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Do you have reading material in the bathroom?

Reading material in the bathroom  

  1. 1. Reading material in the bathroom

    • Yes
    • Yes, but no library or borrowed books
    • No, not ever!
    • Other

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Do you bring it in and take it out, have a stack or rack filled with it, or think it's repulsive and would absolutely die if you saw a library book or any other book for that matter in someone's bathroom?

Edited by LauraGB
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I voted, "Yes." Mostly magazines these days, because the kids tend to shake their hands before they dry, etc. Both DH and I take books in there, but we bring them out when we come out.


Hey, it's the closest thing to quiet time I ever get.

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I don't necessarily think it is repulsive. Never in my bathroom, because it is just so tiny. I would always be thinking about what might be on the books or mags--even microscopically. I do sometimes bring a book I'm reading in and then back out, but won't leave any printed material there.



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If I want some time to read while the kids are awake...I have to lock myself in the bathroom. Our toilet is separated from the rest of the bathroom by a wall. I put anything on the other side of the wall when I am done and take it out completely. DH on the other hand, keeps all of his catalogs in there.

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Magazines and catalogues are stored in a vanity drawer. After a few months (when we're done reading them) they end up in the trash. I prefer the drawer to the basket...I did not like the looks of "clutter" when they were in a basket, or picking up the basket for vacuuming and washing the floor. I'm always trying to minimize my work load where possible. :D

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Usually only sales catalogs or advertisements we get in the mail. Sometimes a magazine. I don't enjoy reading in the bathroom. Something I can scan and read quickly or just page through looking at ads is enough for me. Dh isn't a reader, so I don't think he cares.


Last thing we had in there was an Ikea catalog we got in the mail.

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There's a shelf in our master bathroom that has books on it, more for decoration than reading. The boys' bathroom has a magazine rack, and that's where we keep all the kid books that have to do with bodily functions (Uh Oh Gotta Go, Elmo's Potty Book, The Gas We Pass, etc.).


I should probably sanitize my phone, however.

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I think it is gross. I don't mind if other people have it in their bathrooms, but never, ever in mine. I don't want to be responsible to clean up after them.




I grew up in a home where the bathroom wasn't cleaned very often. It was also an old house with lots of dust and gaps around the windows and doors in certain seasons (built in the 1800s). The bathroom was an add on that was part of the back porch at one time. I was usually the one who cleaned it and saw how dirty, dusty and nasty magazines got in the bathroom after a month or so. I figured they were just as dirty after a week, but just not layered thick enough to see it, yet.


Kinda like....if you look at bread that is a week old or so, under a microscope (one without preservatives), you will see lots of mold spores. It isn't like the day you finally see mold growing, is when the mold showed up....the mold just wasn't thick enough to see yet. Same theory.

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No library books in the bathroom.


The kids do bring reading material in with them when they use the bathroom or take a bath (again, NO library books).


My husband does his daily Bible reading in the bathroom so there is always a Bible and devotional book in our bathroom.

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If you guys knew how much fecal matter made it onto your toothbrush that sits next to your sink, you wouldn't be as touchy about a book.


Relax, humans are germ-ridden and bathe in gross stuff all day at the micro level. You'll be fine. :D


Germ ridden and dookie covered are two VASTLY different things.



(And our toothbrush holder has a lid, thankyouverymuch, for that very reason)


No, as a general state, no reading material in the bathroom. For all the reasons already stated.

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Germ ridden and dookie covered are two VASTLY different things.


Well, if you're getting "dookie" on your books, then I'd suggest better handling of your bodily functions and sanitizing :D


We have books in the bathroom. My wife and kids haven't been sick in over 9 years, not even a sneeze. I truly believe one of the reasons our family has been so healthy is our avoidence of paranoia and incessant cleanliness. Your tuthbrush cover is the exception, most do not have those. Those of us without those "lids" brush our teeth with micro splashes of poop every day. :ack2: That's just a fact of life, and not a big deal.

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I've found the perfect balance! I get free magazines from the library book store and put those in the restroom. I toss them when I look at them and think :ack2:


I guess there's plenty there to still gross out some people... :001_smile: but hey, it's a dirty world and to some degree I'm okay with that.



ETA: The magazines I get usually look like they're brand new.

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Relax, humans are germ-ridden and bathe in gross stuff all day at the micro level. You'll be fine. :D


Yup. Says the lady with copious amounts of reading material in the bathrooms. Most of it is DH's though. He subscribes to every tech/science magazine known to man, not to mention the small truck-bed worth of medical journals that arrive here every week. Most of it stays in a cupboard under the bathroom sink.

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I don't keep any reading material in there. I don't like to encourage dilly dallying in the bathroom. Although the Rainbow Resource Catalog usually works it way in and stays there. Everyone brings something in with them at some time or another but it is not stored in the bathroom.

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I have posters on the walls- such as a great timeline that was our only timeline. A world map.


But no reading material. I never did understand why people took so long as to want to read anyway. I am in and out, every time, unless there is something wrong. I think if people are spending 10 minutes on the toilet they have a health issue.

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