I have. I also care whether or not it is a legal endeavor and I do not want them working in the s*x industry in anyway, shape or form. Beyond that as much as I am a control freak and have been leading them towards certain paths based on what I see in their abilities I will support them in the choices they make. I am leading my ds13 towards the trades because I am concerned about his ability to do college with his particular disabilities. DD12 on the other hand I am leading towards college. SHe is the type of person I can see either as CEO of a major corporation or as a mob boss, she can go either way. She is smart enough, charismatic enough and manipulative enough for either direction. I am hoping for the CEO role ;)

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I care. I urge them not to become attorneys. The profession is overcrowded.


If any of them want to major in something that qualifies them to be unemployed, I have suggested that they have a double major so they will be prepared and able to make a living.

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I voted other. I really don't want ds to go into the construction business, my dh's business. Although he is learning the trade I have no desire for it to become his primary occupation. We are also adamant that he have a 4 year degree in something. Fortunately I don't think he's that interested in construction.


He needs to be in a job where he can use his powers of negotiation on a daily basis, besides school where he already does so. I feel strongly that he given the opportunity to find his "bliss", whatever it may be.

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So the idea of any illegal/immoral jobs never even occurred to me! :lol:

I was thinking in the realm of what I've seen in different magazines and such, that x% of people prefer that their kids grow up to have high paying jobs, xx% that they grow up to be doctors, xy% lawyers, yy% teachers, etc. :)


I voted no based on that premise. I don't care what they grow up to do, whether they are construction workers or missionaries or doctors - or sound effects guys for Skywalker Sound (which is what I joke that DS5 will be). :tongue_smilie: But yeah, no immoral/illegal.


I'm more concerned in who they are as a person than what they do to make money. To me, jobs are unimportant. They are there because they have to be. DH does what he does to pay the bills - he doesn't dislike it, but he doesn't find his fulfillment in life from going to work, kwim? And I never had anything that I really WANTED to do for a living (aside from become an opera singer lol).


We won't insist that they go to college for any period of time, etc. They just need to do something with their lives. I'm particularly fond of the 'going away for missions for a year' type thing. But idk if that's anything my children would be called to do.


Anyway, I was wondering if I was in the minority with my lax concern about their future occupations. I don't think I am, though. It's refreshing. :D

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There's no way I am going to take on thinking I have much control over their gifts- career choices-interests. (Beyond spending money getting them the classes and tutors they need lol.) My job is to give them tools, teach them how to fish yadda yadda. No way am I getting overly and emotionally involved with their career choices. lol


It doesn't count that I keep hoping one of them would go in the sciences for the grad school TA stipends. ;) They don't seem to care. lol So I try not to.

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